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How To Use Yellow-green In A Sentence

  • The latest, a yellow-green hue called lemongrass, was inspired by Michelle Obama's Inauguration Day outfit. Undefined
  • Chrysolite can also refer to peridot, a yellow-green semi-precious stone, and in Lilly's day probably referred to most yellowish gems.
  • Hundreds of fossils are locked in glass cases, specimens from all over southern Africa: shells and worms and nautiluses and seed ferns and trilobites, and minerals, too; yellow-green crystals and gleaming clusters of quartz; mosquitoes in drops of amber; scheelite, wulfenite. Memory Wall
  • The spurred yellow-green buds rise, then burst open above 2-to 3-foot pillows of deeply scalloped blue-green foliage.
  • Some of these columns of water were of a poisonous yellow-green tinge … these would be lyddite shells. Castles of Steel
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  • The tree of heaven opposite the church of Saints Peter and Paul was still entombed deep inside its branches but the faintest yellow-green fuzz had begun to blur the outline of willows on the banks of the River Vistula.
  • Everything would be awash in pale yellow-green with cattails on the alders, and the maples trailing green seed plumes.
  • She opened her eyes just in time to impact roughly among a sward of yellow-green grass into soft turf.
  • I think its saying, "fullish skirt with a wide waist band, hem band, and pocket trim in that yellow-green, or the lighter gray color. Robots! Robots! Robots! - A Dress A Day
  • On closer inspection, obvious discolored wounds can often be seen at the base of the plant and stems, and at the wounds, masses of a yellow-green grainy substance known as frass - the hygienic German word for caterpillar excrement.
  • Pineapple Beauty, which has yellow-green leaves that turn gold, is one of the taller varieties and can be trained as a standard.
  • They are an aromatic, light yellow-green, with serrated, toothed edges.
  • It is distinguished from all other Woodsia in our area by its smooth stem and leaf surfaces, devoid of the hairs and scales so common in our other woodsias, as well as its smooth, yellow-green petiole (leaf stalk).
  • B biliary tree - a series of ducts that transport bile from the liver — where it's manufactured — to the small intestine (also called the duodenum), which uses bile to digest food. bile - a yellow-green liquid produced in the liver. Glossary of liver transplant terms
  • Deep yellow-green, this has a sumptuous perfumed nose of rich tropical fruits.
  • Down a partly overgrown lane we stop outside a trailer which has a huge panel hanging loose revealing some yellow-green insulation material.
  • The sphalerite is associated with needle quartz, microcrystals of yellow-green epidote, and small spheres of a member of the chlorite group.
  • This core has an outer rind to 2 cm thick of pale yellow-green frothy glass grading outward to partially fused sand and gravel.
  • Naturally trichroic, the species shows different colors when viewed through each of its three crystal axes: blue, red-violet and yellow-green.
  • Chrysolite can also refer to peridot, a yellow-green semi-precious stone, and in Lilly's day probably referred to most yellowish gems.
  • Their petioles are almost white; leaf blades are irregularly decorated with green, yellow-green, and white spots.
  • The fourth horse is a color that's usually translated as "pale," as in Red D'eath's band--we see that again with Azraeuz's "pale steed"--but the actual Greek word is "chloros," meaning the pale yellow-green color associated with, say, zombies. Archive 2007-01-01
  • After 6.5–7 hours the colorless solution assumes the pale yellow-green color of chlorine, which indicates that the end point of the reaction has been reached.
  • It's yellow-green really because the plants are flowering now, but they're not showy flowers.
  • Alternatively, the native subspecies americanus is typically shorter, has a smooth, often reddish stalk, lighter yellow-green foliage, a sparser flower panicle and often grows in association with other plants. Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America
  • Eosine and its varieties, eosine yellow shade, or eosine J, pyrosine J, erythrosine yellowish, may all be noted as very good sensitizers for green, yellow-green, and eventually for yellow. Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886
  • A range of possible colors can be produced by Fustic-tree (also known as old fustic) including bright yellow, yellow, green, bright yellow-green, gold and tan.
  • The unoccupied rsp. occupied states, colored in blue-red rsp. yellow-green, touch each other without energy gap exactly at the above-mentioned six k-vectors. Haddock Links
  • The tree of heaven opposite the church of Saints Peter and Paul was still entombed deep inside its branches but the faintest yellow-green fuzz had begun to blur the outline of willows on the banks of the River Vistula.
  • They have been bred in colors of blue, yellow-green, white, and various pied shades.
  • Hundreds of fossils are locked in glass cases, specimens from all over southern Africa: shells and worms and nautiluses and seed ferns and trilobites, and minerals, too; yellow-green crystals and gleaming clusters of quartz; mosquitoes in drops of amber; scheelite, wulfenite. Memory Wall
  • I mean,yellow-green piccolo,an emo school boy goku im 95% sure there will be a "i cant do this,i cant beat this guy" "no you can beat him,believe in yourself!" talk in final battle and a lara-croft rip-off bulma…I also make a wild guess that yellow car will take place of the "nimbus Full Dragonball Teaser Trailer Hits As Well! «
  • A ragged, yellow-green plant had pushed its way through the coarse, black soil.
  • The yellow-green disk at the center of the flowers is a distinguishing mark for sneezeweed.
  • In this beautiful multiwavelength view of the starburst galaxy M82, optical light from stars, pictured in yellow-green, reveals the disk of an apparently normal galaxy.
  • However, all the tellurite glasses were prepared using commercially available tellurium dioxide and were coloured, usually slightly, yellow-green.
  • Normal epithelial tissue gives off yellow-green fluorescence when excited by helium-cadmium laser light.
  • The grapes are amber to yellow-green in colour, thin skinned with firm, rich, moderately juicy, finely flavoured flesh.
  • Plants crowd my space. I am surrounded by large banana leaves -- huge splashes of heartwarming yellow-green color -- and stringy vines of green beans entwining every vertical surface.
  • When both types of receptors are activated - for instance in yellow-green light - the redbreasts become disoriented.

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