
  1. (geology) a piece of rock of different origin from the igneous rock in which it is embedded
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How To Use xenolith In A Sentence

  • The parental magma for pyroxenite xenoliths could be derived from the partial melting of the asthenosphere with continental crust material involvement and of the upper lithospheric mantle.
  • - A fragment (or xenolith) of well mineralized intrusive within barren granodiorite was observed in drill hole MX07-03; Undefined
  • It is not known if these xenoliths are spilitic.
  • The amphibolite xenoliths were from the upper part of lower crust and the lower part of middle crust, bring up to the shallow area of crust .
  • Disintegration of the olivine-rich xenoliths probably accounts for much of the peridot found here, although many of the larger olivine grains occur as isolated anhedral grains embedded in the basalt.
  • However, rare xenoliths of sedimentary rocks occur in the granite.
  • Rare mafic enclaves, which include both xenoliths of country rock and magma pods more mafic than the host monzogranite, as well as schlieren, are parallel to this compositional banding.
  • The basalt, inferred to be of Miocene age, appears to be an alkali basalt that contains xenoliths of ultramafic rocks (peridotite and pyroxenite) up to a few centimeters in size.
  • Unless one got carried to the surface as a xenolith! Firestorm
  • Usurped the subtlety, the vulnerability of the egg and ham wedding, the pepper xenolith stood firm, yelled to the other flavors and claimed victory, zero-sum taste diplomacy. Tabasco Revenge
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