emit long loud cries
howl with sorrow
wail in self-pity
- a sailing vessel with two masts; a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost
- a ship's small boat (usually rowed by 4 or 6 oars)
How To Use yawl In A Sentence
- Among other things, in the six exciting years of their marriage she had climbed Chimborazo with him, made a three-thousand-mile winter journey with dogs and sleds in Alaska, ridden a horse from Canada to Mexico, cruised the Mediterranean in a ten-ton yawl, and canoed from Germany to the Black Sea across the heart of Europe. Bunches of Knuckles
- Well," said Jallanby, "she was a yawl about eighteen tons register; thirty tons yacht measurement; length forty-two feet; beam thirteen; draught seven and a half feet; square stern; coppered above the water-line; carried main, jib-headed mizen, fore-staysail, and jib, and in addition had a sliding gunter gaff-topsail, and ---- Ravensdene Court
- In the distance she could see a couple of boats heading into the village, a power boat and a sailboat with two masts, which reminded her of David's yawl.
- In the distance she could see a couple of boats heading into the village, a power boat and a sailboat with two masts, which reminded her of David's yawl.
- That objective had been achieved with over twenty yawls now sailing in Achill.
- Crewmen scampered about, untying the gaskets on the yawl-rigged barge's tan sails, and halyards started creaking aboard other boats while mooring lines splashed over the side to be hauled up by longshoremen.
- The French yoles are designed for sea rowing as opposed to river, are heavier than the Celtic yawl so the Castletownshend Rowing Club have installed a pulley system on their slip, for easier hoisting in and out of the sea.
- On the way home their yawl was overturned and Cornelius Cahalane, Eugene Daly's great grand uncle, who spent almost three hours in the water, got help and then returned to search for the others.
- It seemed that other sailing enthusiasts had the same idea, as the yawl sat at her berth, speculating on her next responsibility.
- After ten minutes of motoring, during which he remembered to douse the coaming and hull with some water, he left the yawl on automatic and went below again.