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[ US /ˈjɪn/ ]
[ UK /jˈɪn/ ]
  1. the dark negative feminine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology
    the interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe

How To Use yin In A Sentence

  • This came out of an investigation he was carrying out into when a ternary quartic form could be represented as the sum of five fourth powers of linear forms.
  • While on the way thither she fell in with a polacre-rigged ship flying the The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • Fertilization therefore results in an egg carrying a nucleus with contributions from both parents, and it was concluded that the cell nucleus must contain the physical basis of heredity.
  • My generation was raised on a diet of stultifyingly tedious, but worthy accounts of embryology, typically very badly printed on what appeared to be rice paper.
  • She was carrying her overnight case and a basket of dried flowers-statice, strawflower, and immortelle in the pastel colors referred to in seed catalogues as "art shades": fawn, apricot, mauve, and pale yellow. Incubus
  • The house was a semi-detached with a couple of children playing in the front lawn and his son was just arriving home from his days work.
  • You may be trying to invoke the ‘echos from the supernal world’ but they're everywhere and where-ever people say they're doing magic there's a bit of truth there.
  • She has one annoying but lovable big brother that looks out for her, and a little sister that adores and idolizes her.
  • (Variety's Dennis Harvey called Mr. Friedman's onscreen persona "nebbishy"; The Boston Globe's Wesley Morris was a little nicer, saying, "The movie is the product of his big, shiny love of forgotten soul legends whom superstardom ... has eluded.") Did Pirated 'Wolverine' Review Get Fox 411's Roger Friedman Fired? [Update]
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