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Yellow River

  1. a major river of Asia in northern China; flows generally eastward into the Yellow Sea; carries large quantities of yellow silt to its delta

How To Use Yellow River In A Sentence

  • They have lifted water from the Yellow River onto the high land and reaped a good cotton harvest on a 300 - acre tract.
  • Yellow River Cantata" written in the Sino-Japanese War in 1938 autumn and winter, the writer with the anti-Japanese forces marched to the northwest shore of the Yellow River.
  • As I opened the scroll, a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded.
  • From Sian the quartet flew to Lanchow in Kansu province, located on the swiftly flowing Yellow River and noted for its huge water wheels—some more than a hundred feet in diameter—placed near the banks to provide local irrigation. The Last Empress
  • Like the Yellow River,time keeps rolling along.
  • The Yellow River Indignation", a soprano solo, is the Sixth Movement of "The Yellow River Cantata".
  • They have lifted water from the Yellow River onto the high land and reaped a good cotton harvest on a 300 - acre tract.
  • He found abundant cinnamon in Tibet and Malabar; saw ginger growing along the Yellow River; reported a busy trade in ginger, sugar, and galingale in the ports of Bengal; and witnessed locally grown pepper, nutmeg, cubeb, and cloves on sale in Java. Delizia!
  • The trunk and main branches, such as Weihe River and Fenhe River, were the axletree of economic development in the Yellow River basin.
  • The Yellow River has been harnessed.
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