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Common mistake after been (being)

Common Grammar Mistakes: After Being vs After Been

English grammar can be tricky, and one common mistake that many people make is confusing "after being" with "after been." While both phrases relate to events that occurred in the past, they are used in different contexts and cannot be used interchangeably.

1. "After being"

The phrase "after being" is used when we want to refer to an action or event that happened in the past, and it is followed by another action or event. It is used to describe the sequence of events.

  • After being late for the meeting, he had to apologize to his boss.
  • She couldn't walk properly after being injured in the accident.
  • After being scolded by her teacher, she promised to study harder.

2. "After been"

The phrase "after been" is incorrect and should not be used in any context. It is not a grammatical construction in the English language. If you come across this phrase, it may be a typo or an error.

There are, however, correct ways to use the word "been" in other grammatical forms. For example:

  • She has been working on her project all day.
  • He could have been more careful while driving.
  • They had been waiting for hours before the show started.

Grammar checkers like Linguix can help identify and correct such mistakes, ensuring that your writing is clear, accurate, and error-free.

So remember, the next time you want to talk about something that happened in the past and want to mention the events that followed, use "after being" instead of "after been."

after been (being) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    After been assaulted, the man was often wary.

    After being assaulted, the man was often wary.

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