How To Use Wrongly In A Sentence

  • People on welfare are wrongly seen as lazy or dishonest.
  • The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.
  • Yet another Italian goal was wrongly disallowed for offside. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • Wealth is something that we are all encouraged to aspire to, rightly or wrongly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea is perhaps extrapolated - wrongly - from his famous Interpretation of music of 1954.
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  • Obviously the manager gets stick, rightly or wrongly, but that's just the way football is.
  • The Catholic commission said Sunday it compiled what it called credible witness reports of "systematic violence in the form of assaults, murders, torture, abductions and wanton destruction of property against innocent civilians whose alleged crime is to have voted wrongly. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • No one likes receiving emotional, intemperate outbursts, even from people who think they have been wrongly accused.
  • All the while, resentment is building up in the hearts and minds of the majority who, rightly or wrongly, perceive that the gurriers are laughing at them and thumbing their noses at the law.
  • Since the two owners were not on speaking terms they would simply repost any wrongly-delivered mail in the pillar box half way down the hill.
  • Stripped of any political content, today's conflicts in Northern Ireland are now what many wrongly assumed them to be during the Troubles: base, atavistic, sectarian clashes.
  • I should mention that I found at least two wrongly notated rhythm patterns.
  • 'dextrous'.p. 86, l. 10 _Exeunt. _ 1724 wrongly 'exit'. The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume I
  • If you have written a history of your own time, doubt not but you will find some learned chronologist, or newspaper commentator, who will relieve you as to a date, a Christian name, or a squadron which you have wrongly placed at the distance of three hundred paces from the place where it really stood. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Where a court or a public officer wrongly refuses jurisdiction the exercise of the jurisdiction can be commanded by a writ of mandamus.
  • Ironically, Galileo Galilei spotted Neptune more than 200 years earlier but wrongly assumed the planet was just a star.
  • Nor was there any other reason for thinking that the defendant was wrongly refused bail. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who are wrongly arrested may be paid compensation .
  • The prime minister was widely judged, rightly or wrongly, to be an honest man.
  • During the Second World War the statue was removed for safe keeping, but on its return the bow was fixed pointing to the south, and then again wrongly reorientated after the road junction was upgraded in the 1990s.
  • Likewise, half said that any man who looked after his appearance was often wrongly accused of being in the throes of midlife crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mahadevan studied and restudied the inscriptions over and over again and found the confusion was not in them but in the minds of those who read them wrongly.
  • A maths question wrongly claims two cubed is bigger than three squared. The Sun
  • The term Doug wanted was "misperception," something wrongly perceived. - Home Page
  • He complains that Muslims are wrongly accused of al-taqiyya whilst not appearing to realise that, for all his displays of moderateness, his own tendency towards al-taqqiya is writ large in this article. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • So what section of the Commonwealth Electoral Act do you say wrongly and beyond power displaces this State position as to times and places?
  • At least 18 people were wrongly committed by Highland doctors, according to a whistle-blower who claims she has since been forced out of her job as a medical records officer.
  • She said that police sent her to a psychiatrist who wrongly diagnosed her as suffering from Stockholm syndrome, a condition in which hostages empathise with their captors. Times, Sunday Times
  • As long ago as 1952, he was "sent around the metropolis" to discover whether, in fact, any Cockney dialect remained (a famous dialectologist wrongly doubted this). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
  • Human rights organizations maintain that the men have been wrongly convicted.
  • Rightly or wrongly, medical conditions concerning self-image are more commonly associated with girls, and much of the blame is apportioned to glossy magazines showing images of super-thin supermodels.
  • Yeah, I just had a Fenton's repair to restitch what the original doc stitched up wrongly apparently he put in a seam which I didn't actually NEED, thank you very much, but apparently with bruising that severe, it's very hard to do it properly... Mary Shelley Had NO IDEA
  • All I suggest is that she be horsewhipped for putting a full stop wrongly outside a bracket.
  • Rightly or wrongly, we did what we did. The Sun
  • Rightly or wrongly, we British may not be renowned for the quality of our cooking.
  • I was wrongly adjudged offside and should have had a penalty. The Sun
  • ChrisIowa: An error in a listing of people who were wrongly convicted is far less serious than an error in conviction. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Exonerated” Former Death Row Inmate Reconvicted
  • More substantively, this analysis wrongly assumes government to be the end-all on innovation and that just is not the case.
  • Yet a handful of committed neoconservative defense intellectuals in and out of government convinced the president, rightly or wrongly, to back the idea.
  • For instance, many other Americans fail to realize that Puerto Ricans are natural-born American citizens or wrongly view their native island as a primitive tropical land of grass huts and grass skirts.
  • Medieval and modern writers wrongly take it for granted that the charism existed permanently at Corinth — as it did nowhere else — and that St. Paul, in commending the gift to the Corinthians, therewith gave his guaranty that the characteristics of Corinthian glossolaly were those of the gift itself. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The bird nests are wrongly believed to have aphrodisiacal value and removed.
  • That was all before the area, rightly or wrongly, came to be known as a hard and dangerous place.
  • This heap of unpopularity notwithstanding, the Supreme Court said last week the government wrongly prosecuted the abominated Jeff Skilling under something called the "honest services fraud" law. A Plague of Vagueness
  • I don't mean mystics and ascetics, who are often wrongly accused of such world - hatred.
  • We know that elements are labile things, which is why lead water pipes and lead-based paints are no longer manufactured, and why aluminium cooking utensils are (rightly or wrongly) accused on suspicion of causing dementia.
  • It is instructive to apply the book's thesis to Scotland - too often wrongly lumped in with England.
  • Upto then the web-doobry they now wrongly label ‘mashups’ was called a ’strap-up’ or ‘lash-up’ I think. Mashups are for music…
  • Thousands of people have been wrongly refused help with the costs of care because authorities have misapplied the means tests.
  • Civilians assume, wrongly, that everything in the military runs smoothly.
  • A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness.
  • Mainlanders wrongly think Tasmania is snowbound all year round.
  • It will also include paintings wrongly attributed to famous artists. The Sun
  • Borrowers don't look at the long term savings they can make and wrongly think that a straight swap remortgage will be time consuming.
  • The story spiralled and before long the world knew him, rightly or wrongly, as the pop star who divorced his wife by fax. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is thought that his attackers may have wrongly suspected him of being a police informer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Xie overestimates the dangers of high prices and empty apartments, because he wrongly dismisses the role leverage plays in causing bubbles. The Three Big Dangers For China's Real Estate Sector
  • (J.B. *; W.B. *) [1] The term "marl" has been wrongly applied to many fire-clays. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Nor was there any other reason for thinking that the defendant was wrongly refused bail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wrongly am I called dame; but I know well that he who calls me dame knows not that I am a maid. Cligés. English
  • The tyrannies in these countries are home grown, and they government has supported them, rightly or wrongly, for decades.
  • If the defendant states he was wrongly convicted, he puts that fact in issue in the civil proceedings.
  • Rightly or wrongly, the issue itself has simply not attracted enough juristic attention among American Muslims to produce a debate that is serious enough to produce new juristic perspectives on the matter. Sherman A. Jackson: Sharia in America: How Religious Laws Change
  • • A photograph used to illustrate an article about stargazing was wrongly captioned as showing "a meteor storm over Stonehenge". Corrections and clarifications
  • The card was wrongly addressed to our old home.
  • Where things are wrongly transplanted and unsuited to this land of ours, there must be changes.
  • He wrongly interprets _natural_ self-defense as a sign of habitual crabbedness. Certain Success
  • Pagan or Chris - tian allegorism of myth is dismissed or degraded as wrongly dignifying myth or else ignoring history in favor of mystery. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • But a nurse wrongly set her feeding machine to deliver treble the correct amount of fluid. The Sun
  • Local election boards wrongly threw out virtually every signature that had been printed rather than written in cursive, as well as those with an initial or diminutive form of the first name.
  • This new programme looks at a group of responsible dog owners who feel restricted breeds like pit bulls are wrongly demonised. The Sun
  • And, again rightly or wrongly, I have also contended that the hand of purpose deadens and mummifies story. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • They're saying that someone called Joanne is wrongly calling the notes that do exist a transcript. Miranda Grell: Lib Dems Now Deny the Right of Appeal?
  • Although he wrongly concluded that the periods of oscillation of two pendulums were in the same ratio as their lengths, he later corrected the error.
  • The Minnesota tradition in law [is] to enfranchise people, and their decision disenfranchises many Minnesotans whose votes have been wrongly rejected," said Coleman legal spokesman Ben Ginsberg. Unappealing
  • On a balance of probabilities a work of art was wrongly taken during the Holocaust and World War II period.
  • Since your last remark provides nothing other than a sarcastic "thanks" that wrongly suggests I was lecturing you, I will try not to conflagrate this incendiary issue any further. Spitzer's Whore Should Not Make a Nickel
  • The design has sometimes been wrongly infered is a fundamental problem for eliminative methods. Stone Tools and Arguments Against Design
  • The asters, often wrongly called daisies, are represented by several species, some of which blossom early, and are at their best along with the spring flowers. The Mountain that was 'God' Being a Little Book About the Great Peak Which the Indians Named 'Tacoma' but Which is Officially Called 'Rainier'
  • But ministers say the lax system means that many have wrongly been given a life on benefits. The Sun
  • Provisional ballots are a system designed to protect voters mistakenly dropped from the rolls or otherwise wrongly disqualified.
  • This new programme looks at a group of responsible dog owners who feel restricted breeds like pit bulls are wrongly demonised. The Sun
  • He had wrongly used that word; it sounded malicious; and to call consenting the same in fact as choosing was wilfully unjust. The Egoist
  • She was wrongly labelled a liar.
  • The court on Wednesday said that the Basarwa, often known as bushmen, were wrongly forced off the land in 2002. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It will also include paintings wrongly attributed to famous artists. The Sun
  • He said media reports wrongly characterize what he called "buy and sell" shops as pawnshops in stories about police raids. - News
  • Will a person who is wrongly diagnosed with a mental illness be covered by this?
  • Senator Lieberman is a voice of reason in all of this; and, that he does not agree with every tit and dottle of the anti-war progressive element now rightly or wrongly on the ascendent in the democrat party should not be used to deny him reelection. Think Progress » Coulter Derides Call For New Iraq Strategy, Endorses Lieberman Approach
  • In two cases, people wrongly allowed back on the road went on to cause fatal accidents. The Sun
  • The concert was a failure because the instruments were wrongly keyed.
  • Having recently met a young Englishman of preternatural charm and physique, I surmised (perhaps wrongly) that after a day in the country together, I had managed to engender his affections.
  • Every now and then people in a deep coma are wrongly declared dead, and survive the experience.
  • We had so many good horses over a mile and a half that we were campaigning him wrongly - we wanted to turn him into a stayer.
  • Nor was there any other reason for thinking that the defendant was wrongly refused bail. Times, Sunday Times
  • A maths question wrongly claims two cubed is bigger than three squared. The Sun
  • Take this familiar experience: spell a word wrongly in your word processor and you see a wavy red underline appear under the word.
  • Rightly or wrongly, it's also true that fans and politicians benefit from the success of high profile teams they align themselves with.
  • Parents were wrongly suspected of abuse because of staff attitudes.
  • Polkinghorne was right, I think, to criticize Dawkins for being a plonking literalist for wrongly believing that believers are mostly plonking literalists. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Local election boards wrongly threw out virtually every signature that had been printed rather than written in cursive, as well as those with an initial or diminutive form of the first name.
  • Whilst I had CHECKED my act for cultural references that wouldn't work, I had assumed wrongly that the crowd would be fluent English speakers and made no concessions for slang or colloquialism.
  • Others may help you keep a sense of perspective; rightly or wrongly they can also help to sound off against. Life Without Work
  • State Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager, a Democrat, said her agency was investigating reports that voters in Kenosha and Racine were wrongly told they could not register to vote at the polls on Election Day. - Kerry wins in tight Wisconsin contest
  • He and his three co-defendants had been wrongly imprisoned for nine years.
  • But 80 per cent were wrongly given low grades in the papers - and the error was only discovered after they had resat the exams at their own cost.
  • She wants not only clearer labelling but also a fail-safe device which would make it impossible for a drug to be wrongly administered.
  • Shia LaBeouf plays Stanley Yelnats, a boy with a cutely palindromic name sent to a bizarrely tough reformatory called Camp Green Lake, after being wrongly convicted of stealing a pair of sneakers.
  • Fresh from its pasting for reclaiming shares wrongly allocated three years ago, the Halifax finally decided if it can't beat the ‘good guys’ in the banking world, it is going to have to join them.
  • It will also include paintings wrongly attributed to famous artists. The Sun
  • The district court apparently disbelieved this testimony, based on internal emails speaking of the show as “promot [ing]” the videogame, but it still wrongly made a credibility judgment. Archive 2009-08-01
  • _mima_ "water," in Hebrew _shâmayim_ and _mayim_, which we gather from the cuneiform spelling have been wrongly punctuated by the Masoretes, as well as _khaya_ "living," the Hebrew _khai_, and _makhsû_, "they have smitten him," the Hebrew _makhatsu_. Patriarchal Palestine
  • The war veteran this year won a landmark case against the Ministry of Defence because his pension had been wrongly taxed for 45 years after he was invalided out.
  • At first, glandular fever is sometimes wrongly diagnosed, for example as a bacterial throat infection or tonsillitis.
  • Hi trupti, love any kind of chaat, especially on hot summer days. brings out the cooling effect, i believe, maybe wrongly! sriracha on chaat. .great idea. Weekend Eats- Spicy Poori Chaat
  • It is easy to think that the idea of the will to life is wrongly fixated on the idea that there are purposes in nature.
  • That what is going on is essentially, a collision of two cultures, with ours wrongly attempting to gain supremacy.
  • The prime minister was widely judged, rightly or wrongly, to be an honest man.
  • The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.
  • When they are wrongly adjusted, these lights are potentially lethal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some rattleback merchants wrongly tout the toy as a model demonstrating the coriolis force. Archive 2008-07-01
  • He wrongly claimed the full secret report had appeared on the group 's website. The Sun
  • A child was wrongly diagnosed as having a bone tumour.
  • Once it's been diagnosed you have to use tricks to unscramble the wrongly decoded message.
  • Some unionists especially at lower ranks are overzealous and keen to score points among members by wrongly advising the rank and file to go on strike.
  • I have a continuing concern that the term missional has become over used and wrongly used.
  • Yet another Italian goal was wrongly disallowed for offside. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • So also in note 49, where an apostrophus is put wrongly for the cc. Notes 68, 74. Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • It was thus established long before 1986 that any sum recovered from a creditor who has been wrongly preferred enures for the benefit of the general body of creditors, not for the benefit of the company or the holder of a floating charge.
  • Such an explanation might have reasonably persuaded the scouting organizations that his actions were wrongly perceived. Christianity Today
  • He quickly handed her back to her father after wrongly guessing her age. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will also include paintings wrongly attributed to famous artists. The Sun
  • One hospital patient was wrongly given heart surgery. The Sun
  • Offenders often fail to realize the severity of their crimes, and an antagonistic prison environment can exacerbate feelings of being wrongly accused and hamper treatment.
  • His unexpected presence may be interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a deed deliberately intended to express his courage or defiance.
  • The report wrongly gave earnings and revenue numbers in billions rather than millions.
  • In the detectives' determination to pursue what they clearly but wrongly thought were guilty men, they misled a judge to obtain search warrants. Times, Sunday Times
  • These songs were a genre he made wholly his own, and they're quite wrongly and unnecessarily neglected.
  • It is said, wrongly or rightly, I don't know, that in Inuit (PH), in the Eskimo languages, there are many, many words for different types of snow. A Back-Story to The Man Who Loved China A Coincidence Most Curious and Telling
  • This portrait caused a temporary rift with Tennyson, who wrongly took it to be aimed at him.
  • Paragliding is seen as safer, and is less of an unknown, as at some point a fair number of people have been parascending behind a boat, and the inevitable connection with parachutes is made, wrongly.
  • The court was told that a subsequent safety check by Health and Safety officers revealed that the flue for the fire was wrongly fitted and carbon monoxide was spilling into the room.
  • We preferred to rejoice at the high turnout, which pollsters had wrongly predicted would be much lower. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rightly or wrongly, she has been given the post of managing director.
  • Well into the sixteenth century the cedilla is often found wrongly added to words such as puer, equus, eruditus, epistola; in 1550 the Froben firm was still regularly printing aedo, aeditio; and in the index to an edition of Aquinas, Venice, 1593, aenigma and Aegyptus, spelt in this way, are only to be found under e. The Age of Erasmus Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
  • His bank wrongly bounced cheques worth £75,000.
  • Thus, to all her mother's incitement she replied merely by such phrases as are wrongly called Jesuitical -- wrongly, because the Albert Savarus
  • He spent the greater part of his life campaigning to have respelt those words that look as though they are spelt wrongly but aren't.
  • But a nurse wrongly set her feeding machine to deliver treble the correct amount of fluid. The Sun
  • She has been wrongly credited as the author.
  • While the price charged usually bears a fair relation to the value of the material furnished, it would be better to offer tourmaline, or peridot (the mineral name of which is olivine), or demantoid garnet (sometimes wrongly called "Olivine"), or "emerald doublets," or emerald or A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Indeed, Natural History wrongly captioned the photo on page 76.
  • They wrongly suspected that she did not live in the school 's catchment area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officials acting on our behalf committed unspeakable cruelty on a man already wrongly imprisoned for 17 years.
  • The bank contract will provide for chargebacks of amounts wrongly paid by the issuing to the retailer bank.
  • POLICE have apologised after wrongly identifying an innocent man as an armed robber in an online press release. The Sun
  • America, rightly or wrongly, spends a great deal on welfare.
  • Flax-haired broomstick Hoccleve wrongly thought Geoffrey to be as moral a man as poor fretful Gower, and enshrined every half-baked piece of verse Geoffrey wrote in a hog's turd of unmeasured praise, whether it was a good Christly work or something that sank into sin. A Complaint to His Purse
  • In their three games, four Italian goals had been wrongly disallowed for offside and one for a supposed foul on the goalkeeper. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • His unexpected presence may be interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a deed deliberately intended to express his courage or defiance.
  • Even in death his body, whose location has been wrongly recorded on the cemetery's list, has only the substantiality she chooses to give him.
  • I would like to offer my sincere apologies to you if you have wrongly received a reminder about your council tax in the last week.
  • Rightly or wrongly, she has been given the post of managing director.
  • Its Dutch discoverer in the 17th century wrongly named it after finding it was infested with what he took for rats, but were actually quokkas, marsupials with a vague resemblance to beavers.
  • He quickly handed her back to her father after wrongly guessing her age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research with animal behavior, and perhaps especially with the great apes, risks wrongly attributing human characteristics to animals.
  • A seed of doubt has been planted in the minds of parents, rightly or wrongly, but just the same it's there and cannot be reversed.
  • This is pretty legalistic reasoning, which many people may - rightly or wrongly - consider casuistic to the point of silliness.
  • The disastrous abolition of the educational maintenance allowance will make many wrongly opt out altogether.
  • It is too easy to adopt a tone and say things that can be interpreted wrongly. The Sun
  • That man, who had pleaded guilty to forging and uttering, filled out his electoral return wrongly, took money that he said he would not take, and filled in his ministerial return as being nil.
  • It was an act of desperate frustration with a public he saw as wrongly withholding its affections.
  • It is too easy to adopt a tone and say things that can be interpreted wrongly. The Sun
  • At the same time, the political invulnerability of the Liberal party has, rightly or wrongly, almost universally been attributed to the political canniness of ‘Teflon John’.
  • There are serious legal ramifications and the last thing we want is for innocent runners to be wrongly accused. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are thinking incredibly wrongly and are only distracting yourself from enjoying the rest of this.
  • Rightly or wrongly he is focused on his plan. The Sun
  • All too frequently, Conservative Members are wrongly accused of being anti-local authorities.
  • Mark Langley had previously been wrongly identified as the aggressor.
  • Where a court or a public officer wrongly refuses jurisdiction the exercise of the jurisdiction can be commanded by a writ of mandamus.
  • Second, if you are typing (say, in the Twitter app) and the autocorrect finishes off a word for you, and it has finished it off with the wrong word (which can easily happen if you're concentrating on not hitting the full stop button instead of the space bar), then hitting the backspace button only deletes the last letter of the autocompleted word - it doesn't delete all of the wrongly inserted letters. Samsung Galaxy S II and HTC Incredible S smartphones – review
  • Putting aside the question of whether “right-wing” is an accurate description or just a dysphemism, Harford was speaking only of the pricing aspect of the “Fair Trade” approach, which, rightly or wrongly, is what most people think of as its most significant aspect. Link Farm & Open Thread #42
  • I was wrongly adjudged offside and should have had a penalty. The Sun
  • Though there are cases (wrongly) finding suggestiveness when the mark alone isn’t enough to identify the goods/services, the court went with the (correct) majority view that descriptiveness is assessed from the perspective of a person who knows the context — the goods/services at issue. Fair and balanced: battle of the credit giants
  • He said if you are good you get a lovely life after death and if you behave badly and wrongly you get a horrible life after death.
  • Besides they take out less than 1 percentage of the total population of that species every year and they breed faster than that .. because of obvious wrongly informed people like u they cannot raise theire quota to a lvl where they r actually regulating the population withouth public outcry from the "seals are too cute to hunt" people like u, led by an ancient french moviestar and paul mccartney and his peglegged ex .. Taking Odds On A Western Wolf Hunt
  • A mild-mannered man is wrongly accused of a crime and sentenced to anger-management treatment.
  • It is too easy to adopt a tone and say things that can be interpreted wrongly. The Sun
  • All too frequently, Conservative Members are wrongly accused of being anti-local authorities.
  • And while the editorial correctly noted that I have been highly critical of Chavez's ties to Colombian guerrillas and Fidel Castro, the author very wrongly concluded I am "unfazed" or "turning a blind eye" to his more recent political excesses. 01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005
  • It will also include paintings wrongly attributed to famous artists. The Sun
  • Such an explanation might have reasonably persuaded the scouting organizations that his actions were wrongly perceived. Christianity Today
  • In the detectives' determination to pursue what they clearly but wrongly thought were guilty men, they misled a judge to obtain search warrants. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is fascinated by the developments in cryobiology - the freezing of eggs and of ovarian tissue for cancer patients, for example - but worries once again that they will encourage some people, wrongly, to delay. Latest news from the public and voluntary sectors, including health, children, local government and social care, plus SocietyGuardian jobs |
  • The respiratory rate naturally increases because of air hunger, accumulating secretions that cannot be expelled because of impaired glottic motility give signs wrongly interpreted as pneumonia. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Take this familiar experience: spell a word wrongly in Microsoft Word and you see a wavy red underline appear under the word.
  • Many trade unions have had recourse to what is called, rightly or wrongly, fictitious employees.
  • My ballot papers arrived but with the wrongly-named addressee.
  • Compensation for those wrongly convicted isn't just to recompense them, it's supposed to express our disapproval of their conviction in the way that a civil case would punish a negligent surgeon.
  • Wrongly keyed characters include: characters adjacent on the keyboard to the correct character, eg "n" for "m" and vice versa.

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