How To Use young buck In A Sentence
- Overworked and undersexed stay-at-home moms might be tempted by the strapping young buck with the weed whacker.
- Whether the young bucks had too much licence is a moot point. Times, Sunday Times
- All the young men were bucks - a young buck in the old days used to be a gentleman.
- He's both the wise man and the young buck trying to prove himself.
- i absolutely loved the movies, the show, everything. but ive been seeing "peewee" doing the rounds on the talk shows lately and honestly, its just a mess. its just not very funny and he waited too damn long to bring it back. paul reubens isnt the young buck he used to be, and to hear him trying to do the little pee wee voice again is just awful. sad day. Script is Written & Ready for Pee-Wee's Playhouse: The Movie «
- Feeling as if all eyes were on him, he approached the horse that Aarao had instructed was his, a young buckskin stallion that had apparently had no owner before him.
- With this in mind, is it likely that a highly sexed, impulsive, handsome young buck like Phineas would keep himself entirely pure for five years in a foreign city?
- For many of the young bucks in their scarlet tunics, what starts as a great imperial adventure ends in either a squalid death or captivity.
- Molloy was in mighty form afterwards, like a young buckeen who'd had a turn with every pretty girl in the place and had picked the best for the bicycle ride home.
- A young buck private saw the first body as they approached the village.