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Common mistake historic (historical) record

Common Mistakes in English Grammar

English grammar can be a tricky aspect of the language to master. Even native speakers often make mistakes when it comes to grammar rules and usage. In this article, we will explore some of the common errors people make and how to avoid them.

1. Confusion between "historic" and "historical"

One common mistake people make is using "historic" when they actually mean "historical." While these two words may seem similar, they have different meanings. "Historic" refers to something significant or famous in history, while "historical" simply relates to the past, without implying any particular importance.

For example:

  • Incorrect: The building is a historic landmark.
  • Correct: The building is a historical landmark.

By using the correct word, "historical," we indicate that the building is old or related to the past, but we do not specifically state its significance or fame.

Linguix Grammar Checker: An excellent tool to help improve your English grammar is the Linguix Grammar Checker. This tool can identify and correct errors in your writing, ensuring that your grammar is accurate and polished.

2. Misuse of apostrophes

Apostrophes are frequently misused in writing, causing errors in grammar and punctuation. One common mistake is using an apostrophe to indicate plural forms, such as using "apple's" instead of "apples." Apostrophes should be used to indicate possession or contractions.

For example:

  • Incorrect: The cat's are playing in the garden.
  • Correct: The cats are playing in the garden.

In the correct sentence, we have used the plural form of "cat" without an apostrophe, as it simply refers to more than one cat.

3. Subject-verb agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar. The verb must agree with the subject in terms of plurality and tense. Many errors occur when using singular subjects with plural verbs or vice versa.

For example:

  • Incorrect: The dog's barks loudly at night.
  • Correct: The dog barks loudly at night.

In the correct sentence, the singular subject "dog" is matched with the singular verb "barks," ensuring proper subject-verb agreement.

These are just a few examples of common mistakes people make in English grammar. By being aware of these errors and using tools like the Linguix Grammar Checker, you can improve your grammar skills and enhance your writing.

historic (historical) record mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    The policy was strictly a matter of historic record.

    The policy was strictly a matter of historical record.

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