How To Use Zu In A Sentence

  • The security police quickly squelched an extremely rare public demonstration demanding political reform on Monday, the 41st anniversary of the Baath Party's seizure of power here.
  • No matter that there were no green beans or zucchinies or that bok choy is Asian not Mediterranean, minestrone is primarily a vegetable soup and so long as you have a couple of primary flavours right, the rest will take care of itself. At My Table
  • In summary, Dr. Green, after studying and researching this question for over 20 years, it is my firm conviction that aspartame lowers seizure threshold, mimics or exacerbates a wide variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, contributes to the incidence of certain cancers, and because of it's impact on the hypothalamic "appestat" plays a significant role in the world-wide epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Psychiatry Professor informs Hawaii House Health Committee of Dangers of Aspartame, as Medical Professional
  • Seizures are most likely to occur early in an illness (such as roseola, colds, gastrointestinal infection) when the fever is rising quickly.
  • It is therefore unsurprising that such seizures are sometimes confused with panic attacks.
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  • Zunun Kadir, the famous writer, playwright and fabulist, was the founder and the pioneer of the contemporary Uighur literature.
  • The hostage-takers Bowden spoke with expressed little regret at their seizure of the embassy, but most, like Mirdamadi, lamented the role they played in cementing the repressive rule of the clerics. Into the Den of Spies
  • Tessa Morris-Suzuku of Australian National University perhaps the most widely known Australian historian of Japan presented a paper on colonial Karafuto, one of many topics she is currently researching. 2007: Japan Top Ten Year in Review
  • The political analyst Nikolai Petrov has described Mr. Putin's predicament using the chess term "zugzwang," in which a player sees only moves that will damage his position, and yet does not have the option of passing. NYT > Home Page
  • Long before the statue was unearthed, the natural process of patination had caused the formation of the red cuprite, blue azurite and green malachite commonly found in ancient bronzes. Apollo Deconstructed
  • To date, American Suzuki has received two reports of flame arrester screens detaching from the mounting ring. Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
  • Coagulopathy/hemorrhage: fresh frozen plasma, possibly vitamin K-phytonadione I.V. Hypoglycemia: Dextrose 25g I.V. (with coma, seizures, or change in mental status) Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • On the other hand, we had the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild, Süddeutsche Zeitung as well as the Austrian Der Standard and the Neue Zürisches Zeitung covering the story in detail from a very different angle. Who is to run our foreign policy?
  • The selling may not see strong bids from regular customers because the sector's yield level is unattractively low, said Naoki Tsuchiyama , a market economist at Mizuho Securities. Japanese Yields Rise
  • This continued in to the dressing rooms at half-time where coach Delio Rossi had no choice but to hook the emotional Azzuri international, claiming he was 'inconsolable'. Which club has put the most final nails in managerial coffins? | The Knowledge
  • He is almost 30, his name is Toji, and he lives in Shizuoka, Moon’s hometown. Let’s Die Together
  • Paris doesn't feel that old, especially after all the time I spent in the compact, windy streets of the old City of Zurich.
  • (= Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 76), Leiden: Brill. Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy
  • Simon Jenkins, a columnist with the UK's Guardian recently called Zuma a rapist and a racketeer in perhaps one of the most acerbic pieces yet the Guardian has published on Zuma.
  • In a way, you could say this thrill seeker is also following his father's adventuresome footsteps - his dad once maneuvered a motor boat from Venezuela to Miami.
  • Der Oberste oder Generalfeltmesser Surveyor general und der oberst Einzieher Receyvers general welche grad zur selbigen Zeit, wegen ihren Geschäften zu Londen sich befunden, und von dem Königlichen Comite so wohl als von den Lords propr. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • General Ricardo Izurieta, the moderate army commander, is now being criticised for political naivety by diehard Pinochetistas.
  • I feel the whole practice of gazumping completely unfair and underhand.
  • They have rattled the narcos, impeding some trafficking routes and increasing weapons seizures.
  • Besides grating cheese, my wife likes the coarseness for grating zucchini and carrots for baking.
  • Certainly his confessions might still be reliable, along with the confessions of Abu Zubaydah and other confederates being interrogated in secret.
  • It is also the first English version that claims to emphasize Chuang-tzu's philosophy.
  • Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
  • I was eating 1,500 calories a day and going to the gym four times a week doing circuits and Zumba. The Sun
  • In the case of Cquila there is a distinct suggestion of the orthographies of Southern Bantu languages like Zulu.
  • ZUCCHINI The sight-saving plant pigment called lutein is lost in cooking; so is vitamin C. BROCCOLI Eat it raw, and you'll get a hefty helping of potent plant nutrients that lower your risk of blood clots, plus vitamin C, and an enzyme that may demolish precancerous cells. - Home Page
  • He has also worked with symphonies and chamber groups from the Brooklyn Philharmonic to Zurich's Ensemble Fur Neue Musik.
  • Broad flights of steps descended directly into the azure water.
  • The kaiser, he said, had no intention of taking permanent possession of Venezuelan territory.
  • In addition, kudzu ranked second-highest in terms of its potential impact on natural systems, because it is capable of overgrowing and decimating mature stands of trees.
  • The book devotes 30 pages to cucurbits, from giant pumpkins through marrows, zucchinis and cucumbers to back-scratching loofahs.
  • _a priori_ almost impossible that the inhabitants of Wenus had never heard of Pozzuoli -- would guard me from the jellifying Mash-Glance of the The War of the Wenuses
  • Zurawik asks “Is Obama the first ‘cybergenic’ candidate?” Daily Digest: OMG BRK OBMA TXTS 4 VP
  • Jupiter takes about 12 years to complete its orbit but Zu was able to give a much more accurate value than that.
  • They then pat each other on the back for coming up with such a clever thing to say to a mzungu.
  • They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell. The Sun
  • The risottos change daily, and the one I sampled was well made and tastefully dotted with bits of fresh zucchini and shrimp.
  • Still, one may never make use of a printed Torah, tefillin, or mezuzah for sacred purpose.
  • Zurich surveyed firms to see if they carry out risk assessments of employees before letting them drive on business.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • One example - out of many - is his discussion of the mezuzah, a small capsule attached to the doorposts of Jewish homes containing a piece of vellum with verses from the Book of Deuteronomy.
  • But a Suzuki Bluesmaster is about £20 quid a pop, so that order is belayed for now. Nobody ever got fired for using an E instead of an Em « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • The key to their capture of most of the world's economy is first their seizure of all outstanding oil properties in the world.
  • Shizuko is a famous tango dancer and deferential wife, who is kidnapped by yakuza as payment for her businessman husband's debts.
  • This territory has lush green hills, azure blue skies and spectacular beaches where the loudest noise you will hear is the sound of a coconut dropping to soft white sands.
  • Anyone who's experienced a slow and miserable house purchase or sale, or has been gazumped, will no doubt believe there must be a better process.
  • Puerto Rico, Mexico and Venezuela now had ballplayers playing for major-league teams.
  • The Home circle: a collection of piano-forte music consisting of the most favorite marches, waltzes, polkas, redowas, schottisches, galops, mazurkas, quadrilles, dances, etc.
  • As we enter the house with the mezuzah on one side and the Chanukah menorah on the other, there is no mistaking the Jewish focus of the home.
  • Mr Koizumi is the centre of a virtual personality cult in his homeland, with support ratings of almost 90 %.
  • Q: Mark Zuckerberg donated $100M for use in assisting the public schools in Newark. Mike Green: NFTE: Injecting Entrepreneurship into Inner City Education (VIDEO)
  • That could see Tommy Bridewell aboard the Quay Garage Honda posing questions of the title chasing pack as he ran only marginally down in seventh place ahead of Alastair Seeley on the second Relentless Suzuki and Chris Walker riding his privately entered Suzuki
  • Zuhra Bahman, a consultant from Kabul, said that urging Taliban fighters to give up arms and join the government will not amount to the democratization of Afghanistan. Experts: Mideast Turmoil Underscores Need for Afghan Political Reform
  • Few human pursuits can conjure up such overblown expectations, fanned by holiday brochure photo-spreads showing impossibly white beaches domed by suspiciously azure skies.
  • Also, a few years later we rescued a white shitzu who looked EXACTLY like Falcor, so that's what we named him! Sweet Reading Sweets
  • _ -- Use in the dye-bath 2 oz. Rose azurine G, 1 lb. soda and The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • Carling strained a thigh muscle in Dunedin and Bayfield ended that match on a stretcher with a neck seizure.
  • Azure, an orle of martlets or, on an inescutcheon arg. three bass gules. Notes and Queries, Number 59, December 14, 1850
  • For a Mediterranean mix, place fresh basil leaves, cherry tomatoes, zucchini slices and fresh radicchio in a baggie.
  • Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. Lao Tzu 
  • Recent research has investigated one more option, Johnson reported -- that of toltrazuril sulfone or ponazuril given at a loading dose along with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to improve uptake of the medications. Thoroughbred News |
  • His task was to find themes of interest in this mass of material, and an incredible finding he cites is that there are 209 examples of mutual zugzwang in these endings, all of which he lists.
  • Sometimes the aikinite is altered, and fractures in the surrounding quartz are filled with thin blue and green films of azurite and malachite formed from the copper liberated by the aikinite.
  • I had to try Venezuelan food so I stepped inside and asked the lady (Flor, I suppose) if she could pack me an arepa and a small salad, to go.
  • He's running what NPR's Frank James has characterized as a "kudzu campaign. NPR Topics: News
  • Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. Lao Tzu 
  • A celebrity, the Zu-Zu, the last coryphee whom Bertie had translated from a sphere of garret bread-and-cheese to a sphere of villa champagne and chicken (and who, of course, in proportion to the previous scarcity of her bread-and-cheese, grew immediately intolerant of any wine less than 90s the dozen), said the Cecil cared for nothing longer than a fortnight, unless it was his horse, Forest King. Under Two Flags
  • All the man saw was a bright azure sky, bright white clouds moving about like sea lions chasing one another, and a bright shining sun that warmed his face.
  • The only positive aspect that has emerged from the meeting is the fact that more objective members have started questioning the sudden conversion of Zuma into a friend of the workers and the masses.
  • Students decked up as traditional warriors, zulu tribals and khakhi-clad men ready to go into the bush, welcomed the guests.
  • People who live in areas of the southeastern United States where kudzu has overgrown everything have little good to say about this Japanese import.
  • Neither carbamazepine nor phenytoin are effective in preventing recurrent febrile seizures.
  • _ That's what I do want to know, zoa come along -- Woo ye though -- Missus, let's behave pratty -- Zur if you pleaze, Dame and I will let you walk along wi 'us. Speed the Plough A Comedy, In Five Acts; As Performed At The Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
  • It's better to box the ears than to talk behind someone's back. That spoils the atmosphere ?FC Bayern M?nchen defender Bixente Lizarazu after he hit teammate Niko Kovac in the face during training.
  • Romanji: koi ga setsunai to sugu soba de kizuita ano yoru datte hoka no dare yori anata no koto wo shitteiru kara itsumo no sarigenai yasashisa sae kono mune wo shimetsuketeku konna ni, konna ni, chikaku de mitsumete mo doushite, doushite, tada no tomodachi na no donna ni, donna ni, tsuyoku omotteitemo tsutaerarenai SachinKRaj - The Blog
  • Shield: Or, a diminished bordure Vert, on a chief indented Azure, two fleurs-de-lis of the first.
  • PhD opportunity in geophysical / geochemical process modeling of magma emplacement and fluid exsolution: Zurich, Switzerland Science jobs from ETH Zurich: job description Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • She is embarrassed by everything and accordingly cursed in her ownership of Theo, a tricky little shih-tzu.
  • The Pre-Parliament was an obvious failure and Lenin continued to bombard his lieutenants with demands for a forcible seizure of power.
  • Viagra kann Ihnen dabei helfen, schneller nach dem Orgasmus zum nachsten Partner. Matthew Yglesias » What Might Have Been
  • Typhoon Roke first made landfall in the tourist town of Hamamatsu in Shizuoka prefecture at about 2 p.m. local time Wednesday, knocking over trucks and ripping roofs from homes, then crawled up Japan's Honshu island. Storm Strikes Central Japan
  • Needless to say, neither Andrew Wilkow nor his remora, Nick Rizzuto, is a punk. Chez Pazienza: With Friends Like These...
  • Tell your doctor if you had a seizure or got delirious when you tried to stop drinking before.
  • Overall about half the participants had a seizure during follow-up.
  • Under an azure sky at Almondvale, horizontal trenches marked the areas where undersoil heating was being installed.
  • Also unique to Portugal are the decorative tiles known as azulejos.
  • For some reason, children's bodies are less able to control high temperatures and fevers and sometimes this seems to cause a seizure.
  • I would recommend Vladimir Horowitz's recordings of the études and mazurkas, Artur Rubinstein's recordings of the polonaises and concertos, and Luiz de Moura-Castro's recordings of the ‘Ballade in G minor’ and the nocturnes.
  • Thanks to the pioneering op, she has just one or two seizures a week - and that is expected to improve. The Sun
  • He said the police were forced to show results and intonated that if his client, Mr Zulu, was refused bail it would be a notch on the police's belt. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He had azure coloured eyes and flaxen hair with indigo streaks.
  • However, now that the digest is finished (until next month), Spooky's is making me go Outside today to see my neurologist, because the seizure was that bad. "We think we've climbed so high, Up all the backs we've condemned..."
  • Una sagte dann noch, dass sie gerne das Buch lesen würde, sofern es eine englische Übersetzung geben wird. Guest Author: Michelle Raven
  • Co-trainer Lou Duva said he thought his fighter had a seizure or anxiety attack.
  • Among the other Buddhist works is Suzuki Kiitsu ' s sublime 19th-century scroll painting of Sho-Kannon, who sits tranquilly on a floating lotus, backed by a golden moon and brilliant blue sky. In Search of Beauty
  • To combine an anticonvulsive with aspartame to make seizures more likely is outrageous. Epilepsy Study Incriminates Aspartame in Medications
  • Each dinner sounded more delectable than the one before: roasted local grass-fed goat loin chops with farro-spinach salad and sweet onion soubise, kombu cured fluke with yuzu, brown butter, wakame and preserved nori, a dinner ... Not Eating Out in New York » 2009 » April
  • In Washington, Hoyos said that roughly 1,500 rebels are hiding out in Venezuela and he showed fellow diplomats numerous aerial photographs of what he identified as rebel camps on Venezuelan territory. Venezuela Severs Diplomatic Ties With Colombia
  • Our data cofirm previous evidences, that long-term neuronal consequences of high-dose cholinergic activation are not necessarily derived from prolonged seizure activation (as seen in SE) PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This corrupt and bureaucratized organization, which by its own account formally represents barely 12 percent of Venezuelan workers, is among the closest allies of the US AFL-CIO.
  • He looked out to the azure ocean, out to the horizon where sea met sky.
  • At the moment the hot picks are avocado, pomegranates, yuzu goji chia tea, urple ... The Sun
  • For the garlic ponzu sauce: In a medium bowl, combine the soy sauce, rice vinegar citrus vinegar, mirin, yuzu peel, bonito flakes, and konbu.
  • Otani then remembers that he bought her a souvenir from the concert, an Umibozu towel! Lovely Complex ep 14 « Undercover
  • The disease causes sleep disorders, mental confusion, personality changes, speech problems, seizures and coma.
  • He pulled on the large block knocker, and smiled to see the mezuzah on the door-post. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • Quando sono ben freddi, si spalma sulla base una confettura a scelta (io preferisco quella di rosa canina perchè ha una consistenza che adoro, tipo una gelatina liquida, in più non è dolce), si appiccica la parte superiore precedentemente spolverizzata di zucchero a velo. Ovis Mollis « Baking History
  • The foregoing is excerpted from Judgment Ridge by Dick Lehr and Mitchell Zuckoff.
  • A two-year-old girl presented with a generalized seizure with tonic - clonic movements of all extremities.
  • Perhaps I should mention my bugbear is when zucchini are called courgette in English/Italian cookbooks ; Zucchini Velouté
  • The Japanese artists ISOBE Katsushiro and MIZUNO Ryo continue to follow Japanese beau ideal style, one draws the insect world with his pencils, another builds the weird atmosphere with his ball pens.
  • Professor Mike Zubkov from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton presents his study on bacterioplankton consumption at the Society for General Microbiology's spring meeting in Edinburgh today. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Garret Westerfield was taken with a seizure or fit.
  • In ancient heraldry a bendlet azure on a coat was a mark of cadency.
  • To study these reclusive animals, he wades barefoot through the swamps of Venezuela's llanos wetlands ecosystem in search of his water-dwelling subjects.
  • The black sludge from Venezuela is processed into a variety of petroleum products.
  • Fortunately, she elected to remain in hospital as she and her unborn baby were both suffering seizures from addiction withdrawal.
  • As for Sun Tzu himself, his life and military career is primarily depicted by a number of extras engaged in wuxia-style twirling warfare. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • There were two dishes of good yellowtail and sea bass, fanned on a plate and dressed with garlic sauce and ponzu respectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • Izumi was standing in the middle of vast darkness, so dark that not even a farthing of dust or any particle could be seen.
  • Wash and slice three zucchinis thinly with your magnificent mandoline.
  • Lasky and Zukor were Jews, landsmen, and Cecil was only half a landsman, and not even that much emotionally. Empire of Dreams
  • The rest of his person was sheathed in the complete mail of the time, richly inlaid with silver, which contrasted with the azure in which the steel was damasked. Count Robert of Paris
  • Among the Oriental dogs produced are the Shih Tzu, the Pekingese, the Chow Chow, the Lhasa Apso, the Spitz, and the Pug.
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  • Kg4 Black is in zugzwang and must lose the pawn on g6. Lubomir Kavalek: Pitching a Perfect Chess Game
  • The Razumovskiy carries smoked or cured sturgeon and salmon for between 31 and 75 roubles for 100 grams.
  • Though Zuckerberg had stayed coolheaded during the News Feed crisis, the young CEO was now unnerved. The Facebook Effect
  • Koizumi has argued that it will take three years of tough economic times to fix the banks, put deadbeat corporate borrowers out of business, and set the stage for a new period of growth.
  • Labels: 2009 mayoral election, craig x rubin, David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg, david hernandez, phil jennerjahn, The Great Debate, walter moore Archive 2009-02-01
  • From here you can look north to some of the finest coastal scenery in Britain with islands, white sands and azure blue seas - a view rivalling much more exotic destinations.
  • There are other kinds of generalized seizures that are basically inhibitory, like briefly turning off a switch.
  • Bilateral agreements were also signed such as those between Chile and Argentina, and between Mexico and Venezuela, as well as the trilateral agreement involving Venezuela, Argentina and Mexico.
  • Another of the Scarlet mages who slew the Azure ones is camped very close to me, and had the dawn watch.
  • Famblee an frendz kno tew jus start tawkin an iffen ai kan ai wil pikkup….moastlee….unles ahm tyred…er annoyd….er crankeeier tahn uzuzl….inn wich kaise tehy prolly doan wanna tawk tew meh aneewai! But Iz don’t wants to be baptized and welcome ceiling - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • His fricassee of snails contains the spicy Japanese condiment red yuzu kosho, local fiddlehead ferns and resinous Greek mastic infused with English peas. Snails Quicken Their Culinary Pace
  • The depictions of birds and flowers were executed in precious materials including lapis lazuli, agate, Sicilian red and green jasper, chalcedony, amethyst and quartz as well as superb hard stones.
  • Focal neurologic deficits such as hemiparesis, speech difficulties (dominant hemisphere involvement), and visual field defects gradually ensue ipsilateral to the side of seizures.
  • Prohibit and use vitamin B6, hibernant spirit, actor falls candy, reserpine, because these medicine can reduce Zun Xuan much cling to curative effect.
  • His old fellow made his tin by selling jalap to Zulus or some bloody swindle or other. Ulysses
  • The disease causes sleep dicordersdisorders, mental confusion, personality changes, speech problems, seizures and coma.
  • The clam pizza at Zuppardi's in West Haven, Connecticut, for example, is made with just shucked clams and a hint of fresh garlic on a perfectly blistered pizza crust. Robert Rosenthal: One Woman's Disgusting Clam Is Another Man's Pleasure To Eat
  • A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. Lao Tzu 
  • If "yours truly" ever gets a large bunch of the mazuma Love Letters of a Rookie to Julie
  • I’m going with Cuban Celia Cruz (“Cabecita de algodon … azuca!!!”) and Puerto Rican Rita Moreno (“Weeeeeeeeeeeepa!”). Thirteen Songstresses I Admire
  • You were supposed to pretend to be in a seizure and we go in there, right?
  • I have the most unusual dipping sauce recipe for mizutaki or Chinese styled hotpot (Asian fondue) that uses fresh tarragon. Sukiyaki at Kappo
  • Grate the zucchini using the large holes of a cheese grater.
  • No, if other things as great in the Church, and in the rule of life both economical and political, be not looked into and reformed, we have looked so long upon the blaze that Zuinglius and Calvin hath beaconed up to us, that we are stark blind. Areopagitica
  • Though operators admit that the beautiful packaging, such as Porfidio's handblown bottle with a cactus inside and Lapiz Azulis pyramid-shaped bottles, do spark interest, some worry about rising costs.
  • Kazu Kibuishi, the creator of the Amulet graphic novels and other works, will sign books and talk about the artistic process on Saturday afternoon, September 12th, at Gallery Nucleus, in Alhambra, CA. Chicken Spaghetti:
  • Buthelezi called on his supporters to resist the ANC-led central government, which he claimed was trying to "emasculate" KwaZulu-Natal, which is controlled by the IFP. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez called off drastic energy rationing in Caracas after a chaotic first day of staggered blackouts angered his supporters, but the measures will continue across the country. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Wakashan researches 129 on the habitat of the Haeltzuk 130 Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891
  • Such unthrifty Shih Tzu puppies may respond positively to a few milliliters of raw liver juice fed daily for their first few weeks.
  • The false cenotaph in the public upper chamber was in white marble, the color of freshly drawn milk, inlaid profusely with stylized flowers in tiers—a lapis lazuli blue, a jasper red, a bloodstone black, an agate and sard brown, a carnelian orange, a chlorite and jade green, and a yellow limestone. Shadow Princess
  • From there one goes to Pozzuoli which is called Sorrento the Great, built by Zur, son of Hadadezer, when he fled in fear of David the king. The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela
  • De floof iz flyin fik hear boyz, it bin a pleazur too surb wiht awl ob yoo… iz it gettin dawk in hea? IM HIT! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The red kind is that ufed in medicine, qnder the name cf Armcniiin bole; an indurated kind of Chap. ij,3 Lapis Lazuliy Rotten Stoncy &? The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated: On the Principles of Modern Philosophy. By G ...
  • They sell new potatoes, baby eggplant, tender zucchini, diminutive brassicas, cherry tomatoes, and more.
  • It appears that the charismatic Parker's first contribution is to hypnotise Zuckerberg, his second to marginalise Saverin, his third to hold out the prospect of big hedge-fund money, and the fourth to suggest shortening the title to "Facebook". The Social Network – review
  • Carbamazepine has been demonstrated to decrease seizure activity in animals with electrically and chemically induced seizures. 5 It is believed to act by, "reducing polysynaptic responses and blocking the post-tetanic potentiation. Carbamazepine
  • It was not until after she had suffered a seizure and been taken to A&E that a brain scan was arranged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jemanden mit einem Schuh zu schlagen oder ihm die Schuhsohle zu zeigen und ihn einen Hund zu nennen - ein Tier, das im Nahen Osten als unrein gilt - das sind in der arabischen Welt die vielleicht schlimmsten Arten, einen Menschen zu beleidigen." thanks Karim Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • But when she isn't around, to paraphrase Philip Roth's Nathan Zuckerman, another belayer will do. A Match Made in Canada
  • Und vielen Dank auch an dich, Nalini, für das Interview und die Möglichkeit, deinen Lesern etwas über mein neues Buch zu erzählen. Guest Author: Michelle Raven
  • They dropped the gennaker and went into the 360 deg turn around the pin end of the line with Azzurra approaching fast. NZ On Screen
  • Secondly, at the time of the Mayans there was no extensive agriculture in Venezuela.
  • He criticised central government for seeking to "emasculate" the Zulu Kingdom by reducing it to an administrative centre with no political power. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Epilepsy refers to recurrent seizures that reflect aberrant electrical activity of cerebral cortical neurons.
  • This pill is a combination of an appetite suppressant and antiseizure medication, according to my research guy. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'll have the lobster with truffle-yuzu sauce, thanks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nukeba tamachiru nagai no yaiba da nure kami de mo kayo ni kireru, tadaima yatsu ga wo kiri chi wo tomete goran ni ireru; to maru de kiru yo [u] desu ga ha (yaiba) no aru tokoro wa madzu no kata bakari de, moto no kata wa yaiba ga hiite aru yue, sono ha hiku no tokoro wo ude he ataru to suji ga tsuku bakari de kire washimasen ga, tanka ga kireru kara, chiwa taki-tsu se no gotoku nagareru. The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari Tales of the Tokugawa, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • The etiology of preeclampsia is unknown, but widespread pathologic changes can result in pulmonary edema, oliguria, seizures, thrombocytopenia, and abnormal liver enzymes.
  • Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez prays during an ecumenic ceremony for his health and cancer treatment in Caracas - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In early fall, porcini mushrooms and zucchini blossoms are just such a pair.
  • Zuberski, who preferred to be called Zuber, had had his hour of fame. Maigret and the Reluctant Witness
  • The hot, high Sun in the middle of an azure blue wash - straight out of a David Hockney painting, the metal men stood erect, gazing out to sea in all their metalled nakedness.
  • Clinical manifestations of overdose include agitation, hallucinations, psychosis, lethargy, seizures, tachycardia, dysrhythmia, hypertension, and hyperthermia.
  • To study Wang Zuoliang's translation version of Thunderstorm with the guidance of Relevance-Adaptation Model, it is easy to find out some authentic and unauthentic translation examples.
  • ~ Gabapentin Shown Effective For Fibromyalgia Pain -- "New research supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases NIAMS shows that the anticonvulsant medication gabapentin, which is used for certain types of seizures, can be an effective treatment for the pain and other symptoms associated with the common, often hard-to-treat chronic pain disorder, fibromyalgia. Speedlinking 6/14/07
  • They went to the cosmodrome at Plesetsk, along with other young scientists from Edinburgh and Zurich and a party from the European Space Agency.
  • Aifinkso teh pore kitteh nawt memburz hur iz poyzun adn swallowd sum spitz when hur wuz grooming. I can’t go on any further……. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City. The Lovecraft News Network
  • Higher exposures (any route) cause loss of consciousness, seizures, muscle fasciculations, flaccid paralysis, copious secretions, apnea, and death. - Articles related to Kill weeds with help from the sun
  • But I don't think there is anything that can't be dipped in buttermilk dressing, from fried squash, zucchini, green tomatoes, and even the latest thing-fried pickles, that buttermilk dressing doesn't make extra delicious. Buttermilk dressing | Homesick Texan
  • The problem is that the glands of the toad secrete another chemical known as bufotenine, a compound that is found in a hallucinogenic snuff made from a plant by Indians of the upper Orinoco in Venezuela. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • President Nelson Mandela last night, Sunday, 25 February 1996, consulted Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi telephonically on the date and venue of the meeting with KwaZulu-Natal amakhosi, which is to precede the planned imbizo. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • And when we go out, we find other simple Korean foods at Korean cafés, pronounced "kah-pae" since there is no natural "f" sound in the Korean language ; Way back in grade school Texas, Dad absolutely insisted we name our shih-tzu Buffy. Archive 2005-07-01
  • But as the full seizure of power by the Nazis became imminent, and as Stalin colluded with it more and more openly, he abandoned mere class analysis, as in the following passage: The Old Man
  • Venezuela is the world's fifth largest oil exporter.
  • Zucchini croquettes were my second choice, fried in batter, but without the slightest hint of grease, they were light and extremely tasty.
  • When I do get a seizure aura, it is this: the world goes greyscale. Tew's Day!
  • The Sun Bombs, executions, poverty... welcome to Anzhi FC, Mr Eto'o - 2 hrs ago United gazump Chelsea's swap for 'outstanding' winger - reports - 16 hrs ago TalkSport Man United after Juventus ace - 17 hrs ago The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. BBC News - Home
  • The lead underwriter of the CDO was a unit of Japan's Mizuho Financial Group Inc. The SEC also is trying to determine if S&P overrode its own internal controls when it continued to assign the deal its highest rating after the actual assets were traded into the deal, these people said. Rating Firms' Asset Game

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