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Common mistake 'hair' + singular verb

The Common Mistake: Using a Singular Verb with 'Hair'

When it comes to grammar, certain words can be tricky. One such word is 'hair.' While it may seem like a simple noun, it has some unique qualities that often lead to incorrect verb usage.

The Problem:

Many people mistakenly use a singular verb when referring to 'hair' as an entity. However, 'hair' is considered a mass noun, meaning it should be treated as a singular entity itself.

The Solution:

When using 'hair' as the subject of a sentence, always use a singular verb to maintain grammatical accuracy. For example:

  • Incorrect: Her hair is beautiful.
  • Correct: Her hair is beautiful.

In the incorrect example, the plural verb 'are' is used with 'hair,' which is grammatically incorrect. The correct version employs the singular verb 'is,' which aligns with the mass noun use of 'hair.'

It's important to note that when referring to individual strands of hair or multiple people's hair, the plural form of the verb is necessary. For instance:

  • Incorrect: Their hair is long.
  • Correct: Their hair is long.

In this case, 'hair' is referring to the multiple individual strands of hair belonging to the people mentioned. Despite 'hair' being a mass noun, the plural form of the verb 'is' is still used because it is referring to separate entities.

By using the correct verb form when discussing 'hair,' you ensure that your writing is grammatically accurate and effectively communicates your intended meaning.

It's important to proofread your writing to catch errors like these, as they can easily slip through the cracks. One helpful tool to assist in this process is the Linguix grammar checker. This tool helps identify and correct grammar mistakes, ensuring your writing is polished and error-free.

'hair' + singular verb mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    She cut her hairs yesterday.

    She cut her hair yesterday.

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