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Common mistake on (one) of the most/least/...

Common Mistakes in Using "of" with "one"

When it comes to using the phrase "one of the most/least/...", there is a common mistake that many people make. Let's take a closer look at this error and how to avoid it.

The Correct Usage

When using this phrase, it is important to remember that the word "one" should not be included after "of". Instead, "one" should only be used when referring to a specific noun.

Correct: She is one of the most talented singers in the industry.

Incorrect: She is one of the one most talented singers in the industry.

In the correct example, "one" is used to refer to a specific singer. Adding "one" after "of" would create redundancy and grammatical inconsistency.

Examples of the Mistake

Let's explore some common examples where this mistake is often made:

  • Incorrect: He is one of the most one popular actors in Hollywood.
  • Incorrect: This is one of the one biggest mistakes you can make.
  • Incorrect: She is one of the most one successful entrepreneurs of our time.

In all of these examples, the word "one" is used incorrectly after "of". These mistakes can easily go unnoticed, but they can impact the clarity and correctness of your writing.

The Importance of Correct Usage

Using "of" with "one" correctly is crucial to ensure your writing is grammatically sound and effectively conveys your message. Improper usage can confuse readers and undermine the professionalism of your work.

Linguix Grammar Checker can help you avoid this common mistake and enhance the overall quality of your writing. With its advanced grammar checking capabilities, Linguix can identify and correct errors, including incorrect usage of "one" in phrases like "one of the most/least/...".

on (one) of the most/least/... mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    It's on of the most popular songs.

    It's one of the most popular sonegs.

  • Incorrect:
    It's on of the loudest songs.

    It's one of the loudest sonegs.

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