
How To Use Zealander In A Sentence

  • I am a Chinese New Zealander, I am Asian tauiwi, my parents are from Malaysia and my ancestors from China.
  • The New Zealander-Australian country music star battled an addiction to cocaine in the late '90s, but cleaned up before releasing his self-titled American debut in 2000.
  • There were some stunningly ignorant comments on the wero, asking why important visitors to New Zealand were greeted by "a Maori New Zealander jumping around half naked".
  • The foreshore and seabed being owned by a subset of New Zealanders instead of all New Zealanders is what the billboard is about.
  • From her earliest student shorts, repressed sexual desire has been a consistent undercurrent in the New Zealander's work.
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  • We seek a solution that addresses the legitimate concerns of iwi, that is acceptable to the vast majority of New Zealanders, and that ensures public access to our beaches is protected. National Business Review (NBR) New Zealand
  • Data about them, however, must be extrapolated from demographic information compiled by the Australian and New Zealander governments.
  • They should be elected democratically and be accountable to all New Zealanders.
  • That is a critical investment in ensuring that ordinary New Zealanders can play their role and fulfil their civic duties in the justice system of this country.
  • You've only to look at the selfless behaviour of those assembled in the political arena just along the road to see that New Zealanders have a highly overdeveloped sense of fair play.
  • Because, contrary to what's been said about us in the past, New Zealanders are not a passionless people, and the brightest gems will sometimes be found lurking in a hole in the ground, clad in blue overalls.
  • They have always acknowledged that when that occurs and kahawai are caught as a by-catch, it is entirely appropriate that fishers can take them home, smoke them, and provide them on the roadside for New Zealanders to enjoy.
  • Language study can relate to the way New Zealanders use English innovatively.
  • Are there masses of bludgers stealing the sweat from the brows of hard-working New Zealanders?
  • Such ‘cultural events’ have become popular whistle-stops for political parties keen to woo the nearly 300,000 Asian New Zealanders of voting age.
  • But those New Zealanders not utterly transfixed by the imperial glare of London or Washington have sensed that our national interests lie in a wider kind of collective security than is offered by simple colonial obeisance.
  • The Chinese were eliminated from the World Championships last night losing 94-88 to the all mighty New Zealanders.
  • When he was answering a supplementary question to question No.3, he referred to white New Zealanders as honkies.
  • expatriated" New Zealander who embarks on a journey from London back to New Zealand. NZ On Screen
  • This trio of New Zealanders will play a blend of original compositions and jazz favourites.
  • Note for non-NZers: "Pakeha" is the general term for a white New Zealander. Mentioning ethnicity in news stories
  • New Zealanders, it seems, are simply too stupid and ignorant to be able to interpret our own laws properly; instead, we must go offshore.
  • More New Zealanders will be killed by those two conditions than by smoking, in spite of the concocted figures she likes to purport are figures that represent deaths caused by smoking.
  • Ask a New Zealander who split the atom and they'll tell you it was Ernest Rutherford.
  • The TV finally arrived and you would have had to be a very stony-hearted New Zealander not to be moved by Maori Television Service's first day.
  • Zambia ‘C’ started off on a bad note conceding five unreplied goals in the first chukka against the New Zealanders who featured a more stronger side with Mclldowie and Brown doing much of the damage.
  • I challenge the Opposition to give us one policy that tells New Zealanders it would change a single thing.
  • Zambia ‘C’ started off on a bad note conceding five unreplied goals in the first chukka against the New Zealanders who featured a more stronger side with Mclldowie and Brown doing much of the damage.
  • New Zealander Alastair Galpin sought eternal eccentric fame for wearing the most socks on one foot.
  • It corrected some of the misapprehension of New Zealanders, stating that the Moriori were from the same East Polynesian background as the Maori.
  • New Zealanders certainly love to read and this gave everyone a wonderful opportunity to catch up on the latest book releases - a chance not to be missed by bookworms.
  • That sort of extreme attitude is what has put fear into the minds of New Zealanders, and it is why contemporary claims send a shiver down their spine.
  • It has released its immigration policy which it says aims to stem what it calls the exodus of New Zealanders. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • He soon made friends with the Maoris and learnt their language well enough to compile a primer in pidgin-Maori, 'A Korao no New Zealand; or, the New Zealander's First The Poems of Henry Kendall With Biographical Note by Bertram Stevens
  • That is one issue, but of course there is an even bigger flip-flop on an issue that is very close to many New Zealanders' hearts.
  • French german guest guestreader horror indian irish italian jewish joyce krampf latin american new york new zealander pataphysics peruvian playwright poet polish russian satire scandinavian scifi south american southern soviet spanish spooky student swedish women wonderful youth The Burning City | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • New Zealanders are in agreement that children should not be assaulted or brutalised.
  • Moving permanently overseas became increasingly attractive to many New Zealanders.
  • When in 1949 a New Zealander called Brunton Smith flung himself full-length to prevent a Yorkshire boundary, the Bramall Lane crowd booed his unsporting behaviour.
  • Colonel Sanders is ubiquitously American, but today's New Zealander, when asked what ‘KFC’ stands for, will intone ‘Kiwi For Chicken’.
  • The Big OE Companion is a practical guidebook for New Zealanders heading overseas for the first time.
  • One aspect of gambling that few people are aware of is that about one in five New Zealanders who regularly gamble on gaming machines have a gambling problem.
  • But claims that Maori are in some way advantaged or enjoy special privileges over other New Zealanders are simply false.
  • But the Government still refuses to do that for the income tax rate itself, and therefore continues to overtax New Zealanders - and to overtax them progressively more as each year goes by.
  • This Government believes in making the most of New Zealanders' new ideas by encouraging and supporting them from conception through development to commercialisation.
  • It is changing the lives and futures of more than 3,000 young New Zealanders, and filling the skills gaps that threaten to choke economic growth.
  • It was heartening though to see the New Zealanders relishing spicy Indian preparations.
  • One in three New Zealanders aged fifteen and over has no qualification.
  • The New Zealanders, appropriately garbed in funereal black, arrive next week to scatter the ashes.
  • Australians and New Zealanders were left feeling shafted by their old colonial mother England.
  • Access to our beaches, our foreshore, and our seabed is a basic right for New Zealanders.
  • Not only would this be unfair to the other two-thirds of New Zealanders, it is also inefficient because it would discourage businesses and people from locating in areas of lower congestion.
  • Why is it that New Zealanders condition themselves to accept 4 percent growth?
  • Because we don't underestimate the international game," said Johnson, who had nine stitches running down the left side of her nose — courtesy of a face-rake from a New Zealander. - Females take lead in USA basketball
  • We are here to affirm the rights of all New Zealanders to legal protection and social respect for their relationships.
  • When we look at the legislation, which reaffirms the income tax rate for individuals, trusts, and companies, we want to ask not only why New Zealanders are overtaxed but where that tax money has gone.
  • Similarly with New Zealand items; a tree unknown to me (forty years a New Zealander), mako, is included while the ubiquitous macrocarpa (an introduced cypress) and important Maori social terms such as marae VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 4
  • Two Australians and a New Zealander were reportedly among the dead, and the wounded included 18 other foreign nationals from the US, Australia, Canada, India, the Netherlands, Norway and South Korea.
  • Not everyone walks around looking for approval from pacifist New Zealanders.
  • New Zealanders get righteously upset when foreigners talk about the likes of Tana Umaga and Jonah Lomu as ‘islanders’ when both were born in New Zealand, albeit to parents from Samoa and Tonga respectively.
  • Now a New Zealander has brought to light more revelations about the legendary love story.
  • Will the Prime Minister now take steps to ensure that New Zealanders can access those beaches and foreshores that are currently locked in by private landowners, in order to ensure equal treatment?
  • Dwellers on Funen got the designation “unworried and jolly”, but the Zealanders were “slow and over-cautious”. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The other aspect of the Government's difficulties at the moment is the way those members are progressively alienating ordinary New Zealanders.
  • Something happened today that will really affect Christmas for New Zealanders who are out there, working hard and toiling away: interest rates went up.
  • His speech - as much a tirade against British military incompetence and colonialism as an Anzac service prologue - was as untypical for a New Zealander at an Anzac service as it was sharp.
  • That is a critical investment in ensuring that ordinary New Zealanders can play their role and fulfil their civic duties in the justice system of this country.
  • It is fascinating, as we draw closer to an election, that the parties seem consumed by sideshows and circuses rather than a focus on the sorts of issues that interest ordinary New Zealanders.
  • That gives us, as New Zealanders, a clear, competitive advantage in most industries.
  • This Government is overtaxing New Zealanders specifically to have a bucket of money so that it can socially engineer what it hands back.
  • I thought it was a pretty useful word that allowed New Zealanders to talk about how they would look after their kids in the event of a relationship split.
  • We are setting a trap for New Zealanders who do not fully appreciate the way this legislation works.
  • A big day two for New Zealander Andrew Nicholson at the Burghley horse trials in England.
  • They are part of New Zealand's heritage and need to be conserved and protected for all new Zealanders to enjoy.
  • It is full of words familiar only to New Zealanders, such as 'ranch sliders', which are patio doors, and 'swannies', which are heavy bush shirts.
  • Any known health risks to New Zealanders are handled by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority and by the setting of food standards between New Zealand and Australia.
  • They cannot because they are overtaxed and they are continually required by the Government to carry a growing number of State-dependent New Zealanders.
  • She made room for the four New Zealanders, the Colonel and his Cynth, and a Junoesque blonde in sequinned chiffon of midnight blue. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Head coach Gavin Walsh is a New Zealander who won an A team cap for Ireland, and now works for a stonemason in Glasgow.
  • It is a problem insomuch as this is the part of the bill that also makes it very clear to non-Maori New Zealanders that they have fewer rights to undertake activity on the foreshore and seabed of this country than Maori do.
  • I think most New Zealanders would agree that it is appropriate to consider spiritual and metaphysical matters as part of a consent process.
  • We are going to end the culture of extravagance and waste, because New Zealanders have had enough.
  • We set out to be a Government with a clear direction and vision for the future, supported by the broad mainstream of New Zealanders.
  • They are not just the major banks, which the Ministers might wine and dine; they are a whole lot of people who run small, localised finance companies that provide credit to New Zealanders.
  • I suspect that most rational New Zealanders would argue that this is not ethical development at all, but barbaric and uncivilised, and that these beliefs have no place with a State broadcaster.
  • Thankfully, that proposal has now been squashed, and the hard-working New Zealander who always foots the bill will not be subject to that tax, at least.
  • The title refers to New Zealanders who have forsaken material trappings and joined the Buddhist faith.
  • Right now, New Zealanders know that if they need the police, the policemen and policewomen of New Zealand will do their level best to provide the sort of service they want, but that those people are under incredible staffing pressure.
  • I commend the New Zealanders who continue to study for those professions, regardless of the many disincentives, because they have a vocation and a real desire to help others.
  • The downside is that this election's emblematic hardworking New Zealander might be smart enough to resent this.
  • We had some philosophical disagreements, but he was a good Kiwi and a good New Zealander.
  • This retrospective view seems to have been drawn from the contemporary memoirs of one of the Australian soldiers, who wrote the New Zealanders differed materially from the 'Cornstalk' (New South Wales) troops.
  • It enabled the New Zealanders to get behind the enemy position and sorely troubled him for the remainder of the day. Times, Sunday Times
  • New Zealanders might be characterised as having a laid-back national psyche.
  • Many New Zealanders need educating about your antiquated laws, since the person you appoint as monarch automatically becomes our monarch too.
  • We are trying to upskill New Zealanders, so that they can move forward confidently into the future.
  • Start with front man Pauly Fuemana, a New Zealander whose vocal style is almost as difficult to place as his accent.
  • Let us show ingenuity, lateral thinking, and a dedication to the best outcome for all New Zealanders, because our forebears blazed a trail for us in creating a forum for the free exchange of ideas.
  • Rugby is the one thing New Zealanders are good at, and their whole national identity is wrapped up in it.
  • It was what New Zealanders call a mob - not a flock - of sheep.
  • New Zealanders involved in some manner with the first home buyer market include painter decorators, plumbers and people trying to sell their homes.
  • Tattooing, or "moko," as the New Zealanders call it, is a mark of great distinction. In Search of the Castaways
  • Instead, New Zealanders tend to be pragmatic interventionists.
  • Greetings to members of the House and to all the other New Zealanders listening to this fine speech.
  • The Big OE Companion is a practical guidebook for New Zealanders heading overseas for the first time.
  • The mezzo was the New Zealander Wendy Dawn Thompson, with whom I once briefly corresponded in before-she-was-famous days. Archive 2008-12-01
  • It is a sell-out - an utter betrayal of the working people of this country, and of every patriotic New Zealander.
  • Many New Zealanders need educating about your antiquated laws, since the person you appoint as monarch automatically becomes our monarch too.
  • Scots may lose their regional ties in becoming New Zealanders, and the accent softens or disappears apart from the Southland burr.
  • Surely it is important that we acknowledge and support those women who are on their own, who are often unsupported, and who have no real encouragement or support in their efforts to bring up the next generation of New Zealanders.
  • I think "mickey" is New Zealander for "syringe filled with homeless junky vomit and yoohoo USA VS. NEW ZEALAND IN ‘WHO’S STUPIDER’
  • I want to say to 99.9 percent of all New Zealanders in this country that at Christmas they can go down to the beach with their family, with their children, have a barbecue, have a hangi, and go fishing.
  • That seems to typify the message the Government gives to New Zealanders.
  • New Zealanders have learned to farm in what they call the Midwest's "big weather," which sometimes means supplementing grass with grain. Top News Headlines
  • These settlements provide the opportunity for Maori New Zealanders to move forward with all others in the spirit of shared nationhood.
  • Research Service covering New Zealanders who served in the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces (NZEF) during World War 1 (1914-18). Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Maori have experienced the large-scale legitimised theft of land through the policy of raupatu, yet we punish Maori and other New Zealanders who steal.
  • That really did concern me, because if New Zealanders are not pricking up their ears to listen to a wide range of programming on National Radio, then it is just broadcasting into the ether, and there really is not that much point to it.
  • The New Zealander is a totally different animal to the forlorn figure we saw last season, struggling as he was with injury and confidence.
  • It is quite clear that the Government has ignored the commissioner's requests, and the consequences are being visited upon ordinary New Zealanders.
  • Ongoing contributions to the superannuation fund are essential to guarantee future superannuation payments to New Zealanders.
  • Mr Milnes said New Zealanders were squabbling over tax cuts while the environment was showing signs of stress.
  • I am very happy every 3 years to stand before my constituents as a Labour member of Parliament and somebody who has routinely voted for the human rights of every New Zealander.
  • Nationality nouns (Americans, a New Zealander, the Japanese) lie on the borderline between proper and common nouns.
  • New Zealander sheep farms
  • From the beginning Pakeha New Zealanders have struggled to establish and define a national identity for themselves.
  • If that idea catches on, it may be the only way to tell real New Zealanders from shame-ridden poseurs: The genuine article will have his clothes on right-way-out.
  • Then New Zealanders fought in Korea, Malaya, and Vietnam; and now our servicemen and servicewomen continue to serve around the world, rebuilding battered nations and keeping alive the hope of peace.
  • But New Zealanders love a trier, and that's him.
  • What I believe that most New Zealanders feel is what the dean of Auckland cathedral wrote today: that New Zealand retained its integrity as a nation.
  • Three out of four New Zealanders want judges given the power to start cracking down on the parents of wayward children.
  • Start with front man Pauly Fuemana, a New Zealander whose vocal style is almost as difficult to place as his accent.
  • The 10-mile float downriver started tranquilly enough; the two Quebecois guys in front of me were over-aggressively paddling, and our guide, an affable New Zealander named Andy, instructed them not to behave "like 18-year-olds in the bedroom. High-Flying Adventure
  • Print NZ deconsecrates quake-hit Christchurch Cathedral Dozens of New Zealanders have attended an emotional ceremony deconsecrating Christchurch Cathedral, which was wrecked in February's earthquake. BBC News - Home
  • The Turks were marched to Gallipoli to defend their homeland from infidel invaders; the English and Aussies and New Zealanders, shipped to Turkey to defeat the barbarians who had joined the German invaders.
  • British, French, Australians, New Zealanders had clawed a toehold on the Gallipoli peninsula. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • We are all New Zealanders, and there should be a single sovereignty.
  • The evocative wail of the pipes is almost as familiar and dear to generations of New Zealanders as a rousing haka.
  • New Zealanders are understandably proud that the Queen chose their country for the first-ever walkabout eleven years ago.
  • At the moment we think that highly taxed New Zealanders pay a marginal tax rate of 39 percent.
  • New Zealanders have those freedoms, which set us apart from tyrannical regimes where Governments tell people what they can and cannot do.
  • For the non New-Zealanders, the PSIS is soemthing like a building society. The bureaucrats must have run out of compliance processes to implementize
  • New Zealander Peter Bethune said the futuristic trimaran Ady Gil was salvagable after the crash, but that he was ordered by Sea Shepherd head Paul Watson to scuttle it. World Watch
  • Hopefully, this will deter the fly-by-nighters who would endanger the well-being of New Zealanders.
  • Last year, an Environmental Science and Research report warned that the number of New Zealanders dying from infectious diseases increased almost eightfold between 1988 and 2000.
  • The whole thrust of this Government's strategy is to upskill New Zealanders in order to fill those jobs.
  • We extend our aroha to all of the families involved, to the families of all servicemen and women; to the Defence Force; and to all New Zealanders as we commemorate this devastating loss. NZ On Screen
  • What I do know is that legal smoking of tobacco kills 4,700 New Zealanders a year.
  • New Zealander Lionel Cosgrove ropes a lawnmower onto his chest and charges into a zombie-packed hallway.
  • It enabled the New Zealanders to get behind the enemy position and sorely troubled him for the remainder of the day. Times, Sunday Times
  • We now need to have companies and all other New Zealanders following suit and beginning to squirrel funds away for their own retirement.
  • In just 5 years the wages and salaries earned by New Zealanders have increased by 32 percent.
  • Young New Zealanders waded, often wounded, among mud, slush, rubble and the dead, searching for a way to end their war.
  • I wrote to him just to say what a great job he was doing and how proud to be a New Zealander he made me, and he took the trouble to write a lovely letter back.
  • To most New Zealanders, the banking proposal smacks of Australia having everything to gain.
  • The bulk auto-enrolment will send New Zealanders a powerful signal to emphasise the point already made by generous incentives.
  • Ongoing contributions to the superannuation fund are essential to guarantee future superannuation payments to New Zealanders.
  • New Zealanders tend to be resourceful, self-reliant people.
  • Maintaining confidence in our standards, and in the conformance of the same, with their associated infrastructure, is very, very important to New Zealand and to New Zealanders.

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