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Common mistake hew (hue) and cry

Common Grammar Mistakes: Hew and Cry

The Correct Phrase: Hue and Cry

The English language is filled with expressions and idioms that can sometimes be confusing, especially when it comes to homophones. One common mistake that is often made is using the phrase "hew and cry" instead of the correct phrase, "hue and cry."

The phrase "hue and cry" dates back to medieval times and originally referred to the loud outcry made by people when they witnessed a crime. "Hue" in this context means "a loud outcry," while "cry" refers to a loud shout or proclamation. Together, "hue and cry" means a resounding public outcry.

However, some people may mistakenly use the word "hew" instead of "hue" due to its similar pronunciation. The word "hew" means to chop or cut with force, which doesn't fit the intended meaning of the expression. Using "hew and cry" instead of "hue and cry" is considered a grammatical error.

Here's an example of the correct usage of the phrase "hue and cry":
"When the news of the scandal broke, there was a loud hue and cry from the public, demanding justice."

How to Avoid this Mistake

To ensure you don't make this common grammar mistake, remember the correct phrase as "hue and cry." Additionally, proofreading your written work or utilizing grammar checkers like Linguix can help catch and correct any errors in your writing, making it easier to use idiomatic expressions accurately.

hew (hue) and cry mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    There was a massive hew and cry after the beating.

    There was a massive hue and cry after the beating.

  • Correct:
    There was a massive hue and cry after the robbery.
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