How To Use Yeti In A Sentence

  • They played Glastonbury in yeti costumes.
  • He brought back reports of yetis in Tibet.
  • It was a Karvitaka, an equivalent to a yeti, but a lot bigger.
  • It is a solid river of ice broken into huge blocks, thrust downwards by a glacier or very large Yeti.
  • The yeti howled as the giant glob of ice fell atop of it.
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  • Reporting a story on extreme-job holders is a lot like stalking the Tibetan yeti.
  • Those people will tell you that the yeti is a species of bear.
  • Whatever his status, he unveils a conical dome of dark flesh and bristly hair - supposedly the scalp a Yeti.
  • About five years ago a climber in the Himalayas claims to have seen a pair of yetis hanging out.
  • A "yowie" is Australia's version of a yeti, a k a Bigfoot. NYT > Home Page
  • Get as close as you dare to mythical monsters including dragons, the Unicorn and the Yeti and learn about the mystery that surrounds them.
  • The yeti is a complicated Audio-Animatronics figure whose complex functions have presented some challenges affecting its operation," said Walt Disney World spokeswoman Andrea SplicedFeed
  • Eating chocolate cake, drinking tea and playing scrabble was how we whiled away the afternoon (not really the Lonely Planet travelling life!), and after arguments about the words 'cyan', 'fiche', 'yeti' and 'rancor', we then had to invest in a little English dictionary. Recent Updates
  • Aren't armenians super hairy … so hairless with more laser removal than Chewbacca. so basically she's admitting that rather than being "hairless", she's actually covered in hair like a yeti and has to have it all lasered off to keep from being drug off to the zoo every month. that's actually pretty gross. think about what that full body stubble feels like when it's growing back. The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
  • …. note how Yukon brings in the abominable snowman and that in the very next frame the yeti is free and putting the star on the tree. #30 Comic of the Day « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • Enzo, of Newbridge, who came to Wales as a tot in 1962 when his dad emigrated, said he had been called an ‘Eyetie’ and a ‘greaseball’ in his time and he took it all “with a pinch of salt”. Cairns suspended over Wopgate
  • Several findings were rich and strange: a hairy new species dubbed the yeti crab; a 21-foot-long squid; a new species of lobster weighing 8.8 pounds; an ancient shrimp thought to have become extinct 50 million years ago. Marine Census Shows Vast Diversity of Sea Life
  • The top cuvées from the likes of Nyetimber and Ridgeview are often mistaken for something much posher from Reims or Epernay.
  • Moreover, in light of the Cameron's policy on marriage, he will probably insist that she and Don Millio get together again, pour l'encouragement les autres (sorry, I can't translate that into Eyetie). Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • In production meetings, studio executives have begun asking if a particular project is 'toyetic' -- meaning whether its concept can lend itself to a toy, and whether the project will be able to sell tickets and merchandise. K9 Storm (link roundup)
  • The Yeti Roast Duck Office has decided to have a clampdown on building new chain stores.
  • Italian Somaliland, I'm sure there's some museum display somewhere that's itchin 'fer a repeat against them Eyetie wogs! Alternate Brain
  • It was a facer, Yetive and Beverly felt as though a steel trap suddenly had been closed down upon them.
  • I am reminded of Jamie Fristrom's observations regarding the "toyetic" and how RL toy manufacturers are seeking to make their toys more interactive. June 2005
  • YETIIIII!!! yuummm to answer ur question about the penguin waffle maker ... it was the best thing my ex ever gave me! hahah how adorable is it? Cupcake Poll #15 - "March"mallow
  • The most obvious example was the attempt to find a yeti on an expedition Bonington led to climb Menlungtse in the Himalaya.
  • Steven LevyThe Big One Not Over YetIn "Austerlitz," W.G. Sebald performs a small but significant miracle: he wrests the Holocaust out of the clutches of stereotypes. Periscope
  • Ninon's return to the gayeties of her drawing rooms was hailed with loud acclamations from all quarters.
  • But they sure are pretty and marketable -- I believe "toyetic" is the word. DVD Talk
  • Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti.
  • And now the firm also offers the Yeti Outdoor but both models retain the distinctive boxy shape that people love. The Sun
  • Scientists were baffled by the DNA in so-called yeti hair discovered by a British expedition in Bhutan two years ago.
  • Walt calls his bald hairdresser a tight-assed Eyetie scumbag, or words to that effect, while the man retorts that Walt is a whining, tight-fisted, Polack sonofabitch. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • You need to speak to the local people who don't mix with tourists, who don't know the West's version of the yetis.
  • June 06, 2005 13: 35 nicki: if you haven't already tried, you could maybe get a copy of yeti from the guy who did it, mike. try him at or yetimike@comcast. net. Please Say It's Not Too Late (Music (For Robots))
  • Even taking into account the dodginess of the use of "Eyetie" to refer to an Italian person, one has to admit that it would be very difficult to portray the second, full quote as racist or xenophobic. Wake Up From Your Slumber - The Truth Will Set You Free
  • A team of Japanese adventurers say they have discovered footprints they believe were made by the legendary yeti, which is said to roam Nepal and Tibet. National Nine News
  • Long and shaggy, in real or imitation fur, Yeti coats are ideal partners against the cold.
  • It was named Kiwa hirsuta kiwa, after the goddess of shellfish in Polynesian mythology, but has become known as the yeti crab because of its hairy appearance.
  • You said you spotted a yeti and that it was a great disappointment.
  • In parts of the Himalaya, the big cats have a near-mythical status comparable with the yeti, or abominable snowman.
  • There is no animal which is more lovely than yeti in the world.
  • A Gorrilla or Yeti costume in front of the trail-cam is a good one though we've yet to follow through. Practical jokes at deer camp
  • I once lived next door to a giant of a man with feet like Yeti slippers.
  • YETIIIII!!! yuummm to answer ur question about the penguin waffle maker ... it was the best thing my ex ever gave me! hahah how adorable is it? Cupcake Poll #15 - "March"mallow
  • And why is a bloody Eyetie in charge of a British film - let alone an Ealing film, the most British productions of all? Film |
  • He was imprisoned in Switzerland for terrorising skiers while dressed as a yeti.
  • much of the stuff we need to know is in the show itself, like its frequent mockery of the WB's original conception of F! as a "toyetic," merchandisable show. Tiny Toons and Freakazoid DVDs Announced
  • Everything's been scraped back so far that the British Army rattles when it walks and those brain surgeons in Logistics hadn't even given us enough blanks to scare the bloody crows, let alone put the wind up Eyetie cooks. Whispers Of Betrayal
  • And coming to the aid of the addicted is Alan Klein, a Minnesotan who three years ago launched the McRib Locator, a site that tracks appearances of the Yeti-like sandwich. The McRib locator: Tracking the Bigfoot of McDonald's sandwiches
  • By the advice of her ministers, she checked the gayeties of the court; she even submitted to a reduction of her income.
  • We don't know the details about the yeti.
  • I had always figured the reclusive Yeti as being a mysterious, private creature who lurked in some backwoods plot of land slowly being bulldozed and turned into apartment complexes.
  • Other respondees thought this predicted the appearance of Yeti or Bigfoot.
  • He married an Eyetie nurse and never bothered to come home. The Old Man's Tale
  • I didn't know what to make of his story of meeting two yetis in the high Himalayas.
  • A "yowie" is Australia's version of a yeti, a k a Bigfoot. NYT > Home Page
  • Jerdon's courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus Phasianidae Ceylon junglefowl Gallus lafayetii Capitonidae Yellow-fronted barbet Megalaima flavifrons An asterisk signifies that the species 'range is limited to this ecoregion. Deccan thorn scrub forests
  • How many times has something as fanciful as a unicorn, a yeti, a mermaid or a werewolf turned out to be based on fact?
  • While the band was riffing away, Fallon would unleash a torrent of lyrics about monster trucks, prison planets and yetis in his unmistakable throaty roar.
  • Each Thunderbolt has been chosen for their lethal skills and their "toyetic" appeal - how well their powers and appearance can be translated into toys. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Hillary's expedition did bring back furs that supposedly came from yetis, and an abundance of photos of suspicious tracks in the snow.
  • And how did such seemingly non-toyetic robot designs like one with only a head and arms and wheels with no body or another with a 'jackhammer' uni-leg come about when, even for the movie aesthetic, they are pretty far out there for a movie basically about a toy line? Transformers News
  • Presumably the yeti is a northern creature.
  • Hairs found near sightings of a yeti-like primate in India have turned out to be goral (a wild goat) hairs. Archive 2008-10-01
  • [B] efore this mission I myself had begun branching out into the more positive aspects of eugenics -- Schafer is more intent on justifying his quest for the mythical yeti: 'I've been mocked for devoting my life to a legend. Archive 2007-11-01
  • He was rescued by a yeti.
  • We lure in geese, coyotes and other game with decoys, but Sasquatch are likely as smart as we are, but in different ways, so we can't expect to fool them with a robot Yeti. Big Foot?
  • Yes, but Scotland, NIreland and Wales are allowed; England apparently no longer exists, except in the pejorative phrase "Little Englander" and as an aspiring, but rarely achieving, football team - even with an Eyetie in charge of it. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Part 6 of the Shadow of the Bat (27: 00) takes another thoroughly extensive featurette that concentrates on dissecting the "toyetic" nature of DVD Talk
  • She made her character seem plausible, despite having to play scenes where she was attacked by yetis.
  • But beyond the engineering, says Beck, he talks to students about the need for what the industry calls "toyetic" qualities. Practical Futurist: When Toys And Tinkerers Meet
  • Your penultimate post on Gramsci is less easy to fulfil in terms of a slim primer ('twas I who sent you the last (Hudson Institute) links after you had castigated me for banging on about the crippled Eyetie prisoner). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He wrote Farblondjete [Mixed Up] Honeymoon, in which Picon played a young servant who eventually marries the lord of the manor, and Ghetto Gayeties, for which Picon translated the songs; he starred in The World of Sholom Aleichem, in which Picon sang a small role. Jewish Women in Comedy - Molly Picon
  • There could be yetis out there somewhere.
  • Shouts from the scientists watching the monitors quickly drew everyone on board to gaze upon a landscape blanketed by what they quickly realized was a new species of kiwa crab, also known as the yeti because of its hairy body.
  • Was this the fabled yeti, terrorizing another doomed high-altitude expedition?
  • Yet, somehow, she made her character seem plausible, complex and (most remarkably) real, despite having to play scenes where she was attacked by yetis, slimed on by mutant moths and even inseminated with an alien baby.

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