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Common mistake about who (whom) to

About Whom to Use Correctly in English Writing


As English writers, we often find ourselves struggling with grammar rules and proper word usage. One common mistake that many people make is using "who" and "whom" incorrectly. In this blog article, we will dive into the correct usage of "whom" and provide you with some helpful tips to avoid this common mistake.

Understanding the Difference

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let's first understand the basic difference between "who" and "whom."

  • Who: Used as the subject of a sentence or clause.
  • Whom: Used as the object of a verb or preposition.

Now, let's explore some examples to illustrate the correct usage of each.

Using "Who" Correctly

  • Who is going to the party tonight?
  • She is the one who always arrives late.
  • Who is responsible for this mess?

In these examples, "who" is used as the subject of the sentence or clause, referring to the person or people performing the action.

Using "Whom" Correctly

  • To whom did you give the book?
  • The students, some of whom were late, were given detention.
  • Whom should I contact for more information?

In these examples, "whom" is used as the object of the verb or preposition, referring to the person or people receiving the action.

Helpful Tips

Now that we understand the difference between "who" and "whom," let's discuss some helpful tips to ensure correct usage:

  • Tip 1: Determine if the word is functioning as the subject or object in the sentence.
  • Tip 2: If the word is the subject, use "who."
  • Tip 3: If the word is the object, use "whom."
  • Tip 4: When in doubt, rephrase the sentence to test the correct usage. For example, instead of asking "To whom did you give the book?" you can ask "Did you give the book to him/her?" If the pronoun "him/her" is correct in the rephrased sentence, then "whom" is the correct choice.

About Linguix Grammar Checker

Linguix Grammar Checker is a powerful tool that can help you avoid common grammar mistakes, such as the incorrect usage of "who" and "whom." It provides real-time suggestions and explanations to improve your writing skills. Whether you are a native English speaker or learning English as a second language, Linguix Grammar Checker can greatly enhance your writing proficiency.

So, next time you find yourself confused about whether to use "who" or "whom," remember the tips provided in this article and consider using the Linguix Grammar Checker for additional support.

about who (whom) to mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    What do you think about who to promote?

    What do you think about whom to promote?

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