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Common mistake a girls best friend


English grammar can be tricky, and even the most experienced writers can make common mistakes. One common mistake that is often overlooked is the improper use of possessive apostrophes. Let's explore this mistake further and learn how to avoid it.

The Possessive Apostrophe Rule

The possessive apostrophe is used to show that something belongs to someone or something. In most cases, it is added to the end of a word to indicate possession.


  • The girl's hat is pink.
  • The dog's bone is buried in the backyard.

As you can see from the examples above, the apostrophe followed by an "s" indicates that an object belongs to a singular noun.

A Common Mistake

One common mistake that many people make is forgetting to add the possessive apostrophe when indicating possession. This mistake often happens with plural nouns, especially when they end in "s".


  • The cats toys are scattered all over the house. (Incorrect)
  • The cat's toys are scattered all over the house. (Correct)
  • The teachers lounge is on the third floor. (Incorrect)
  • The teachers' lounge is on the third floor. (Correct)

In the incorrect examples above, the possessive apostrophe is missing, which makes the sentences grammatically incorrect. By adding the possessive apostrophe, we clarify that the toys belong to a specific cat and that the lounge is used by multiple teachers.

How to Avoid This Mistake

To avoid this common mistake, always remember to add the possessive apostrophe when indicating possession, even with plural nouns. If the plural noun already ends in an "s", you can simply add an apostrophe after the "s".


  • The dogs' toys are in the backyard. (Correct)
  • The girls' best friend is a dog. (Correct)
  • The teachers' students excel in their exams. (Correct)

Linguix grammar checker can also be a helpful tool in identifying and correcting possessive apostrophe mistakes as well as other common grammar errors.

a girls best friend mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    The lipstick is a girls best friend.

    The lipstick is a girl's best friend.

  • Incorrect:
    I was a moderators worst enemy on the old espn message boards.

    I was a moderator's worst enemy on the old espn message boards.

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