- a member of the Mayan people of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico
- a Mayan language spoken by the Yucatec
How To Use Yucatec In A Sentence
- It not only uses the Yucatecan powerhouse chile--the habanero--but also includes the native fruit known as naranja agria, or bitter orange, which is also the secret to great Yucatecan escabeche. Kurt Michael Friese: Chasing Chiles: Xnipec - A Touch of the Dogs Nose
- Como herencia, además de sus canciones, nos dejó la idea de seguir cantando no solo las canciones de hoy, sino las de antes: los boleros, la trova yucateca, los corridos y el son. 'Para olvidarte a ti...'
- Yucatecan hacendados were quick to exploit this by financing and co-opting anarchosyndicalist unions, local leaders, and electoral candidates who opposed the agrarian reform.
- They represented Kechua, Cheyenne, Yucatec and Kechin Maya, Mapuche, Cuna and numerous other indigenous groups from Alaska and British Columbia to Hawaii, and Panama to Argentina. Theartblog
- The stew is served with a salpicon, something like a relish, which is the typical accompaniment toYucatecan main dishes. Yucatecan Three-Meat Stew: Puchero Yucateco de Tres Carnes
- The Mayan dish papadzules, made with pumpkin seeds and meaning "food for noblemen" is still a favorite in Yucatecan restaurants. The Pumpkin, An Ancient Mexican Native: La Calabaza Grande
- I also do not dress in ceremonial Yucatecan huipiles, or beaded leather fringed suits, cheongsams, grass skirts or fireman outfits. On Passing