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Common mistake its vs it is

Linguix Grammar Checker: Want to avoid common grammar mistakes like confusing "its" and "it is"? Try the Linguix Grammar Checker, a powerful tool that can help improve your writing.

Common Mistake: "its" vs "it is"

One common mistake that people often make is confusing the words "its" and "it is." These two phrases are not interchangeable, and using them incorrectly can lead to confusion in your writing.


The word "its" is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership or possession. It is used to indicate that something belongs to or is associated with a particular thing or animal.

For example:

  • The dog wagged its tail.
  • The book lost its cover.
  • The flower showed its beauty.

"it is"

On the other hand, "it is" is a contraction of the words "it" and "is." It is used to combine the subject pronoun "it" with the verb "is."

For example:

  • It is raining outside.
  • It is important to be on time.
  • It is a beautiful day.

Remember, when in doubt, ask yourself if you are trying to show possession or if you are combining the words "it" and "is." Using the correct form will help ensure clear and concise writing.

its vs it is mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    So its probably best to work from home than to risk an infection.

    So it's probably best to work from home than to risk an infection.

  • Incorrect:
    When in doubt, its best to ask.

    When in doubt, it's best to ask.

  • Incorrect:
    I hear changing the fluid on high mile cars may actually damage the transmission and its best to leave the fluid as is?

    I hear changing the fluid on high mile cars may actually damage the transmission and it's best to leave the fluid as is?

  • Correct:
    It is trying its best to avoid any errors.
  • Incorrect:
    Its everything I have asked for.

    It's everything I have asked for.

  • Incorrect:
    Its Buffy the demon.

    It's Buffy the demon.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its all your fault!

    I think it's all your fault!

  • Incorrect:
    Its all coming together.

    It's all coming together.

  • Incorrect:
    See, its not all bad.

    See, it's not all bad.

  • Correct:
    In fact the Dow Jones index came very close to challenging its all time high.
  • Incorrect:
    Its Google's fault!

    It's Google's fault!

  • Correct:
    All buyers, including Enron, should be entitled to refunds; not just the State of California and its IOU's.
  • Incorrect:
    And its saying it's wrong.

    And it's saying it's wrong.

  • Incorrect:
    Can I tell if its using the repeater?

    Can I tell if it's using the repeater?

  • Incorrect:
    Is your schedule getting a little more crazy now that its nearing the end?

    Is your schedule getting a little more crazy now that it's nearing the end?

  • Correct:
    Since its founding the university has graduated over 100,000 alumni.
  • Correct:
    Apollinaris' rejection that Christ had a human mind was considered an over-reaction to Arianism and its teaching that Christ was not divine.
  • Incorrect:
    It information was helpful.

    Its information was helpful.

  • Correct:
    It better be careful.
  • Correct:
    IT infrastructure is something that could be outsourced.
  • Incorrect:
    I can't share it as its closely monitored by our teacher.

    I can't share it as it's closely monitored by our teacher.

  • Incorrect:
    Its purring like a kitten.

    It's purring like a kitten.

  • Incorrect:
    So its coming from outside my local network.

    So it's coming from outside my local network.

  • Incorrect:
    Its been about 2 months since I trained regularly.

    It's been about 2 months since I trained regularly.

  • Incorrect:
    Anyone has idea why its behaving like that all of sudden?

    Anyone has idea why it's behaving like that all of sudden?

  • Incorrect:
    We're not sure how its going to end.

    We're not sure how it's going to end.

  • Incorrect:
    Its working as expected.

    It's working as expected.

  • Incorrect:
    But its working like a charm.

    But it's working like a charm.

  • Correct:
    From its opening in 1897 until its closing in 1962, it specialised in naturalistic horror shows.
  • Correct:
    Cooper Union has been located in the East Village since its founding in 1859.
  • Correct:
    It may cut that rating again, as well as its rating for Enron's commercial paper.
  • Correct:
    Its Counting of the Dead City officials have refined their method for tabulating the number of people missing or killed after the Sept. 11 attack.
  • Correct:
    He stayed away from politics for the most part, jabbing at the Clinton administration only briefly for its handling of the case of Elian Gonzalez.
  • Correct:
    Yesterday, utility analysts praised the company for its timing despite the public relations.
  • Correct:
    The Dáil must be dissolved within five years after its first meeting following the previous election.
  • Correct:
    An important difference between a manual and an electronic accounting system is the former's latency between the recording of a financial transaction and its posting in the relevant account.
  • Correct:
    The Solar System and its interrelated past.
  • Correct:
    More significantly, in 325 he summoned the First Council of Nicaea, most known for its dealing with Arianism and for instituting the Nicene Creed.
  • Correct:
    The theme song is unique for its sampling of power tools.
  • Correct:
    Its drafting by the Continental Congress began in mid-1776.
  • Correct:
    However, its copying in subsequent generations indicates that it was used as a model of legal and judicial reasoning.
  • Correct: the ending -at- that typically marks feminine nouns), but pronounced as -ā in other nouns (hence its writing in this fashion in the Arabic script).
  • Incorrect:
    Its worth more than that.

    It's worth more than that.

  • Incorrect:
    Its still more than what another F2P would give you.

    It's still more than what another F2P would give you.

  • Incorrect:
    Its worth a lot more than that.

    It's worth a lot more than that.

  • Incorrect:
    Its really better than before.

    It's really better than before.

  • Correct:
    Its more than 4,000 employees are located in 60 offices around the world.
  • Incorrect:
    I hope its great.

    I hope it's great.

  • Incorrect:
    This is my first post so I hope it helpful.

    This is my first post so I hope it's helpful.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its nothing to worry about.

    I think it's nothing to worry about.

  • Incorrect:
    I guess its here.

    I guess it's here.

  • Incorrect:
    I had seen that already, so I know its possible.

    I had seen that already, so I know it's possible.

  • Incorrect:
    He says its weird, but he would look into it.

    He says it's weird, but he would look into it.

  • Incorrect:
    He said its too late.

    He said it's too late.

  • Incorrect:
    I don’t believe it possible to connect it already.

    I don’t believe it's possible to connect it's already.

  • Correct:
    I think its natural, black hair looks best.
  • Correct:
    You guessed it right.
  • Correct:
    I believe it right now.
  • Correct:
    I know it well.
  • Correct:
    I know I’d be interested, but I did think it up, so…
  • Correct:
    Hopefully not, but given the fact that you believe it there’s a chance the stress could overcome your body.
  • Incorrect:
    I think its called Windows.

    I think it's called Windows.

  • Incorrect:
    Its called faith

    It's called faith

  • Incorrect:
    Its much easier

    It's much easier

  • Correct:
    In its much longer history in Eurasia, brown bears diverged from the two species of cave bear, ...
  • Correct:
    The market began the session lower and gradually works its way higher most of the day
  • Incorrect:
    Its much easier now

    It's much easier now

  • Correct:
    While taking immediate action to cut energy use by roughly 5 percent in its California malls, the company is also committed to decreasing energy use at its more than 40 malls across the country.
  • Correct:
    The Maritimes, with its much smaller proportion of the national population (compared to the time of Confederation) also have an over-representation in the Senate, particularly compared to the population growth of Ontario and the western provinces.
  • Incorrect:
    Its much easier now

    It's much easier now

  • Incorrect:
    Its sometimes better to risk a few 100 points, than almost all of them.

    It's sometimes better to risk a few 100 points, than almost all of them.

  • Correct:
    While taking immediate action to cut energy use by roughly 5 percent in its California malls, the company is also committed to decreasing energy use at its more than 40 malls across the country.
  • Correct:
    The Maritimes, with its much smaller proportion of the national population (compared to the time of Confederation) also have an over-representation in the Senate, particularly compared to the population growth of Ontario and the western provinces.
  • Correct:
    Another chain with similar orientation is the Tuamotu Archipelago; its older, northerly trend is the Line Islands.
  • Correct:
    Its more than 4,000 employees, located in 60 offices around the world, ...
  • Correct:
    ... thanks to Apple's ability to protect its more than 1 billion devices.
  • Incorrect:
    But its much better like this.

    But it's much better like this.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its much better now.

    I think it's much better now.

  • Incorrect:
    Its much easier.

    It's much easier.

  • Correct:
    In its much longer history in Eurasia, brown bears diverged from the two species of cave bear, ...
  • Correct:
    The market began the session lower and gradually works its way higher most of the day
  • Correct:
    Ruby 2.2.0 is on its way later in the year, and the Ruby agent is ready for it.
  • Correct:
    It superseded the earlier Geiger-Müller tube because of its much longer life and lower operating voltage, typically 400-900 volts.
  • Incorrect:
    I think its already as good as it can get.

    I think it's already as good as it can get.

  • Incorrect:
    Its as simple as that.

    It's as simple as that.

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know when its under pressure.

    Let me know when it's under pressure.

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know as soon as its out of the meeting.

    Let me know as soon as it's out of the meeting.

  • Incorrect:
    I'm very serious about covering you when its out in January.

    I'm very serious about covering you when it's out in January.

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know when its done.

    Let me know when it's done.

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know when its done.

    Let me know when it's done.

  • Correct:
    It harmed them with its sick, sick greed.
  • Incorrect:
    Let me know when its done

    Let me know when it's done

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know when its done making it.

    Let me know when it's done making it.

  • Incorrect:
    And it's features includes many cool things.

    And its features includes many cool things.

  • Incorrect:
    It’s detractors claimed the opposite and it was often debated whether these houses actually helped anyone.

    Its detractors claimed the opposite and it was often debated whether these houses actually helped anyone.

  • Incorrect:
    This also means when activities are released from memory, the agent and it’s duties are unaffected.

    This also means when activities are released from memory, the agent and its duties are unaffected.

  • Incorrect:
    It’s apps are absolutely nice and seem to work exactly how I would have thought about apps in Diaspora.

    Its apps are absolutely nice and seem to work exactly how I would have thought about apps in Diaspora.

  • Incorrect:
    ALTR suffered from two downgrades, even though it's earnings beat consensus estimates, and that helped pull the sector lower.

    ALTR suffered from two downgrades, even though its earnings beat consensus estimates, and that helped pull the sector lower.

  • Incorrect:
    I’ve seen it straight up ignore it and collect Mana that none of it’s characters need.

    I’ve seen it straight up ignore it and collect Mana that none of its characters need.

  • Incorrect:
    I have the community installer but it’s apps are limited.

    I have the community installer but its apps are limited.

  • Incorrect:
    Does the ZigBee object automatically send out events when it’s functions are used?

    Does the ZigBee object automatically send out events when its functions are used?

  • Incorrect:
    The entire Republican Party and it’s members should be brought up on RICO charges.

    The entire Republican Party and its members should be brought up on RICO charges.

  • Correct:
    It’s the chemicals involved in flavoring vape juice that make it dangerous for your health.
  • Correct:
    It’s like athletes based on steroids vs. those who aren’t.
  • Correct:
    It’s you guys pissing on my back.
  • Correct:
    It's what servants wear around here.
  • Correct:
    All that said, if it’s something folks are interested in taking on themselves, they can go for it.
  • Correct:
    Since it’s mains powered, the easiest thing will be to flip the breaker.
  • Correct:
    It’s time reporters started emphasizing that instead just doing the usual disaster porn of mainstream news.
  • Correct:
    It’s a Windows based image.
  • Incorrect:
    It's cage is wonderful.

    Its cage is wonderful.

  • Incorrect:
    It's death rate is higher than theirs.

    Its death rate is higher than theirs.

  • Incorrect:
    It's popularity is decreasing.

    Its popularity is decreasing.

  • Incorrect:
    It’s only function is listed under Temperature.

    Its only function is listed under Temperature.

  • Incorrect:
    Your switch has to send an event when it’s state is changed.

    Your switch has to send an event when its state is changed.

  • Incorrect:
    However, it's latest run is looking very strong.

    However, its latest run is looking very strong.

  • Correct:
    No, it’s Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
  • Correct:
    It’s likely someone tried it.
  • Correct:
    It's obvious Tom was lying.
  • Correct:
    It’s everything documented
  • Correct:
    It's natural Tom should be here.
  • Correct:
    It's clear Tom likes being here in Boston.
  • Correct:
    It's improbable Tom will do that.
  • Correct:
    But it's one sided.
  • Correct:
    TODO: Any opinions over whether the version 2 is worth the extra cost, especially if it’s only use would be to assist in the exclusion/inclusion process?
  • Incorrect:
    If its interesting please let me know.

    If it's interesting please let me know.

  • Incorrect:
    If its interesting let me know.

    If it's interesting let me know.

  • Incorrect:
    If its toxic then let it go.

    If it's toxic then let it go.

  • Incorrect:
    The text should be rewritten so its readable by humans.

    The text should be rewritten so it's readable by humans.

  • Incorrect:
    Its hard to tell unless you’ve been on it for a while.

    It's hard to tell unless you’ve been on it for a while.

  • Incorrect:
    So, its important to know what exactly you trying to achieve.

    So, it's important to know what exactly you trying to achieve.

  • Incorrect:
    .. but its far from being fully functional.

    .. but it's far from being fully functional.

  • Incorrect:
    I do think its still overvalued without a definite weather forecast; the only thing bullish could be the Zimmer outage.

    I do think it's still overvalued without a definite weather forecast; the only thing bullish could be the Zimmer outage.

  • Correct:
    World Union Kenyan Government announced its intent to begin reforming pensions
  • Correct:
    Despite sector growth contraction of 15%, AMD expects to increase its business as it expands its market share.
  • Correct:
    However, the company changed its objective to siting its own power plants.
  • Correct:
    Azerbaijan has signed numerous contracts to strengthen its armed forces and to train its military with Turkey's assistance.
  • Correct:
    It’s on its way back for the second time now.
  • Correct:
    Many of the ethical concerns regarding eugenics arise from its controversial past.
  • Correct:
    The ability of astronomers to track the positions and movements of such celestial bodies is crucial to the understanding of the Solar System and its interrelated past, present, and future with others in the Universe.
  • Correct:
    The system's total magnitude varies from 12th magnitude at its dimmest to 8th magnitude at its brightest.
  • Correct:
    The Conference Board, a private business research group, said its index of consumer confidence plunged for a fourth straight month to 85.5 in October, its lowest since February 1994.
  • Correct:
    With the closing of this fund, its largest to date, InterWest Partners will have a total of $1.6 billion of capital.
  • Correct:
    If accepted by the Quebec Energy Board, the rise will be its 1st in 5 years.
  • Correct:
    The poll found the novel has its strongest following among women.
  • Correct:
    Google cut its staff by 23%.
  • Correct:
    He might have supposed the bull had been arrested in its career by a thunderbolt.
  • Correct:
    Enron APACHE's ability to shape policies relating to its business by raising the profile...
  • Correct:
    Since its beginning in 1970, WalkAmerica has raised more than $1 billion to help give babies a fighting chance.
  • Correct:
    The magazine conducts its ranking by surveying the salaries of MBAs who graduated in 1996.
  • Correct:
    ...esident Bush noted that the US would do its part by stimulating its economy and kee...
  • Correct:
    You will have guessed its meaning by the end of the chapter.
  • Correct:
    Its powerful outside law firm, signed off on them.
  • Incorrect:
    The cat has just stuck it's claw in my arm.

    The cat has just stuck its claw in my arm.

  • Incorrect:
    Burns Inc. changed it's name to BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.

    Burns Inc. changed its name to BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.

  • Incorrect:
    YHOO got it's boost from the purchase of XCIT by @Home.

    YHOO got its boost from the purchase of XCIT by @Home.

  • Incorrect:
    Say it’s name for example.

    Say its name for example.

  • Incorrect:
    He’s still in the situational bracket, having it’s place above Stonehammer.

    He’s still in the situational bracket, having its place above Stonehammer.

  • Incorrect:
    This plowed it’s way to #1 on PS4 last week.

    This plowed its way to #1 on PS4 last week.

  • Incorrect:
    It looks at the frontmost window frame, compares it's size to one of the other two desired sizes.

    It looks at the frontmost window frame, compares its size to one of the other two desired sizes.

  • Incorrect:
    Go into the IDE and change it’s type to Aeon Motor Controller.

    Go into the IDE and change its type to Aeon Motor Controller.

  • Incorrect:
    Part of what makes the ADT Smarthings panel so appealing is it’s reliability for the security alarm and local processing for sensors and such.

    Part of what makes the ADT Smarthings panel so appealing is its reliability for the security alarm and local processing for sensors and such.

  • Incorrect:
    has Synthetics upgraded it’s version since May 2016?

    has Synthetics upgraded its version since May 2016?

  • Incorrect:
    But if we don’t cancel the old account and keep it’s subscription as it was you will have access to all the data.

    But if we don’t cancel the old account and keep its subscription as it was you will have access to all the data.

  • Incorrect:
    I'm hoping it's oil from the condenser is pure.

    I'm hoping its oil from the condenser is pure.

  • Incorrect:
    We think it's oil under the pump shows that there is damage to the pipe.

    We think its oil under the pump shows that there is damage to the pipe.

  • Correct:
    It's a presidential election year in the United States, and that means it's time for me to "get involved.
  • Correct:
    I think it’s part of the reason I had no fear growing up.
  • Correct:
    I think it's clearer to me now what you want.
  • Correct:
    I think it’s time to panic.
  • Correct:
    Just pretend it’s dinner for two.
  • Correct:
    I think it’s time to panic.
  • Correct:
    "I think it's five for five now."
  • Correct:
    I think it’s one of those things that takes practice.
  • Correct:
    I figure it’s something along the lines of:
  • Correct:
    I guess it's time for animals.
  • Correct:
    I know it's none of my business.
  • Correct:
    As someone who saw it, well, let's just say it's one for the kiddies.
  • Correct:
    I'm hoping it's nobody from my team.
  • Correct:
    We think it's oil under the pipe.
  • Incorrect:
    Obviously, you identified with it's message.

    Obviously, you identified with its message.

  • Incorrect:
    I defend it because that’s what makes it unique in it’s aspect.

    I defend it because that’s what makes it unique in its aspect.

  • Incorrect:
    Since we always aim to please the customer, here is my recommendation for handling the contract through it's term.

    Since we always aim to please the customer, here is my recommendation for handling the contract through its term.

  • Incorrect:
    You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts' signed on it's butt.

    You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts' signed on its butt.

  • Incorrect:
    And thank God for it's grace.

    And thank God for its grace.

  • Correct:
    It drinks oil like it’s water.
  • Correct:
    It's not over until it's over.
  • Correct:
    Unless it's homework.
  • Correct:
    as soon as it's known
  • Incorrect:
    I can confirm that its writing fine now.

    I can confirm that it's writing fine now.

  • Incorrect:
    Does this mean it's working, or that its sending?

    Does this mean it's working, or that it's sending?

  • Incorrect:
    While I see that its working in the list of monitors, there is nothing in any other section.

    While I see that it's working in the list of monitors, there is nothing in any other section.

  • Incorrect:
    That’s important because if it gets colder than that its not going to put out the rated CCA.

    That’s important because if it gets colder than that it's not going to put out the rated CCA.

  • Incorrect:
    The best indication my building is ok is that its standing, and that it's contemporaires are all standing as well.

    The best indication my building is ok is that it's standing, and that it's contemporaires are all standing as well.

  • Correct:
    Goldman decided shortly thereafter that its competing business interests posed a conflict.
  • Correct:
    The ad drew criticism from several leading U.S. conservatives, who suggested that its messaging implied that President Barack Obama deserved a second term.
  • Correct:
    Assuming a single downgrade in credit rating, DYN disclosed that its existing business would require $301MM in collateral ...
  • Incorrect:
    Does this mean its going?

    Does this mean it's going?

  • Incorrect:
    Does this mean its working?

    Does this mean it's working?

  • Incorrect:
    That means its expected to be available in June.

    That means it's expected to be available in June.

  • Incorrect:
    Firstly it users need to understand that it can't be free forever.

    Firstly its users need to understand that its can't be free forever.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its only 1 year old.

    I think it's only 1 year old.

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know when the market attempts it's first rally, which it will always do after a number of days.

    Let me know when the market attempts its first rally, which it will always do after a number of days.

  • Correct:
    Mennad says it's cold outside.
  • Incorrect:
    The battery will perform as good as it’s worst cell.

    The battery will perform as good as its worst cell.

  • Correct:
    Wake me up as soon as it's light.
  • Incorrect:
    It is trading at it's highest level.

    It is trading at its highest level.

  • Correct:
    While it’s possible someone here may recognise the issue, it’s unlikely and is not particularly relevant to Atom.
  • Correct:
    Also moved the topic since it’s more gameplay than trouble support.
  • Correct:
    Since it's cold outside, you'd better put your overcoat on.
  • Correct:
    I'll put the frankfurters and meatballs into the oven now, as it's New Year's eve.
  • Correct:
    Calm down it's just rain.
  • Incorrect:
    Its time you bring home the cup!

    It's time you bring home the cup!

  • Correct:
    Wilkins is expected back Sunday from a quadriceps injury that took its time to heal.
  • Incorrect:
    When this train starts rolling, it really blows it’s horn!

    When this train starts rolling, it really blows its horn!

  • Incorrect:
    Why does Google filter it's content?

    Why does Google filter its content?

  • Incorrect:
    That means it’s probably working and doing it’s job.

    That means its probably working and doing its job.

  • Incorrect:
    If I am making a child device, what is it's parent?

    If I am making a child device, what is its parent?

  • Incorrect:
    How does Apple make it's money?

    How does Apple make its money?

  • Incorrect:
    Another takes it’s place.

    Another takes its place.

  • Incorrect:
    For those of you with high risk tolerance, please note that Nokia jumped $9 the day it announced it's last split.

    For those of you with high risk tolerance, please note that Nokia jumped $9 the day it announced its last split.

  • Correct:
    I honestly suspect it’s this.
  • Correct:
    I hope it’s 15.
  • Correct:
    I swear it's nothing.
  • Correct:
    I guess that means it's game night.
  • Correct:
    Everyone knows it's Tom.
  • Correct:
    I guess it’s anger.
  • Correct:
    It’s wood right?
  • Correct:
    Once you have both window and screen coordinates it’s just math.
  • Incorrect:
    Google should filter it's content.

    Google should filter its content.

  • Incorrect:
    We want to monitor it’s expiration.

    We want to monitor its expiration.

  • Incorrect:
    It has done it’s job.

    It has done its job.

  • Incorrect:
    I can’t get it to recognize it’s state.

    I can’t get it to recognize its state.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its someone else's problem.

    I think it's someone else's problem.

  • Incorrect:
    Its time!

    It's time!

  • Correct:
    It already contributed most of its time.
  • Incorrect:
    It face was red.

    Its face was red.

  • Correct:
    It sure was.
  • Correct:
    IT infrastructure is something that could be outsourced.
  • Correct:
    The reason why it fell is not clear yet.
  • Incorrect:
    Maybe its worth to check the full document.

    Maybe it's worth to check the full document.

  • Incorrect:
    Its Google not Microsoft.

    It's Google not Microsoft.

  • Incorrect:
    Hey, its Katie.

    Hey, it's Katie.

  • Incorrect:
    Yay its Monday!

    Yay it's Monday!

  • Correct:
    Its CEO resigned in December.
  • Correct:
    Its API was incompatible with Windows.
  • Incorrect:
    Its Google not Facebook.

    It's Google not Facebook.

  • Incorrect:
    Hey, its Katie from finance.

    Hey, it's Katie from finance.

  • Incorrect:
    Its Jackson but you can call me Jack.

    It's Jackson but you can call me Jack.

  • Incorrect:
    Its Jackson's car.

    It's Jackson's car.

  • Correct:
    Its Chancellor, Robert Hutchins, structured the school as an "ideal meritocracy," with no age requirement.
  • Incorrect:
    I hope its Google not Microsoft.

    I hope it's Google not Microsoft.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its Katie.

    I think it's Katie.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its March 6.

    I think it's March 6.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its Katie from finance.

    I think it's Katie from finance.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its Jackson's car.

    I think it's Jackson's car.

  • Incorrect:
    Its 2 pm in Germany right now.

    It's 2 pm in Germany right now.

  • Incorrect:
    Its 2 p.m. in Germany right now.

    It's 2 p.m. in Germany right now.

  • Incorrect:
    Its 14:00 here.

    It's 14:00 here.

  • Incorrect:
    Its wrong ugh.

    It's wrong ugh.

  • Incorrect:
    Its crazy, yeah!

    It's crazy, yeah!

  • Incorrect:
    Its doing well.

    It's doing well.

  • Correct:
    In addition to more theological schools, Zaytuna College has taken 'Holy Hill' as its new home.
  • Incorrect:
    Its like having a grammar friend everwhere I go.

    It's like having a grammar friend everwhere I go.

  • Incorrect:
    I think its like having a grammar friend everwhere I go.

    I think it's like having a grammar friend everwhere I go.

  • Incorrect:
    I'm sure that its working fine.

    I'm sure that it's working fine.

  • Incorrect:
    I'm sure that its working.

    I'm sure that it's working.

  • Incorrect:
    It will only be rendered when its in the viewport.

    It will only be rendered when it's in the viewport.

  • Incorrect:
    I will go crazy when its out of control.

    I will go crazy when it's out of control.

  • Incorrect:
    I will go crazy when its on top of it.

    I will go crazy when it's on top of it.

  • Incorrect:
    Clearly, it's design flaws have a negative impact on our sales figures.

    Clearly, its design flaws have a negative impact on our sales figures.

  • Correct:
    Clearly, it's corporate management doing the hiring and firing of auditors.
  • Correct:
    It’s likely someone tried it.
  • Correct:
    It's obvious Tom was lying.
  • Correct:
    It’s just ignorance matched with vanity.
  • Correct:
    It's something few have pointed out.
  • Correct:
    It’s time reporters started emphasizing that instead.
  • Correct:
    It’s very nerve wrecking to start with a new one.
  • Correct:
    It’s good NR is tracking customer feature requests.
  • Correct:
    it’s likely raccoons tried to get to the bait.
  • Incorrect:
    I think its working as expected.

    I think it's working as expected.

  • Incorrect:
    For all its worth.

    For all it's worth.

  • Incorrect:
    I'll be in contact with development and ask for more as its needed.

    I'll be in contact with development and ask for more as it's needed.

  • Incorrect:
    I think it the best solution.

    I think it is the best solution.

  • Incorrect:
    Do you think it a bad thing?

    Do you think it is a bad thing?

  • Incorrect:
    I thought it my duty to tell you the truth.

    I thought it is my duty to tell you the truth.

  • Incorrect:
    Its like you don't care.

    It's like you don't care.

  • Incorrect:
    He had an interesting article written about it's trials in selling printers to China.

    He had an interesting article written about its trials in selling printers to China.

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