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How To Use xciv In A Sentence

  • Note, A practical disbelief of God's omniscience is at the bottom both of the carnal worships and of the carnal confidences of hypocrites; Ps. xciv. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Note, The intention of afflictions is to teach us righteousness; and blessed is the man whom God chastens, and thus teaches, Ps. xciv. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Perhaps the women who criticize fauxcivility MEAN what they say, when they say that what is frequently practiced against them on this board is NOT “civil”, it is antiwoman sentiment, and they RESENT the fact that such disrespect is allowed to flourish against them as a class while women like Alsis get chastized for disrespect against an individual, for being disrespecter of women in the first place! Feminist and feminist-friendly only thread: Civility, “Alas” and feminism
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