How To Use Xxi In A Sentence
CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.
I first used them in an essay on Pope John XXIII, who believed the Church was like a ship that belonged at sea - not harboured in safe havens.
A large number of sermons and pious treatises were also written in Latin during this period, by Aelred of Rievaulx for example, and by others: "Beati Ailredi Rievallis abbatis Sermones" (and other works) in Migne's "Patrologia," vols.xxxii. and cxcv.
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns' habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation.
Philocrites: May 2005 Archives
Livy (XXXII 22 1) has a _murmur_ of mingled praise and dissent following a speech: '_murmur_ ortum aliorum cum adsensu, aliorum inclementer adsentientes increpantium'.
The Last Poems of Ovid

From soon after his death posthumous miracles had begun to be attributed to him, and he was officially canonised by Pope John XXII in 1320.
He will buried in the tomb left vacant after the remains of Pope John XXIII were exhumed from the cramped grotto under St. Peter's Basilica in 2001 and moved to the main floor following his beatification. - Bells, white smoke to announce new pope
This (p. xxiii) portrait presents an _alto-rilievo_ which is well adapted for medals only; it is conceived in the spirit of the French school, which has always attached great importance to the truthful rendering of flesh.
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
Orat.xxix. 490, ean ten apo chronon noes archen kai anarchos ho hui& 232; s, ouk archetai gar apo chronou ho chronon despotes. (ii) In the sense of anaitios, "causeless," "originis principio carens," it is applied to the Father alone, and not to the
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
Much stress is laid upon this and other seeming discrepancies to conclude that the description of the tabernacle found in Ex., xxv-xxxi, xxxix-xl, is the work of post-exilian authors of the Priestly Code.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
XXXIII But Gaiseric, king of the Vandals, had already 167 been invited into Africa by Boniface, who had fallen into a dispute with the Emperor Valentinian and was able to obtain revenge only by injuring the empire.
The Origin and Deeds of the Goths
XXIV.fig. 2), being the swastika or fylfot, so well known as an Aryan symbol, and which not only occurs on some of the antiquities discovered by Dr. Schhemann at Troy, and Mycenae, but is also still used as a symbol by the Buddhists.
Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
[DR] (MS. interlineation in a copy among the King's pamphlets.) xxiv.
Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
_Transactions Obstetrical Society London_, vol. xxxix, p. 115, etc. _Mittelschmerz_ is a condition of pain occurring about the middle of the intermenstrual period, either alone or accompanied by a slight sanguineous discharge, or, more frequently, a non-sanguineous discharge.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
The second figure (XXIX), which wants the leg armour, is of the kind known as a tonlet, and has a skirt of horizontal lames engraved.
Authorised Guide to the Tower of London
It runs under Windows 3.0 and combines Axxiom's 700 series data systems with a mouse-driven graphic interface for programming and editing.
It is probable, too, that” Deum qui absconsa manifestat “(IV.xxxi. 2) may be a reminiscence of the phrase ho tōn kruptōn gnōstēs in v. 42; and still more probably perhaps” qui est absconsorum cognitor “in IV.xxxv. 2 has its origin in this same verse.
The Three Additions to Daniel: A Study.
Studies and fisheries of pandalid shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pandalidae) in the Northern Hemisphere: A review in the XXI century eve (with special reference to Russia), pp. 9 – 31.
Fisheries and aquaculture in the North Pacific (Bering Sea)
C.xxxvii. yardes and a halfe long (for the length therof wilbe as moche as the breadth of all the lodgynges) and shall likewise be xxii. yardes and a half broad, and shalbe called the crosse waie.
Machiavelli, Volume I
Bomani Morellins in numis Augusti tabu - lertia conquisivit Neumannus noster ') * Ex - la tota XXXII., commatis exteiiii v.g. hibuit PelieriDius denarium gentis Plaii - tetradrachma Sidetum.
Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm conscripta a Josepho Eckhel ..
Page xxiii view page image: tor himself had corrected in some other place: and where he had rendered a Chinese title improperly, it hath been set right from better authorities: two or three instances have occurred of this kind, wherein it was thought unnecessary to detain the
Hau Kiou Choaan :
When Pope John XXIII condemned the Bohemian Reformer John Hus to the flames as a heretic, at the Council of Constance in 1415, he also anathematised the Englishman John Wyclif.
Lane, most inudiciously I think, transfers the Proemium to a note in chapt. xxiv., thus converting an Arabian Night into an Arabian Note.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Rule XXI. is against unevangelical contention for places at table, and Rule XXII. regulates the monastic habit.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
“He had never bartered promotion in the army for bribes, nor peculated in the supplies of provisions for the army.” l.v. c.xxxiv. —
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The uncertain degree of alliance, or consanguinity, is expressed by the words, cognatus, consobrinus, (see Valesius ad Ammian. xxiii.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Gregory, however (Moral. xxxi), reckons pride to be the queen of all the vices, and vainglory, which is the immediate offspring of pride, he reckons to be a capital vice: and not without reason.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
The land of Canaan, which was once the glory of all lands for fruitfulness, is said to be, at this day, a fruitless, useless, worthless spot of ground, as was foretold, Deut. xxix.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
_Comptes rendus_, lxxxii. (1876), p. 716; A. Weismann, _Z. wiss.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
_NH_ XXXIV 71 'habet simulacrum et benignitas eius [' Praxiteles 'generosity is seen in one of his statues']; Calamidis enim quadrigae aurigam suum imposuit, ne melior in equorum effigie defecisse in homine crederetur. ipse Calamis et alias quadrigas bigasque fecit equis sine aemulo expressis '.
The Last Poems of Ovid
(Jer.xxi. 13); ‘waileress’ (Jer.ix. 17); ‘cheseress’ (= electrix, Wisd.viii. 4); ‘singeress’, ‘breakeress’, ‘waiteress’, this last indeed having recently come up again.
English Past and Present
It contains only fol. lxxxvi., with six leaves of preliminary matter; the pagination is a little irregular, xxi. and xxii. are wanting but xxiii. is given three times, and lxxvii. is repeated for lxxviii.; the
The Ship of Fools, Volume 1
The first he establishes in chap. xxiv-xxix.; the second in -liii.; and the third in chap.liv. et sq.
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
If you search out where it came from Pliny's Natural History, Book LXXII, a copy here, the whole sentance reads: "lanae et per se coactae vestem faciunt et, si addatur acetum, etiam ferro resistunt, immo vero etiam ignibus novissimo sui purgamento
Archive 2009-04-01
Elsewhere in the MS. to regard, if not to fix the eyes upon, is expressed (e.g. in xxxix.) simply by to "holden" without the prefix.
Revelations of Divine Love
The good Monsignor's comments on the rushed putting together of the 'restored' Holy Week are fascinating - even more so John XXIII's insistence on having the traditional Vexilla regis sung on Good Friday.
A bombshell of an interview. Mons. Domenico Bartolucci on the liturgical reforms and the reform of the reform.
Johannes Quondam Papa XXIII: to which inscription Martin V, Cossa's successful rival at Constance, is said to have taken exception; but the
Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
Incident D, the Thyestean banquet, is widespread throughout European saga and Märchen literature: but even this incident Cosquin (I: xxxix) connects with India through an Annamite tale.
Filipino Popular Tales
It was probably an exaggeration of local usage: a modified separation of the sexes, which extended and still extends even to the Badawi, must long have been customary in Arabian cities, and its object was to deliver the sexes from temptation, as the Koran says (xxxii. 32), “purer will this (practice) be for your hearts and their hearts.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Yea, such is the power of deceivable lusts, that many will admire at the blindness of others in former generations who considered not the works of God (as the Jews in ` the wilderness), when themselves are under actual contempt of no less glorious dispensations; like the Pharisees, who bewailed the folly of their fathers in persecuting the prophets, when themselves were endeavouring to kill the Son of God, Matt. xxiii.
The Sermons of John Owen
Some think it is intimated (Ps.xxix. 9) that God by thunder helps the hinds in calving.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
Sir William Trumball [sic] whom Macaulay (chap. xxi) characterizes as “a learned civilian and an experienced diplomatist, of moderate opinions and of temper cautious to timidity” was appointed Secretary of State in 1691 and resigned in 1697 to make way for a more zealous partisan.
A Pleasing Form; a firm, yet cautious Mind
It is evident that the revelation here made is _proleptical_, describing a state of things identical with that which in Rev.xxi. 3, 4 (before quoted in p. 93), is said to pertain to the new heavens and the {106} new earth.
An Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of Immortality
In 1761 Clement XIII approved his beatification; John XXIII canonized him in 1960.
Caiphas and the pretorium of Pilate had remained "unto that day a heap of ruins by the might of Him who hung upon the Cross" (Catech., xiii, xxxviii, xxxix).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
Less than a hundred days into his pontificate, the new Pope John XXIII startled most of the world by announcing his intention to convoke an ecumenical council.
I do approve that of St. Ambrose (Comment. in Genesis xxiv. 51), which he hath written touching Rebecca's spousals, A woman should give unto her parents the choice of her husband, [5876] lest she be reputed to be malapert and wanton, if she take upon her to make her own choice; [5877] for she should rather seem to be desired by a man, than to desire a man herself.
Anatomy of Melancholy
John XXIII connived to ensure that Czech reformer Jan Hus was burned at the stake—even as his own position became insecure.
How the Secular World Began
A group of eight or ten men formed, as is shown in Pl. CXXXI, and danced contraclockwise around and around the small circle.
The Bontoc Igorot
Beit. xxxi, 570, attempt to prove the identity of the names by means of a form "Arda", giving on the one hand Hungarian "Aladar",
The Nibelungenlied
This jug was found in fragments, and the human figure as well as part of the plough have been reconstructed after the ploughing scene on pis. ix; x, a. To the same type belongs the jug on pi. xxiii, a, along the upper part of which are placed two cups and a juglet.
Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
Without these compounds -- oxytetracycline, draxxin, ceftiofur, tiamulin -- diseases would likely kill them.
Deirdre Imus: Beyond Swine Flu - Could Factory Farms Be the Cause of the Next Man-Made Pandemic?
An offprint of pp. ixxix-xci from Tome II of the Annuaire, q.v. supra.
Institute of International Law - History of Organization
The "envelop" was probably similar to the wooden ones found by Stein in the Tarim basin; cf. Serindia, vol. IV, pl. xxi.
The History of the Former Han Dynasty
= André cites _Dig_ XXII v 22 'curent magistratus cuiusque loci _testari_ uolentibus et se ipsos et alios testes uel
The Last Poems of Ovid
Abroad the sword bereaves and slays all that comes in its way, and at home all provisions are cut off by the besiegers, so that there is as death, that is, famine, which is as bad as the pestilence, or worse -- the sword without and terror within, Deut. xxxii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The term Satan signifies an adversary, and is applied to any angel sent upon an errand of punishment For example, Numbers xxii.
The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old
He was a famous raconteur: the younger Seneca calls Pedo _fabulator elegantissimus_ at _Ep_ CXXII 15-16 when repeating one of his anecdotes.
The Last Poems of Ovid
In his note Medina says that this cedula was not in the _Recopilacion_, but referring back to the note on p. xxiv, we find that he there prints a law of the same content and date, cited as Law 3, Title XXIV, Book 1 of the
Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
I first used them in an essay on Pope John XXIII, who believed the Church was like a ship that belonged at sea - not harboured in safe havens.
XXIII. _koka_ for _Cacao_; _batt_ for _Bett_ (bed); _emmu_ for
The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
This woe is the moral of that judicial law (Exod.xxi. 33, 34-22: 6), that he who opened the pit, and kindled the fire, was accountable for all the damage that ensued.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Livy V 4 5, XXIII 38 12 & XXXIX 9 5, and Pliny _NH_ XXXIII 134 'M. Crassus negabat locupletem esse nisi qui reditu annuo legionem _tueri_ posset'.
The Last Poems of Ovid
(Livy xxxix, 9-17), and the comedies of Plautus and Terence, in which the pandar and the harlot are familiar characters.
Eternal and Fixed, He that is possessed of beautiful limbs, (or, He the ascension unto whom is the best of all acts), He who has such knowledge having penance for its indication that He is able to agitable Prakriti for evolving the universe out of her (CXIV -- CXXII); He that goes everywhere (in the sense of pervading all things as their cause), the
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
He quotes Lia as saying: "Because the Lord heard that I was despised, he hath given this also to me; and she called his name Simeon" (Gen., xxix, 33).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
Pope John XXIII, we learn at length, had a passion for Alessandro Manzoni's novel "I Promessi Sposi" (which Wills horribly translates as "The Plighted Couple" ", hen the book is widely known as" The Betrothed ").
Take Me To Your Leader
Although he went on to lead the NFL in passer rating every year from 1991-94 and was the league's Most Valuable Player in 1992, the left-hander would not truly escape from Montana's enormous shadow until Super Bowl XXIX. - Discipline: Phifer amazes in Belichick's scheme
Pages xx to xxii of the Prologue provide an overview of the wealth of riches to follow.
The endoplasm is finely granular with, however, larger food particles in the process of digestion, while specimens are occasionally seen with the natural form completely lost through distortion caused by over-large captures (Cf. also Wrzesniowski '70, p. XXIII, fig. 32).
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
The said Justice-depute, be the mouth of James Sterling, dempster of the Court, decernit and ordainit the said Robert Weir to be tane to ane skaffold to be fixt beside the Croce of Edinburgh, and there to be brokin upoune ane Row,6 quhill he be deid; and to ly thairat, during the space of xxiiij houris.
She Stands Accused
XXI 15, sui quali grava un eccesso di memoria e un igienico distacco, comprovante che non c'è niente di piú filiale e amorevole che uccidere il padre; di quei libri perduti e riconquistati, decorati con ogni possibile segno di tenerezza, come il Virgilio Ambrosiano allestito dal padre ser Petracco, «michi subreptus» nel 1326 e «deinde restitutus» nel 1338 apud Avinionem sottoscrizione autografa del foglio di guardia del codice Ambr.
Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, ed & comm. Rosanna Bettarini (Turin, 2005)
Ps.lxxix. 11, 12 is about to be rewarded "sevenfold," in answer to the prayers which had been offered.
Commentary on Revelation
Tao Soul Downloads and, lv true teachings in, lxxxii
Tao II
God, even when he had by his fear and folly thrown himself into the hands of the Philistines; it was when they took him in Gath, whither he fled for fear of Saul, forgetting the quarrel they had with him for killing Goliath; but they soon put him in mid of it, 1 Sam. xxi.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
The body of Pope John XXIII, who died in 1963 and like John Paul is also one step away from sainthood, was placed in a glass coffin and moved upstairs in 2001; his intact embalmed body was found to be "incorrupt," or free from decay.
There's A Good Reason Why Benedict's Not An Organ Donor
This (p. xxiii) portrait presents an _alto-rilievo_ which is well adapted for medals only; it is conceived in the spirit of the French school, which has always attached great importance to the truthful rendering of flesh.
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
You must note, that I make all the waies, xxii. yardes and a halfe broade, to the intente that thorowe them, maie go a battaile of men in araie, where if you remember wel, I tolde you how every bande of menne, taketh in breadth betwene xviii. and xxii. yardes of space to marche or stande in.
Machiavelli, Volume I
The ark is called his footstool, because it was under the mercy-seat, Ps. cxxxii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
SUTER, Der Tractatus, "De quadratura circuli" des Albertus de Saxonia in Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, XXIX (1884); SUTER, Die
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
Luckily for me, the entire phrase is also found in another case, the simple locative: haθe-c repine-c in LL 9.xii also hante-c repine-c in LL 3.xxiv.
Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in Etruscan
Troy 7030 The duke with a dynt derit hym agayn, at the viser & the ventaile voidet hym fro. c1400 Anturs of Arth. xxxii, Then he auaylet vppe his viserne fro his ventalle. c1470 Gol.
Medallion Vulcan | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
As to the special form of this duty, there are two words wherein it is expressed, and both of the same import: for in one place it is rendered, "commending;" in another, "committing," Luke xxiii. 46, and
The Sermons of John Owen
Due to a date clash, they were all riding at the Maxxis British Solo Motocross Championship in Northern Ireland.
Old Harp" (Vana kannel), Pastor Hurt's collection of Esthonian songs and ballads, i. xxiv.
The Hero of Esthonia and Other Studies in the Romantic Literature of That Country
I do not know how far they are possible; but it seems to me that God has plainly commanded them, and that, therefore, their impracticability is a thing to be meditated on.] [Footnote 152: Exod. xxi.
On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
calling God down on any one", Job, xxxi, 30, hence in margin of R.V. "adjuration", in Sept. ara, or horkos.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
The term promise in Holy Writ both in its nominal and verbal form embraces not only promises made by man to his fellowman, and by man to God in the form of vows (e.g. Deut., xxiii, 21-3), but also God's promises to man.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
septation" in the simlar manner, although tetration, perhaps, already has growth fast enough for the requests of XXI century.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Troy 7030 The duke with a dynt derit hym agayn, at the viser & the ventaile voidet hym fro. c1400 Anturs of Arth. xxxii, Then he auaylet vppe his viserne fro his ventalle. c1470 Gol.
Medallion Vulcan | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
At least in the conventional, stereotypical, Nikki Sixxian definition of the term debauchery, EMP is a “no rocking” zone.
Chuck Klosterman on Pop
Bust of Blessed Pope John XXIII October 28, 1958 — June 3, 1963, wearing camauro, mozzetta and stole.
Archive 2009-03-01
blasphemed, or insulted, as it is understood by Grotius, who confirms this rendering from the Hebrew of Levit.xxiv. 11, where in this passage the Israelitish woman's son blasphemed the name of the Lord.
The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old
At any rate, the area of which the 'insulae' numbered X, XXI, XXXV, and XIX form the corners, and the Forum the centre, must have been planned complete from the first.
Ancient Town-Planning
Pope John XXIII reportedly opened the envelope when 1960 arrived, but refused to divulge its contents, saying, "This prophecy does not relate to my time.
Felix et errabunda XXI not panicking and consulting an expert that the injury to my eye is not serious wandering, a wonderful meal, and la Virgin with W (ti voglio bene, tesoro) furthermore, that W looks so well (and handsomer than ever) a professional fitting and serious French lingerie (changed my life!) that my beloved yoga teacher is back in town …
Archive 2009-05-01
Tametsi enim Paulus agnosceret, se in Dei providentia navigare, qui ipse dixerat, oportet te et Romae testificari (Act.xxiii. 11): qui insuper promiserat dixeratque: Jactura nulla erit ullius animae, nec cadet pilus de capite vestro (Act.xxvii. 22, 34); nihilominus meditantibus fugam nautis, dicit idem ille Paulus centurioni et militibus: Nisi hi in navi manserint, vos servari non poteritis (ver.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation.
Philocrites: Do liberals remember a mythical Vatican II?
The excepted word, not named by Spedding, is 'blasphemously' (Luke xxii.
More Pages from a Journal
If, on the other hand, the carpels be few in number, and placed in a verticillate manner, the axis then generally passes upwards without any change in the form or position of the carpels being apparent, as in a proliferous columbine, figured in the 'Linnean Transactions,' vol. xxiii, tab. 34, fig. 5.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
+ belomancy, by the shuffling of arrows (Ezechiel, xxi, 21);
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
From what I see the above shows a variously-declined derivative noun *hanθa meaning "front" which in turn can be based on a postpositional particle han "before, in front of" hen [CPer A.v, A.xxiv]; ce-hen [TLE 619] "this here" .
Archive 2007-06-01
Jesus Christ, was that of prophecy: for the chief and principal end hereof in the church was to foresignify him, his sufferings, and the glory that should ensue, or to appoint such things to be observed in divine worship as might be types and representations of him; for the chiefest privilege of the church of old was but to hear tidings of the things which we enjoy, Isa. xxxiii.
Last month the Vatican announced the long-awaited beatification of John XXIII.
There was not only a colliquation of his body in his sufferings (Ps. xxii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The word fenestra is illustrated by a previous section of the Rule, No.LXXXII. p. 30.
The Care of Books
An earlier version of this article was presented as a paper by Richard S. Levine at the XXII triennial Congress of the International Union of Architects in Berlin, Germany, July 2002.
Ea extat etiam apud me, ec dicitur ad calcem absoluta „ sub domi - nio domini Johannis Sfortiae die xxi si - van anni to'-» per manus minimi typo - graphorum ac discipulorum, qui est ex filiis Soncini, et peregrinatur hic (Ger - som) in urbe Pisauri „ • Hanc ergo epigraphem et aeram legens Wolfius, samech cum mem confudit annumque effecit roS seu 247« Conjeceram olim falsam hanc editionem recensens De hebr.typogr. orig.p. 76 Woiftum in exscribenda epigrapbe alterius editionis Pisaurensis anni 274, Cbristi 1514 quae et ipsa apud nos. est, postremum numerum alteri oscitanter praeposuisse et ex 274 effecisse 247.
Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV
LESSON XXXII. re'gion, _place; space_. furze, _a thorny shrub with yellow flowers_. list'eth, _wishes; pleases_. mirth, _joy; fun_. boon, _gay; merry_. shaft, _an arrow; the stem of an arrow_. up borne ', _held or borne up_. crest'ing, _touching the tops of_.
New National Fourth Reader
Doft thoa mock at. fear, and art not iifFriglkted, neither torneft back from God'i fword, when his cpiver rattleth agunit thee, the gUtterim fpear and ibe Ihield i Jth xxxix.
An admonition to unconverted sinners : in a serious treatise ... to which are added, prayers for families
Plate XXXIII shows one of these bowlder-marked sites which occurs a little below Limestone creek, on the opposite or eastern side of the river.
Aboriginal Remains in Verde Valley, Arizona Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1891-92, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1896, pages 179-262
On a final note, on behalf of the Greek nation, I would like to wish the Chinese people and the organizers of the XXIX Olympiad every success, and I look forward to a most rewarding spectacle.
Those that think to excuse themselves in unchristian practices with the Christian name, and sin the more boldly and securely because there is a sin-offering provided, do, in effect, make God's house of prayer a den of thieves, as the priests in Christ's time, Matt. xxi.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
XXXII. and termed irritative fever, it frequently happens that pain is excited by the violence of the fibrous contractions; and other new motions are then superadded, in consequence of sensation, which we shall term febris sensitiva, or sensitive fever.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.
Whatever we do ourselves in answer unto our convictions is a covering, not a cleansing; and if we die in this condition, unwashed, uncleansed, unpurified, it is utterly impossible that ever we should be admitted into the blessed presence of the holy God, Rev. xxi.
And the feeling for those he loved survived them, and it is monstrous to represent its unspoken and controlled/[Page xxxiv]/expression in obeisance and gesture as a sign of "agonising remorse.
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
Heb., but the twelfth in the Greek; it is called sardonyx and comes in the fifth place in Apoc., xxi, 20.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
XXIX. fesqui milliare ulterius ad quendam pagum juxta matronam fluvium difceffum eft.
Subsidia diplomatica ad selecta juris Ecclesiastici Germaniae: et historiarum capita elucidanda ...
Let us not therefore be harsh in censuring others, but carefully watch over ourselves when we are in trouble, Ps. xxxix.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
God set them apart for himself, as a peculiar people, distinguished from, and dignified above, all other people (Num.xxiii. 9); but they were replenished from the east; they naturalized foreigners, not proselyted, and encouraged them to settle among them, and mingled with them, Hos. vii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The Pope was buried in the grottoes underneath St Peter's Basilica, on the site where Pope John XXIII had been laid to rest until his corpse was exhumed for public display upstairs in the basilica.
The instruments of the churl are and always will be evil, but the liberal deviseth liberal things, Isa. xxxii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
What was said of sinners in general (Isa.xxiv. 17, 18), that those who flee from the fear shall fall into the pit and those who come up out of the pit shall be taken in the snare, is here particularly foretold concerning the sinners of Moab (v. 44); for it is the year of their visitation, when God comes to reckon with them, and will be known by the judgments which he executes, for he is the King whose name is the
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
Tillemont was of opinion that the dear brother Gregory referred to in this letter is Gregory of Nyssa; but Maran points out that the events referred to are the same as those described in Letter xxxii., and supposes the word episcopus to have been inserted by a commentator.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
As Anne K. Mellor points out (in her introduction to the novel, p. xxiv), it may be significant that Verney succumbs to the plague when, heearing a moan, he compassionately but incautiously enters a dark room where he is 'clasped' by a
Note: Mellor
_ -- Psoroptic mange is less common than sarcoptic mange in horses, and as the parasite (Pl. XXXIX, fig. 3) only bites the surface and lives among the crusts under the shelter of the hair, it is very easily discovered.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Violet folded chasubles and broad stole were no longer used in the Roman liturgy after the rubrical revisions of John XXIII in 1960.
Use, History and Development of the "Planeta Plicata" or Folded Chasuble
* Botton and the anthroposophical worldview at "An accidental blog" posts some notes on Rudolph Steiner HT: Christian Carnival LXXIV.
Archive 2005-06-01
_NH_ XXXIV 71 'habet simulacrum et benignitas eius [' Praxiteles 'generosity is seen in one of his statues']; Calamidis enim quadrigae aurigam suum imposuit, ne melior in equorum effigie defecisse in homine crederetur. ipse Calamis et alias quadrigas bigasque fecit equis sine aemulo expressis '.
The Last Poems of Ovid
In Super Bowl XXI against the Denver Broncos, McConkey caught a 44-yard flea-flicker that set up a touchdown.
The Pan Has Flashed Before
Important antipopes were Novatian; Clement III; Nicholas V; Clement VII; Benedict XIII; John XXIII (or by a different count, John XXII; see Cossa, Baldassare); and Felix V, who was the last antipope.
XXXIX. of the third edition, in octavo; where it is likewise shown, that none of these parts which are deposited beneath the cuticle of the tree, is in itself
Note I
In his decision to convoke the Council, Pope John XXIII had wished the Church to be prepared for the new world that was emerging in the aftermath of the disastrous events of the Second World War.
Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
He had never bartered promotion in the army for bribes, nor peculated in the supplies of provisions for the army." l.v. c. xxxiv.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
To Boniface's own decretals were later appended the Constitutiones of Boniface's immediate successor, Clement V, the Extravagantes of John XXII, and finally, in 1500-1503, the Extravagantes Communes.
Science must stick to its own field of competence," concurs Monsignor Richard K. Malone, a professor of moral theology at the Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Massachusetts.
XXXIII, c. xxvii; cf. also Cassian, "Coll,", IX, XV) there may be observed traces of the threefold degree which was afterwards systematically developed by Dionysius the Areopagite.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
He, who became John XXIII, was from earthy peasant stock, constantly cracking jokes at his own expense.
As everyone keeps saying, elderly popes can surprise us all, as John XXIII did by convoking the reforming Second Vatican Council.
If the writers of the letter had been familiar with the Septuagint, they would have recalled the artous azymous of Ex., xxix, 2.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
It was 1962, and it seemed that the portiere at the residence where I was living was the only person in Rome who wasn't happy with the jovial Pope John XXIII.
A Hail Mary pass, Karl Rove
Cicero notes: "Oratory is an art [like architecture] in the loose sense that its successes can be codified and taught; but the chief virtue of the orator is inborn, ingenium, from which sharpness of mind arise sharpness in invention, richness in exposition and ornament, firm and long-lasting memory" (Cicero De oratore 1. xxiii; Summers, Judgment of Sense, 130n14).
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
_NH_ XXXIV 71 'habet simulacrum et benignitas eius [' Praxiteles 'generosity is seen in one of his statues']; Calamidis enim quadrigae aurigam suum imposuit, ne melior in equorum effigie defecisse in homine crederetur. ipse Calamis et alias quadrigas bigasque fecit equis sine aemulo expressis '.
The Last Poems of Ovid
We the Sexxi team are trying to fix what I guess you could neologize as the "lonely atoms" problem.
Posts are the atomic element of weblogs - Anil Dash
From soon after his death posthumous miracles had begun to be attributed to him, and he was officially canonised by Pope John XXII in 1320.
The Vatican has excommunicated no world leader since 1962 when Pope John XXIII excommunicated Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Jacobus Volaterranus (Mur.xxiii. 107) writes of him: 'Vir est naturæ duriusculæ, ac uti ingenii, mediocris literaturæ.'
Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) The Age of the Despots
Samorium flores (Erasmus, Prov. xxiii) alluding to the androgynic prostitutions of Samos.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
However, even such dissolubility would not be in accord with the secondary purposes of marriage, and it is therefore regarded by St. Thomas (IV Sent., dist. xxxiii, Q, ii, a. 1) and most Catholic scholars as against the secondary demands of the natural law.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
But those are hirelings that love the wages more than the work, and set their hearts upon that, as the hireling is said to do, Deut. xxiv.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Father of Spirits, made manifest unto mortals by His First-born Son, and best symbolled, as is Light, by the Solar Orb. On Plate XXXI. we have in figure 4 a representation of the goddess
The Non-Christian Cross An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion
The Acts of the Apostles (excepting xxiv, 16-xxvi, 31), and a number of verses lacunous or entirely missing [Or. 7594]; The Apocalypse of
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 16 [Supplement]