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How To Use Xviii In A Sentence

  • Such were the prophets of Baal, in whose name expressly they prophesied, and whose assistance they invocated: "They called on the name of Baal, saying, O Baal, hear us," 1 Kings xviii. Pneumatologia
  • Sicuti et Augustinus in lib. de civitate Dei (xviii. 38) commemorat, in libris Regum adduci Prophetarum quorundam nomina et libros, sed addit, hos non esse in canone, ac sufficere ad pietatem eos libros, quos habemus. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Man of ability as he was, Louis XVIII. liked a pleasant jest.
  • La justice criminelle du roi au Canada au XVIIIe siècle Quebec, 1978. Champlain's Dream
  • From vestibulum XVII another residential chamber with mosaic floor (Room XVIII) could be reached. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Urban Mansion Report 2
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  • Can it be that, like the calamander, or Coromandel-wood, which is rapidly approaching extinction, sandal-wood was extirpated from the island by injudicious cutting, unaccompanied by any precautions for the reproduction of the tree?] [Footnote 2: _Nan-shè_, b.lxxviii. p. 13.] [Footnote 3: _Suh-Hung keën-luh_, b.xlii. p. 52.] Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Even in countries like China, Japan, and Greece, where other words are used to capture related ideas for “banking,” the English word bank is freely recognized.xviii The English Is Coming!
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • In this rite a part of Ps. cxviii is recited at Terce as well as at the other "little hours", the psalm being divided into three double octonaries. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Thomae Bradwardini Archiepiscopi olim cantuariensis, de causa Dei, contra Pelagium, et de virtute causarum, ad suos M.rtonenses, libri tres, Londini, ex officina Nortoniana, apud Ioannem Billium, M. DC.XVIII. Nicole Oresme
  • Santír:" Lane (M.E., chapt. xviii.) describes it as resembling the Kanún (dulcimer or zither) but with two oblique peg-pieces instead of one and double chords of wire (not treble strings of lamb's gut) and played upon with two sticks instead of the little plectra. Arabian nights. English
  • Again, Pheneos is a dactyl in lxviii. 111, while Satrachus is an anapaest in xcv. Poems and Fragments
  • Suetonius (in Claud.c. 25) may seem to offer a proof how strangely the Jews and Christians of Rome were confounded with each other.] 26 See, in the xviiith and xxvth chapters of the Acts of the Apostles, the behavior of Gallio, proconsul of Achaia, and of Festus, procurator of Judea.] 27 In the time of Tertullian and Clemens of Alexandria, the glory of martyrdom was confined to The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Nelson: None of us could have missed the statement in italics right at the beginning of the book, which Denton places in his introductory “Note to the Reader”: “The cosmos is a seamless unity which can be comprehended ultimately in its entirety by human reason and in which all phenomena, including life and evolution and the origin of man, are ultimately explicable in terms of natural processes” (p. xviii). Blast From the Past
  • Again, _Pheneos_ is a dactyl in lxviii. 111, while _Satrachus_ is an anapaest in xcv. The Poems and Fragments of Catullus
  • Quant aux nouveautés mises en œuvre par la Révolution Française on les retrouve une à une, en remontant d'âge en âge, chez les philosophes du XVIIIe siècle, chez les grands penseurs du XVIe, chez certains Pères d'Église et jusque dans la République de Platon. — A Lecture on the Study of History
  • Vocan (Vochan inscript.), I. xxviii; III. 108, 138 _sq. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • P. 578 et seq.) gives only twenty-two and transforms them to notes in chapt. xviii. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For a long time a Latin fragment, chapters lxxviii-lxxxvii, of this pseudograph had been known. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Quant aux nouveautes mises en oeuvre par la Revolution Francaise on les retrouve une a une, en remontant d'age en age, chez les philosopher du XVIII/e siecle, chez les grands penseurs du XVI/e, chez certains Peres d'Eglise et jusque dans la Republique de Platon. Lectures on Modern history
  • On Sundays and Mondays the Gradual Psalms are replaced by three octonaries (i.e. three sections of eight verses each) of Psalm cxviii. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • The _Antiquities_ contain two references to John the Baptist and an account of the execution of James, the brother of Jesus; but the most celebrated of the "evidential" passages occurs in book xviii of the _Antiquities_, where in our text, following on the account of Pilate's persecution, occurs this paragraph: Josephus
  • Louis XVIII created a baronetcy for him in 1816.
  • Chapter XVIII In the canescent pre-dawn light Conan flattened himself on a narrow granite ledge as a file of hillmen rode by on a narrow path below, between steep walls. Conan The Magnificent
  • I, xxxviii) The syndic is the counsel of a juridical person, a collegiate body or a chapter (X, De syndic., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • His earlier books include a study of the Court and a biography of Louis XVIII.
  • In Russia, an employment service company, GogoJobs, uses as its fetching Global English web address.xviii In Peru, some job seekers respond to advertisements for white-collar jobs offered by the Lima branch of the medical outfit Merck & Co., while others apply for far more dangerous jobs in nearby copper mines. The English Is Coming!
  • Ixlv. 164.. are fnares, i3«/.xxxviii. irg Loom defcribed, Dyei\, W\n. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • 1848 THACKERAY Bk. Snobs xviii, With his gibus-hat and his little glazed pumps. a1854 E. FORBES Lit. Hammer Ser | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • [_Barth_: uera _uel_ uero _codd_] ', _Her_ XVIII 152, Sen _Ag_ 66-68, and The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Eccl., cap. cxviii) quotes a council of Reims as having decreed "that the corporal [corporale] upon which the Holy Sacrifice was offered must be of the finest and purest linen without admixture of any other fibre, because Our The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Sewell (Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. xxxviii) pointed out that in about 10 per cent. of bones a small triangular facet, continuous with the posterior calcaneal facet, is present at the junction of the lateral surface of the body with the posterior wall of the sulcus tali. II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • _The keys of the kingdom of heaven_ are committed to them, Matt.xvi. 19, and _keys_ import a stewardly power: compare Matt.xvi. 19, and xviii. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Caiphas and the pretorium of Pilate had remained "unto that day a heap of ruins by the might of Him who hung upon the Cross" (Catech., xiii, xxxviii, xxxix). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Pinus, which heptane yielded primary heptyl-alcohol, and methyl-pentyl-carbinol, exactly as the heptane obtained from petroleum does (_Annalen de Chemie_, ccxvii., 139, and clxxxviii., 249; and Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • Colliva, “Bologna dal XIV al XVIII secolo: ‘Governo misto’ o signoria senatoria?” in A. Delizia!
  • And as for those who were not themselves divinely inspired, or wherein those that were so did not act by immediate inspiration, they proved the truth of what they delivered by its consonancy unto the Scriptures already written, referring the minds and consciences of men unto them for their ultimate satisfaction, Acts xviii. 28, xxviii. Pneumatologia
  • Record in my Notes to this Manuscript, but except as subsidiary and elucidative of the Text, I put no value on such: express Biography of me, I had really rather that there/[Page xviii]/should be none. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • He speaks of remorse/[Page xxviii]/for not succeeding better in his work, remorse for idleness when he was resting: of his lecturing he says: "my sorrow in delivery was less, my remorse after delivery was much greater"; and when writing the 'Jane Welsh Carlyle' paper, being interrupted by Froude, he says: "Froude is now coming, and with remorse New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • For those interested: “Manon” is the title of a charming XIXe century “opéra comique” by Massenet, based on Manon Lascaut, an XVIIIe century novel by Prévost. Troisième age - French Word-A-Day
  • It contains only fol. lxxxvi., with six leaves of preliminary matter; the pagination is a little irregular, xxi. and xxii. are wanting but xxiii. is given three times, and lxxvii. is repeated for lxxviii.; the The Ship of Fools, Volume 1
  • Ma keia hoopauia ana o ua o Ulili ma, manao iho la laua, e hai i na mea huna i papaia ia laua e ko laua haku, nolaila, ua hooko laua i ka laua mea i ohumu ai, aia ma ka Mokuna XVIII, kakou e ike ai. The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
  • The French throne did not pass to his son, as he had hoped, but to Louis XVIII, the brother of Louis XVI.
  • I take exception to Frank Abate's use of the term bizarre in conjunction with the place name HumpTulips, Washington [XVIII,2]. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 4
  • Article XVIII of this provision by the Ministry of Labor is responsible for the explanation.
  • Vol. 5: Oeuvres anonymes du XVIIIe siècle (III): du Père Dirrag et de Mademoiselle Eradice Le Triomphe des religieuses ou les nonnes babillardes Lettres galantes et philosophiques de deux nonnes La Messaline française ou les nuits de la duchesse de Pol… et aventures mystérieuses de la princesse d'H… et de la… Sex for Thought
  • Sorrisi e canzoni XXXVIII that S is resting comfortably after surgery that M has a splendid office and a wonderful job that T is doing well Sorrisi e canzoni XXXVIII
  • Salvato librario, et Demetrio lectore, ducatos XLV Francischo fabro lignario mediolanensi habitatori piscinæ urbis Romæ pro banchis Bibliothecæ conficiendis, maxime vero decem quæ ad sinistram jacent, quorum longitudo est XXXVIII palmorum, vel circa, et ita accepta parte pecuniarum, cujus summa est centum et XXX ducatorum, facturum se debitum promittit et obligat, die XV Julii 1475. The Care of Books
  • Figure c has at one extremity a trifid appendage, recalling a feather ornament on the head of a bird shown in plate CXXXVIII, a. Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895-1896, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1898, pages 519-744
  • CLXXXVIII, 135-160), also edited by Watterich (Vitae Pontificum II, 323 - 374), and now to be read in Duchesne's edition of the Liber Pontificalis (II, 388-397; cf. proleg XXXVII-XLV), states that Boso, the author of it; was created cardinal-deacon of the title of Sts Cosmas and Damian, was chamberlain to Adrian and in constant and familiar attendance upon him from the commencement of his apostolate. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • On 19th October 1939, Oflag XVIII B, a prison camp for officers was set up in History of Stalag XVIII A
  • From the foregoing, and also from III.xxviii. it follows that everyone endeavours, as far as possible, to cause others to love what he himself loves, and to hate what he himself hates: as the poet says: “As lovers let us share every hope and every fear: ironhearted were he who should love what the other leaves.” The Ethics
  • Hoc cognoscentes, ponebant custodiam ori suo, ut non delinquerent in lingua sua; ideoque concaluit cor earum intra eas, et 'in meditacione earum exarsit ignis (Ps. XXXVIII, 4) ille Dominus Deus noster, consumens omnem rubiginem uiciorum. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • You must note, that I make all the waies, xxii. yardes and a halfe broade, to the intente that thorowe them, maie go a battaile of men in araie, where if you remember wel, I tolde you how every bande of menne, taketh in breadth betwene xviii. and xxii. yardes of space to marche or stande in. Machiavelli, Volume I
  • In the Mozarabic Rite, three octonaries of Ps. cxviii are also recited, the composition otherwise differing very little. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • 'Al Mahalath (Ps. liii), Mahalath leannoth (Ps. lxxxviii) is transliterated by the Septuagint Maeleth; by Vulg., pro Maeleth. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • According to Jewish tradition, there are 903 kinds of death, as is elicited by a Kabbalistic rule called gematria, from the word outlets (Ps.lxviii. 20); the numeric value of the letters of which word is 903. Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala
  • Ps. liii, three "octonaries" of Ps. cxviii, two lessons, the hymn, the supplication, the capitulum, the Pater Noster, and the benediction. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • He copied this stone on 13th September 1855, noting in his diary that Henrietta sketched the church while he copied and translated the inscription which ran as follows -- _Thorleifr Nitki raised this Cross to Fiak, son of his brother's son_, the date being 1084 or 1194 A.D. CHAPTER XXVIII George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
  • And it is a thing to be noted, that Luke saith not, that the disciples were sent to hear Paul preach, but the disciples being come together to break bread upon the first day of the week, that is, to be partakers of the holy communion, at what time the Lord's death was by the preaching of the word shewed (1 Cor. xviii. The Practice of Piety: Directing a Christian How to Walk, that He May Please God.
  • The designs on the shield of Achilles, in Book XVIII of the Iliad, contrast scenes of peace and harmonious governance, harvest and the vintage with scenes of war and battle.
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • -- See Lombardini, Guida allo studio dell 'Idrologia, cap. xviii., and same author, Esame degli Studi sul Tevere, Section 33. 140. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 04 (historical)

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