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How To Use Yes In A Sentence

  • She tore her eyes from them for a moment to spy the bodhrán player in the tree, tapping out her rhythm with her eyes closed, not noticing the spy amongst them.
  • But yes, good of Prof. Adler, who I hope will be a little chary of Althousian pseudoreality in future. The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking the Washington Post to School
  • Neither of them sugar-coat the ups and down of working in the industry, but they will open your eyes a great deal about the false assumptions that you're making.
  • The scale of the economic gulf between the two parties came as two polls yesterday showed that the election remained wide open. Times, Sunday Times
  • The baby grows fine hair, fingernails and teeth, and the eyes open and close.
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Master English with Ease
  • Yes, the gearbox was a bit saggy and I was alarmed at how much pressure the brake pedal needed to do an emergency stop, but other than this, all was well.
  • And, yes, the otherwise companionless apartment smelled like love for a few weeks each spring. The Orangery
  • The company said yesterday that that burden had become 'unsupportable in the long term'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Halpern kept his arms crossed and eyes forward, while Ren was grinning and tucking a few stray hairs up under a mesh caul.
  • A lot of people's eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist.
  • I got to know a little bit about it, at least the old Berlin of the past, through Benjamin's eyes.
  • The administration will lose a lot of respect in my eyes if this goes ahead.
  • I put on black eyeliner, mascara, red eye shadow with black tints towards the edges of my eyes, and ruby colored lipstick.
  • In an effort to take some of the beguilement out of her young eyes, I make light of your dark and somber task.
  • The requests were the old ones: portraits of pretty mistresses done up as Arcadian shepherdesses, Virgins with downcast eyes and brilliant blue cloaks, sentimentalised pictures of the Infant Christ.
  • And when he knelt he found her squatting, in the far corner underneath, and in the slatted dark, saw only her eyes, wide and white. Gabbie Zombie
  • A sparkle in his eyes animated his face whenever he smiled.
  • His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance.
  • I often position an athlete in front of a mirror that has grid lines on it, ask them to close their eyes and stand up straight. Muscle Management
  • Deirdre cast him one last look, then shut her eyes tight.
  • Looking through the casement was the visage of the mariner, no longer stern, but moved with unutterable emotion, and tears, yes, tears trickling down his weather-beaten cheeks. Edward Barnett; a Neglected Child of South Carolina, Who Rose to Be a Peer of Great Britain,—and the Stormy Life of His Grandfather, Captain Williams or, The Earle's Victims: with an Account of the Terrible End of the Proud Earl De Montford, the Lamen
  • I do not of course mean, Heaven forbid! that people should try to converse seriously; that results in the worst kind of dreariness, in feeling, as Stevenson said, that one has the brain of a sheep and the eyes of a boiled codfish. From a College Window
  • In some parts, the infection is popularly known as "pinkeye" because it turns the whites of the eyes pink. Dealing with Conjunctivitis
  • It found itself subjected to harsh rain it was ill equipped for, dissolving the sandstone facades of it's buildings slowly, even as the people chose not to lift their eyes and notice it.
  • Sjogren's syndrome "targets and destroys over time the exocrine glands responsible for tear production and saliva -- and is characterized by dryness of the mouth and eyes," said Dr. Michael Belmont, an associate professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at NYU Langone Medical Center and medical director for Hospital for Joint Diseases. Why Sjogren's syndrome caused Williams to quit U.S. open
  • Yesterday, the police arrested a nurse. The Sun
  • He visited a specialist yesterday to find out whether he requires surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The food fares well in terms of freshness, quantity and effort, and there's a made-to-order pasta bar and a station where roast beef is carved before your eyes.
  • And why do his eyes occasionally appear to glow red, like those of a replicant? Times, Sunday Times
  • The president arrived at California in a helicopter yesterday.
  • He made the declarations while responding to reporters' questions on the bilateral debt forgiveness agreement during yesterday's post-Cabinet news conference at Whitehall.
  • Yes, there were aberrations like the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War, but mostly it was a period of peace.
  • What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Seeing her eyes unwavering, he was curious to know what had brought such a change in her attitude.
  • Her eyes were a light shade of blue, dominating her pale face.
  • While in a state of mesmeric sleep, he said that, yes, he was asleep but would rather sleep more soundly.
  • I looked up into the sparkling eyes of a heavyset man with gray, unkempt hair and a white goatee.
  • Jeffrey's voice was rough and his words were harsh but Anthony remained calm and cool, save his eyes.
  • Andrews assumes that the lyric poet's freedom to dissent is only the freedom to say ‘yes’ to the American ideology - individualism.
  • An unusual colour for me, since my dad had brown eyes and my mum had greeny blue.
  • Yes , sure. This line of products is fragrance - free. We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion and eye - cream.
  • He has a triangular version of Rupert's stylised muzzle with the same pricked ears and bright black-button eyes.
  • Make sure you cut holes for your eyes to peer out of or a hole at the top for your your head, but for the sake of moveability, make sure the box only comes down to your knees or waist. Somewhat quick and cheap geek costumes for Halloween
  • We came across a herd of Cape buffalo grazing in a field, their eyes glassy when hit by the spotlight. The Full Feed from
  • He has gorgeous black hair, and these dreamy blue eyes.
  • He did not look up, but he felt, he just _felt_, all the eyes of all the little meadow people and forest folk burning right into him. Mother West Wind's Children
  • It is politically safer – yes, even pragmatic – to describe one’s values as "commonsensical" or "middle of the road. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Two executives of a notorious stockbroking firm that fleeced more than 8,000 savers were banned from the City yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes | No | Report from TheEasternShore ... wrote 1 year 1 week ago no, just drag them into the middle if it is iced over then just wait until the pond unfreezes I have started a new pond. I have alot of old christmass trees.
  • Her straight, medium-length, blonde hair glistened, and her baby blue eyes and sweet red mouth were picture-perfect.
  • He shut his eyes, fingers clawing at the rock below him.
  • He is blind in both eyes.
  • However, some patients seek help late in the season, when their symptoms have progressed from a runny nose to sticky yellow mucus with red, hot itchy and swollen eyes.
  • What is the etiquette when the eyes in question are big, and brown, and fringed with generous dark lashes?
  • Although in traditional practices of visualization, eidetic images of a divinity or his paradisal dwelling were constructed in the mind, these visions were not visible to the eyes.
  • Manning turned slowly, a fallacious smile on his lips, his eyes hard. CORMORANT
  • Care and skill in the use of dyes can produce products that resist bleeding, crocking, frosting, and discoloration. HOME COMFORTS
  • April 2, 2009 3: 07 PM great interview ... and yes parakeet is a dakudaji blogger! Interview Thursday: "I’m particularly saddened about the state of women right issues in Nigeria" - Parakeet
  • Frances was dabbing at her eyes with a paper tissue.
  • Yes, it means a re-think of the way we give, but it promises to truly lift up lives in these hard times and bring us back to the true definition of the word 'philanthropy,' which literally means "the love of humanity. Melanie Lundquist: Time to Change the Way We Give
  • I open my eyes and there are her deep, cold, violet, malicious eyes, staring at me.
  • Passengers' eyes divert to Lauren and they begin to mutter incoherently about her.
  • Yes, we need a simplified and streamlined planning system. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Did you know that your eyes are beautifully … eh … greenish bluey graylike?’ Blonde, Black and Blood Red
  • The two merchants didn't look entirely pleased to have the players mooching off of their business, but it was obvious to the eyes of an outsider that the music was actually attracting customers.
  • He looked at the capable assistant with sincere eyes knowing that this would rattle him into some flustered explanation of his whereabouts.
  • Celebrity steeplejack Fred Dibnah was supposed to end his days of felling factory chimneys with the demolition of the 175-ft Park Mill chimney in Royton yesterday.
  • My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty. III.9
  • There was a sudden flash of lightning that gave the face blazing eyes. The Other Side of Me
  • Your scribe's eyes were also taken with a beautiful Mosquito and I was forced to reflect how ‘right’ these warbirds look in the sky.
  • Eyes that are not optimized in this way are said to have refractive errors (long sight or short sight).
  • Its markings were unmistakeable, as were the large, soulless, jet black eyes.
  • A dab of pale lilac or silver on the inner corner of the eye will make your eyes look whiter and brighter, giving an instant youth punch. The Sun
  • Yes, we need to take voting advice from a bedwetter who thinks that terrorists are supermen. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • I loved her so much but I always felt it was a one-way relationship so I proposed, she of course said yes.
  • round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him
  • Yes, he generally wore a leather thong to do so. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember that if you get through yesterday, you'll get through today.
  • Yes, what you say is right.
  • And the more people who go see them, the more "bankable" Nicolas Cage becomes in the eyes of Hollywood producers, which in turn allows Nicolas Cage to make more movies.
  • Until the advent of synthetic dyes, woad was cultivated in great plantations that were for a time a mainstay in some colonial economies. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • His dark eyes stared back, full of rawness, honesty and uncompromising sincerity.
  • Then, suddenly, the house turned itself into a Richard Curtis film - the one in which all those hard-hearted world leaders listen to a young wee Scots lassie who tells them that, yes, they can make poverty history, now!
  • A similar problem came up yesterday in reading a Boris Akunin story called Strast' i dolg Passion and duty, set in an alternate Russia which has revived tsardom, along with its Table of Ranks and all the rest of the imperial paraphernalia. TRANSLATION PROBLEMS.
  • Yes the win in Riesa was pleasing as I was wearing a normal costume and was unrested, unshaved and untapered so that's always a confidence boost
  • Thus, for e.g. while laser ablation may halt the progression of diabetic nephropathy, it certainly does not restore eyesight. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Why Obesity Management and Weight Loss are NOT the Same
  • There were checkerberry-pipe and licorice-pipe and sassafras-pipe, and -- how Wort's eyes did glisten and his mouth water as he imagined the different kinds there! The Knights of the White Shield Up-the-Ladder Club Series, Round One Play
  • Scores of jurors were quickly dismissed yesterday as the judge tackled the daunting task of finding an unbiased jury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.” — The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
  • I kept my eyes on them, my body tensing, and then suddenly bam!
  • He stared at her, his grey eyes lingering on her lips.
  • He gently took her chin between his forefinger and his thumb and raised it so she could look him in the eyes.
  • The Deity has emeralds embedded in its eyes and diamonds on its forehead and navel.
  • `'Yes,'" Pitt said, smiling like a magician about to bedazzle an audience. INCA GOLD
  • It's Thursday folks, and clearly my "uploading slowly all afternoon" was kiboshed yesterday. Great Guelph Photos and Cool Blog Links by Creative Guelphites
  • The driver was 18 to 19 years old, 5ft 6ins tall, hairy with a slim build, dark eyes, a gaunt face and hollow cheeks.
  • His eyes were black too, but had nothing of fierce or insolent; on the contrary, a certain melancholy swimmingness, that described hopeless love rather than a natural amorous languish. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
  • Tim's eyes went past him to the last black binder in the safe. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • A City priest vowed yesterday that he is no longer willing to turn the other cheek and tolerate the repeated acts of wanton vandalism to the windows of the presbytery which is also his home.
  • The cabin crews have balloted for industrial action and a massive ‘yes’ vote is expected.
  • A mantid is the most humanlike of insects; it has its eyes arranged so that it can see forward, allowing it depth perception. The Killing Kind
  • He slid those dark eyes toward her, full of winsome appeal.
  • Nancy Finn at Chasing Rainbows dyes lovely silk caps and tussah and and and... Spinning Silk Hankies
  • His hair was starting to gray around the edges, and his eyes were sunken, hidden away behind bags and wrinkles that were now forming.
  • Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike. The Satanic Verses
  • his eyes were glazed over with boredom
  • She pushed the feeling away from her heart while she brushed Darren's fringe away from his eyes.
  • His dark hair lay cropped close to his head like a monk's tonsure and his small black eyes sat deep within their sockets like tiny pieces of coal buried in a lump of snow.
  • Yes | No | Report from towery wrote 42 weeks 10 hours ago where do I send for my buld order? The Best No-Trespassing Sign Ever
  • -- Morgan Freeman wonka bar aww yes, the joker is back ... maybe Joseph Gordon Levitt could write it? blog comments powered by Disqus Jamie Foxx Writing Laverne & Shirley Feature; Jessica Biel and Jennifer Garner Still Attached to Star | /Film
  • And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.
  • And he took the wand wherewith he lulls the eyes of whomso he will, while others again he even wakes from out of sleep. Book V
  • Bell was also a sycophant, a Yes man, who could shift his political stance in a heartbeat, talk in circles and dodge any important decision making.
  • Now that grand finale will not happen, which must have induced sadness yesterday in all but the hardest of hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spotted Adrian later in the afternoon staring at the distant tree line with a look of pondering in his eyes.
  • Frankly, they're really only safe on fairer skin types, such as blonds, redheads with blue, green eyes.
  • John lifted his eyes from his book.
  • Yes, there is an abrasive nature to his character. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used a specially-arranged series of interviews during the Commonwealth summit yesterday to mount a stout defence of his position.
  • That has been a principal source of the rise in the polls of the Yes campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • November 19, 2008 at 6:23 am aifinkso eet was Mick adjusting his trowsers, uh huh. yesh. ai has notting tu du wib eet… HONEST! No… srsly… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He might be 900 feet tall, and gentle as a lamb in real life, but Micky Clarkskies has got a manic look in his eyes that reminds one of the bulging diabetical look Biggie used to charm the ladies. Our Top 10 Picks to Play Notorious B.I.G. | Best Week Ever
  • 'Was it what you expected?' 'Yes, definitely.'
  • When healthy subjects looked at the concave faces, connections strengthened between the frontoparietal network, which is involved in top-down processing, and the visual areas of the brain that receive information from the eyes. Multi Medium
  • Harrieth woke up and rubbed the sleep dust from her eyes, she yawned deeply, throwing her arms out to the side.
  • I didn't answer her, just kept scrubbing the toilet clean while Colleen trickled Visine into her eyes.
  • My head turns sideways; my eyes turned outwards towards the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, yes, they make those weird, two-wheel gizmos you have to stand on that you see Kevin James riding around in in his latest movie Paul Bart : Mall Cop - it's a comedy.
  • Even with my eyes closed, lying face down on the ground, all I could see was orange pumpkins.
  • I was happy as a sandboy — beautiful wife, beautiful children, house, secure job, good social life — then, wham, the wife hits me between the eyes with the muscled actor from next door who's been shafting her for months. Disordered Minds
  • Instead, his dull eyes flicked disinterestedly from ice house to ice house, noting the plume of smoke drifting from each.
  • A slender man with burnt honey skin and almond eyes grinned and gave Tala a welcoming bow.
  • Some game bird breeders even debeak the birds or attach "peepers" or googles to their eyes to keep them attacking each other in the packed pens. (see: caged hen egg operations.) Is your state breeding birds for Dick Cheney style hunting like Illinois?
  • I sauntered past, my eyes on that seething face. Times, Sunday Times
  • And she, warm with what Dick had just told of him, pleasured at the goodly sight of him, dwelling with her eyes on the light, high poise of head, the careless, sun-sanded hair, and the lightness, almost debonaireness, of his carriage despite his weight of body and breadth of shoulders. CHAPTER XXIII
  • The eyes are the main focus, so shimmer and shine on the rest of the face should be minimal. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you shut up your eyes , I like a duck in a thunderstorm . I can but stop and wait beside you whisht .
  • A child might not complain of itching, but she might be rubbing her eyes or nose repeatedly.
  • The value of sterling increased against several other currencies yesterday.
  • After our eyes adjust, we find the walls to be a gorgeous translucent blue, the surface scalloped into smooth, symmetrical wavelets.
  • ‘Oh, well, Kin and Mic will be some fun even if you're a spoilsport,’ she said, and fixed her eyes on both of us.
  • Her blood-red lips and hooded eyes, her large hands firmly grasping the wheel, all convey a woman in control of her destiny.
  • There should be plenty of thunder left in the powerful arms and lower body he has developed since arriving in America as an underfed teenager with bright eyes and a voracious appetite for success.
  • But my eyesight," I asked, "how do you account for its unusual penetrativeness? Mizora: A Prophecy A MSS. Found Among the Private Papers of the Princess Vera Zarovitch
  • Yes, I know it's rather stilted, nay overwrought, prose.
  • Yes, you also called me scrofulous, which sent me running to my doctor. Matthew Yglesias » Feel the Kausmentum
  • U.S. Policy: Relations with Ecuador, U.S. Policy:) S.gun diario El Tiempo, de Bogota, el ecuatoriano, que habria dado las coordenadas del campamento de Reyes recibio US. 1,2 millones por la informacion y ahora vive con su familia en Estados Unidos […] '> Plan Colombia and Beyond
  • Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she experienced/suffered a setback.
  • The flesh should have some redness, the eyes should gleam and the scales feel slightly slimy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes | No | Report from alabamaoutlaw wrote 23 hours 58 min ago i'm also i Alabama hunter abd use a. 27o ,30-30,7mm rem mag. for deer. along with a franchi 12ga an 870 12ga and a mossberg 500 all with varible chkes bepending on the gane hunted. I'm a rather new hunter and I'm just wondering what gun would you recommend I start off hunting with?
  • The reason economists are sympathetic to signalling is that they are very smart (yes, really) and are among the people who probably don't benefit greatly from college, they learned how to think at high school and are mostly self-educated anyway. Free Education Valued at Cost, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Yes, some teachers and parents reflexively hand out the equivalent of a doggie biscuit every few minutes, the result being that kids habituate to it and it has no impact. Alfie Kohn: Criticizing (Common Criticisms of) Praise
  • Cadbury dismisses 'derisory' Kraft bid food giant Kraft yesterday, labelling it "derisory" and "unattractive" and calling on its shareholders to turn it down. - Articles related to Cadbury chief prefers Hershey to Kraft as bid battle looms larger
  • Yes, it drubs the Corolla, but the current Corolla has been around since the Earth cooled (2006). Brand-New and Almost Out of Date
  • The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war.
  • And I wouldn't mind even more rubber :- But yes, thank goodness it is not too coconutty. Profumum Volo AZ 686: Perfume Review
  • Warren frowned and glared at his wife until she finally raised her eyes to meet his.
  • I was on the driveway yesterday jumping around on my pogo stick.
  • However, these incidents are not thought to be connected with yesterday's shooting.
  • If the abundance of leather, suede, sheepskin and fur heading for our high street fashion stores is anything to go by, the answer is a resounding yes.
  • Yesterday, the four political leaders sent out their season 's greetings. The Sun
  • she used an eye dropper to administer medication to the eyes
  • To make matters even worse, sharp needles of pain were shooting across her eyes and the soup felt like lead in her stomach.
  • Your eyes glow every single morning, and you're always smiling; you doodle both your names in all the books, even deface public property.
  • She has a full head of hair and blue eyes that may change (both parents have brown eyes, although she may have her uncle's - ie mine - bluey / greeny / grey eyes when she grows up).
  • No sign of Dobson and his goon, but one bloke was stock-still on the pavement, keeping his eyes on us even when jostled. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Dunstan had drawn his blade and swung round, the horses pulling the cart rolling their eyes in fright, drawing to a halt.
  • Its bright black eyes were alert and watching, ready to upbraid or condemn or love, same as any capable adult thing. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • A breastknot of valley lilies added to the loveliness, and I allowed my eyes to feast on her fairness. Vicky Van
  • My eyes can discern ten million colours, it seems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes | No | Report from steve182 wrote 22 hours 48 min ago looks like a skinny horsetail protruding from the center of the chest. QUIZ... I've run into some hunters who thought they knew what a turkey beard is, but they didnt.
  • Yes, electro pop is here to stay.
  • A choked sob caught in her throat, and she brought a hand up to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears that spilled over onto her reddened cheeks.
  • On Sundaye mornynges itt is a fayre sighte to see her going to and fro churche in a _chapeau de Paris de la dernyère agonie_, bearyng a _parasolett a la ripp snap mettez-la encore debout_ style; and whych shee sayes is like a _homme blasé_, because it is Used Upp. Sundaie afternoon yee may find her in ye The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • It was the first time even the back room was full, and though that may be what every owner wants, two waiters sleepwalked through our room with eyes wide shut, ignoring everyone to their left and right.
  • The patient is instructed not to move his eyes to look directly at the phosphene patterns that are generated during mapping, as eye movement will skew the results, making it necessary to repeat the stimulation sequence. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • His Australian hosts piled on more pressure yesterday, saying that sweetheart deals that allowed corporations to dodge tax in countries where they made profits amounted to theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • The watcher's eyes glim - mered in the darkness, well back in the shadows, bright and feral. Ilse Witch
  • T he swimmer who brought the Boat Race to a halt exchanged his wetsuit for more formal attire when he appeared in court yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lay the shade on a flat surface with the lining side up, and mark the placement for the plastic rings along the dowel casing lines, aligning them with the screw eyes in the mounting board.
  • Vermont, far removed from all beasts of prey -- why is it that upon the sunniest day, if you but shake a fresh buffalo robe behind him, so that he cannot even see it, but only smells its wild animal muskiness -- why will he start, snort, and with bursting eyes paw the ground in phrensies of affright? Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • Closing his eyes he fell into a light sleep, ready to awaken at the slightest noise.
  • I had shown the old-fashioned deadeyes instead of rigging screws and had drawn the wrong kind of gooseneck attaching the boom to the mast. Cumberland, Part 3: Acting It Out
  • Steven glanced at me, his eyes once again twinkling.
  • She was looking strained and had dark circles beneath her eyes.
  • Sweaters are colored with organic dyes.
  • He had the brightest blue eyes and a wide toothy grin.
  • And he was so scared, he did not go to school yesterday because he sensed that, for being what they call a snitch, something bad would happen to him. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
  • He had brown eyes and a thatch of thick, shaggy brown hair.
  • One had long, dirty blonde hair with piercing blue eyes, and the other had long, golden yellow hair with soft blue green eyes.
  • Yesterday's quake struck along the same 'ring of fire' faultline that caused the 2004 disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • She felt her eyes widen; undirected, her hands spread over his chest as he drew her to him. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • He had a gentle, kindly manner, twinkling eyes and quick smile, a keen sense of humour and a penetrating wit.
  • It was laying on its front and looked as if its head had been resting in its folded arms before rising up enough to let one of its unblinking eyes stare at Kyri through strands of long red hair.
  • Light pains in my chest, the indeterminable gurgle in my stomach, a swaying before my eyes. Books in 2009, #5
  • The wife of a fellow runner works in the same place as him, and has related, with tears of laughter in her eyes, accounts of his exit from his car in the morning.
  • Behind this carefully—constructed shield, he has lashed out savagely at those who have bettered him in the eyes of history and bettered him in the practice of Christian values.
  • COURIC: Yes, I was going to say that ` s a weird use of the word glib, but whatever. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2005
  • Hayes, now a professor of film in New England, blossomed under the master's tutelage, producing crisp, witty dialogue, and for a while the two were close.
  • The form resolved itself in Cath's recovering eyes, and it became David.

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