How To Use Young lady In A Sentence
We can ourselves bear witness to the "hardness of the pavement" below, which Captain Wentworth feared would cause "too great a jar" when he urged the young lady to desist from the fatal leap.
Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
Look there, and tell me, without partiality, which is the handsomest of those two that lie asleep, the young man or the young lady. '
Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights
At length the young lady raised her head and looked steadily at his intelligent face.
I have scarcely ever heard anything equal to her, and her pronunciation of every language — begad, of every language — seems to me to be perfect; and the best houses in London must open before a young lady who has such talents, and, allow an old fellow to say, Miss
The History of Pendennis
'I was told – I was assured –' said Bellamy, 'that a mad bull was running wild about the country; and I thought it, therefore, advisable to send for a chaise from the nearest inn, that I might return this young lady to her friends.'
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth

Tha's been a cooartin' Mary Jane Oh - so you have been "seeing" a young lady called Mary Jane - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Tha's been a cooartin' Mary Jane Oh - so you have been "seeing" a young lady called Mary Jane - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
It represented a young lady called Jacky, and had been taken at the time when young ladies called Jacky were often photographed with their mouths open.
Howards End
The young lady in the inquiry office was very forthcoming.
I fail to see," a dignified young lady stated, "what Cazaio, at least, has to do with your galimatias.
Gallantry Dizain des Fetes Galantes
That's enough of your lip, young lady!
JAMEINA WILLIAMS, DATED KOBE BRYANT: When Kobe admitted to having an affair with this young lady it did not surprise me whatsoever, because he is an honest person.
CNN Transcript Jul 20, 2003
There's a young lady here to see you.
Susan was an intense young lady.
Now, as it is not permitted for any young Lady or Nun, to receive Visitors there, without some Companion, this our foresaid Nun was appointed to accompany the other.
The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
She is a sad, lonely career girl whose financial precariousness makes her a highly suggestible young lady who will clearly do almost anything for a sawbuck.
Esai is immediately attracted to the lithesome young lady, but Abigail rebuffs his attempts to initiate a simple conquest.
Drink One to Me, Christian Bennett by Vicki Allen
It's barbaric and unfitting of a young lady like you.
If ever there was a young lady totally lacking in va-va-voom, it was May.
My uncle, indeed, would have released the young lady vi et armis, had his strength been equal to his inclination; and in so doing, I would have willingly lent my assistance, both from a desire to serve such
The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
I know an eligible young lady who would be an excellent cooperator for you.
Activities such as picnics, walks, riding, croquet, billiards and lawn tennis could show off the young lady at her best angle and prove to the gentleman her intelligence and worthiness of being his bride.
The Country House Party | Edwardian Promenade
A young lady named Dee has pretty much established herself as the superbrat of the reality series.
Please can you print a message of thanks to the young lady who came to my aid in Hawes Lane on the morning of Saturday, June 7.
I must have been there near an hour, when in drifts the loppy young lady in the pink what-d'ye-call-it, -- the one I'd made the silent hit with in the gym., -- and she makes straight for me.
Odd Numbers Being Further Chronicles of Shorty McCabe
I enquired the cause, when, with his natural candour, he informed me that he could not help being more impressed by what he termed the prating of the gossips who had just left us, than, perhaps, he ought to be; and then showed me a little vellum case which he found at the Lodge, and which, he was then assured, was dropped by the young lady of whom they had been talking.
Vicissitudes in Genteel Life
These establishments not only offered afternoon tea, but provided, for the first time, a place that an unchaperoned young lady could visit with her friends and maintain her reputation.
The Tea Rooms of London | Edwardian Promenade
What a treat the young lady had in store.
Times, Sunday Times
Knowing Bloat, perhaps that's what it is, young lady gamming well-set-up young man, several poses-more wholesome than anything this war's ever photographed ... life, at least ....
Gravity's Rainbow
I will have to have a little talk with that young lady .
You stuff the little rosy foot of a Chinese young lady of fashion into a slipper that is about the size of a salt-cruet, and keep the poor little toes there imprisoned and twisted up so long that the dwarfishness becomes irremediable.
The Book of Snobs
The young lady was kitted up in a funny dress last evening.
His sentence was interrupted by a young lady who rushed suddenly on deck from the "cuddy" or cabin.
Frank Merriwell's Reward
Mary Kinglsey insisted on lending her her watch till recess, and Jenny Snow, a satirical young lady, who had basely twitted Amy upon her limeless state, promptly buried the hatchet and offered to furnish answers to certain appalling sums.
Little Women
And here is the sad thing; they cannot come to clere up matters with my deerest young lady, because, as your Honner has ordered it, they have these stories as if bribed by me out of your
Clarissa Harlowe
And what young lady doesn't like the smell of raspberry milkshake, candy and marshmallow?
At a period when he was having a terrific struggle with a certain habit, he was so continually held in the thought of fear by his mother and the young lady to whom he was engaged, -- the engagement to be consummated at the end of a certain period, the time depending on his proving his mastery, -- that he, very sensitively organized, _continually_ felt the depressing and weakening effects of their negative thoughts.
In Tune with the Infinite or, Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty
It is suspected that the young lady did not feel the difficulty, which philosophers are sometimes said to find in suiting their practice to their theory.
Her daughter was a young lady, whom by appearance in England, you would call somewhere in her teens; but, hereaway they are so precocious that one is constantly deceived in guessing their age.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
You'd better straighten up, young lady!
Brock's Chick was a woman so hot that "the Arizona legislature recently passed a bill that forbids me and this young lady from being an item because we're too good looking," Brock wrote in one post, which contained Brock's typical blend of swagger and lechery.
Ben Quayle's run for Congress, interrupted by Internet columnist Nik Richie
Within seconds, the door to the bedroom swiftly opened to reveal a concerned-looking azure-haired young lady wearing pink polka-dot pajamas and a pair of rose-colored glasses.
That would certainly scandalize Madame Piquemal - a young lady of Monique Colin's persona seeking him out in his bedroom at this hour.
My dear Ida, I wish to encourage no young lady of the hoydenish age of thirteen, in despising nice dressing and pretty looks and manners; or in neglecting to pick up any little hints which she may glean in such things from older friends.
Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
Anyway, full marks for a plucky young lady, who braved this despite the fact that the water was very cold.
Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ?
In some other place, both within the circle and simultaneously outside it, a young man named Gary was frozen in coition with a young lady named Sarah.
By the time she made her debut in Washington society, 18 - year-old Amy was a beautiful, mature, well-bred and graceful young lady, with green eyes and amber-colored hair.
Ada was a particularly striking young lady, with a pale complexion contrasted by very dark hair.
A young lady of 26, of good heredity, from the age of 6 had only been attracted to her own sex, and even in childhood had practised mutual _cunnilinctus_.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
I do have to say that I loved the photo of the young lady with her 'swain' in his kilt..very very classy.
A Linktastic Friday to End All Linktastic Fridays - A Dress A Day
His attention was arrested by a young lady who, standing at an angle not far from him, was the last to whom his eyes travelled.
No one seemed to notice but my stunned boyfriend, who had apparently been under the illusion that he was dating a well-brought-up young lady, or at least a judicious one.
Let Them Eat Osso Buco
One young lady advised a nip of Cointreau liqueur just prior to starting as it coated the throat and calmed her nerves.
Then there was the yearly appearance of the young lady who, clad in riding outfit and cracking a mean whip, leapt on to the stage carolling ‘The next horse I ride on I'm going to be tied on.’
The young lady was beautifully dressed and hatted.
I wasn't used to the heavy shoes and this became evident when my leg flew out sideways and chunked into a young lady's shin.
As the first steps towards the execution of this honest scheme, he had subjected Aurelia to the superintendency and direction of an old duenna, who had been formerly the procuress of his pleasures; and hired a new set of servants, who were given to understand, at their first admission, that the young lady was disordered in her brain.
The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
Meanwhile, co-star Jolie is perfectly suited as the tough, intelligent young lady who can pierce anybody with a silent stare.
A flat-chested young lady goes to Dr. Smith for advice about breast enlargements.
“That I am, young lady,” Bryon says, turning on the charm.
Me and Lord Byron at Last Call
With her long silky chestnut hair and a familiar twinkle in her eyes, Vivian had developed into quite an attractive young lady.
She has just which I call the manners a young lady ought to have. '
A Red Wallflower
But I am afraid grandmamma did not think that we were learning quite enough, for one day she called Lottie and me, and told us that she had just seen such a nice young lady, and that she had promised to come and be our governess.
My Young Days
That man's bad manners galled the young lady.
here in austraila we call those "sideburns" the young lady was wearing "koala bears ears" or spiders legs
Hairy Situations: Embracing Patterns
“Leaper from the Logan, or Martin Martyr” would have had his name enshrined in young lady sonnets, and azure albums, such immortality had little charms for me.
My Life as an Author
I saw a very young lady play a tiger in a comedietta of mine called 'If the Cap Fits,' I had no idea that that precocious child had in her the germ of such an artist as she has since proved herself.
The Story of My Life
For the last two years I have been based in Pattaya and have had a live-in relationship with a young lady for most of that time.
We were just confronted with this very pert young lady screaming blue murder on her front building site.
This young lady will be the lone sailor on her boat but she will not be alone in the case of emergency.
Times, Sunday Times
The young lady, though not insensible, became paralyzed with horror, and remained in a kind of cataleptic trance, fully conscious, but unable to move or speak, until, at nine o'clock next day, no answer having been given to repeated calls of her maid, the doors were forced open.
This young lady in her fringed green cowboy suit with boots dyed to match struck me as an image out of time, her blonde hair streaming backwards under her Stetson.
How did a pregnant young lady come to die intact and yet have her body donated for anatomical dissection?
This young lady will be the lone sailor on her boat but she will not be alone in the case of emergency.
Times, Sunday Times
I only mean half a guinea is nothing in comparison to ten guineas, which is the price of the ear-rings; and so that makes me think it's pity the young lady should lose an opportunity of getting them so cheap.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
When I turned around again the young lady had somehow osmosed out of her clothes, which were right there on the car seat looking like she had simply passed through the cloth, and there she was in all her glory, and I mean that most seriously and reverently, believe me!
OpEdNews - Diary: On Women, Love, Sex and Art
She imagined that her lodger was a young lady who for some reason had run away from her friends.
Fan : the story of a young girl's life
That would certainly scandalize Madame Piquemal - a young lady of Monique Colin's persona seeking him out in his bedroom at this hour.
At length the young lady raised her head and looked steadily at his intelligent face.
The name murmured at the door had not reached my ears, and I was still wondering which of my child-friends had developed into this charming and fashionable young lady, when Tabitha burst into the room, flung her arms round the new-comer's neck, and exclaimed, "You darling, who would have expected you to turn up so charmingly, just when we didn't expect you!
A Loose End and Other Stories
Who will escort this young lady home?
But my concern and my criticism is leveled at my colleague and friend because of the way he's conducted himself, for handling himself subsequent to this young lady's disappearance.
When I looked at him my heart inclined to him and I loved him; and he sat by my side and talked with me a while, when the young lady again clapped her hands and behold, a side door opened and out of it came the Kazi with his four assessors as witnesses; and they saluted us and, sitting down, drew up and wrote out the marriage contract between me and the youth and retired.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ?
Don't you dare answer me back, young lady!
This was too much for three young gallants, themselves suitors of the young lady.
There's no use batting your eyelashes at me, young lady!
Within a few weeks of a new incumbent arriving they will probably have forgotten the current young lady and have bonded with the new au pair.
Times, Sunday Times
He's a high-octane attorney who has assumed the case of a young lady's disappearance.
Mind your language, young lady!
She is a remarkable young lady, who is a credit to her family and school.
All which was rather strong language on the part of a young lady, but was thought by those other young ladies at Castle Richmond to show the very essence of becoming young-ladyhood.
Castle Richmond
Susan was an intense young lady.
I must have been there near an hour, when in drifts the loppy young lady in the pink what-d'ye-call-it, -- the one I'd made the silent hit with in the gym., -- and she makes straight for me.
Odd Numbers Being Further Chronicles of Shorty McCabe
‘Don't you sass me, young lady,’ she said sternly, and I apologized.
Captain, if you are anxious to have the young lady, your sister, in safety, h'yar's the place to stick up your tent-poles, h'yar, in this very settlement, whar the Injuns never trouble us, never coming within ten miles of us.
Nick of the Woods
To an eye so unobserving as that of Bucklaw, her demeanour had little more of reluctance than might suit the character of a bashful young lady, who, however, he could not disguise from himself, was complying with the choice of her friends rather than exercising any personal predilection in his favour.
The Bride of Lammermoor
Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ?
She was idle at her lessons and extremely saucy, and she was a quaint little thing, so that sometimes she seemed to be impertinent when she really did not intend it, though I must own that at other times she _did_ intend it as much as any other young lady seven years old possibly could.
Little Folks (December 1884) A Magazine for the Young
To the romantic lover the disappointment was all the more severe, because he had made so sure of the young lady's affection; nor was it mitigated by the mode in which Miss Jennings conveyed her declinature.
The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
a young lady of 18
Alexis is doing an internship at our winery. le stage = internship le/la stagiaire = intern, trainee le ménage = housework le souci = worry la garçonnière = bachelor pad le fromage = cheese la demoiselle = the young lady la gastro (gastronomie) = gastronomy hélas = alas une mère = mother (note: this word is missing from the sound file)
Stagiaire - French Word-A-Day
All he could produce was a stiff upper lip, while young Lady C cast meaningful looks at sturdy gamekeeper Mellors.
The problem I had with glitter was when Mia, a young lady friend of mine, sent me a CD in the post (we used to do swaps - David Bowie mainly, but also compilations of our favourite stuff).
I ate one during my first advanced swimming lesson (YMCA, 1979, a modified Finnish backstroke), as I competed in my first school chess tournament, while taking the ACT exam, during my first real date (this was in college — I started late due to my enormous unsymmetrical ears), and also a green sour apple blow pop as I was encouraging a young lady to accept a large diamond.
Charms L.P.
But no, neither was proper for a young lady of noble blood, a princess especially.
However, at 21 he was forced to reject an offer of a place at drama school because he was ‘sort of engaged to a young lady, besotted with her.'
Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ?
Never was she allowed to do anything that was deemed improper for a young lady.
A young lady dressed in an astrachan-edged jacket and with a face of diminished cheerfulness marched from Chelsea to
Love and Mr Lewisham
Lady Anne is forced to accompany her and play chaperone, as it is inappropriate for a young lady to be out without a chaperone.
He was sitting next to a pretty young lady.
Times, Sunday Times
When Kirstle reached her room, panting and close to a faint, her heart almost skipped a beat when she saw the young lady sitting in a chair by her fire.
And in the set beyond that, Reggie was partnering a large young lady, one Muriel Brownley.
'Oh! a beautiful cousin, Mr. Caveton!' replies the young lady, with that perfect artlessness which is the distinguishing characteristic of all young ladies; 'an affair, of course.'
Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
My dear young lady," he remonstrated, "can you blame me for the unwise, indiscreet utterances of every Dutch predicant who opens his mouth?
The Rhodesian
Look on that bed, and tell me, without partiality, which is the handsomest of those two who lie there asleep, the young man or the young lady.
The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01
The young lady workin 'says that the walrus is the most socially inappropriate animal they have there.
Knowledge is Power
Among very few references to specific wines, the treasured South African Constantia is considered a suitable restorative for a young lady in Sense and Sensibility.
Lying upon the bedcovers was a pale, thin young lady.
I worked at Lady Marg'ret 'All, ma'am, where the young lady is studyin'.
And indeed there were levities in the behaviour of that young lady, which she could not so far pass over as to wish an intimacy with her.
Clarissa Harlowe
Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ?
I never heard a shoeblack called a boot-finisher before, but I think the euphemism was allowable in a young lady who wishes to exalt the commercial status of her intended.
She may turn out to be a pearl of a wife, this young lady whom you are requested to enchase in gold.
Majoor Frans. English
For example, he called Madonna's chromium-plated coffee table book SEX "a Commonplace book for our day, by the Daisy Ashford of the 1990s, as filled with homilies and naive dreams as the diary of any Victorian young lady.
Ballard Gone: World at Half Mast
Nurse young lady answers indifferently: " It doesn an a bitan a bit!
Mamie Stribble working here, haven't you; a young lady with kind of goldy hair, dark eyebrows and a sort of old ivory complexion?
Torchy and Vee
And now she brings us the gut-wrenching story of another remarkable young lady.
I will have to have a little talk with that young lady .
This plucky young lady has been through so much and it would be wonderful if she overcame alopecia.
The Sun
Sometimes I was apt to be critical, perhaps a little too critical, of the young lady who might be described as the golfing girl-the young lady who, after a brilliant round of golf, played equally as well a game or two of bridge in the evening and danced with grace at the fashionable ball.
Chemistry in War Time
Bungay that John Crumb was ready at any hour to punch the head of any man who should hint that Ruby Ruggles had, at any period of her life, done any act or spoken any word unbecoming a young lady; and so strong was the general belief in John Crumb, that Ruby became the subject of general eulogy from all male lips in the town.
The Way We Live Now
Don't you dare answer me back, young lady!
The young lady in question has asked protection from local authorities to protect her from journalistic assault by the lurid press that are delving into her background.
While I was down at Sorrento, and under the watchful eyes of this delightfully lithographed bird, I took a call from a mate in Melbourne who has been seeing a young lady on and off for a few months.
'You're the gentleman that bought the young lady's keepsake album.
Sitting in Verney's pavilion, he saw, walking on the sea-front, a fair-haired young lady of medium height, wearing a beret; a white Pomeranian dog was running behind her.
No doubt this gentleman knows what he is doing, and has assurances of the young lady’s safety — So you must jouk and let the jaw gae by, as we say.”
The Surgeon's Daughter
It painted the young lady as a dimwit, someone, who had not put careful thought, had not completed the necessary research, and then made an uninformed decision to go ahead with this unique procedure.
The young lady at reception sent me up here.
She has been well cautioned, and, in addition, is not the sort of person who would assist a young lady in carrying on a clandestine correspondence.
The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
Finding love and being a good companion are slightly more challenging projects for even such a poised and educated young lady.
Somehow and I was close enough to hear the whole conversation so nothing the young lady said was offensive in either content or manner spoken, the owner just was vex from the word go.
This plucky young lady has been through so much and it would be wonderful if she overcame alopecia.
The Sun
‘Oh! a beautiful cousin, Mr. Caveton!’ replies the young lady, with that perfect artlessness which is the distinguishing characteristic of all young ladies; ‘an affair, of course.’
Sketches by Boz
There's a young lady here to see you.
Miss _Patty Sweetlips_, though the poor young lady blushed as red as scarlet, and seemed to be greatly displeased at the freedom which had been taken with her, Miss Chatterfast was so mischievous as to represent her to all her acquaintance as a bold little hussey, who loved to be kissed by the young gentlemen.
Vice in its Proper Shape Or, The Wonderful and Melancholy Transformation of Several Naughty Masters and Misses Into Those Contemptible Animals Which They Most Resemble In Disposition.
The young man looked smart in his suit and bow-tie, the young lady stunning in her deb's dress, the picture of happiness and carefree youth.
The young lady at reception sent me up here.
If, after three months, you haven't learned to act like a respectable young lady you will remain in New York at that disciplinary school.
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young lady forewent her spouse by the souterrain as he fared through the door and sat down in her upper chamber; 432 so as soon as he entered she asked him, “What hast thou seen?” and he answered,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
A young lady and her lawyers came to me among others, and we represented what we believed.
WON HER 'is the title appended to a picture of a young lady and gentleman seated in a drawing-room, and the libretto runs thus:' Mabel:
Yet Again
We cannot install any of our circle among the young lady's confidantes; Salisbury suspects them all as recusants, and advises Lord Harington whom to keep and whom to expel.
The young lady called Clio remarked in a quiet undertone: "Five people and two dogs to fetch down one old woman with a pipe.
The Refugees
A haughty young lady in the dining-room, Birdie Callahan, in her stiffly starched white, but beneath the icy crust of her hauteur was a molten mass of good humor and friendliness.
Fanny Herself
I was as close as a young lady might be to her abigail, but it did not help that I could not drag a coherent word out of her.
‘They are one and the same, young lady,’ the officer told her with some asperity. ‘I take it you didn't exactly plan this trip.’
I have been here for almost a year and have had a live-in relationship with a young lady for most of that time.
He pictures a young lady who has taken offence at some negligent expression in that chastest of ice – cold proprieties, The Funeral, and he forthwith more or less seriously proceeds to defend his play by quoting the example of both predecessors and contemporaries.
A Memoir of Mrs. Behn
Imagine their shock to hear he'd left the whole shooting match to a young lady friend.
The young lady was very buxom, blonde and beautiful.
The Sun
The young lady assured the owner that she had received permission from someone on the staff to put up the flyer.
Tib's keen reasonings about young Lady Penrhyn's indifference to cash, which had at first seemed but 'dubitable' to the Highland Danaë, gradually acquired force from the strength of corroborative evidence.
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
For the record, m'lud, the young lady still managed to eat an enormous (almost life-sized) squidgy blue shark jelly-sweetie thing afterwards.
If the usual discretion is observed in the choice of a companion for a young lady going to and returning from a hunt, she would have far less opportunity for "frivol," than in any ordinary ball room or theatre.
The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
That would certainly scandalize Madame Piquemal - a young lady of Monique Colin's persona seeking him out in his bedroom at this hour.
The man began to laugh behind his moustaches, the which cachinnation was checked by an appealing look from the young lady; and he held out his hand and said,
The Kickleburys on the Rhine
Young lady also proceeded to nark me by fidgeting continuously.
Father, wrote to me and asked that I come and teach you how to present yourself as a cultured young lady and not the hoyden that you are.
It is hardly believable that such a pretty young lady is as bold as brass.
Finally, a nice young lady behind the counter is touched by the divine hand of healing and overcomes her catatonia long enough to notice that she ought to be running her register, and waves me over.
'twinkie' - a reasonably attractive young lady who wanders around the sidelines to interview players and report on injuries and the like, often causing us to miss a play.
CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
In the meantime the young ladykin whom the solemn vowing concerned had lingered round the choir screen, as if fearing to enter, yet loth to go away.
The Hand of Ethelberta
Perhaps the gent is worried that if he displeases the young lady with his offering of Coke he shall feel the sting of that riding crop.
Coca-Cola Breeds Contempt Among the Classes - The Retroist
A loosened curl had fallen over her forehead, giving to the severity of her dress, copied from that portrait of her father, a dishevelling touch, as though a young lady were suddenly discovered to be a gipsy in an evil frame of mind.
The Misses Mallett The Bridge Dividing
His tone held a hint of mockery and sarcasm when he addressed her as young lady.
French Vocabulary une fille = girl le tabac = bar, café, or shop with a cigarette counter la demoiselle = young lady
The French word for plastered drunk... - French Word-A-Day
LL has some great examples of singular they even when the gender of the antecedent is not in doubt, and MWDCEU has one where the antecedent is any young lady!
Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
The young lady who had so high a spirit as to have at times awakened somewhat of terror in those who were her adversaries; the young lady who had made such a fine show in male attire, and of whom it had been said that she could outleap, outfence, and outswear any man her size, had made a fine match indeed, marrying an elderly nobleman and widower, who for years had lived the life of a recluse, at last becoming hopelessly enamoured of one who might well be his youngest child.
His Grace of Osmonde Being the Portions of That Nobleman's Life Omitted in the Relation of His Lady's Story Presented to the World of Fashion under the Title of A Lady of Quality
It was a challenge for a young lady who had once cried, ‘Mommy, I simply cannot go another day without a pair of proper bloomers!’
Right from day one she always loved school and she has grown into a beautiful young lady.
Beverly Jameson the coordinator of South Yorkshires ` Black Police Association said When you saw the whole footage thing young lady is thrashing about violently and in ganger of hurting both herself and the officers trying to restrain her.
I`m not a racist but......
Her manner, reserved to the point of stiffness, and paralyzing, as it did, the glibbest masculine tongue among them, was also looked upon as the acme of perfection and all that was desirable in young ladyhood; each individual humbly admitting that while he never before had met a real lady, he knew one when he saw her.
The young lady looked abashed and stepped back consciously into the shadows.
The young lady in the inquiry office was very forthcoming.
Miss Jacobs was a nice enough young lady and I believe she had the talent to go far.
There was less to fear from the “indefatigable,” a young man just come out or an old beau who danced indiscriminately with any and all women, and the “indispensable,” the anxious fetcher and carrier of wraps, gloves, lemonade, fans and ices, but a young lady was introduced to as many approved and eligible men as quickly as possible.
La Jeune fille à marier | Edwardian Promenade
In those days, no bevy of Greshamsbury young ladies had fairly represented the Greshamsbury young ladyhood if Mary
Doctor Thorne
The young couple broke a piece of gold together, and pledged their troth in the most solemn manner; and it is said the young lady imprecated dreadful evils on herself should she break her plighted faith.
The Bride of Lammermoor
Are you that sassy with your parents, young lady?
In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon.
Even so, we may be sure that a young lady whose cheek burned not at sight of the letter she had sealed untidily -- 'unworthily' the Manual calls it -- would anon be blushing for her shamelessness.
Yet Again
There's some heavyhanded sexual humor as well, including a missionary whose naked "fundament" suffers the indignity of a tattoo and a young lady who falls into Macklyn's lap much to his obvious pleasure.
The Biblicals
His suggestive remarks shocked the young lady.
Car palm young lady: She always says reentry goes a bit!
We also spotted a SUSPICIOUSLY PALE young lady applying for employment, but she MYSTERIOUSLY VANISHED before we could accost her!
Stuff We Did On Our Vacation, Part One; Or, A Pictorial Essay on Vampire Habitats
Besides, if there was a pin awry in her dress, he did make such a fuss – and, really, such an active, busy young lady couldn't look always as if she came trim out of a band-box.
John Halifax, Gentleman