How To Use Zionism In A Sentence
The phrase "kill the soul of Zionism" can "not in any way" be interpreted as "destroy the Jews," he said.
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We believe that Christian Zionism is a Christian heresy - it is really misinterpreting the Bible.
Christian Zionism is directly connected with the Restorationism movement and owes its intellectual origins to that movement.
The rise of political Zionism coincided with resurgent Arab nationalism, an unreconciled collision that continues to occupy our front pages.
City of Peace—and War
Brandeis had been drawn to Zionism not as a nationalist rebellion but as a philanthropic gesture.
State-Zionism, like Bolshevism, Nazism, and absolute nationalisms in general, is an ideology that in its logical conclusion places its advocates outside the realm of reconciliation.
The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli - Palestinian peace.
A: One Zionist state – stable Jewish majority (only accomplishable by ethnic cleansing – argued earlier in this thread, by people sympathetic to Zionism, that it is only accomplishable with violence)
Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
To me, Zionism simply means that Jews have a right to their homeland and the Middle East.
The truth is that there is no accepted definition of Jewish, and shouting the term doesn't make it any clearer. accepted definition of Zionism: For the majority of settlers it means to insist on the eternal right of Jews for sovereignty over the greater land of Israel; and for some it means that Israel should be a Jewish theocracy.
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I once wrote that anti-Zionism in our time is more bistro than bierkeller - it is a phenomenon which manifests primarily among intellectual elites who see themselves as progressive thought leaders.
Ben S. Cohen: Anti-Zionists Plumb New Depths: Cliona Campbell's Story
They advocated not only inter-class cooperation within the Zionist movement, but also what was later termed the ‘constructivist strategy of Labor Zionism.’
The refuseniks have insisted on their loyalty to the state of Israel and commitment to Zionism.
We all knew of the FO's Arabist bent, and imagined impossibly languid public schoolboys, besotted with T.E. Lawrence and Arab boys, and hating everything Jewish (alibied as anti-Zionism).
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Only Zionism - so at least Zionists believe - can provide some mitigation of this great tragedy.
Zionism was influenced by, and has many similarities with, other contemporary European nationalisms.
David Ben Gurion, the First Prime Minister of Israel, publicly pronouncing the Declaration of the St.te of Israel, May 14, 1948, portrait of Theodore Herzl, founder of modern political Zionism, in the old Tel Aviv Museum of Art building on Rotshild St. Israel is a parliamentary democracy.
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For example, if a motive for anti-zionism is “a similarly tribalistic concern for the welfare of the Palestinians, as Palestinians”, but oppose a two state solution where Jews may maintain assure welfare by similar means, then they are giving rights to one for the express concern of giving it to another.
Matthew Yglesias » A Back and Forth on Israel
David Ben Gurion, the First Prime Minister of Israel, publicly pronouncing the Declaration of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948, portrait of Theodore Herzl, founder of modern political Zionism, in the old Tel Aviv Museum of Art building on Rotshild St. Israel is a parliamentary democracy.
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Since the establishment of the state in 1948, the term “Zionism” has come to mean the continued belief in the worldwide “peoplehood” of Jews, the collective desire and responsibility to support the state of Israel as their physical and spiritual homeland.
American Grace
No nationalism is pure, no movement is perfect, no state is ideal, but today, Zionism persists as a menace, a militaristic and dictatory movement to me and to most Palestinians.
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The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli - Palestinian peace.
Throughout the letter Zionism is equated with fascism, a proposition which leads to some interesting conclusions and statements: one Jew (Rabbi Schneerson) is described as a "fuhrer,
Love and Rage Electronic Edition Part 4
Zionism is the highest stage of imperialism, which is the third stage of the development of capitalism.
In Israel's early life Zionism was a mainly secular movement and the dominant force on the other side was a secular Arab nationalism.
The truth is that there is no accepted definition of Jewish, and shouting the term doesn't make it any clearer. accepted definition of Zionism: For the majority of settlers it means to insist on the eternal right of Jews for sovereignty over the greater land of Israel; and for some it means that Israel should be a Jewish theocracy.
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Thus, a recent article in the daily Javan entitled "Post-Zionism and the Identity Crisis in Israel" pitted "extremist Jews," i.e., nationalists and settlers, against "religious Jews," i.e., ultra-Orthodox non-nationalists.
Eradicating the 'Little Satan'
State-Zionism is an ideology based on an absolute conviction, one impervious to history and experience, to emendation and to compromise.
The slogans attack America's involvement in Indo-China and support of Zionism, as well as American and Soviet "aggression, control, interference, and bullying".
An unusual aspect of Wingate's life was his unwavering support of Zionism nurtured perhaps by his unshakable belief in the Old Testament.
Your subsequent comments suggest that Zionism is sensitive to at least one of these: "I firmly believe that 'subjugation' of neighbouring peoples was not a goal or political philosophy driving the creation of a Jewish independent state.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Having said that, it is still a known fact that certainpeople associatedwith "Zionism" has had an adverse affect on foreign policy abroad.
Joe Lieberman; Fascist Censor (with poll)
Their paranoid espousal of various conspiracy theories, rabid support of Israel and religious Zionism, and fiery preaching about the "Islamic Threat" held for me a strange fascination.
He is author of "Allenby," "A Dispirited Rebellion: Essays on Contemporary Israeli Culture" and the forthcoming "The Settlers & the Struggle for the Meaning of Zionism.
WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook
So if we connect that to the beginning of his essay, where he says that the relationship of the arabs to zionism wil define we can reach our goal of peaceful aims in peaceful means. since the arabs are going to resist (as jabotinsky undestands from history), thus the relationship has already been defined. and what kind of relationship will that be? first of all, we need to understand something (look how jabotinsky himself uses the term colonization):
Pan-Judaism? | Jewschool
This psychopathology is made all the more palpable because of the intense moral contradictions: while it has accomplished impressive things, including “Jewish democracy,” a place for some Jews to take refuge or to find pride, survival at all odds, and economic and technological development, Israel is a colonial settler society in origin as much as Zionism is also a variant of Jewish nationalism; it is both non-democratic in its exclusion of non-Jews and democratic for its Jewish majority.
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Stephen Marks remarked that the diaspora were supporting Israel as a form of ‘insurance policy’ Zionism.
An unusual aspect of Wingate's life was his unwavering support of Zionism nurtured perhaps by his unshakable belief in the Old Testament.
In fact, he bore neither a religious nor a sentimental attachment to Zionism.
The long-noted irony is that turn-of-the-century exponents of Zionism like Nordau and Herzl were thoroughly assimilated Jews.
Zionism always stood for peaceful coexistence with other people native to the land.
It has been said, with some accuracy, that this sort of attitude has developed into the only national policy the Arabs have, a policy of anti-foreignism, directed at the outside world and Zionism alike.
Palestine and the Middle East
Early on, Zionism was his religion, but he became disillusioned with it over time, coming to identify as a universalist social democrat ..
Tony Judt, Historian And Author, Dies At 62
The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli - Palestinian peace.
The sticking points, according to the official, concern existing references to Zionism and the issue of reparation for slavery.
I believed profoundly in Zionism in the way that my contemporaries believed profoundly in Maoism or Castroism or whatever.
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The Arab oil embargo, blamed on Israel, heightened the feeling of besiegement, as did the 1975 U.N. resolution equating Zionism with racism.
When Israel Goes Rogue
Se il concetto di fotografie animate non soddisfa il vostro bisogno quotidiano di ossimori, pensate al creazionismo scientifico.
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The real outrage to American Jewish sensibilities is to oppose the religion of Jewish peoplehood, which is distinct from Zionism but fundamental to American Jewish identity both generally and with Zionism.
Israel Palestine Blogs
Baldwin argues that Nordau never fit together the pieces of his thinking—his rationalistic liberalism and his Volkish Zionism.
That criticism should include all the unfortunate fruites of Zionism and folks, for goodness sake - if we had criticised, say France for something and mention the Gaullism, that would not be the sign of the hate of French.
Gaza Invasion Protesters; Don't Feed the Beast-- Let's start talking about smart protest."