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Common mistake construction sight (site)

Common Grammar Mistakes

Mistake: Construction sight

One common mistake that many people make is using the phrase "construction sight" instead of the correct term, which is "construction site".

Example: "I drove past a construction sight on my way to work."

Correction: "I drove past a construction site on my way to work."

Mistake: There vs. Their vs. They're

Another common mistake is mixing up the words "there," "their," and "they're."

Example: "Their going to the store to pick up some groceries."

Correction: "They're going to the store to pick up some groceries."

Mistake: Your vs. You're

Confusing "your" with "you're" is another mistake that is commonly made.

Example: "Your going to have a great time at the party."

Correction: "You're going to have a great time at the party."

Mistake: Its vs. It's

The incorrect usage of "its" and "it's" is a mistake that is often seen.

Example: "The dog wagged it's tail."

Correction: "The dog wagged its tail."

Mistake: Lose vs. Loose

Confusing "lose" with "loose" is a common mistake that can easily be made.

Example: "I need to loose weight before the beach vacation."

Correction: "I need to lose weight before the beach vacation."

Mistake: Affect vs. Effect

Example: "The new policy had a positive effect on the company."

Correction: "The new policy had a positive effect on the company."

About Linguix Grammar Checker

Linguix Grammar Checker is a helpful tool that can assist you in avoiding these common grammar mistakes. It is a powerful AI-powered assistant that can proofread your writing, suggest improvements, and help you enhance your overall writing skills.

construction sight (site) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    We didn't visit the construction sight until Wednesday.

    We didn't visit the construction site until Wednesday.

  • Correct:
    We didn't visit the construction site until it was almost finished.
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