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[ US /ˈjɑɹoʊ/ ]
[ UK /jˈæɹə‍ʊ/ ]
  1. ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in North America

How To Use yarrow In A Sentence

  • These include sweet cicely, beebalm, yarrow, purple coneflowers and others.
  • Other locals include yarrow, pussytoes, mallow, cudweed, meadowsweet, and chickweed.
  • Some of the best and most widely adapted annual cut flowers with the longest vase life include alstroemeria, aster, cosmos, snapdragon, sunflower, yarrow, and zinnia.
  • Mints. wild bergamot, and yarrow, attract the American Painted Lady, Anise Swallowtail, Gray Hairstreak, Monarch, and Red Admiral.
  • Purple gentians and orchids, blue scabious and harebells, orange hawkweeds, and cream and pink yarrow provide a kaleidoscope of colour to enjoy at the end of your walk.
  • It is hoped work will be completed in time for the autumn run of sea trout and salmon, who will for the first time be able to make their way to the productive spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Yarrow.
  • Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground.
  • Herbs such as iris versicolor, mullein, red root bark, burdock, echinacea, cleavers, red clover, ginger, yellow dock, sarsaparilla, elder flower and yarrow are good lymph movers and detoxifiers.
  • Small-flowered plants such as asters, coral bells, nemesia, and yarrow are great fillers.
  • Gather early summer flowers like violets, yarrow and red clover to dry for teas and for tincturing.
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