How To Use Zircon In A Sentence

  • To overcome this problem, the Purdue researchers developed a means to create LEDs on low-cost, metal-coated silicon wafers, whereby the the silicon substrate is metalized with a built-in reflective layer of zirconium nitride. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Low Cost LED Technology
  • The main constituent phases of these rocks are plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, quartz and K-feldspar, and accessory phases include magnetite, sphene, zircon and apatite.
  • The quartzite shows granoblastic and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varying from coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minor microcrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and iron oxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon." link Archive 2008-03-01
  • Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) reinforced hydroxyapatite (HA) bio-composite coatings on polyimide (PI) substrate had been developed by R.
  • A zirconium-based alloy exhibits 2.5 times the strength of some titanium alloys.
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  • The quartzite shows granoblastic and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varying from coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minor microcrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and iron oxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon." link Archive 2008-03-01
  • We also observe very fine rims of apparent new zircon of enigmatic origin at lower grade in the aureole.
  • Examples of transition metals include vanadium, chromium, iron, cobalt, manganese, nickel, scandium, yttrium, zirconium, silver, and gold.
  • Like zircon, quartz, plagioclase, biotite and hornblende, major phenocryst phases, also show variable resorbtion effects.
  • True, in the august presence of rhombohedral crystals, retinasphaltic resins, gehlenites, Fassaites, molybdenites, tungstates of manganese, and titanite of zirconium, why, the most facile of tongues may make a slip now and then. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • It and many other old zircons come from metamorphosed sediments deposited in river deltas some 3 billion years ago in what is now southwestern Australia.
  • This study provides a fundamental understanding of how ions move in scandia-doped zirconia, and shows the material is very stable. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The majority of the zircon crystals from the three samples are light yellow, well-faceted, acicular crystals with few to no signs of mechanical abrasion.
  • Rhodium - plated Y - necklace with 2 differently sized Blue Zircon crystals; snake chain.
  • In overheated reactors, water can react with zirconium to produce hydrogen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pegmatite is composed of microcline, plagioclase and quartz with minor amounts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, ilmenite and zircon.
  • They contain lithium-aluminate pellets lined with zirconium, and are clad into long pencil-shaped, stainless steel rods. Robert Alvarez: Future Supply of New Tritium Explosive for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Doubt
  • Elements such as rubidium, zirconium, and aluminum are mostly incorporated into human biochemistry as a consequence of their association with essential elements present in the human diet.
  • The fuel pellets (usually about 1 cm diameter and 1.5 cm long) are typically arranged in a long zirconium alloy (zircaloy) tube to form a fuel rod, the zirconium being hard, corrosion-resistant and permeable to neutrons. Nuclear power reactor
  • The dominant non-clay mineral composition of the coarse fraction consists of biotite, quartz, and sanidine with lesser amounts of apatite and zircon.
  • One person had a one-carat diamond while the rest had cubic zirconia. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is probably identical with the lighure of (Exodus 28: 19) The Jacinth or hyacinth is a red variety of zircon, which is found in square prisms of a white, gray, red, reddish-brown, yellow or pale-green color. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • This number coincides with the atomic volumes of zirconium (21.7), cerium (21.1), lanthanum (22.6), and didymium Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
  • One person had a one-carat diamond while the rest had cubic zirconia. Times, Sunday Times
  • In her right hand she carried a scepter, and in the top of the wand was a small zirconium. GING GANG GOOLIE IT'S AN ALIEN
  • Titanium is found in column four along with chemically similar zirconium, hafnium, and thorium.
  • Plagioclase, microcline and quartz are the predominating minerals, while biotite, titanite, epidote, apatite, zircon and garnet are present in smaller quantities. The Long Labrador Trail
  • When zirconium reaches 1,500C or so it reacts with water to make hydrogen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zircon is rarely present in large quantities in any one rock, making it what geologists call an accessory mineral.
  • The company is searching for titanium (a hard light metal used in a variety of industries) and zircon (a semi-precious stone used in the jewellery trade).
  • Cubic zirconia and moissanite are examples of common diamond simulants.
  • One concept proposed by researchers at the University of Washington uses zirconia crystals and electricity to convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen, which can then be used as rocket propellant.
  • Zirconium-base alloys are used primarily as fuel cladding material and other core structure material in water cooled nuclear power reactors.
  • The sample is composed of K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz with accessory apatite, magnetite, titanite, zircon and secondary epidote.
  • Pale brown to yellow xenotime and zircon are abundant as fine crystals up to 2 mm in length in many of the miarolitic granite cavities as well as in pegmatite pockets.
  • That porous layer, which contains stabilized zirconia and small amounts of the metals ruthenium and cerium, chemically and cleanly converts the fuel to hydrogen.
  • The most important of those elements is uranium, which readily substitutes for zirconium in the crystal structure because the ions of both elements have the same charge and roughly the same size.
  • Zirconium-aluminium getter pump is a new type of vacuum installation, in which the non-evaporable getter material is used to absorb the active gases.
  • Large titanite euhedra are abundant along with apatite and zircon, with allanite and epidote less so.
  • Can't she pick out her own Zircon and hypo-allergenic steel?
  • Mineral resources include lead, gold, zircon, coal, uranium, and kyanite, but most of these are not fully exploited.
  • Polo officials wouldn't know a zirconia from a diamond? The Sun
  • This factor limits the acceptance of PVC and polyolefins in many products where their useful balance of properties and low cost would be attractive. "patent for a chemical compound consisting of an organotitanate or zirconate compound and an organotin compound that promotes the breakdown of PVC after the completion of its useful life. The Gadgeteer
  • The most efficient piezoelectric material known is PZT, a compound of lead, zirconium, and titanium. Medical Devices Powered by the Patient’s Own Heart | Impact Lab
  • It doesn't matter what the club is made of - wood, steel, graphite, titanium, xenon, ytterbium or zirconium.
  • Cubic zirconia and gold-plated, they just need a white shirt and wide-leg trousers to create a classic look that will keep you cool all summer. The Sun
  • The highest concentration of fission products are contained within the zirconium cladding. Linda Bergthold: Fukushima Nuclear Reactors in Japan: A Report From Tokyo
  • Magnetite, apatite, titanite and zircon make up the accessory minerals.
  • The mineral is found as small pink to gray masses of microcrystals in quartz-feldspar pegmatites and veins in association with astrophyllite, riebeckite, and zircon.
  • Thus, top-ranking Bulgarian officials are said to have committed document fraud and other crimes with regard to "the transfer and the very likely sale" of 10 tons of zirconium, which is a dual-use metal. (Sofia News Agency)
  • Magnesium, titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten may be soldered if they are plated with a solderable metal coating such as silver.
  • Zircon, monazite, xenotime and white mica were extracted from the sample.
  • Several players who subsequently moved on have discovered that their baubles contained imitation zirconia stones rather than genuine diamonds.
  • Previous studies mainly demonstrated the timing of the first surface exposure of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Shan based on the discovery of eclogite pebbles, SHRIMP dating of zircons within gravels, etc. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Recent analyses that have shown that detrital zircons can be transported considerable distances in fluviatile environments, implying laterally extensive drainage systems.
  • Zirconium and zirconium-tin alloys are ductile metals and can be prepared by conventional processes.
  • It is a reddish brown sandstone formed by detrital quartz, plagioclase, feldspar and muscovite, with subordinate apatite, zircon and opaque minerals.
  • Inc. Images of zircon in cross section, as imaged by cathodoluminescence detector on a scanning electron microscope. NYT > Home Page
  • Geologists have tried various zircon treatments, including abrading the outer surfaces of the crystals, which are typically a tenth of a millimeter across, or leaching the crystals with strong acid.
  • Sillimanite, cordierite, apatite, monazite and zircon are also present.
  • In the andesitic rocks zircon is less abundant than in the porphyroids.
  • Titanium resides principally in heavy minerals: ilmenite, rutile, anatase and sphene, whereas Zr is located predominantly in zircon.
  • The abundance of these elements in the parental magma leads to the formation of less-common minerals such as apatite, beryl, topaz, amblygonite, lepidolite, spodumene tantalite, columbite, monazite, zircon, and uraninite.
  • Some of the antique jewellery was studded with emeralds, ruby, zircons and pearls.
  • Rare earth element distributions in the zircons and garnets strongly suggest that the zircon overgrowths formed in equilibrium with garnet.
  • Zinc is in solid solution; boron, titanium and zirconium are seldom added in amounts sufficient to produce visible compounds.
  • This suggests derivation from a sedimentary precursor in which zircons would reflect recycling and abrasion during sedimentary processes.
  • Thus in two of the dated samples the zircons failed to luminesce, and the transmitted and reflected light images of the zircons were the preferred source to glean some structural information on these zircons.
  • The dirty bomb was made from a material called radioactive zirconium which was packed into a bomb casing with high explosives.
  • Single euhedral zircon crystal with coarse massive zircon crystals: ZrSiO4. Zirconium
  • Finally, a U-Pb isotopic study of zircon and monazite from khondalite and sapphirine granulite was undertaken as a more reliable method for dating the metamorphic event.
  • Zircons extracted from this sample were typically prismatic, red to yellow-whitish in colour and translucent to opaque.
  • We used a complex-sounding but conceptually simple statistical method known as canonical discriminant analysis to test whether zircon chemistry could be used to reliably determine the host deposit type.
  • Zircon (variety cyrtolite) commonly forms curved tetragonal crystals that radiate from a base of biotite crystals and terminate in adjacent feldspar.
  • Chloride tungsten or titanium passed through hot tube, depositing a film of metal on the carbon; or filaments of zirconia oxide, or alumina or magnesia, thoria or other infusible oxides mixed or separate, and obtained by moistening and squirting through a die, are thus coated with above metals and used for incandescent lamps. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • The effect of the content of yttria on the mechanical properties of zirconia ceramic and the phase as well as microstructure of zirconia ceramic with different molar fraction yttria are studied.
  • Zircon has been known since biblical times, and it has been called by a variety of names, including jargon, hyacinth and jacinth. Zirconium
  • Commercial nuclear fuel rods are comprised of zircalloy tubing, uranium pellets, and zirconium end caps mounted with springs.
  • She has previously said aluminium and zirconium in cosmetics could affect hormone levels, raising the risk of cancer.
  • The materials all include oxygen, and one, for example, also contains niobium, tantalum, and zirconium.
  • Allanite, fluorite, topaz, yttrotantalite, and zircon have all been found in pegmatites in the Stove Mountain area.
  • Some elements, notably tin and zirconium, behave as neutral solutes in titanium and have little effect on the transformation temperature, acting as strengtheners of the phase.
  • Quartz is associated most commonly with aegirine and potassium feldspar as well as zircon.
  • Other accessory minerals are apatite, zircon, monazite, huttonite and rare xenotime, uraninite and betafite.
  • The researchers say that increasing the amount of zirconium may intensify the color.
  • According to Haen, zirconia is actually slightly more rigid than steel - a property that can be crucial during the machining process.
  • Sillimanite, cordierite, apatite, monazite and zircon are also present.
  • The cylindrical UO2 pellets are stacked and encapsulated in thin walled tubes of zirconium alloy, both ends of which are sealed by resistance welding using zircaloy end plugs. 19 such fuel pins are assembled to form a fuel bundle for PHWR 220 MWe. India Press Release
  • Large titanite euhedra are abundant along with apatite and zircon, with allanite and epidote less so.
  • The fuel rods must be removed, not when all the fission fuel has been used up, but far earlier, when the zirconium begins to crack from the exposure to radiation, threatening to release radioactive gasses building up in the core. Linda Bergthold: Fukushima Nuclear Reactors in Japan: A Report From Tokyo
  • Anyway, when Teal made his comment, I guess that is when she realized the tennis bracelet was ‘real’ instead of the jargoon they make everything out of (not that I don't like jargoon, even the artificial stuff they call zirconium, but diamonds just seemed nicer).
  • In addition it is rich in zirconium, titanium and the heavy end of the Rare Earths suite.
  • The zirconium is a dual-use metal used for the production of nuclear reactor pipes. (Sofia News Agency)
  • Accessory minerals are apatite, rutile and zircon.
  • The process is not recommended for weld preparation for stainless steel, titanium, zirconium, and other similar metals without subsequent cleaning.
  • This crystal was glassy and was found associated with smoky quartz, microcline-perthite, biotite, zircon, bastnasite, and limonite after siderite.
  • The aegirine was associated with aesthetic smoky quartz, microcline, and zircon.
  • The analysis shows that manganese, titanium, hafnium, thorium, phosphorus, and the rare-earth elements play a significant role in discriminating between zircons of various origins.
  • In addition to providing a ready means of identifying the diamond, a high degree of dispersion in a stone of pronounced color would lead one to consider sphene, demantoid garnet (if green), and zircon (which might be reddish, yellowish, brown, or of other colors), and if the stone did not agree with these in its other properties one should suspect _glass_. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • It soon became clear that the best mineral from which to measure this ratio was zircon, because zircon excludes almost all initial lead when it crystallises.
  • Red zircon, which is rare, is properly called "_hyacinth_. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Among other applications, tungstated zirconia is used to improve the octane content of gasoline through a process called isomerization, in which a straight chain alkane molecule is converted into a branched chain molecule. - latest science and technology news stories
  • For most gemstones the refractive index can be measured with a gemmologist's refractometer, but the refractive indices of diamond, some zircons, and certain other gem materials are too high to be measured with most of these instruments.
  • Raman spectrum study indicates that the inclusion minerals show the melting phase feature, and cathodoluminescence images show that this type of zircon has a relatively homogeneous internal structure.
  • Magnetite, apatite, titanite and zircon make up the accessory minerals.
  • Methods HA coatings with silver-zirconium phosphate antimicrobial were deposited via vacuum plasma spraying, and then their antibacterial capability to Pg, Fn and Aa were examined.
  • Mattinson's idea was to first heat or anneal the zircons, sealing off the least damaged areas of the crystal, then using a strong reagent, hydrofluoric acid, to eat away the heavily damaged areas.
  • He labelled the stone as a ‘specimen of aventurine, from a lake three miles to the north-east of Ben Hope, Sutherland, containing, besides the red mica, red zircons, and either colourless garnets or diamonds’.
  • The scientists are using resources at EMSL and PNNL to provide a more detailed understanding of the atomic interactions in another promising material for fuel cells: nano layers of zirconia and ceria. - latest science and technology news stories
  • It uses a simple roller with fine blades to cut a pattern of parallel slits in a 0.1-millimetre-thick sheet of a piezoelectric ceramic material called lead zirconate titanate.
  • Similar to the deleterious metals, element contents which would be worth recovering and marketing in the form of by-products are also often overlooked; for example, zircon sand from alluvial deposits, gold-containing pyrite and arsenopyrite from complex sulphide veins. Chapter 6
  • The quartzite shows granoblastic and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varying from coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minor microcrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and iron oxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon." link Archive 2008-03-01
  • Even resistant minerals such as zircon have been found to be etched by bacteria.
  • Motta's research interests include the behavior of nuclear reactor materials under irradiation; phase transformations; corrosion; mechanical behavior of materials; materials characterization using transmission electron microscopy, positron annihilation spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation; and zirconium alloys, intermetallic compounds and steels. Penn State Live
  • Zircons separated from the rock samples were mounted in epoxy resin, sectioned, imaged by cathodoluminescence, and dated using the SHRIMP-II ion microprobe at the Isotope Science Research Centre, Curtin University, Perth.
  • They whipped up a mixture of zirconium, magnesium aluminate, and alumina that offers unusual ductility: it can bend and stretch.
  • A large quantity of zirconia powder is used for plasm spraying to prepare thermal barrier coatings.
  • The quartzite shows granoblastic and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varying from coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minor microcrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and iron oxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon." link Geological Definition of the Day (#2)
  • The most important precipitation-hardening reactions are obtained with beryllium, chromium, boron, nickel, silicon, and zirconium.
  • Opal, which is a comparatively light mineral, has a low refractive power; zircon or jargoon is a heavy mineral, and has a high refractive power. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
  • The company is searching for titanium (a hard light metal used in a variety of industries) and zircon (a semi-precious stone used in the jewellery trade).
  • The resulting elements (such as, strontium, zirconium, barium, lanthanum, and lead) then decay into still heavier elements.
  • There are quite a few options, silver, gold or palladium leaf or foil, dichro, fine silver wire, aventurine copper flakes or perhaps you're ready to try Cubic Zirconium which are also known as CZs. Adding "Bling" To Your Beads
  • Most identification centres around inclusions – zircon, glassy discoids which sometimes contain fern-like feathers and rutile crystals with blue halos.
  • Although blue corundum, zircon, and tourmaline occur in Colorado, they are not known to produce gems.
  • The answer is probably related to the size of melt reservoirs and the kinetics of zircon solution and precipitation.
  • Having determined the age of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex, we now examine the behaviour of the U-bearing accessory minerals baddeleyite, zircon and monazite in the Ballachulish metamorphic aureole.
  • We report U-Pb crystallization ages for zircon grains and Ar-Ar whole-rock spectra for a hydrothermally altered granodiorite (31-17) at Medicine Lake Volcano, a half-million-year-old shield volcano of basalt through rhyolite composition. U-Pb and Ar-Ar constraints on the age of granitic intrusions beneath Medicine Lake Volcano, California, USA
  • The remaining 5-10% of zircon grains are rhombic, prismatic or long-prismatic euhedral crystals, and are always transparent and colourless to pale pink.
  • This paper discusses the performance and the application of the zirconia thermal barrier coating.
  • Grains of other weathering-resistant minerals (such as garnet, rutile, ruby, sapphire, zircon, etc.) are often found in quartz sand as well. Sand and gravel
  • Synthetic zircon is used to make gemstones that resemble fine diamonds and as a refractory material in foundry molds and furnace linings.
  • Plagioclase, microcline and quartz are the predominating minerals, while biotite, titanite, epidote, apatite, zircon and garnet are present in smaller quantities. The Long Labrador Trail
  • The main constituent phases of these rocks are plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, quartz and K-feldspar, and accessory phases include magnetite, sphene, zircon and apatite.
  • It isn't quite what I want though, because the disintegrating rays which the ring discharge gives out break down the zirconium, which isn't an end-product of radioactivity. The Man Who Rocked the Earth
  • A heavy mineral concentrate, dominated by rutile and kyanite, yielded only a few zircons.
  • Quartz is associated most commonly with aegirine and potassium feldspar as well as zircon.
  • Mary K.V. Hodges, Paul Karl Link, C. Mark Fanning, 2009, The Pliocene Lost River found to west: Detrital zircon evidence of drainage disruption along a subsiding hotspot track Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • The sands are called zircon sands because they contain sand-sized mineral zircon grains. Zirconium
  • This work examines the oxidation resistance of pure zirconium boride and zirconium boride-molybdenum disilicide alloys
  • The colloid particle size and flow characteristics of zirconyl oxalate sol were investigated, and the performance of the membrane was characterized by SEM and gas-flow method.
  • Grain refinement by titanium, boron and zirconium additions has only a limited effect on mechanical properties.
  • They contain the natural zirconium oxide, baddeleyite or brazilite, mixed with the silicate, the ore as produced carrying about 80 per cent zirconia (ZrO_ {2}). The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Oxygen (red spheres) migrates from one vacancy to another inside the scandia-doped cubic zirconia. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Some of the antique jewellery was studded with emeralds, ruby, zircons and pearls.
  • The microgranite has a felsitic groundmass containing microphenocrysts of albite and orthoclase along with phenocrysts of corroded quartz and sporadic dihedral garnet; zircon and apatite are conspicuous accessory minerals.
  • Cummins determined that zirconia ceramics solved most of the basic problems generated in this harsh tribological environment.
  • Certain crystals called zircons, obtained from drilling into very deep granites, contain uranium which has partly decayed into lead.
  • Joanna's 17th birthday party is tonight at 8: 30 P.M. FYI: I got her M.deline L'Engle's An Acceptable Time and these cubic zirconian earrings. Writerchic88 Diary Entry
  • That porous layer, which contains stabilized zirconia and small amounts of the metals ruthenium and cerium, chemically and cleanly converts the fuel to hydrogen.
  • Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) – a pezoelectric ceramic – is the material of choice for transducers, actuators, and microelectronic sensors. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Making Electronics More Environmental Friendly
  • The terms jacinth and jargoon refer to zircons in the old names of the stones.
  • This double nitrate has a specific gravity of 4.7963, therefore such a stone as zircon, which is the heaviest known, will float in it. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • During crystallization of the derivative granite, minor secondary zircon grew around the older cores, resulting in euhedral crystal forms of all the grains.
  • The main constituent phases of these rocks are plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, quartz and K-feldspar, and accessory phases include magnetite, sphene, zircon and apatite.
  • These minerals are columbite, microlite, futile, thorite, and zircon.
  • For most of history, hafnium and zirconium were not clearly distinguished from each other.
  • They are also frequently and incorrectly called jacinth or hyacinth, terms which, as we have seen, should be reserved for yellow and red zircon, respectively. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Eighteen analyses of detrital zircon and one of monazite were carried out for the late Silurian sandstone.
  • In the 1980s, geologists in Moscow found several small diamonds and minerals, such as zircon, garnet, and corundum, in the alluvia of the River Karla.
  • Some of the antique jewellery was studded with emeralds, ruby, zircons and pearls.
  • The decolorized zircon (jargoon) has a dispersion well up toward that of diamond and gives fairly vivid spectra on a card, but they are double, as zircon is doubly refracting. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Zirconium, palladium, and ruthenium make up a metal that repairs itself.
  • Magnesium, titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten may be soldered if they are plated with a solderable metal coating such as silver.
  • Euphotides, sometimes pure and covered with jasper, sometimes mixed with amphibole, hyperstein and grey limestone; (d) Pyroxenic porphyries with amygdaloides and zirconian syenites. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Later in the week we enticed the government guys to take us to a locality called Kent, quite a drive from Karaganda, where in a beautiful setting we collected fluorite, riebeckite, and zircon from granite.
  • In laparoscopic electrosurgical instruments, for instance, ceramics such as alumina and zirconia serve as insulators to protect surgeons from the electric current running through the device.
  • The viral nucleocapsid enters the host cell and breaks open releasing two viral RNA-strands and 3 essential replication enzymes: Integrase, Protease and Reverse Transcriptase sterling silver cubic zirconia three strand pearl bracelet - Business News
  • Given the stability of zircon during metamorphic processes, it may be assumed that the formation of new zircons in prograde metamorphism is not significant until the appearance of melt.
  • In general the mineral is recovered on a commercial scale only from placers, where it has been concentrated along with other dense, insoluble minerals such as zircon, garnet, ilmenite, and sometimes gold. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Titanium resides principally in heavy minerals: ilmenite, rutile, anatase and sphene, whereas Zr is located predominantly in zircon.
  • (d) Pyroxenic porphyries with amygdaloides and zirconian syenites. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 3
  • Consistent with the results of their computer simulation, the titanate was amorphised at relatively low ion doses, while the zirconate remained intact even at high ion irradiation doses.
  • Most zircons are sharp-faceted, euhedral and elongate prisms, and minor amounts are transparent, pale brown, anhedral and rounded crystals.
  • The petrogenesis of igneous rocks in the Albany-Fraser Province is not well constrained, although U-Pb zircon geochronology establishes that most granitic protoliths were not tectonically reworked Yilgarn Craton.
  • Xenotime crystals exhibit tetragonal prisms, dipyramids, and pinacoids, whereas zircon may exhibit first- and second-order tetragonal prisms, dipyramids, and pinacoids.
  • By replacing yttrium ions with europium, the researchers could make garnets with a violet hue, while ytterbium, zirconium, and cerium produced green garnets.
  • Iluka rose 11% after it said it expects strong price increases from its customers for titanium dioxide and zircon. Asia Slips; Tepco Slides
  • The majority of the rhyolites are porphyritic and contain phenocrysts of one or more of the following: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, magnetite, quartz and sanidine, plus accessory apatite and zircon.
  • Zircon is an important phase for the petrogenetic interpretation as all the separated grains have rounded, detrital cores with thin euhedral overgrowths.
  • Solid oxide fuel cells typically require rare elements such as yttrium, zirconium, lanthanum, strontium or cesium, cerium, etc. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Bring it On
  • There is not one in a hundred jewelers who is acquainted with the physical properties of the gems, and very few can distinguish the diamond from the white zircon or the white topaz, the emerald from the tourmaline of similar hue, the sapphire from iolite, or the topaz from the Bohemian yellow quartz. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 27, June, 1873
  • Scientists speculate that the asteroids would probably be very rich in minerals with a very high melting point, such as iron and nickel or rarer metals like tungsten, osmium, and zirconium.
  • The zircon, hyacinth, jacinth, or jargoon belong to the tetragonal system of crystallization.
  • The majority of the rhyolites are porphyritic and contain phenocrysts of one or more of the following: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, magnetite, quartz and sanidine, plus accessory apatite and zircon.
  • These retrograde fluids may also have triggered new zircon growth, or the partial resorption of narrow zircon rims as suggested by the embayed rim morphologies.
  • The names _hyacinth_, _jacinth_, and _jargoon_ are applied to red, yellow, and colorless zircon in the order as given. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The title that a woman that offers zircon dangler on the website uses is " the dangler that a trash sends ".
  • Sodium is also used as a chemical reducing agent in producing titanium, zirconium, niobium, and tantalum from their fused salts.
  • The subautochthonous granodiorites and transitional migmatites contain the youngest zircons of the Pena Negra Complex.
  • A Reuters article on a shortage of the mineral zircon predicts that cubic zirconium jewelry will go up in price because prices for zirconium have soared.
  • The reactions giving rise to zircon growth are generally unspecified and unconstrained.
  • Furthermore, the cost of stainless steel is approximately $2 per pound, while zirconia is between $30 and $60 per pound.
  • Fobbed off the zircon as a diamond.
  • A very small amount of zirconium is used in the manufacture of alloys for products such as flash bulbs, rayon spinnerets, lamp filaments, precision tools, and surgical instruments.
  • Continuing to retrace its earlier history, the zircon may then become incorporated into sediment and, once more, find itself deeply buried in even younger metamorphic rock, and accreting a second, younger overgrowth.
  • Garnets form large idiomorphic and sub-idiomorphic grains; the majority contain inclusions of omphacite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, apatite and quartz.
  • Cubic Zirconia Machine Cut 100 % Fire Resistant for Jewelry Casting!
  • Other accessory minerals are apatite, zircon, monazite, huttonite and rare xenotime, uraninite and betafite.
  • The pegmatite is composed of microcline, plagioclase and quartz with minor amounts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, ilmenite and zircon.

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