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How To Use xxix In A Sentence

  • (Livy xxxix, 9-17), and the comedies of Plautus and Terence, in which the pandar and the harlot are familiar characters. Satyricon
  • If the writers of the letter had been familiar with the Septuagint, they would have recalled the artous azymous of Ex., xxix, 2. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • XXXIX. of the third edition, in octavo; where it is likewise shown, that none of these parts which are deposited beneath the cuticle of the tree, is in itself Note I
  • _ -- Psoroptic mange is less common than sarcoptic mange in horses, and as the parasite (Pl. XXXIX, fig. 3) only bites the surface and lives among the crusts under the shelter of the hair, it is very easily discovered. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Let us not therefore be harsh in censuring others, but carefully watch over ourselves when we are in trouble, Ps. xxxix. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • XXIX. fesqui milliare ulterius ad quendam pagum juxta matronam fluvium difceffum eft. Subsidia diplomatica ad selecta juris Ecclesiastici Germaniae: et historiarum capita elucidanda ...
  • On a final note, on behalf of the Greek nation, I would like to wish the Chinese people and the organizers of the XXIX Olympiad every success, and I look forward to a most rewarding spectacle.
  • Doft thoa mock at. fear, and art not iifFriglkted, neither torneft back from God'i fword, when his cpiver rattleth agunit thee, the gUtterim fpear and ibe Ihield i Jth xxxix. An admonition to unconverted sinners : in a serious treatise ... to which are added, prayers for families
  • SUTER, Der Tractatus, "De quadratura circuli" des Albertus de Saxonia in Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, XXIX (1884); SUTER, Die The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Ps.lxxix. 11, 12 is about to be rewarded "sevenfold," in answer to the prayers which had been offered. Commentary on Revelation
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