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How To Use Zoology In A Sentence

  • Jonathan, who has degrees in zoology and hydrobiology, worked as a government ecologist and lectured at a local university into the 1990s. - News
  • Tiktaalik would have breathed like a lungfish, says Clack, senior assistant curator at Cambridge's University Museum of Zoology.
  • Castoffs such Mullock, waste water and exhaust gas produced by coal mining pollute environment , destroy zoology and lose economy.
  • Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
  • This focus on evaluating the evidence for ‘cryptids’ is continued by the International Society for Cryptozoology.
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  • She holds a honors bachelor of Science degree from University of Toronto, specializing in zoology and behavior. Mummy Skeleton | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • His work included zoology, Arabic grammar, poetry, rhetoric and lexicography.
  • Would attempts to track and rediscover presumed-extinct species fall into the realm of cryptozoology?
  • It has a track record of exposing frauds, gives space to sceptical views, and sparks debate about controversial subjects - such as ‘Is cryptozoology a science?’
  • T H. Huxley, too, had an enormous influence on Morgan, training him in zoology when Morgan returned to London for postgraduate study not long after his geology degree.
  • For many years I had a keen interest in the supernatural, UFOs, cryptozoology, etc.
  • Scientific botany and zoology dealt not with the dynamics of whole living organisms in the field but with dissection of fragments in the laboratory.
  • His first love, though, was cryptozoology, the hunt for hidden animal species. Times, Sunday Times
  • The award stems from his excellent 2005 paper ‘Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity in sauropods and its implications for mass estimates’: required reading here at Tetrapod Zoology Towers (free pdf available here). Matt Wedel: officially, a bastard
  • I have a strong interest in cryptozoology, but I prefer to pair it with, rather than set it into opposition, with what physiological, zoological and forensic knowledge I possess.
  • Some more cryptozoology - this time it's lake monsters in China.
  • [18] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Might they reflect my ‘real’ interests, or might they perhaps indicate which areas within tetrapod zoology are currently the most happening, interesting or sexy? Archive 2007-01-01
  • This is a weekly delve into cryptozoology, ufology, medical marvels, scientific wonders, strange facts or weird goings-on.
  • Veerle Linseele is a Ph.D. student in archaeozoology at the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Staff Profiles
  • But I had applied to university to read zoology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's and take a look at this website, this is a website dedicated to ichthyology, which is a form of zoology that concentrates on fish. CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2007
  • I studied plants and plant evolution for the last six to seven years in the states and was in charge of science at the museum, mainly anthropology and zoology.
  • My son wishes to pursue a career in medical research, so the plant biology, zoology and ecology are not relevant for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • This conference presents papers from academics and postgraduates working in disciplines as diverse as Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Film Studies, Palaeontology, Zoology, Theatre, and Theoretical Physics: on the Emergence of the Posthuman Subject. Ballardian » The Emergence of the Posthuman Subject
  • I did my doctorate in zoology, in very basic science - development and evolution.
  • In many ways this text also serves as an introduction to anatomy, zoology, nutrition, water chemistry and animal husbandry.
  • Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to Lamarck's theory of evolution asserted that evolution occurs because organisms are able to inherit traits acquired by their ancestors which is an idea rejected by the current scientific community. did not propose an evolutionary process for a species to transform into a more complex version. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The offspring of a long line of doctors, Mayr chose instead to concentrate his considerable intellectual abilities in the field of zoology, with a special interest in ornithology.
  • the zoology of the Pliocene epoch
  • He contributed an immense amount of research in vertebrate and invertebrate zoology and paleontology, and also wrote and lectured on the history of science.
  • The _gwyniad_ (Caregonus) is peculiar to certain waters, as those of Bala Lake, and is fully described by Thomas Pennant in his _Zoology_ (1776). Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • But paranormal research and cryptozoology are littered with cases that were deemed irrefutable evidence of the paranormal, only to full apart upon further investigation or hoaxer confessions.
  • His experiences under the direction of these two distinguished parasitologists, whose outstanding discoveries in protozoology and helminthology are well-known, must have been very valuable. Thomas H. Weller - Biography
  • He received his Ph.D. in 1902 working on the behavior of planarians and stayed on as instructor of zoology until 1906.
  • The article reviews conservation efforts being taken to protect the highly endangered saola, as highlighted in a recent issue of Science, and notes the increasing recognition afforded to cryptozoology within mainstream science. posted by Chad Arment @ 6: 09 PM Archive 2006-12-01
  • Our allegiances are divided between protozoology, phycology, parasitology, mycology, protistology, plant pathology and myriad other professional societies and their journals.
  • Nice to see a fellow progger here on a tetrapod zoology list. Why I hate Darwin’s beard
  • One of the most asked about questions I’ve encountered in tetrapod zoology concerns the mysterious seals of Siberia’s Lake Baikal. The most inconvenient seal
  • Adonis _Adonis_ apropos _apropo_ bowsprit _bowsprit_ brooch _broch_ not _broosh_ compromise _compromize_ jowl _jol_, not like _owl_ molecular _molecular_ ogle _ogle_ trow _tro_ vocable _vocable_ zoology _zoology_, not _zoo_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • He then began to teach genetics to students of both botany and zoology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps it's time for cryptozoology to come in from the cold.
  • There he studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany and zoology.
  • For the purpose of the present discourse, however, I shall recognise none of these titles save the last, which I shall employ as the equivalent of botanist, and I shall use the term zoology as denoting the whole doctrine of animal life, in contradistinction to botany, which signifies the whole doctrine of vegetable life. Essays
  • During the expedition, which lasted more than three months, its members performed research work in glaciology, meteorology, geophysics, geology, geochemistry, mineralogy, hydrogeology, zoology, botany, and ecology.
  • Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at Oxford, stated: "In any case, no real evolutionist, whether gradualist or punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation. Exploring Our Matrix - And Why Intelligent Design Forced Me To Leave The Church
  • Though her work in the early years of her education focused on pre-med and zoology, Jamison says she had done undergraduate work in psychology and ‘found the questions in psychology fascinating.’
  • Timm et al. (2005) argued that the lack of a type specimen means that Lophocebus kipunji ‘is not an available name and has no formal standing in zoology’ (p. 2163) and Landry (2005) argued that the authors should have published ‘all of the excellent descriptive material and their quite convincing case for calling it new, without, however, naming it’ (p. 2164). Archive 2006-06-01
  • The choice is made on the basis of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology, or hydrology.
  • It features stories on such topics as anomalous astronomical phenomena, anomalies in the physical sciences, scientific hoaxes and cryptozoology.
  • Zoology is retreated is farmland area reductive land advocate element.
  • At present our school accept post-doctoral researchers in 9 majors which are botany, zoology, physiology, genetics hydrobiology , microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, ecology and biophysics.
  • Basically discuss zoology economy productivity form, attribute and its combination form.
  • Adonis _Adonis_ apropos _apropo_ bowsprit _bowsprit_ brooch _broch_ not _broosh_ compromise _compromize_ jowl _jol_, not like _owl_ molecular _molecular_ ogle _ogle_ trow _tro_ vocable _vocable_ zoology _zoology_, not _zoo_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • [17] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Examples of the tragedies caused by the scientific fraud that is vivisection include thalidomide and roaccutane which caused horrific birth deformities, clioquinol which causes blindness in humans, and the sleeping tablet halcion which caused serious mental disturbances," Miller, a zoology honours graduate, said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It was perhaps partly this love of detail that led him to lepidoptery in the first place, and would eventually result in his spending six years as semiofficial curator of Lepidoptera at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, often working fourteen hours a day. Wildwood
  • He is a little too fond of building huge abstract entities on the back of discoveries from anthropology, zoology and neuroscience.
  • It explains and supports findings in scientific areas ranging from botany to zoology and embryology to neuroscience.
  • See Mr. Pennant\ Britifh Zoology Vol. 3.p. 43. where it is called the beaked Whale, and very well defcribed; a drawing is feen in the explanatory table, n. Travels into North America : containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curiou
  • My son wishes to pursue a career in medical research, so the plant biology, zoology and ecology are not relevant for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • His experiences under the direction of these two distinguished parasitologists, whose outstanding discoveries in protozoology and helminthology are well-known, must have been very valuable. Thomas H. Weller - Biography
  • Thus one school friend stopped our career master in his tracks by announcing that he planned to study zoology.
  • [16] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Contradictories as _No centaurs play the lyre -- Some centaurs do play the lyre_; or _All unicorns fight with lions -- Some unicorns do not fight with lions_, are both meaningless, because in Zoology there are no centaurs nor unicorns; and, therefore, in this reference, the propositions are not really contradictory. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • 8. Anatomy, Zoology. a baglike or pocketlike part; a sac or cyst, as the sac beneath the bill of pelicans, the saclike dilation of the cheeks of gophers, or the receptacle for the young of marsupials. They Got the Idea From the Lesbian Seagull « Whatever
  • Patrick Bateson is professor of ethology at the University of Cambridge's zoology department, of which he has also been head.
  • Instead, he opted to read zoology and gained a 2:1. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of haven low-level repeat construction, will make the destruction of the zoology of river of coastal, edge and sex of environmental go to wreck.
  • Zoology was the basic course of biological science.
  • I would like to brush up my zoology.
  • I will warn you, pre-emptively, that the affinities and ancestry of turtles is one of the most controversial subjects within tetrapod zoology .... Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
  • Once, on a three-months 'reaction-drive voyage from Yggdrasill to Loki, he had taught a couple of professors of extraterrestrial zoology to play _kriegspiel_, and before the end of the trip, he was being horrified by the callous disregard they showed for casualties. Uller Uprising
  • Exhibits included displays showing skeptical explanations of paranormal claims such as UFOs, the purported moon landing hoax, cryptozoology, and astrology.
  • Similarly, the best criticisms in areas such as ufology and cryptozoology come from critics within those protosciences.
  • Evolutionary biologists uncover the history of life on Earth from geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, biogeography, comparative anatomy and physiology, genetics, and so on.
  • [21] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • My college zoology is forty years past. but I remember a Roberts or Robertsons natural law that applies to all mammals. My wife and I disagree on how deer in the south are small compared to the deer up in the north.
  • Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of salivary bacteria.
  • The Zoology Department where it is housed has neither money nor expertise to maintain it.
  • The coverage of research is extensive enough that it should be useful to researchers, but the book is written for a more general audience making it suitable as a supplementary text for a general zoology or herpetology course.
  • The library didn't stock zoology textbooks.
  • But the desire for a deeper understanding of the forest and its creatures led him back to Moscow to study zoology.
  • Returning to Odessa, Mechnikov visited Vienna on the way and explained his ideas to Claus, Professor of Zoology there and it was Claus who suggested the term phagocyte for the mobile cells which act in this way. Ilya Mechnikov - Biography
  • Costly signal" theory is very common in zoology and biology/evolutionary theory. Is "Costly Signal" Such an Obscure Concept?
  • As a younger woman, Fisher got her Ph.D. in zoology from Rutgers University and did postdoctorate work there at the medical school. The Wrong Woman To Pass Over
  • The choice is made on the basis of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology, or hydrology.
  • Adonis _Adonis_ apropos _apropo_ bowsprit _bowsprit_ brooch _broch_ not _broosh_ compromise _compromize_ jowl _jol_, not like _owl_ molecular _molecular_ ogle _ogle_ trow _tro_ vocable _vocable_ zoology _zoology_, not _zoo_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • On March 23, first trying raised zoology pig column smoothly.
  • In the introduction, the editors argue that environmental history draws on a number of scientific fields, including ecology, botany, zoology, bacteriology, medicine, geology, physics, and chemistry.
  • A study of cryptozoology gave me nightmares for weeks when I was younger.
  • Gene's studies in zoology began at age 15 at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
  • Adonis _Adonis_ apropos _apropo_ bowsprit _bowsprit_ brooch _broch_ not _broosh_ compromise _compromize_ jowl _jol_, not like _owl_ molecular _molecular_ ogle _ogle_ trow _tro_ vocable _vocable_ zoology _zoology_, not _zoo_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • The Zoology Department was located on the west wing of the main building of the Science Faculty.
  • Castoffs such Mullock, waste water and exhaust gas produced by coal mining pollute environment , destroy zoology and lose economy.
  • Our allegiances are divided between protozoology, phycology, parasitology, mycology, protistology, plant pathology and myriad other professional societies and their journals.
  • Chinese government takes zoology construction and protection seriously very much.
  • In geology, zoology, botany it might mean collecting samples. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • The green luxuriance which characterizes so many of the more ancient fortalices of Scotland seems satisfactorily accounted for, by Dr Fleming, in his ‘Zoology of the Bass.’
  • Years later he has combined his love for zoology with his appreciation of the female form.
  • Cryptozoology - the study of species sighted by explorers or recorded in folklore but unverified by formal science - is booming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though her work in the early years of her education focused on pre-med and zoology, Jamison says she had done undergraduate work in psychology and ‘found the questions in psychology fascinating.’
  • When the war ended, he was over 50, and instead of returning to mouse genetics he retreated into more general physiology and zoology.
  • After spotting the amphicyons and the slightly scaled up trilophodons in The Two Towers, it wasn't suprising to see that Peter Jackson and WETA Digital had gone back to their paleozoology text books for The Return Of The King. More of Peter Jackson's palaeozoology
  • While in a kibbutz, I saw a poster advertising a summer's program at Hebrew University in desert zoology, and I enrolled.
  • In geology, zoology, botany it might mean collecting samples. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • For the purposes of the present discourse, however, I shall recognise none of these titles save the last, which I shall employ as the equivalent of botanist, and I shall use the term zoology as denoting the whole doctrine of animal life, in contradistinction to botany, which signifies the whole doctrine of vegetable life. Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews
  • In addition to her academic work, Rebecca has taught introductory biology, zoology, and entomology labs.
  • The Staff has thus chosen to single him out not only as the founder of medical protozoology, a branch of medicine that has reached a striking level of development in recent years; but also as the man responsible for experiments and discoveries - followed up until recently - which ensure his continued pre-eminence in this field. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1907 - Presentation Speech
  • Cryptozoology - the study of species sighted by explorers or recorded in folklore but unverified by formal science - is booming. Times, Sunday Times
  • He demonstrated that it was possible to convert amateur natural history into professional zoology by the straight forward device of quantified observation.
  • One of my favourite ‘fringe’ subjects within tetrapod zoology concerns the alleged ability of eagles to attack and kill unusually large mammals, including people. Archive 2006-01-01
  • In college, Horwich studied zoology, but he quickly became disenchanted.
  • It might be worth asking how ‘real’ that is, though - a lot of cryptozoology shares a border with folklore studies.
  • Once, on a three-months 'reaction-drive voyage from Yggdrasill to Loki, he had taught a couple of professors of extraterrestrial zoology to play kriegspiel, and before the end of the trip, he was being horrified by the callous disregard they showed for casualties. Uller Uprising
  • Adonis _Adonis_ apropos _apropo_ bowsprit _bowsprit_ brooch _broch_ not _broosh_ compromise _compromize_ jowl _jol_, not like _owl_ molecular _molecular_ ogle _ogle_ trow _tro_ vocable _vocable_ zoology _zoology_, not _zoo_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • His first love, though, was cryptozoology, the hunt for hidden animal species. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such situations are commonly found in other taxonomic disciplines, such as zoology and botany.
  • But we all have our weaknesses, and mine seems to be cryptozoology.
  • My son wishes to pursue a career in medical research, so the plant biology, zoology and ecology are not relevant for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • He then began to teach genetics to students of both botany and zoology. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you remember your zoology classes well, a ‘stag’ is also a male deer, with antlers.
  • To round out his background before leaving, Lewis went to Philadelphia to study botany, zoology and navigation.
  • He received his BA in Zoology from Oxford and his PhD from Bristol before doing a post-doctorate with future Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen at the Wildfowl Trust.
  • It runs the only official ecotourism center in Iran as well as training courses for ecotour leaders in the fields of zoology, ornithology, botany, geography, history, photography, outdoor sports, anthropology, and more. Karin Kloosterman: Eco-Touring in the Middle East: How About Jordan, Iran and Lebanon?
  • But I have degrees in zoology and 12 years 'experience handling animals. Dave Salmoni Shares His Fatal Attractions
  • On March 23, first trying raised zoology pig column smoothly.
  • He was appointed a demonstrator in zoology at Cambridge in 1882, becoming a fellow of St John's College and a university lecturer in invertebrate morphology in 1884.
  • According to zoology, the origin of blue bull is not traced to the species of cow.
  • In 1967, embryology, invertebrate zoology, neurobiology, and physiology were the major summer courses of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole.
  • They cover logic, ethics, metaphysics, physics, zoology, politics, rhetoric, and poetics.
  • Because this people offered zoology home, yield ( the concept of EDP ).
  • Obelia is used in many zoology textbooks to exemplify the Hydrozoa life cycle.
  • If I were to produce a list of the 100 most exciting discoveries made in tetrapod zoology within the last few years (which I won’t), then up there in the top 20 - at least - would be the Kayan Mentarang animal. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The founder of protozoology was him - self firmly opposed to the notion that his “animalcules” could have arisen from the putrefying matter that made up their usual environment. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION
  • Similarly, the best criticisms in areas such as ufology and cryptozoology come from critics within those protosciences.
  • Dr Clode was a zookeeper in Adelaide, did her doctorate in zoology at Oxford, and is now doing her research at the University of Melbourne.
  • My son wishes to pursue a career in medical research, so the plant biology, zoology and ecology are not relevant for him. Times, Sunday Times

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