

  1. the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-five and one

How To Use XXVI In A Sentence

  • The state of the Jews in Babylon is represented by dead and dry bones (Ezek. xxxvii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Tschisch points out ( "Der Schmerz," _Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane_, Bd. xxvi, ht. 1 and 2, 1901), memory can only preserve impressions as a whole; physical pain consists of a sensation and of a feeling. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • I think, for _camisia_; but Spenser (_Faerie Queene_, II.iii. xxvi.) has (as A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • I could with but slight difficulty find my way back to Jon IV, or Jon X, or Jon CLXXVI, Dei gratia capitulum, but Messrs. D & M do not even accord me that exiguous courtesy. Quakers in Spain
  • When Domingo sang Neruda's famous love sonnet "Mañana XXVII," a poetic evocation of his naked beloved, he disrobed Gallardo-Domas to the waist (so much for figurative speech). Domingo's tenor lifts respectable, but too literal, 'Il Postino' by Daniel Catán
  • Hence Augustine says (Ep. cxxvii, ad Arment. et Paulin.): "He is a kind and not a needy exactor, for he does not grow rich on our payments, but makes those who pay Him grow rich in Him. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution 2758 ( XXVI ) is futile.
  • Vocan (Vochan inscript.), I. xxviii; III. 108, 138 _sq. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • Tametsi enim Paulus agnosceret, se in Dei providentia navigare, qui ipse dixerat, oportet te et Romae testificari (Act.xxiii. 11): qui insuper promiserat dixeratque: Jactura nulla erit ullius animae, nec cadet pilus de capite vestro (Act.xxvii. 22, 34); nihilominus meditantibus fugam nautis, dicit idem ille Paulus centurioni et militibus: Nisi hi in navi manserint, vos servari non poteritis (ver. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • He was dead before the conspiracy of Piso: Bracciolini could have seen that had he read carefully the letters of Seneca himself; for the philosopher and statesman speaks of Natalis at the time when he wrote the letter numbered in his works 87, as being dead some time, and "having many heirs" as he had been "the heir of many": -- "Nuper Natalis ... et multorum haeres fuit, et multos habuit haeredes" (Ep. LXXXVII.) Tacitus and Bracciolini The Annals Forged in the XVth Century
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