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Common mistake capitalize proper names, geographic terms, historic episodes...

Capitalization Mistakes to Avoid

Correct capitalization is an important aspect of writing that can greatly impact the clarity and professionalism of your content. It is crucial to know when and how to use capital letters correctly, especially when it comes to proper names, geographic terms, and historic episodes. In this article, we will discuss some common capitalization mistakes and provide examples to help you improve your writing.

1. Capitalize Proper Names

Proper names, such as names of people, places, organizations, or brands, should always be capitalized. For example:

  • John Smith is a famous actor.
  • I live in New York City.
  • Apple is a well-known technology company.

2. Capitalize Geographic Terms

When referring to specific geographical regions, such as continents, countries, states, cities, or mountains, it is important to capitalize them. For example:

  • I visited South America last summer.
  • She lives in Canada.
  • Mount Everest is the tallest peak in the world.

3. Capitalize Holidays

Holidays should always be capitalized, as they are considered proper nouns. For example:

  • I love celebrating Christmas with my family.
  • Are you excited for Halloween?
  • Happy Independence Day!

4. Capitalize Historic Episodes

Specific historic events, episodes, and eras should be capitalized. For example:

  • World War II was a significant turning point in history.
  • The Renaissance era brought about great cultural advancements.
  • The Boston Tea Party is a famous event in American history.

5. Capitalize Specific Geographical Places

When referring to well-known geographical locations, such as landmarks or specific buildings, the name should be capitalized. For example:

  • The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France.
  • The Great Wall of China is a popular tourist attraction.
  • I want to visit the Taj Mahal in India.

Using correct capitalization is essential for effective communication and professionalism in writing. By avoiding these common capitalization mistakes, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct.

About Linguix Grammar Checker: Linguix Grammar Checker is a powerful tool that can help you correct various grammar mistakes, including capitalization errors. It provides real-time suggestions and explanations to improve your writing and enhance your overall language proficiency.

capitalize proper names, geographic terms, historic episodes... mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    She lived several years in south America.

    She lived several years in South America.

  • Incorrect:
    With the reunification of West and east Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany became known simply as 'Germany'.

    With the reunification of West and East Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany became known simply as 'Germany'.

  • Correct:
    The term NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Correct:
    Go south three blocks and then turn left.
  • Correct:
    The west coast of Scotland is rainy this time of year.
  • Correct:
    Albania is a country in Southeastern Europe.
  • Correct:
    The British Isles and North-Western Europe.
  • Incorrect:
    What did you do on Valentine's day last year?

    What did you do on Valentine's Day last year?

  • Correct:
    What are your plans for President's Day?
  • Incorrect:
    What did you do on New Year's eve?

    What did you do on New Year's Eve?

  • Incorrect:
    What did you do on New year's eve?

    What did you do on New Year's Eve?

  • Incorrect:
    What did you do on Veterans day last year?

    What did you do on Veterans Day last year?

  • Incorrect:
    The singles day is a Chinese unofficial holiday.

    The Singles' Day is a Chinese unofficial holiday.

  • Incorrect:
    Saint Martins day is the Funeral day of Saint Martin of Tours.

    Saint Martin's Day is the Funeral day of Saint Martin of Tours.

  • Correct:
    St. Martin's Day
  • Incorrect:
    How many people died in world war II?

    How many people died in World War II?

  • Incorrect:
    The middle ages is one of the three major periods in the most enduring scheme for analysing European history.

    The Middle Ages is one of the three major periods in the most enduring scheme for analysing European history.

  • Incorrect:
    The cape of good hope is a rocky headland on the Atlantic coast of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa.

    The Cape of Good Hope is a rocky headland on the Atlantic coast of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa.

  • Incorrect:
    Since 1914, cape cod has been separated from the mainland by the Cape Cod Canal.

    Since 1914, Cape Cod has been separated from the mainland by the Cape Cod Canal.

  • Incorrect:
    I live on the east coast.

    I live on the East Coast.

  • Incorrect:
    The west coast is the best coast.

    The West Coast is the best coast.

  • Incorrect:
    It happens that my parents are visiting from the east coast that weekend.

    It happens that my parents are visiting from the East Coast that weekend.

  • Incorrect:
    Upon shifting back to the west coast, Taney was based at Alameda, California until February 1972.

    Upon shifting back to the West Coast, Taney was based at Alameda, California until February 1972.

  • Correct:
    The main settlements on the west coast are around Sai Khao, Hat Kai Mook, Hat Kai Bae, Ban Klong Prao and the fishing village of Bang Bao on the south coast.
  • Correct:
    August 22 – 3801 traverses Australia from the east coast to the west coast with the Western Endeavour train.
  • Correct:
    316 people were killed on the island and islands off the west coast.
  • Correct:
    Courtenay, British Columbia, a city on the east coast of Vancouver Island.
  • Correct:
    From there went to a town called Maras (Greek name Varosha) on the east coast.
  • Correct:
    The A92 was the original southerly road to Aberdeen prior to the building of the A90, and is now used as a tourist route, connecting the towns of Montrose and Arbroath and on the east coast.
  • Correct:
    Others will spring up on the east coast off East Anglia and in the mouth of the Thames estuary, further north at Teesside, and in the coastal waters of south Wales in the Severn estuary.
  • Correct:
    There is, however, no evidence at all of a Greek presence on the west coast and the Ionians at Aléria on the east coast had been expelled by the Etruscans long before Roman domination.
  • Correct:
    1783 – A huge fireball meteor is seen across Great Britain as it passes over the east coast.
  • Correct:
    The time zone of the capital (Brasília) and of the most populated part of Brazil along the east coast (UTC-3) is two hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, except when it is on its own daylight saving time, from October to February.
  • Correct:
    It has been read as "together with the Gaels", suggesting either public participation or the presence of Gaels from the western coasts as well as the people of the east coast.
  • Correct:
    The flood-prone Yangtze river, which runs from Yunnan in the southwest to Jiangsu and Shanghai on the east coast, has seen a massive increase in water volumes, causing flooding in many of its tributaries and bringing water volumes in the giant Three Gorges reservoir close to record levels.
  • Correct:
    Portes is a fishing village on the east coast.
  • Correct:
    A cemetery and rubble from earlier settlements are located near the middle of the west coast, where the boat landing area is located.
  • Incorrect:
    Some of the most prosperous neighbourhoods of the Netherlands can be found in the Hague.

    Some of The most prosperous neighbourhoods of The NeTherlands can be found in The Hague.

  • Correct:
    When did the Hague Congress take place?
  • Incorrect:
    The European union elected a new president.

    The European Union elected a new president.

  • Incorrect:
    The united states elected a new president.

    The United States elected a new president.

  • Correct:
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