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How To Use Zygoma In A Sentence

  • Another method of defining the Sylvian point is to divide the distance between the nasion and inion into four equal parts; from the junction of the third and fourth parts (reckoning from the front) draw a line to the frontozygomatic suture; from the junction of the first and second parts a line to the auricular point. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • Here there are superior and inferior foramina which isolate two arches, of which the inferior is the zygomatic. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • You could see the compensation in the heavier malar bone and much more developed zygoma. The Hunger
  • The SMAS is elevated basically in the direction from the angle of the mandible to the middle of the zygoma, and this is sutured and suspended along its entire length.
  • The anterior epitympanum dissection extends as far as the root of the zygoma and is made continuous with a wide anterior canal wall enlargement.
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  • —The zygomatic bone is generally described as ossifying from three centers—one for the malar and two for the orbital portion; these appear about the eighth week and fuse about the fifth month of fetal life. II. Osteology. 5b. 4. The Zygomatic Bone
  • The temporal artery, as it ascends over the root of the zygoma, may be compressed effectually against this bony point. Surgical Anatomy
  • —The squama and the zygomatic processes are very thick, consisting of diploic tissue contained between two compact laminæ; the diploic tissue is absent in the regions occupied by the frontal air sinuses. II. Osteology. 5a. 3. The Frontal Bone
  • Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the rigid internal fixation of zygomatic arch fracture by the upper zygomatic arch incision with the mini-plate.
  • Objective To choose several variables as the indices for prominent zygomatic complex.
  • The area of zygomaticomaxillary suture (joint between the cheekbone and upper jaw) showing the "nick," that is, the misalignment of bones owing to the fact that some fragments, such as the jugal crest shown here, are badly stuck together. Not Philip II of Macedon
  • (_zygomaticus major_,) and which I could not hold back from making a little movement on its own account. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • _Entry_ behind left ear, just above posterior root of zygoma; gutter fracture; bullet retained within skull. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Results The location, shape and displacement of fragment of zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch fractures were demonstrated stereoscopically through 3D images reconstructed from helical CT.
  • Without the help of the epicranius, zygomaticus, triangurlis, quadratus labii, buccinator and platysma, Little Red Riding Hood would have been little more than a silhouette through closed eyelids. Muscles Part 2
  • Itsion: It's a good and safe method to treat naevus fuscocaerules zygomaticus by Q - switch alexandrite laser.
  • In the latter case the foremost upper molar is small; the fibula is distinct, and never united, except in some cases where it is attached to the extremity of the tibia; the zygomatic arch is formed chiefly by the malar, which is not supported beneath by a continuation of the zygomatic process of the maxillary; collar-bones perfect; upper lip cleft; the muffle small and naked; tail cylindrical and hairy (except in _Castoridae_). Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • The site of origin was frontozygomatic suture mostly (90% in dermoid cysts and 60% in epidermoid cysts). All cases received tumor removal through anterior cutaneous approach or anterior orbitotomy.
  • Fragile protuberances like zygomatic processes and ascending rami were found to be broken, but most bones were still intact.
  • [3] These consist of the levator labii superioris alæque nasi, the levator labii proprius, the malaris, and the zygomaticus minor, or little zygomatic. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • You're so cute you make my zygomaticus muscles contract.
  • The Zygomatic Process (processus zygomaticus; malar process). II. Osteology. 5b. 2. The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
  • An enlarged hamulus may articulate with the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone.
  • The line of the lower margin behind is that of the transverse sinus (see page 1294), or more roughly a line convex upward from the inion to the posterior root of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone; thence along the posterior two-thirds of the upper border of the zygomatic arch where the line turns up to the pterion; the front part of the lower margin extends from the pterion to the glabella about 1 cm. above the supraorbital margin. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • The zygoma has a very tall projection that occupies approximately half its length.
  • The depression is the scar marking the overlap of the jugal process of the zygomatic arch on to the maxilla, as in therian mammals generally.
  • As would be expected, the predator species preserving the more intact skulls also preserve the highest frequencies of zygomatic process.
  • In order to mark out the lateral cerebral (Sylvian) fissure a point, termed the Sylvian point, which practically corresponds to the pterion, is defined 35 mm. behind and 12 mm. above the level of the frontozygomatic suture; this point marks the spot where the lateral fissure divides. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • The area of zygomaticomaxillary suture (joint between the cheekbone and upper jaw) showing the "nick," that is, the misalignment of bones owing to the fact that some fragments, such as the jugal crest shown here, are badly stuck together. Not Philip II of Macedon
  • The right zygomatic arch was fractured at the junction of the jugal and squamosal bones.
  • Aperture of _entry_ (Mauser), just external to the centre of the right eyebrow; _exit_, above the centre of the right zygoma. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • He showed that the zygomatic major muscle, which runs from the cheek bone down to the lip corners, pulls those lip corners upwards into a smiling shape.
  • The infraorbital canal may be shifted laterally as far as the suture between the maxilla and zygomatic bones.
  • Without the help of the epicranius, zygomaticus, triangurlis, quadratus labii, buccinator and platysma, Little Red Riding Hood would have been little more than a silhouette through closed eyelids. Muscles Part 2
  • AIM To evaluate the instructional effect of spiral CT three-dimensional reconstruction and stereo-measurement on zygomatic complex fracture operation.
  • Can I check his zygomatic, ethmoidal, and nasal bones? Roger I. Abrams: CSI - Clemens
  • However, the clear separation of the nerve into five main terminal branches (temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, and cervical) may be difficult or impossible.
  • Using the endoscope through the small lateral incision, the surgeon dissects the entire cheek from the orbital run over to the nose, down to the top of the mouth out to the side over the zygoma so the whole cheek can be freed and moved up.
  • The more posterior parts of the zygomatic arch are not preserved, and the presence of zygomatic ridges cannot be determined from the evidence at hand.
  • _Entry_, immediately above zygoma; the bullet passed through the temporal fossa, fractured the neck of the mandible, traversed the mastoid process, and emerged at the lower margin of the hairy scalp, 1 inch from the median line. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Objective To investigate the relationship of visual loss with nasorbital fracture and zygomaticamaxillary complex fracture .
  • The foramina of the zygomatic bone that transmit branches of the zygomatic nerve are often subject to variation in number and position.
  • A zygomatic bone may also be tripartite, possessing extra sutures and accessory bones.
  • A short, faint horizontal ridge occurs ventral to the depression and slightly anterior to the maxillary root of the zygoma.
  • Objective:To evaluate the possibility and effect of removal of the tumor invading lateral skull base in zygomatic arch and temporomandibular approaches.
  • Fragile protuberances like zygomatic processes and ascending rami were found to be broken, but most bones were still intact.
  • The Zygomatic Nerve (n. zygomaticus; temporomalar nerve; orbital nerve) arises in the pterygopalatine fossa, enters the orbit by the inferior orbital fissure, and divides at the back of that cavity into two branches, zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial. IX. Neurology. 5e. The Trigeminal Nerve
  • An enlarged hamulus may articulate with the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone.
  • A zygomatic bone may also be tripartite, possessing extra sutures and accessory bones.
  • Another method of defining the Sylvian point is to divide the distance between the nasion and inion into four equal parts; from the junction of the third and fourth parts (reckoning from the front) draw a line to the frontozygomatic suture; from the junction of the first and second parts a line to the auricular point. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • When our smiles are false, the corners of the mouth are drawn toward the ears by the zygomaticus major, which stretches from the corner of the mouth to the cheekbone. Undefined
  • The zygomatic arch looks right, but the anterior portion is mostly maxilla, rather than jugal.
  • The jaw-bone, in few cases, is completely dislocated, for the zygomatic process formed from the upper jaw-bone (malar?) and the bone behind the ear (temporal?) shuts up the heads of the under jaw, being above the one (condyloid process?), and below the other On The Articulations
  • _Entry_ (Mauser), over the centre of the right zygoma; the bullet traversed the right orbit, nose, and left orbit. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Along the way he identified a particular type of smile that engages both the zygomatic major and the orbicularis oculi — muscles that raise the corners of the mouth and cheeks, respectively.
  • The skull has an broad, tilted zygomatic plate that serves as the attachment point for the lateral branch of the masseter muscle.
  • The dorsal surfaces of the frontals (on the top of the skull) possess large depressions while the ventral surfaces of the zygomatic processes (the structures that project laterally from the cheek regions) are strongly concave, again unlike the condition in other mysticetes. From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • The point corresponding with the posterior end of the sphenoparietal suture is named the pterion; it is situated about 3 cm. behind, and a little above the level of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • The site of origin was frontozygomatic suture mostly (90% in dermoid cysts and 60% in epidermoid cysts). All cases received tumor removal through anterior cutaneous approach or anterior orbitotomy.
  • Erinaceids can be identified by their dental formula, complete zygomatic arches (the jugal is present), eyes and ears of moderate size, and plantigrade foot posture.
  • The superficial temporal occasionally gives rise to the maxillary above the zygomatic arch, or to a tympanic artery.
  • We think of them as signifying happiness, and indeed, researchers do find that the more intensely people contract their zygomaticus major muscles, the happier they say they feel. The Seattle Times
  • Those depressed areas on the frontals and zygomatic processes have apparently evolved to allow particularly large temporalis and masseter muscles, the muscles involved in closing the jaw. From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • (zygomaticus major,) and which I could not hold back from making a little movement on its own account. The Professor at the Breakfast-Table
  • Surely hard biting is sufficiently appreciable by the person bitten without any visual admeasurement of the masseter muscles or the zygomatic arches. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • * The jugal or malar (ju.) reaches over from the maxilla to meet a zygomatic process (= connecting outgrowth) (z.p.) of the squamosal bone. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The bullet passed onwards through the base of the skull, crossing the external auditory meatus, fracturing the zygoma and probably the condyle of the mandible, and eventually lodged beneath the masseter muscle. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The smile, or pulling up of the lip corners, is the result of one muscle: the zygomatic major. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the zygomaticus major muscles in our cheeks contract, they draw up the corners of our mouths. The Seattle Times
  • As would be expected, the predator species preserving the more intact skulls also preserve the highest frequencies of zygomatic process.
  • The skulls of chinchilla rats have long and narrow rostra, a rounded braincase, enlarged bullae, and delicate zygomatic arches.
  • Therefore, all bony structures of the face, including the malar eminences, orbital rims, zygomatic arches, mandible, and teeth, should be carefully inspected and palpated for irregularity or tenderness.
  • Objective:To evaluate the possibility and effect of removal of the tumor invading lateral skull base in zygomatic arch and temporomandibular approaches.

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