How To Use Zilch In A Sentence
Not a sound, not a mutter, not a murmur, not a syllable has passed through its member's lips, and those lips are being paid $100,000 a year for doing zilch - nothing.
So mythicism is compared to creationism, although even historicists say the evidence for Jesus is 'zilch'.
Gods, Gospels, and Gotta Think of a Third "G"
Even with what she admits is "zilch" official mountain climbing training, Gina feels it's an important step to walk the walk she talks everyday.
Annemarie Dooling: Twitter Superstar Combats World Issues With Mobile Reactions
It might explain your perception that we have accomplished "zilch".
Why Don't These People Blame Barney Frank?!
In real life, the chances of my being able to dance anything more complex than a two-step are close to zilch.

Scottish architects have done zilch for the past 100 years.
I simply wanted to point out my lack of experience, i.e. zilch and zero, of attending major rock concerts.
Glynis knows zilch about art and Hersh is a cultural snob with sinusitis.
An empty-headed outrage that achieved the usual zilch and is now well forgotten of course, but that's not the point.
There are MANY mentally ill prisoners in the prison system – and I can assure you that absolutely zilch is being done for them. pseudonymous in nc Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Prisons and Mental Institutions Revisited
At this point, I see no reason - none, nada, zilch - for conservatives who care about the courts to lift a finger to support this candidate.
I can offer zilch in the way of information about Allawi himself.
Who cares if consumers are lured in under false pretences and win zilch?
Times, Sunday Times
Yet the Outpost has gotten zilch from the sewer board about previous elections.
Archive 2003-11-01
Log in to Reply zilch (UID#3420) on November 24th, 2009 at 12: 32 pm poutine is good. best served with beer and hockey.
Poutine | My[confined]Space
The way they help people, certainly from Scotland, is zilch in the UK.
Arizona quietly added another 24 points to zilch for Georgia.
I didn't hear zilch about it
My suspicion is that the national poll numbers mean zilch and that this election is going to be decided in the marginals.
The chances of finding it are zilch.
The Sun
Mr. & Mrs. T spent zilch on media last year, per Competitive Media Reporting, after spending $123,000 in 1999.
She didn't understand any of it… at all… none, nada, zero, zilch.
Since the postponed reading of the amendment, we've heard zilch from the government.
Don't worry about the squirrel eatin ', raccoon hat wearin', horse marryin 'voters in WV and KY ..... there primary won't mean zilch this week.
Clinton holds big leads in West Virginia and Kentucky
As an added bonus, since I know absolutely zilch about Bob Fosse, I could not take serious issue with the choreography like the obnoxious couple sitting next to me.
I'm also self-employed so am entitled to nothing, nada, zero, zilch, of anything if I happen to fall ill, lose work, or have kids.
But I sure don't play rugby just for the money and if I was paid zilch I would still be the first one out at training.
I mean nada, zilch, noise level, off the screen, under the radar.
And the answer is obvious - nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero.
They lorded it over us: we serfs and villeins got precisely zilch.
Zola, you do know I'm zilch in the fashion department?
In the same period, India has won nothing, zilch, nada.
Although AmEx has spent zilch on promotion, some would-be customers go to absurd lengths to get what they see as a must-have status symbol.
It can give me a broader perspective on my industry, which might come in handy, but it's going to do zilch for what's stirring in my fume hood.