How To Use Yellowhammer In A Sentence

  • The hedges were as yet uncut and were fizzing with little birds, notably bright yellowhammers, and sloes dressed with a dark bloom hung enormous like grapes.
  • The data collection, which is being funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, has already taken place involving a variety of farmland birds, including skylarks and yellowhammers.
  • A network of mini-reserves on Lakeland hills could provide vital havens for declining bird species like yellowhammers, reed buntings and lapwings, according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
  • Yellowhammer in urban gardens rose 68 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Songbirds such as the linnet, yellowhammer, skylark and song thrush to name but a few, are fast disappearing in our gardens and countryside.
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  • The development, he maintains, would also threaten the presence of wildlife including yellowhammers, badgers and dormice.
  • In the UK between 1970 and 1999 the skylark had declined by 52 per cent, the yellowhammer by 53 per cent and the corn bunting by 88 per cent.
  • The second half of the name yellowhammer is thought to derive from the German for bunting which is ‘ammer’, yellowhammers being the commonest of the buntings.
  • They are little gamebirds, about the size of a yellowhammer, and streaky-brown like a partridge with a stripey head. Times, Sunday Times
  • I managed to pacify her, eventually, with the aid of a little Carnation milk, and the starling got bored with being a telephone and went back to teasing the yellowhammer by imitating his song.
  • The linnet is here, and the lark, and the yellowhammer, Betsinda Dances and Other Poems
  • The decline in birds such as the yellowhammer and corn bunting is down to unfriendly farming methods and human encroachment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waders such as redshank and spoonbills, have begun to proliferate, and numbers of larks, linnets, yellowhammers and reed bunting have grown.
  • In this country, unless the weather is severe, the birds frequent open country associating with redwings, blackbirds and yellowhammers.
  • The farm itself has good numbers of breeding birds and is home to yellowhammers, linnets, corn buntings, tree and hedge sparrows, along with lapwings and grey partridge.
  • They could also help birds on the decline such as yellowhammers and the grey partridge.
  • Sparrows at the top end of a hedge, chaffinch in the middle and yellowhammers at the far end kept their abrasive little calls to themselves, flying only short loops from the hedge as if they knew the wind would sweep them away on its fierce currents to the east. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • The other day it took me half a minute to show a visitor the nest of a ‘scribbling lark’; the local country name for the yellowhammer.
  • Songbirds such as the linnet, yellowhammer, skylark and song thrush to name but a few, are fast disappearing in our gardens and countryside.
  • A pair of yellowhammers looked bleached in the bright sun, skylarks sang and settled in fallow or set-aside fields.
  • The hedges were as yet uncut and were fizzing with little birds, notably bright yellowhammers, and sloes dressed with a dark bloom hung enormous like grapes.
  • The second half of the name yellowhammer is thought to derive from the German for bunting which is ‘ammer’, yellowhammers being the commonest of the buntings.
  • In this country, unless the weather is severe, the birds frequent open country associating with redwings, blackbirds and yellowhammers.
  • Snipe, red buntings, yellowhammers and even kingfishers are supposedly hereabouts.
  • More than 2,600 linnets, 100 yellowhammers, 229 reed buntings and 1,200 skylarks have been recorded along with smaller numbers of brambling, tree sparrows and chaffinches. BBC News - Home
  • The conventional plots also held more weed seeds, which are important to birds such as skylarks and yellowhammers.
  • The adoption of intensive farming methods across Britain since the 1970s has put birds such as the skylark and the yellowhammer on the danger list, with numbers falling by 50% since 1977.
  • It is like a yellowhammer with a grey and yellow head, and orange underparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other birds facing tough times in Bradford include the house sparrow, the golden plover, the yellowhammer and the redshank.
  • I have known a black-fishing expedition stopped because a "yellow yite," or yellowhammer, hovered round the gang when they were setting out. Auld Licht Idylls
  • Yellowhammer, attempting to prevent Moll from escaping to meet the man she loves, equates her in value and exchangeability to the bullion or coins in his shop: ‘I will lock up this baggage, / As carefully as my gold ’.
  • All yellowhammers have striking, rusty-coloured, unstreaked rumps which are most attractive.
  • Snipe, red buntings, yellowhammers and even kingfishers are supposedly hereabouts.
  • These are chaffinches, yellowhammers and reed buntings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Willows provide nesting sites for several types of finches and many different birds can be seen throughout the year, including cuckoos, yellowhammers, mallards, moorhens and whitethroats.
  • Every little lane among which I live had its hedgerow yellowhammers, the cocks perched on high on their songposts, on bushes or the telegraph wires.
  • Across the tracks we bought honey, walked the woods by the river and climbed through conifers to top out at wild grasslands with swallows, yellowhammers and smooth views over an eternity of wheat.
  • Through the glass door to the step outside, two dozen yellowhammers and sparrows picked up seeds thrown on the snowy concrete.
  • Permanent 6m grass margins ensure there are plenty of nesting sites and feeding areas for other birds such as whitethroats and yellowhammers.
  • The farm itself has good numbers of breeding birds and is home to yellowhammers, linnets, corn buntings, tree and hedge sparrows, along with lapwings and grey partridge.
  • Together with the introduced species of chaffinch, goldfinch, yellowhammer, skylark, magpie, etc, they provide a tuneful accompaniment to your walk.

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