How To Use Y-axis In A Sentence
The fitted lines are for the regression of the square root of the y-axis variable on log shoot dry weight.
Start to draw the slope at the left-hand vertical line of grid, which is the y-axis.
Allele size in base pairs is given on the x-axis; frequency is given on the y-axis.
Then, down the left side of the page (the vertical y-axis), you write all of the common issues that come up in a typical week.
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Meeting spaces around the building are plotted along the y-axis, session times along the x.
Plot distance on the vertical Y-axis against time on the horizontal X-axis.
The y-axis was defined by the axis of symmetry.
The y-axis indicates the number of markers corresponding to each distance class.
The percentage of genes transcribed at a certain level (y-axis) is plotted against the relative level of gene transcription (x-axis).
On a typical chart, the price of an instrument is notated (on the y-axis) against time (on the x-axis) in graphic form.
Then he offers a bizarre diagram, with two axes: on the y-axis, innovation; on the x-axis, choice.
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Note the differences in the scale of the y-axis.
The graph itself needs to be rotated -90 degrees, so that size is indeed the x-axis and shame the y-axis, but simply switching the labels is ineffective, as it changes (and makes wrong) the meaning of the graph.
Low culture.
This problem (which so far as he could tell, mathematicians regard as quite uninteresting) was simply the relation between linear, sequential strings of symbols or mathematical "sentences" like y = 1/x, and the diagrams in Cartesian coordinates that transform these statements into visual images, in this case, a curve descending from an infinite height along the vertical y-axis, turning right and skating off into an infinite eastern distance along the x-axis.
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Lines represent regressions of linear portion of each curve extrapolated to the y-axis.
The y-axis represents the number of pixels (in arbitrary units) found in a certain range of values along the x-axis.
The resulting distribution of the number groups (Y-axis) against the number of sequences per group (X-axis) is shown.
The Y-axis shows the frequency of a prevalent mutation for each of the lines.
Then of course the relevant integrals involve odd functions, and it results that the centroid lies on the y-axis.
For graphical purposes, the cubic function in (a) is not extended below the y-axis.
Plot with causes on x-axis and cumulative percentage on y-axis.
As an exercise, take a pencil and divide the dots into thirds along the x-axis and then the y-axis, with 1/3 of the dots being in the “calm” terce, 1/3 in the “normal” terce and 1/3 in the “windy” terce.
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The y-axis indicates the number of individuals within each category of average tail moment.
The value on the y-axis relative to the value on the x-axis. gwjunkie Says:
Nothing better to do.
The more energy available, the higher up the Y-axis the profile is on the graph.
The y-axis shows the relative increase in the sex comb teeth associated with the double mutants.
I first read the y-axis as ‘authenticism’. .which of course would have more accurately been ‘authenticity’ … anyways.
And swagger.
You have a horrible tendency to post charts and either not label them properly (usually the y-axis) or not state what each curve represents (in this case it happens to be fairly obvious, but you should still state it explicitly).
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Significant differences are for the photosynthetic rates on the y-axis.
All data sets have nonzero intercepts of the regression lines with the y-axis.
For graphical purposes, a log scale is used for the y-axis.
Execute a multidimensional query on a cube in the workbench to display business names as labels of X-axis and Y-axis.
Lines represent regressions of linear portion of each curve extrapolated to the y-axis.
The x-axis shows the population in millions whilst the y-axis shows different age ranges.
The x-axis of the couch represents Maassen's brain waves in hertz, while the y-axis shows the amount of alpha activity as a percentage, and the z-axis is the time in milliseconds.
It made sense to me, but that was when I read the y-axis as “how smart your parents think you are.”
Hi, Mom (and thank you)!
It is a cross plot of industrial R&D spending on the x-axis and so-called triadic patents on the y-axis.
Innovation will get the economy moving
The Y-axis of the graph counts up the density of the molecules, in number of molecules per cubic centimeter of atmosphere.
The key to understanding this one is knowing that her dependent variable is on the y-axis, so Insecurity is being predicted by the independent variable on the x-axis, Products.
Showing off assets, covering up flaws.
The y-axis is the fraction of sequences falling into a particular bin.
WALKY (P) move parallel to y-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in - ve if p is - ve
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Two of the three reaction wheels (for manoeuvring, SumbandilaSat has magnetic torquer rods, three reaction wheels, and a propulsion system with a small thruster), namely the Z-axis and the Y-axis wheels, cannot be used anymore, probably owing to a power distribution system failure.
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The y-axis on each part is square root of HDL cholesterol centered on the cross-specific mean.
Note variation in the scale of the y-axis among plots.
That missing ‘l’ made me misread the y-axis label as something related to atheism.
And swagger.
Here we go … the x-axis is the independent variable (price of chicken) … the y-axis is the dependent variable (squirrel population).
Goes well with government cheese.
Consecutive locations outlining an ' impact corridor ' are linked along the y-axis.