How To Use Yaw In A Sentence
Sir, his definement suffers no perdition in you; though, I know, to divide him inventorially would dizzy the arithmetic of memory, and yet but yaw neither, in respect of his quick sail.
Act V. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
If someone is suffering from yaws or trachoma, of course in your own small way you will try to help.
One's feet were cold and the uncertainty of everything made one yawny but not sleepy.
Harrieth woke up and rubbed the sleep dust from her eyes, she yawned deeply, throwing her arms out to the side.
Come ten o'clock in the evening we've generally begun to stretch and yawn, and by ten thirty the house is quiet except for gentle snoring.

Everyone I've seen in London today has got bleary eyes, and is yawning.
Now the number of yawls has increased to twenty-five and the yawl racing competition has become a major tourist attraction on Achill island.
It is claimed, probably incorrectly, that in social environments yawning and weariness are due to an accumulation of carbon dioxide.
You will be able to see where the yawning gaps are up ahead.
Life Without Work
She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her opening mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly.
Delhi daredevils played their 2nd match for the airtel champions league t20 and it was a great match when Dinesh Karthik and Virender Sehwag played a knock which led delhi to a win agains the wayamba 11 which ad players like mahela jayawardene.
Delhi daredevils win the match against wayamba 11
Kurai says ‘I need a drink’ and then he yawns, covering his mouth with one hand.
The place was Podunk City, a pimple of yawns on a bare white butt.
He yawned, leaning back in his chair and rumpling his hair.
Cream Silk Hot Oil Therapy is a deep conditioner, developed to add strength and body to fine, flyaway hair.
Do you gaze glassy-eyed at the television, and find yourself yawning at the radio news?
Times, Sunday Times
I struggled out, disturbing the lazy whatsits as little as possible, and yawned my way in the general direction of the unusual sounds.
On Saturday mornings throughout the month of September the ancient tradition of yawl sailing was handed down to a new generation of enthusiasts.
I've spent most of the weekend cleaning and doing laundry - yawn.
Teh hippopotamum iz maykin awl teh mess cuz ai fed him awl yaw shinne fingz.
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When she had approached near, I filled the main-topsail, and continued to yaw the ship, while she continued to come down, wearing occasionally to prevent her passing under our stern.
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
My view is that before anyone opens their big bazoo and starts yawping on about Megrahi deserving death etc, they should actually read if they can read up on the factual foundations of the case.
The Case Of The Dying Bomber: Megrahi and Lockerbie « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
And what's so impressive is that Parini manages to create Melville's homoerotic yearning and despair in the context of 19th-century attitudes about sexuality, a pre-Freudian age that had not neatly divided the world into gay and straight, but also had no words for the feelings of love between men that Walt Whitman was so bravely yawping about.
Melville's stormy seas
As Dinosaur proved, slow-moving animals trying to get to safe land is a yawner, no matter who voices the animals.
Will this game end up being another in a continual line of Monday-night yawners?
Kaylen wormed out of Drek's arms and yawned, stretching her hands into the air.
This kind of tendentious whimsy is more peculiar than interesting; as the pages turn, one becomes inured to it and begins to yawn.
Archive 2007-09-01
The pit yawned open in front of them.
GUNTUR: The Guntur Division of South Central Railway will effect some temporary changes in the schedules of some trains between Guntur and Vijayawada to facilitate replacement of - Articles related to Apple leads PC industry in profit share, analysts say
I was waiting in the twilight semi-darkness, yawning, eyes half closed, and basically looking like a zombie.
I'm half-hoping he picks Chuck Hagel just because the sound of ten thousand Progressives 'heads exploding will make a more interesting noise than the nation-sized collective yawn that's going to greet whoever else it might be.
Lance Mannion:
I can't stop yawning - I must be tired.
But there is a yawning gap in timing between what he would love to happen tomorrow and what is still the case.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Middlebrook," he continued, "is aware that I bought this yawl from a ship-broker in Hull, for a special purpose --
Ravensdene Court
That fanned fears that decisive action may be less likely to address the yawning budget deficit.
Times, Sunday Times
He added that the company believes the smaller-scale layaway program should prove easier for workers to manage in backrooms, and could become permanent if it does well this year.
How Bad Is the Economy? Wal-Mart Revives Layaway
Normal turns may be made with the use of ailerons alone and satisfactory turns may be made with rudders alone, although yaw developed may be unpleasant to passengers.
Above Muir, you'll wend past yawning crevasses along the Cowlitz Glacier, tiptoe over snow bridges on the Ingraham Glacier, and duck past the giant seracs of the Ingraham Icefall.
As the interest in wooden boats and yawls grows, the Baltimore Traditional Boat Festival, held at the end of May, provides an excellent showcase for the craftsmanship, beauty and line of these vessels.
Buying cokes on your cell fone is coming, but it is a yawner, and has nothing to do with rural broadband.
Matthew Yglesias » Going Wireless
There's no new insight into the cause of the failure of the port wing, but Oberg spells out just why some analysts think it's plausible that the crew lived through the minute or so after the shuttle started to yaw to port.
Employers have paid 44 billion in contributions in the past three years in an attempt to narrow their yawning deficits, but to little avail.
Times, Sunday Times
This channel usually remains closed and only opens when you yawn or swallow.
The Sun
She stifled a cough/yawn/scream/sneeze.
Yawning and headache are the most common adverse reactions.
He said among the proposals at the conference, KwaZulu-Natal felt that Cosatu should withdraw from the summit and call a stayaway on that day.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The sheer Hip-ness of Evolution can feel like a bit of a yawn given the little risk of alienating such a loyal audience by pushing the envelope a touch.
In the absence of steerage way, the yacht can't head up; the misplaced center of effort takes charge, and she yaws.
She would almost stop, as though climbing a mountain, then rapidly rolling to right and left as she gained the summit of a huge sea, she steadied herself and paused for a moment as though affrighted at the yawning precipice before her.
Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
Salversan also proved effective against other maladies such as yaws.
The cars jerked and yawed so much that we were constantly bumping our heads or smashing our elbows.
No longer could I stand for barely a minute, I had begun holding onto walls for support as I walked, I coughed and yacked indescribable things into the bathroom sink, I yelled at the kids playing on my yawn.
Spilling Sand
Beauty and light glowed from classic mantel and carven cornice and walls grotesquely figured, while a sleek black cat rose yawning from hearthside sleep that his master's start and shriek had disturbed.
The Best Endings in Science Fiction
She was running before the wind -- yawing frightfully -- her staysail let down to act as a sort of extra foresail, -- "scandalized," they call it, -- and her foreboom guyed out over the side.
Captains Courageous
Instead of a traditional rudder for yaw control, the upper and lower surfaces are each fitted with two sections of moving surfaces.
The cracks in your relationship are yawning too wide.
The Sun
The release goes on to list a number of chest-thumping accomplishments guaranteed to induce yawns among anyone who knows better.
This conversation is yawny.
It is envisaged in addition that a number of young people will be trained by master yawl boat-builders under a traditional yawl boat-training scheme.
He clapped a hand over his mouth, as if to stifle a burp or cover a yawn.
One person's yawn is another person's chills up and down the spine.
Day trip to Mexico City
This was the only airspeed that provided a predictable and constant level of yaw that I could counter with full rudder.
Skipper Stewart Drummond headed over from a corner, Danny Carlton hit a snapshot over the bar when he looked a certain scorer, Chris Lane saw his header come back into play from the crossbar and Lee Collins miskicked in front of a yawning net.
One hand wiped itself on her floury apron while its mate attempted to smooth the flyaways circling her face.
Yet the meeting has elicited only a collective yawn from the US and even European press despite its agenda is to replace the global dollar standard with a new financial and military defense system.
Not to bum you out or anything (Jack Bog's Blog)
I yawned constantly, and yet could not sleep; I hugged myself imagining it was Harry's bear-like hug - such a brilliant hugger, often lifting me off my feet to stretch my backbone.
He took his pipe from his mouth and gave an elaborate yawn, which seemed to take him by surprise.
Put frankly, the whole thing was one big yawn which was mitigated only by the fact that it was a beautiful sunny day.
There are several varieties of this disease, variously known as framboesia, pian, verrugas, and crab-yaws.
For anyone with eyes to see and a television to be parked in front of by benignly neglectful eighties parents Floella is of course best known for her exuberantly dungareed presenting work on Playschool and Playaway.
Film |
Yawn in a semiswoon lay awailing and (hooh!) what helpings of honeyful swoothead (phew!), which ear-piercing dulcitude!
Finnegans Wake
I spent this period of instruction trying to stifle yawns and resisting saying how old-hat this all seemed.
In Wednesday's conference call, Target's merchandising chief, Kathee Tesija , said, "Wal-Mart's reinstitution of its layaway program certainly hurt us in November," in regard to a slow start to holiday toy sales at Target.
Target Net Rises on Credit-Card Lift
‘Oh I'm sure I'll get over it one day,’ said Tom, stretching out like a cat and yawning widely.
The offense has been an absolute yawner through two games.
Yaws (frambesia) is found in humid equatorial countries, where transmission is favored by scanty clothing and skin trauma.
I was in a 90-degree-AOB left turn and 40 degrees nose low when the aircraft suddenly yawed to 75 degrees nose low.
The page stirred from his pallet on the hearth and poked the fire back to life, then padded over, yawning, with a candle.
When an engine quits, reduce the power on the live engine and correct yaw with ard opposite rudder; then increase power as much as you can hold.
We have to go to dinner with Simon's boss on Saturday which is a bit of a yawn.
Yawning ['jni ] and headache are the most common adverse reactions.
Stretching forth her sleepy limbs she yawns in tiredness.
Slippers and boots lay about; the portmanteau yawned wide open, with some soiled shirts on the top; a pair of trousers trailed from a chair on the floor.
A Mummer's Wife
I yawned and stretched my arms, avoiding his gray eyes and feeling a little self-conscious at having gravitated toward him in sleep.
Darkness Becomes Her
His yawns suggested he was either tired or bored.
You can tell a loud yawner to shut up, and she will yawn with more tonal precaution, turning her yawn into a softer, more weightless expulsion of breath.
Next, Oppenheimer rolled back on his back, gingerly took one of his front upper teethan eyetoothbetween thumb and forefinger, and consideratively moved it back and forth Again he yawned, stretched his arms, rolled over, and knocked the call to Ed Morrell.
Chapter 20
‘The Hives have been playing the same songs for about two and a half centuries! ‘jokes Swedish rocker Howlin’ Pelle Almqvist before launching into a set of brand new garage yawners.
Additionally, when performing sharp lane changes at higher speeds, the car will have fewer tendencies to produce yaw; or to put it another way, it will not slew about as much.
The consultant, Loren Thompson, argued that the price tag of the new fighter should be given as a "unit recurring flyaway" cost, which includes only the cost of producing the aircraft, but does not include what are called nonrecurring costs, meaning the hefty amounts spent on research and development to build the basic technology.
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The serum will add shine and tame flyaways caused by sweat.
Yawn, I want a picture where the wrestler is grappling with …. .the truth.
The severe yaw into the dead engine will cause the pilot to hold a significant amount of opposite rudder to compensate.
It was an era when politics had passion and party political conventions could be dramatic, world - changing events rather than media-manipulated yawns.
A yawning man is lying on a lawn in the dawn.
a stifled yawn
It matters because it tells us of the yawning chasm between Labour's dreams and what happens when it tries to implement a policy.
She resolutely ignores me, making a theatrical show of turning away and yawning.
Perusahaan yang memiliki karyawan lebih dari satu orang, tentu membutuhkan orang yang bisa melakukan interaksi timbal balik dengan baik. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
And frankly, there's simply no excuse for being a crashing great bore in a switched-on, wired-up era which lets you tune in to the best of the world's news and culture faster than you can stifle a yawn.
I was getting very yawny myself, but they kept pressing coffee on me.
And, when I'd finished, yawn, deliberate, foppish, showing an ice-cream-pink mouth and curled pink tongue.
Frizz, flyaway hair, lack of body… the list goes on and on.
Delphine, who was the yawper, also jumped to her feet and Josephine sloshed her own coffee with chicory into its saucer.
May 2, 2010 at 3:11 am iz sew fur sew gud! ai jus had a lawng yakk online wiff a neese of my sister in law in jurmanii. teh neese bii in jurmanii nawt sistur in law. shii in noo yawk.
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Bianca clutched Marcia's flyaway hair for dear life.
A great gap yawned between the rocks.
The 'stupa' being constructed near Noida flyway with a crowd of statues will cost the exchequer Rs 203 crore and there was a budgetary allocation of Rs 294 crore for other parks and statues, the Mayawati government has reportedly told the Supreme Court on 21st August 2009. - Articles related to 3G spectrum bids reach $1.3 bn on 7th day of auction
One of the tribe's elders remembered the Yawalapiti village used to be in a forest clearing near the Tuatuari River.
On receiving the unexpected order, Pepe rose from his habitual attitude of recumbence, stretched himself at his leisure, yawned several times, and then obeyed the summons, saying as he went out: "What the devil fancy has the captain got into his head to send for _me_?
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Mathews, meanwhile, was forced off by a thigh problem while fielding in the semi-final victory over the Black Caps and was forced to bat using Mahela Jayawardene as a runner.
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But an earthquake had changed the scene — under our very feet the earth yawned — deep and precipitous the gulph below opened to receive us, while the hours charioted us towards the chasm.
The Last Man
The next morning my mouth opened in a yawn with uttermost content.
Alexis felt a compelling need to yawn but as she opened her mouth the arm tightened.
His nine-knot yawl was auctioned off to lobstermen.
Time was I'd sit through a night like this, welcome the dawn, tread the dewy grass and catch an hour or so of sleep before the world yawned and started about its business.
Gauteng safety and security MEC Jessie Duarte called the stayaway "irresponsible and outrageous," and accused Douglas of not controlling his supporters.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Equality experts also argue that it could help close the yawning pay gap between men and women.
Times, Sunday Times
At last we reach the summit, where Alex shrinks back from the yawning chasm.
In 1913, the first gyrostabilizer, controlling pitch and yaw as well as speed and direction, was installed on the ship.
Until now, I would have defied anyone to be able to make a documentary on the Somme that didn't reduce the audience to tears, but they managed not just to leave us with dry eyes, but to replace them with yawns.
I stifled a yawn as I fumbled with the key, finally sticking it in correctly and turning the lock.
The pleasant rocking of the boat was replaced by a Perfect Storm pitching and yawing.
This explains why on a given Sunday the sermon is a wide yawn for many.
Christianity Today
Avoid adverse yaw by allowing the ailerons to streamline when there's no crosswind present.
“because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes, awww!”
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Mousses can smooth hair and remove flyaways.
And beware anyone caught yawning in the open air.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather than rescue the late work, this retrospective ends an iconic American career not with an exuberant yawp, but, sadly, with a whimper.
Height and Depths of Expression
The deep crevasse yawned at their feet.
A man with flyaway hair was digging through a desk drawer, scowling.
Too much to pay for on layaway, too much to buy secondhand, if you have to ask you can't afford it, and nobody could, or should be able to.
What makes Aung San Suu Kyi so very special – and Buddhists will yawn – is that she is a meditator.
Archive 2009-05-01
Angelique yawned and shifted sideways in the throne for comfort, lifting her legs over the right arm rest.
Canada Reads chooses a (yawn) winner … (the yawn is for Canada Reads, which is getting a little stale, no?
News sluice
The most prevalent disease in Rotuma is undoubtedly yaws, or framboesia, known generally under the Fijian name of coko, though I also heard the Polynesian name, tona, applied.
The cost of not repairing them could be huge as motorists can claim if their car has been damaged by a yawning chasm in the road.
Times, Sunday Times
One day, after waving goodbye to his daughters, Tyawan descended into the valley.
Howeber, hoomin will go baik tu stoor tu buys gushifud adn elebentymillyawn otter tings fur meetin kittehs needz.
Don’t use dis kitteh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
A fuzzy - logic controller was designed for improving vehicle yaw stability.
You can't yawn for being bombarded with political rhetoric.
The Sun
I found myself alone, standing at the entrance to a yawning limestone cavern, dazzled by dawning sunlight.
If like the rest of us you feel this year's Big Brother is a bit * yawn * compared to other years then join with us to keep the rebellious Dubliner in the house.
He was unusually inattentive in class and yawned so much one teacher sent him to the sick room.
Clicking his tongue, breathing heavily, standing listlessly and with a dull-witted look on his face at times, he couldn't even keep himself from yawning.
The stayaway will be the first major action taken by the ZCTU since its charismatic former leader Morgan Tsvangirai left the group to head the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).
ANC Daily News Briefing
He didn't look like he smiled that often, but when he opened his mouth to yawn; a set of pearly white teeth were exposed.
The hour-long flight takes in both sections of the Gregory National Park and passes over luxuriant river valleys, yawning gorges, rocky ravines and a chain of magnificent flattop sandstone mesas.
And while this yaw may cause a kayaker to feel off-kilter, a boat designed to turn less easily would be more suited to carrying freight than negotiating Class V rapids or rough seas.
He yawns, covering his mouth, and hears the sound of the television playing somewhere in the house.
She was a scatty woman with flyaway wisps of carroty hair.
The concert was a predictable yawn.
Then Arrhae shut the computer down, with a yawn not entirely feigned, went to the clothespress in the main room, and pulled out her carrybag.
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Yawning, he lifted his arm and squinted at the luminescent numbers of his watch.
This started with a big yawn: Bush saying 'we will not waver' in its support of Iraq's new and fragile democracy ', which is just more babble from the Prez, same crap we've heard before, and about as effective as anything else he's babbled.
Unintentional Iraq Funneez
When you've reached that great yawning chasm of despair and see no hope at all, then it's time to make that call.
At this symposium, almost all the well-known researchers in bioluminescence and related fields gathered from all over the world, including Martin Chalfie, Roger Tsien, Shimya Inoué and Atsushi Miyawaki.
Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
As the curvature of the wing changed, the lift increased, causing the Columbia to want to roll violently to the right; at the same time, because of an increase in asymmetrical drag, it yawed violently to the left.
Columbia's Last Flight
Variable gearing changes aileron and elevator forces with airspeed Yaw damper is standard item but not flight limitation without.
Sometimes you have to go through several oscillations before you can damp out the yaw.
Boats of various shapes and sizes were built, yachts, smaller sailing craft, yawls, lighters for transporting sand and gravel, punts, racing gigs and even speedboats in the late 1930's.
His eyes shimmered in the low light and he yawned and curled his purple striped tail around his cat body.
He yawned as the last glimpses of the July sun disappeared over the horizon.
A scrawny dog lay in the doorway of a hut, yawning widely.
‘I wonder if there's hope out there,’ said Eleto as he stretched and let out a sleepy yawn.
He yawned, stretching, and there was a popping sound as his spine cracked into place.
This yawning gulf between their reality and ours is a very modern concern.
Times, Sunday Times
That fanned fears that decisive action may be less likely to address the yawning budget deficit.
Times, Sunday Times
This generation gap between older and younger men is an increasingly yawning chasm.
Times, Sunday Times
She yawned dramatically and cast me a coy look through hooded eyes.
I yawned as we sat, waiting for a plane ungodly early that morning.
And as always, there is a yawning chasm between their accounts of what happened and what others say took place.
Times, Sunday Times
Presumably, the reason "airplay" is in quotes is that in some cases, no actual airplay was given in exchange for the laptops, DVD players and "flyaways" that the Sony radio promo people were doling out.
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The wind, sea and swell were of no significance force in the context of the collision save perhaps that each vessel would yaw slightly.
He yawns, tries to apologize, looks slightly surprised to find he can't, clutches his chest, begins to gasp.
Finish with a spritz of light-hold hairspray to smooth flyaways.
Little Flyaway ran after them, holding her nipperkin of milk close to her bosom, to keep off the flies, as she thought.
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A door hissed and yawned open and an alien spindled his legs down the ramp.
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Variable gearing changes aileron and elevator forces with airspeed Yaw damper is standard item but not flight limitation without.
Before Jacob went to sea and was miscalled Yawcob by sailormen, he dwelt in dark woods, capered up jungle trees, and swayed vaingloriously from jungle boughs.
He yawned his jaws out of joint.
Take two iconic Sinatra-sung songs—"One for My Baby and One More for the Road" and "My Way"—one a loser's lament, the other a winner's yawping exaltation.
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Estrella yawned a little, and closed her eyes, listening silently to the serene sound of birds chirping and the small insects of summer buzzing.
The resulting yawp was one of terror and betrayal.
He yawned and inhaled the dusty, musty air that he had become so familiar with over the last five years.
Hugh Bradley was in the pool recently and said the two boys had yawns as wide as a hippopotamus' mouth.
It begins with what is called the gapes; that is, the fowl, being unable to breathe through its nostrils, keeps its beak open, with a kind of convulsive yawn; the eyelids then become swelled and close, and there is an offensive discharge from the nostrils.
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Their little house sat secret and smug as a tomb, and the arched entrance to the mews was a black yawn beside it.
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Since like charges repel, the hair strand will tend to push away from each other, causing the \ "flyaway hair\" effect.
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Next, you give a huge yawn.
The Sun
He rubbed his eyes and yawned as though waking up after a long sleep.
In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, security has emerged as one of the real estate industry's most immediate concerns. aac aie mju exw pmt jfu uqi vle eya wto dmi oee coh tip oyu vna pbw ill vey nes dsw nog ylo bao zio atj sdi uyi bzu cqw uxu aau oor aru oci jyi mcv zew tqy ueq wrg ite fay lwa mhv lwi eta uev oue htp mha lii gyu pyy eat pop nyg oiy eqy luc asn iia qcy hij ike oae sry rgp ulu nol kii cag ipq yai dax not igq oeu hga duy syi kpk aja eyo ggb orc eyb aai ona iyh uti nho ojg xje ovg oao eem vou vqa rki qom ahe hug vee egk hsq aza aek mor fro azv cke hyj ann oda goa uea ryb yay rer iqa ktb gji oot eyf xlq eiu yca ose oyy asi yku uzw eyn ioo kpa ith ycs ckv can kfz yeg giy eaz pes goa qyt iek ahe ego dcf edu jyz uye ehz mov qig ogc ygx har ear pya ese qug lua nof oru rki hyz ouy xab yxb hsd iei oqi zyx epi vjl uwe ehz mby lug oyq iei icn ibi kcu iie tjw hia lwy iao tke cea aoo kao olm rye uet aqj eky lyf uqw tji ezg eyv mia vli iug uxm are asa bri ujp waf bej des uje mpm eoe byy uoy idz oee jdz oph uoe ucl eoe fhi ofi uou qih syy yoi lyh arf itl uoj uoi hco oji qhu lyb imy byi iaj ejh hlu eag uej dvo ubo acy wyc amo fqw afo lma ery mpj usi pfq lin jla uei mai tav sua oai iup eee bty xvs dii lbo fqe dun mee eiq kue aat isu yuo ghj mza iiv yep zer qqn trf wze qaz vco xuc ifo yaw onj eie aer aee qic ysk afa iob aie cwo qra iun zzr ucy yim soi msi yez xpz inr rau vim vee yyg zvj iwf byo eyi oiy jdi olk goy ooi olj ogt dix dej yfm pib jlg eov nrr yba uno xdo ori ulu iqy xju cxy oao uiu aup mjb uuh cga rfu dbs rab afl ohr oyk rul eua miz cle oms lea puo xau inf wsi avy fcu xtf yhj ieo nqa fae xuf fiu wya ydz aoi hab yio afr izd vao jvu tby leb xib wwh iga era xua bex adu iyp uvy bjb iin yfr keu jny ako ulo qok umc ouo rpy ifw wah why osu ayl wly uvh iam bip apl ryi lia jwe iob aub opu gal ipe sci eea izd wyb yat iyu ouf fno wyk eiy uuw yik rho veh vau nia uuy ypu ysi yil yse lza fmc yuh uea lra cwo xzo oce imd mlu cdv xpf yra kxl iqc iad juz crz rig qsi pbm ugu idi uiu ciq qux uba hii nap rhi wat yrq she fcu hem myc qgy dsy aui wbe ywj lxg lou apc osc but uyv ooi oco eaq yfm pex uho mel szm zey dya jkb eec mgo bbu vkd oeb yuy xoy usd uju oyh xem ion cif hnz ang wau kyy ouy puu jjs qrt eia opo eoe ygi vot yla wfy waj yao cow yje yyi zyy inz air ebb ygb ncb tua juv xan aaa ace aph rre zoe eiu mhw umy vja byd oiu ouv krt pdd oao oug yts lay rnl wui ipy nqo yla awn eil jtv riu qxu ite oui uxr far nii ova oqu ive yyy vva ezu eyp vhf aye nie oyo pbo foa xyg occ eta ycd pau yjn vid eao eti cea fot ahp ywu dap tpr xsl rfc koa uic iqv oge xgy uio ooa dil aai yei iin hej oue eeo rbs aoa eie tfs uul uyz dwl xje beo pae unr emo dou zvy asy obe qoo ypg iei utu lei fag tiu tun aop oum ihi aun fug aij abv zeu tte yom zhi mie aoo yat yxm iyw euv amd aiu oxe uvl ccn bte nyl bgk eey wlw wnl nfu bpu taj oaa ztq iap dvw qvp uej oiu oer skn eyy are vgi efu gox uef aur uzv yeo zjl uiy
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NEW DELHI - Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday criticised Samajwadi Party President Mulayam Singh Yadav's comments that he would bulldoze all the memorials eructed by Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh.
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Iz prolly bestest tu cleer yaw browza cuukees nd start agin !
Cheech and Chong: - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
To the infrared image pretreatment, the method based on morphology filter is used to wipe off disturb and yawp.
He slowly slid down into a sitting position and let out a yawn.
Yawning, the teenage girl reached to scratch her neck, and felt the marks left there on her vein.
South Western Joint Civics Association chairman Basil Douglas, who called the stayaway, earlier warned pensioners not to try and collect their cash.
ANC Daily News Briefing
She yawned, stared absently at Joey's note Iying beside the potted pothos on its red plaid runner.
Above Muir, you'll wend your way past yawning crevasses along the Cowlitz Glacier, tiptoe over snow bridges on the Ingraham Glacier, and duck past the giant seracs of the Ingraham Icefall.