
How To Use Yale In A Sentence

  • Trevor and Kenneth polka'd excitedly round her legs as she slotted the Yale into the lock. TICKLED PINK
  • Royale, with a bayonet at his loins, and only escaped by taking refuge under the porte-cochere of No. 6. Les Miserables
  • he studied law at Yale
  • OBJECTIVE : To differentiate Chinese traditional medicine semen euryales with Fourier transformation infrared spectrum.
  • She has recently joined the faculty of Yale University.
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  • Unfortunately, Medusa chose just that moment to arrive with Stheno and Euryale. Aphrodite the Beauty
  • The development of the sporogonium proceeds as in the Bryales, but the dome-shaped archesporium extends over the summit of the columella and an air-space is wanting. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • A story yesterday at The Daily Beast about the Title IX Complaint Against Yale crystallized, for me, just how misinformed this generation of young men has become. Amy Siskind: Sexual Assaults Will Continue Unless We Educate Young Men
  • Barbara weekended in New York regularly during the four years she was at Yale. Archive 2004-08-01
  • The poorest of the poor tend to be found in remote, environmentally stressed regions, such as the drylands of Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, which is evident in Yale and Columbia's Environmental Performance Index. Land, Water And Conflict
  • Entrance from the precincts of the palace is by the great ornamental iron gateway known as the Grille Royale, from which an alleyed row of lindens leads to the heart of the forest. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • No one knows this more than Yale which has flourished to an unprecedented level these past 40 years as a coeducational institution. Muhtar Kent: This Century Goes to the Women
  • He paged Yale again, this time to his cell number, then switched his phone over to vibrate mode. DO NO HARM
  • It was painted for the private oratory in the apartments of Anne of Austria in the Palais Royale, Paris, into which she had moved following the death of her husband, Louis XIII, in 1643.
  • People who've gone to "Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia ..." he lectured -- in other words, "experts" -- think they know so much more than people who haven't. Cindy Handler: What's Dumb About the "Elitism" Debate
  • Over lunch at Mory's, Yale's tweedy private dining club, he suggests that academics underrate the President because they overvalue specialized knowledge.
  • A study conducted by scientists at Yale University and published in 2008 reported that, compared to pregnant women who ate less than one serving of chocolate a week, those who consumed five or more servings of chocolate each week during their third trimester had a 40 percent lower risk of developing the dangerous high blood pressure condition known as preeclampsia. Origins
  • The thin-crusted pizzas are tops, with seasonal embellishments like trumpet royale mushrooms, fontina cheese, and thyme.
  • Stephen D. Susman jokes that he didn't want to trouble his family with the decision on how best to honor him and his beloved alma mater, Yale University. Gallery Gift Inspired by Free Drinks
  • - While I was still under the almost first impression of grief for the loss of my dear and honoured father I received a letter from Windsor Castle, written by Madame Beckersdorff, at the command of her majesty, to desire I would take the necessary measures for being presented to son altesse royale Madame The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • Yale graduate student Bob Kemp determined the fates of reduced pyridine nucleotides, NAPDH and NADH in Leuconostoc mesenteroides fermentation and growth using 1-T glucose, 1-T 2 deoxy-glucose and 3-T glucose. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • Mr Sammler in the elevator, extracting the Yale key from his change purse.
  • Bodies based on Truchet's system appear to have been used throughout the 18th century by the Imprimerie royale, until a 'millimetric' point of 0.4 mm was introduced at the Imprimerie impériale in about 1810 by Firmin Didot. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • He's set to make his acting debut as a baddie in the new James Bond film, Casino Royale.
  • Put forward by Benjamin Lee Whorf in The Yale Report, "grammatical marker" has been a concept in the study of grammar.
  • Dwight was a literate scholar, president of Yale College, and no slouch when it came to descriptive if overheated passages.
  • Yes, yonder, Mesdames, where our straight frondent Avenue, joined, as you note, by Two frondent brother Avenues from this hand and from that, spreads out into Place Royale and Palace Forecourt; yonder is the The French Revolution
  • Robert Shiller, a Yale economist who has presciently issued warnings about overpriced equities and houses, has already suggested that farmland might be the subject of the next bubble.
  • Ives wrote in 1932, One variation was the theme in canon, put in three keys together, B-flat-E-flat-A-flat, and backwards the cancrizans of Hindemith who was at Yale? "Classical" American Music, cont'd from July 5 post
  • In 1666, at Colbert's instigation, the Académie Royale des Sciences was founded.
  • It is the same fascination that fuels a steady flow of Rhodes scholars to our universities and a reverse flow of Britons to Yale, Stanford and Harvard.
  • But now, assimilating a part of the girl's enthusiasm, and strengthened by the instant admiration which Mr. Gorham commanded, he was determined to make a stand at this point, taking the head of the great Consolidated Companies as his model, and with lance in hand to charge the world just as he would have "bucked" the Yale line. The Lever A Novel
  • Twenty years later, as an Arabic speaker, he was interpreting George H.W. Bush-a fellow Yaleman and blueblood who fixed his name forever as "Chas" - to King Fahd as ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • DAVID W. BLIGHT is the director of Yale University's Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition and a professor of American history.
  • Of course he is, this kid went to Yale, the reward for kids who do everything right.
  • Surkov, in a Yale T-shirt, was sitting alone at a table when I went down to a late breakfast.
  • Aylardır kurtarma paketinden yararlanan birkaç bankanın yöneticilerine ödenen paralarla ilgili ayrıntıların verilmesi için baskı yapan Cuomo, bir eyalet mahkemesinin, dün isimlerin ticari sır olmadığı ve kamuya açıklanabileceği yönünde aldığı karar uyarınca, Bank of America'nın, geçen yıl Merrill Lynch'de yüksek prim alan 200 kişinin ismini bugün kendilerine vermesini beklediğini de söyledi. Undefined
  • Their front door was fitted with a Yale lock, two bolts and a security chain.
  • However, new research from Yale on synesthesia is now revealing that there is a complex interaction between the senses in the brain - an interaction that enables us to understand the world in a unified way.
  • KERRY: THE SUBSTANCEHe may have a reputation for being wooden and aloof, but Kerry is a formidable debater -- he was named class orator at Yale -- who has crushed opponents with his command of facts and his cool demeanor. At Last, The Two Shall Meet...Face To Face, Chin
  • Skull and Bones y la Universidad de Yale no han respondido hasta el momento sobre la demanda, pero como ésta involucra también al gobierno de los Estados Unidos, puede ser que en poco tiempo el caso cobre relevancia. Ger��nimo, Skull and Bones y la cabeza de Francisco Villa
  • At a graduation ceremony of Yale University, a local parish pastor was called in to pinch-hit , as the invited guest speaker failed to show up.
  • The hopes for this gallery can fill more than the space between the new sculpture building and Edgewood Avenue; it has the potential to become a venue for a new kind of curatorial project in Yale's art scene whose focus is not having a focus. Yale Daily News: Latest Issue
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  • The questionnaire itself will be made more user-friendly, said Sylvia Harris, a census consultant and graphic designer at Yale University.
  • His father had been a religious scholar on the fringe of the Yale faculty, where his being far-out was not acceptable. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • In all other Bryales there is a definite columella extending from the base to the apex of the capsule, the archesporium is derived from the outermost layer of cells of the endothecium, and an air space is formed between the spore-sac and the wall. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • By the time the gray wolf was listed as an endangered species in the conterminous U.S., its breeding range had been reduced to a small corner of northeastern Minnesota and Isle Royale, Michigan.
  • Traditionally, Princeton has also been far less a magnet for media coverage than Ivies with departments, such as Harvard or Yale.
  • These two members of Yale's Class of '57 never miss a reunion.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. books/blog; books = 1; nickname = amy-hungerford; entry_id = 335241; black-swan-green = 1; book-marketing = 1; david-mitchell = 1; elizabeth-strout = 1; jonathan-lethem = 1; literature = 1; motherless-brooklyn = 1; professors = 1; reading = 1; textbooks = 1; university = 1; yale-university = 1", Amy Hungerford: Slow Sell, or, Why Professors Matter
  • WE Are proud of our smart leader, let the diaspora loosers and shaebiyans cry. gena gena yaleksalu. Undefined
  • Yalei Dance Studio offers courses in ballet, the ever - popular jazz and Latino dances and tap dancing.
  • Stheno, and Euryale, daughters of Phorcys and Cete. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Three examples lifted from last Sunday's Times: a director of marketing at a biotech company (Stanford undergrad, Harvard MBA) married a consultant to the aerospace industry (Stanford undergrad, Harvard MPP); a vice president at Goldman Sachs (Yale) married a director of retail development for a financial software firm (Hofstra); and a third-year resident in cardiology (Yale undergrad) married a third-year resident in pathology (Columbia undergrad, summa cum laude). The tea party warns of a New Elite. They're right.
  • It all began in 1981, when he was still a young egghead musician on the junior faculty at Yale University.
  • And then his great vision, but his great failure, was in introducing what he called a quad plan, which was breaking up this somewhat amorphous college where the students didn't know each other so well anymore and where they were distracted by extracurricular affairs and living off the campus and so on, by organizing separate colleges which later Harvard took up in the house plan in the college plan house plan, and Yale took up in the college plan. Woodrow Wilson: A Biography
  • One prefrosh last year was treated to a sneak preview of nudity at Yale.
  • Would a chair professor of literature at Yale University be allowed to conduct serially personal liaisons with female graduate students over his entire career across decades?
  • He was a white, upper class, prep school boy who attended Yale and looked as radical as your internist, which is what he was. Archive 2004-08-01
  • In all other Bryales there is a definite columella extending from the base to the apex of the capsule, the archesporium is derived from the outermost layer of cells of the endothecium, and an air space is formed between the spore-sac and the wall. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • The Martin Yale 950 desktop decollator is capable of decollating three-part (five-ply) carbon-interleaved forms.
  • N kondo-Mthembe Manyale gee elke keer die statistiek op dat sou dat ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Don’t get me wrong, I’m not deeming the film unwatchable from the get-go, but the film is most certainly a disappointment to the franchise, especially Casino Royale, the film that rebooted the series and gave it that long needed breath of fresh air. REVIEW: Quantum Of Solace « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Since earning her graduate degree from Yale only two years ago, Katy Grannan has compiled an impressive portfolio of portraits.
  • If you're anything like me, chances are 90% of the resolutions you made as the ball dropped and you finished your nth kir royale have since been sent scuttling back to the heap of "things I'd like to do/be/practice next year. Daphne Oz: Three Secrets for Interpersonal-Relationship Perfection
  • Adamu is a 1966 graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, N.H. In 1970 he earned a B.A. in political science from Yale University, and in 1989 he earned a Ph.D. in political science from Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria. Atim Oton: Zaria Academy: Lessons on Preparing for Fundraising in Nigeria
  • Yale social scientist Joseph Simmons agrees that biology is a big piece of the puzzle.
  • Los descendientes del líder indígena Gerónimo, han demandado a la Universidad de Yale, al gobierno de los Estados Unidos y a la sociedad secreta Skull and Bones, exigiendo que les regresen la cabeza de su antepasado. Ger��nimo, Skull and Bones y la cabeza de Francisco Villa
  • And he said, ‘My front door is bolted with three bolts and a Yale lock.’
  • Page 297 to me that son altesse royale might be seriously hurt, that nothing in her demeanour had announced her, rank; and such a discovery might lead to increased distance and reserve in her future conduct upon other extra audiences, that could not but be prejudicial to her popularity, which already was injured by an opinion extremely unjust, but very generally spread, of her haughtiness. The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • Princeton plays Yale this weekend
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 3; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. books/blog; books = 1; nickname = amy-hungerford; entry_id = 335241; black-swan-green = 1; book-marketing = 1; david-mitchell = 1; elizabeth-strout = 1; jonathan-lethem = 1; literature = 1; motherless-brooklyn = 1; professors = 1; reading = 1; textbooks = 1; university = 1; yale-university = 1"; if (top! Amy Hungerford: Slow Sell, or, Why Professors Matter
  • In 1727 he won the Grand Prix of the Académie Royale des Sciences for his submission on masts of ships.
  • Their front door was fitted with a Yale lock, two bolts and a security chain.
  • Returning to Arkansas after his years as a Rhodes scholar and Yale law student, Bill Clinton, the great chameleon of modern American political history, had to reconnect with an American vernacular.
  • More from the Yale study: campaigns that focus solely on the negative consequences of HIV infection may serve to disempower men with HIV by making them appear weak, helpless or diseased; depictions of visible symptoms reinforce commonly held beliefs... Sean Strub: 'It's Never Just HIV' Ad Campaign Oversimplifies the Issue
  • The Spy" by Clive Cussler and Justin Scott is a wonderfully written and historically fascinating espionage novel set in pre-World War I America, in which our hero, Isaac Bell a characteristically brilliant and strong Yale man, stops a slew of Japanese, German and English spies who are trying to break America's secret program to build the most powerful dreadnought battleships and control the world's waters. Twelve Months of Reading
  • It's light and damnably inventive (how about langoustine royale with horseradish, cress and avocado?). Times, Sunday Times
  • It's our first glimpse of what's going on physiologically that's causing age-related cognitive decline, " said study leader Amy Arnsten, a neurobiologist at Yale University.
  • Ursula Andress also played Vesper Lynd in the 1967 James Bond parody Casino Royale.
  • Stanford's men's team was handily defeated by the Yale women's varsity during a west-coast swing last winter.
  • It's all dusky reds and yellows, shag-headed battle royales, exploding tanks, and getting up the next day to relive it on the playground.
  • One thing I learned at Yale is how different the Ivies are.
  • The chorus and orchestra of La Chapelle Royale directed by Philippe Herreweghe reveal the intrinsic delight of dedicated performers.
  • I flew to Moscow to celebrate our mutual birthday with my friend and birthmate Eve (we were born two hours apart at Lennox Hill Hospital, although we didn't meet again until Freshman year of college when we were in the same dorm at Yale) back in 1997. Breakfast in Bed
  • The front door, on a Yale lock, clicked shut behind them, and they stood together, hunched up, in the recessed doorway.
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  • How to look chic on the beach, at the baccarat table and in the bedroom – such is the sartorial tutorial of Casino Royale, courtesy of Lindy Hemming, its gifted costume designer.
  • And Jennifer Klein, professor of history at Yale University, adds that women often work in "precarious" jobs with irregular hours and low benefits. Bryce Covert: The Other Side of the 'Mancession': Women Left Behind
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  • After his only son, Adelbert, drowned at Yale, Stone gave $600,000 for the founding of Adelbert College, which evolved into Case-Western Reserve University. The Five of Hearts
  • Our hero finds himself in Royale, a small French town famed for its casino (you can guess its name).
  • The New York Times obituary quotes Yale historian John Lewis Gaddis, Kennan's authorized biographer: ‘He'll be remembered as a diplomatist and a grand strategist of the cold war.’
  • The Cuisinier Royale et Bourgeois itself offers a rather appetizing recipe for suckling pig in galantine, but nothing for chicken.
  • My teaching at Yale seemingly warranted an indefinite deferment from the Vietnam War draft. Joseph E. Stiglitz - Autobiography
  • So did conflagrative, though a president of Yale gave it his imprimatur. Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 3. New Words of English Material
  • The Yale University Art Gallery embodies nearly every architectonic theme or device that Kahn returned to in his later architectural production.
  • Medlock and colleague Alison Galvani of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, developed a mathematical model of flu spread that takes age and transmission patterns into account.
  • The questionnaire itself will be made more user-friendly, said Sylvia Harris, a census consultant and graphic designer at Yale University.
  • In a forthcoming article in the Yale Journal on Regulation, Levitin argues that regulatory arbitrage is inevitable in current financial regulatory system that features multiple regulators for essentially equivalent institutions: financial institutions will seek out the most permissive regulator, and regulators have incentives to engage in laxer regulation to attract regulatees. Archive 2009-06-01
  • She then said that her altesse royale was expecting me; and made The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • Starting points for the researcher could be the large collection of pamphlets about her at Yale University.
  • Times columnist Danny Finkelstein, makes short work of that line of argument today, the flawed "situationist" view that suggests that human beings adapt to the situation in which they find themselves, as evidenced by Stanley Milgram's famous torture tests at Yale in The Guardian World News
  • They couldn't understand her refusal of a scholarship to Yale.
  • A very nice young man, of whom no maid's mother need ever be in trepidation; a very strong young man, whose substance had not been wasted in riotous living; a very learned young man, with a Freiberg mining engineer's diploma and a B.A. sheepskin from Yale; and, lastly, CHAPTER 7
  • How to look chic on the beach, at the baccarat table and in the bedroom – such is the sartorial tutorial of Casino Royale, courtesy of Lindy Hemming, its gifted costume designer.
  • Photo: Pam Meecham, 1999 when she was a young graduate at Yale University.
  • The entry stair at Yale lies at the bottom of a spatial well, formed by the recession of the blank wall.
  • For all I knew, despite her pedigree—her dad is Arie Kopelman , a former head of Chanel; her brother Will dates Drew Barrymore; and she attended the Spence School, Taft and Yale—she might be short a couple of marbles. Bullets and 'F-Bombs'
  • In 1663 the Académie Royale was refounded under the protection of Louis XIV's minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert, for whom it was primarily an instrument of his centralizing statecraft.
  • How coincidental that the Tate imbroglio should have taken place barely more than a month after the brouhaha stirred by the Yale University Press's bowdlerization of Jytte Klausen's book, "The Cartoons That Shook The World," to be published in November, after having excised the now infamous Danish cartoons as well as Gustave Dore's illustration of Mohammed for Canto 28 of Dante's "Inferno. Raymond J. Learsy: "Spiritual America": Censorship at Yale, and Now London?
  • In 1941 Cheever married Mary Winternitz, whose father had been the dean of Yale Medical School and whose grandfather, Thomas A. Watson, had been a coinventor of the telephone. John Cheever's Cruel Paradoxes
  • I'm so pleasant to learn of your scholarship to Yale University.
  • It is against this boorish cartel that 16 Yale students and recent alumni asserted themselves in a Title IX complaint brought against the institution last month—a complaint that could cost the university $500 million in federal funds. Shutter Fraternities for Young Women's Good
  • Protesters from Yale and Harvard momentarily stole the spotlight from President Barack Obama at a rally in Bridgeport, Conn. Protesters From Yale, Harvard Interrupt Obama Rally
  • I toured the small cemetery with its sad tombstone inscriptions, and then took the short boat trip back to Ile Royale, where a lugubrious guide pointed out the almond tree under which the guillotine used to stand.
  • Less than two months later, the film industry scored a surprise hit with "Khao Chon Kai", a teenage comedy that trumped the latest James Bond escapade[4], "Casino Royale", at the box-office.
  • The oarmen were impressed with the unpretentious alehouse, which quickly gained popularity among the Yale set. Economy puts epic Yale eating/drinking club at risk
  • September 3, 2009 at 3:26 pm ah, but my liege Yr Royale pain HiNess, pls to rememememeber i can has b0rg teknolojeeez. hrmph. desert? no prolbema. Having vanquished the dreaded pink, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Robert Shiller, a Yale economist who has presciently issued warnings about overpriced equities and houses, has already suggested that farmland might be the subject of the next bubble.
  • Surveying the park occupants' slovenly dishabille, I thought of a recent report that students in Yale's elite "Grand Strategy" seminar have been notified of discounts from a tailor from Bangkok and been advised that "Once you have a custom suit, it's really hard to go back. Jim Sleeper: Markets, New Media, the Occupiers, and the Next Step
  • However, new research from Yale on synesthesia is now revealing that there is a complex interaction between the senses in the brain - an interaction that enables us to understand the world in a unified way.
  • via the incomparable piony ….relativity can be fun, thanks to Ramamurti Shankar, Yale University. Galileo, Newton and Einstein for the Masses
  • Casino Royale was Ian Fleming's first 007 novel, and Bond here is an agent on his first big case, a rough diamond who has not yet acquired his savoir faire or taste for the double entendre.
  • Stheno and Euryale consented to this; but Medusa resisting, she was killed by Perseus. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Vol. I, Books I-VII
  • The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.
  • She holds an M.A. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from Berkeley and a B.A. from Yale. BookBrowse Reviewers.
  • Some media sourceshave called Mourtada “a Martyr of the Net” andothershave described the case as a “media lynching” pushed by “les SAR et consorts” [all those bearing the title “Son Altesse Royale” (His/Her Royal Highness) and consorts]. Morocco: Bloggers Rally Behind Fouad Mourtada
  • He is also a visiting professor at Yale and a contributor to The Nation magazine.
  • Mark writes this: Since I was in college at Yale, they gave me the intellectual job, working the machine that calculated the ripeness of the peas known as the pea tenderometer. Summer Jobs: Processed Foods
  • Lifton, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Yale University School of Medicine.
  • Who knows, maybe these reveiwers were expecting the sly wink all the previous Bonds seemed to give to the camera and didn't get it. nelson you change directors you get different visions hoth base to bad casino royale was no james bond movie Early Buzz: Quantum of Solace is No Casino Royale | /Film
  • But before I disappeared she assured me that I should meet with a most gracious reception, for her altesse royale had declared she would see me with marked favour, if she saw no other English whatsoever; because Madame d'Arblay, she said, was the only English person who had been peculiarly recommended to her notice by the Queen of England. The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • But what I saw in my four years at Yale was a community devoted to strengthening traditional values in untraditional but still romantic and successful ways.
  • His whole body and manner cried out that he was a president with a war to fight who didn't want to be bothered trading verbal jabs with the kind of supercilious know-it-all he had loathed since Yale days. TALKING THE TALK
  • Is the Harvard-Yale connection one of academic achievment or one of networking? The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Jews and Catholics on the Supreme Court?
  • Not what you expected, I'll bet, when you were studying the opinions of Holmes and Cardozo at Yale. THE ASSOCIATE
  • Yale Press Log: NYT: Tapestry in the Baroque is "stupefying" and "awesome NYT: Tapestry in the Baroque is "stupefying" and "awesome"
  • Yale researchers say a chemical used to protect marine vessels against barnacles clinging to their hulls may be doing damage to the hearing of whales and other mammals.
  • Saunders, a Yale graduate, said his step-father had been one of the famous "Buffalo Soldiers" on the plains, protecting white settlers traveling west in wagon trains. Heroes or Villains?
  • He has been invited to teach at Harvard, UC Berkeley, and Yale, among other schools.
  • It was with such airs of superiority that I spent every free moment during my two years at Yale buried in the corner of the library.
  • Hush! you indeed!" said the Pere Noble, as if addressing an exiled Altesse royale, -- "you take a bundle -- Miss -- Chapman! What Will He Do with It? — Volume 03
  • One of the things that shocked James Kirchick of the New Republic was the fact that a Ron Paul letter described Dr. King as” “a comsymp, if not an actual party member …” Perhaps Kirchick, who just graduated from Yale, and is practically an infant, simply didn’t know that this was in fact the case. Brimelow on Sam Francis Race Anthology
  • Yale could not do better for its matriculants than inculcate the notion both of individual liberty and its inherent responsibilities.
  • Latto: In “Our Forgotten Constitution: A Bicentennial Comment,” 97 Yale L.J. 281 (1987), Akhil Amar shows that the printed copy of the Constitution that was distributed to the states for ratification, differed in punctuation, spelling and capitalization from the engrossed (handwritten) parchment signed by the delegates to the Convention in Philadelphia, which is the version now enshrined in the National Archives. The Volokh Conspiracy » Error in Many Versions of the United States Constitution
  • Today The Information Society Project at Yale Law School (of which I am the director) begins its three day conference on cutting edge issues in cybercrime. Balkinization
  • Timothy Dwight, the fervently reactionary and comically pompous head of Yale University, was a strong Federalist supporter who predicted that the accession of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency would lead to "a frenzied dance of Jacobinism. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • He thought of his son Rufus, doing his MBA at Yale, who always looked where he was going. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Though, I imagine Mme Royale is pretty convincingly an iron lady if she managed to fight her way though the phallocratic French political scene, especially on the left. French socialists pick candidate
  • As an important and typical representative deconstructionism critic in Yale School, Paul de Man plays a vital role in contemporary western theoretical circle.
  • The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.
  • I'm talking about Yale students because I live in their midst and know them well.
  • The inclusion of early paintings and drawings, produced shortly after her graduation from Yale in 1959, provides a sense of her beginnings as a young artist in awe of Abstract Expressionism and the primitivism of Jean Dubuffet.
  • The letter added, that I must waive all objections relative to my recent loss, as it would be improper, in the present state of things, that the wife of a general officer should not be presented; and, moreover, that I should be personally expected and well received, as I had been named to son altesse royale by the queen herself. The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • He paged Yale again, this time to his cell number, then switched his phone over to vibrate mode. DO NO HARM
  • At a graduation ceremony of Yale University, a local parish pastor was called in to pinch-hit , as the invited guest speaker failed to show up.
  • On July 29, 1769, Huet was accepted as an academician at the Academie royale de Peinture et de Sculpture.
  • Jika benar sinyalemen ini maka pada tahun 2014 nanti ada 2 kandidat capres dari Cendana yakni Tommy Soeharto dan Prabowo Subianto (baca juga tulisan saya calon-calon pemimpin masa depan Indonesia). Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Soeharto’s son aims to be president?
  • As his column notes, Yale has on the contrary already ‘postponed’ its freshman convocation for the first time in its history.
  • Yale University Press Bookplate of a crab Pages with a nautical air: A crab, pictured here, seemed just right for Alois Rogenhofer, a librarian at the University of Vienna who wrote about crustacea. The Fine Art of Saying 'It's My Book'
  • ‘Casino Royale’ the teleplay is in high-contrast black and white.
  • The stories Martin tells of his students like the Harvard-educated doctor marrying the Yale-educated attorney are unforgettable - he's a man on a mission to make sure that Jesus' work is richly rewarded, when his U.S. -born children become college graduates from America's most prestigious universities and more. Graciela Tiscareno-Sato: The Viral Immigration Meme: Did You See The Success Story?
  • George Hills, travelling from Yale to Lillooet, recorded talking ‘to Mexicans who are the muleteers of the country’.
  • The cashier was going on about how the freemasons are running the country because Bush was part of Skull and Bones at Yale, and how it really doesn't matter who you vote for because so was Kerry you just don't get this kind of jabber at the Safeway, do you? 08/04
  • Much of what we think of as being "French theory" today is the result of the kind of literary criticism that was carried out in prestigious universities like Yale during the 1980s. The State of Criticism
  • In contrast, Till was tall, lean and immaculately tailored, a whip-smart prairie boy from Saskatchewan who earned scholarships that brought him a Yale doctorate in biophysics. Ernest McCulloch dies: Scientist who first identified stem cells was 84
  • University president Richard C. Levin will speak at the event, which will also feature music by a Yale student acapella group. Many Ways to Mark Anniversary
  • A hint of the complexity of their production was nicely conveyed by the installation at Yale, supervised by Hamilton himself so that various renditions of the same image were often grouped in bring into focus their differences.
  • On a daily basis, Yale students and professors express the moral outrage they feel toward our criminal justice system.
  • Just about two years ago this column was born after I had the idea to mix up a few Vesper Martinis , having just seen Casino Royale.
  • I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students.
  • City letter is the Parc residential developer, the vice chief counselor Chi Royale Park was the original property as one of the main persons responsible for the management committee.
  • Again I believe Gates was educated at Yale and fellowshiped at Harvard with his speciality in Black History and race relations why isn'nt he being held to the professional standard? Deconstructing the Police Report in the Skip Gates Arrest Case
  • He studied what they call a dismal science, economics, at Yale. George Bush: An Intimate Portrait
  • Yale at twelve had been difficult but the rigor of residency now and having to live under mother's wing as she performed stereotactic craniotomys, decompressed and debulked tissue with her skillful, tiny fingers, was far too much. Small Talk
  • Great dit on the Jim Royale look alike, nothing like enhancing what you've got to look a bit bonnier for the wife! Ego Testicle
  • Yale later apologized to Dongguk in late 2007 for what it called an administrative error. Front Page
  • Blackly funny and chillingly dystopian, Battle Royale has been having quite a resurgence recently.
  • Through all my whining, mewling, and caterwauls of privileged desperation, there has been only one constant - my desire to attend Yale University Law School.
  • See Dexter's Yale Biographies, third scries, pp. G15-617; Mass. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • The remake of Casino Royale, the first Bond novel, will concentrate instead on the character of the spy, painted by Ian Fleming in the book as a suave, coldly aggressive seducer.
  • The only school on my list that allowed transfers during the second semester of freshman year was Wesleyan, so I waited out the whole year, then applied to Yale, Brown and Wesleyan.
  • ‘Loids’: pieces of celluloid used to force back the latch of a Yale type lock
  • Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open. This course was recorded in Spring 2009. ante los incesantes truenos y relámpagos, Adrià y Fran decidieron amenizar la empapada barbacoa con un unplugged, ante el penetrante asombro de Joan - Articles related to Building memorials: Mayawati continues with her expensive ways
  • Gone are the days of, say, Harvard vs. Yale, when, at tailgating — or "Yale-gating" — parties men wore full-length raccoon-fur coats (beanie optional), white linen tablecloths were laid upon fold-out tables, jalopies were crammed with silver sets and champers in ice buckets, and Astroturf had yet to be invented. The Gentleman
  • One was left to conclude that Moyes was still furious after seeing Diniyar Bilyaletdinov harshly sent off five minutes after coming on, a decision which effectively ended the match just as Everton were building up a head of steam in their effort to equalise. Roy Hodgson praises scouting head after West Brom defeat of Everton
  • He also produces fruit royale liqueurs, lower in alcohol and made of pear, raspberry, and cherry wines fortified with eaux-de-vie, as well as a clear, potent, dry, fruity grappa.
  • The frame itself was nothing short of a battlefield to the indiscriminate slaughter of Yales and Stubbs.
  • You might be a bit footsore after wandering round all those shops, but a few minutes looking over a menu, Kir Royale in hand, and all will be right with the world.
  • An assistant professor in the applied physics and physics departments at Yale University has been recognized for ‘pioneering work on epitaxial complex oxide thin film heterostructures.’
  • And also kind of contradicted what the president of Yale was saying yesterday. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2009
  • She dined on spectacular food in the restaurant, before retiring to the ritzy barn bar for Mojito Royales.
  • Reuben B. Robertson, who is a Yale graduate, was on the board and two of Thompson's sons were on the board and during those days, it represented, I would say, a kind of beneficient paternalistic enterprise. Oral History Interview with Anne Queen, April 30, 1976. Interview G-0049-1. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • a whiting, that chicken of the ocean, was not a signal for a panegyric of the darker attraction of a _matelotte à la royale_. The Young Duke
  • Through all my whining, mewling, and caterwauls of privileged desperation, there has been only one constant - my desire to attend Yale University Law School.
  • In the fall he will be heading to Yale to take up a postdoctoral research position.
  • The key ring contained two worn Yale keys and a more modern mortice key. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • By coincidence, John and I both ended up at Yale.

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