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Common mistake per say (per se)

Common Grammar Mistakes: Per Say vs. Per Se

If you are a native English speaker or someone who has been learning English for a while, you might be familiar with the common phrase "per se." However, due to its pronunciation, many people mistakenly spell it as "per say." In this article, we will explore the correct usage and explain why "per se" is the appropriate term to use.

Usage and Meaning of Per Se

"Per se" is a Latin phrase that translates to "by itself" or "by themselves" in English. It is used to emphasize that something is considered in its pure state, without any additional factors or conditions impacting it. This phrase is commonly used in legal, academic, and philosophical contexts where precision and clarity are important.

Here are a few examples of correct usage:

  • The painting itself, per se, is not valuable; it is the story behind it that makes it priceless.
  • He doesn't enjoy mathematics per se, but he appreciates its practical applications.

The Incorrect Usage: Per Say

The incorrect phrase, "per say," is not recognized in English grammar. The mistake is likely due to the misinterpretation of the correct pronunciation of "per se" as "per say."

Using Linguix Grammar Checker

To avoid such common grammar mistakes, you can utilize tools like the Linguix grammar checker. This AI-based writing assistant can help you identify and correct errors, enhancing the overall quality of your writing.

Remember, the correct term is "per se," not "per say." So, the next time you want to express that something is considered by itself or by themselves, make sure to use the right phrase!

per say (per se) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Not a car lover per say

    Not a car lover per se

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