How To Use xix In A Sentence
- Après avoir démissionné de l'armée britannique, dans laquelle il avait le grade de capitaine, Charles Boycott fut recruté comme représentant de propriétaires fonciers en Irlande pendant les années de famine du milieu du XIXe siècle. Archive 2010-05-01
- The simple costume is that of the people of the lake between the XIXth century and the XXth century: the women wear a large headsquare on their shoulders and a very large apron; the men wear a waist-coat, a scarf round the waist, and trousers tied at their calves.
- For I do believe you can witch the heart out of anyone you please sin lenocinium forte collibitum est tibi, XIX videas mercedis quid tibi est aecum dari, ne istac aetate me sectere gratiis. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
- XXIX. fesqui milliare ulterius ad quendam pagum juxta matronam fluvium difceffum eft. Subsidia diplomatica ad selecta juris Ecclesiastici Germaniae: et historiarum capita elucidanda ...
- We know what happens in Europe when someone tries ridicule the muslim religion. nixtieq niccara xi affarijiet, fuq il gazzetti qed jidru ritratti ta nies b genitali kbar u artikli tahthom, biex ma ngerfxux!!! ma konniex libsin ta gesu!!! ta cave man u min ma kienx emm ma jiktibx pls ghax qed tgerfxu!! dak kin xi hadd iehor li kin libes ta gesu! jekk xi hadd ha xi skandlu jew offendejna l xi hadd nikuzaw ruhna, pero ahna wara l 23.30 tlajna u dak m huwiex hin ta tfal!! nerga nejd ma kollnix libsin ta gesu!!! fuq il gazetti mhux jidru cari, pero jekk xi hadd irid jiltaqa mana noruwom ritratti u taraw ta xix konna libsin!!
- On a final note, on behalf of the Greek nation, I would like to wish the Chinese people and the organizers of the XXIX Olympiad every success, and I look forward to a most rewarding spectacle.
- With maxixe (pronounced mah-SHEESH '), Mangan and others at UMass grow chipilin (cheep-LEEN'), a legume from Mexico and Central America; jilo (hee-LOH '), an eggplant-like crop grown in Brazil and West Africa; and hierba mora (eer-BAH' MOR-rah), a member of the tomato family. Ethnic Food: Farmers Find A Future In Immigrant Vegetables
- Doft thoa mock at. fear, and art not iifFriglkted, neither torneft back from God'i fword, when his cpiver rattleth agunit thee, the gUtterim fpear and ibe Ihield i Jth xxxix. An admonition to unconverted sinners : in a serious treatise ... to which are added, prayers for families
- The word lambada refers to both the rhythm of the music (a fusion of carimbó and merengue) and to the dance itself, which incorporates elements of other Latin dances such as the forró, the samba and the maxixe.
- But where the octet's instrumental skill radiates the most heat is in "The Box Set" and "Paddy Ryan's Dream/Blue Britches/Gan Ainm," the latter medley featuring some exotic percussion (cajon, darbuka, caixixi) and the hard-shoe stepdancing of Bernadette Flanagan and Ms. Dudasik. What's Irish for 'Girl Power?'