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  1. in a wrongheaded manner

How To Use wrongheadedly In A Sentence

  • As I pointed out in an earlier post, after journalist Jill Carroll was released late last week Washington Post media columnist Howard Kurtz wrongheadedly questioned her first interview, which was taped by Iraqis before she was handed over to U.S. forces, and lent credence to the idea that she was too sympathetic to Arab causes, thereby making her somehow anti-American. Eric J. Weiner: Someone Send Howard Kurtz to a War Zone Immediately
  • Hitler wrongheadedly tried to cure himself, Perrottet says, by reasoning a mostly vegetarian diet would make his farts less offensive. Archive 2007-10-28
  • But I do have a theory about why this film is what so many have (annoyingly and wrongheadedly) described as "little more than X-Files slash. I think maybe the darkness finds you and me.
  • One advantage the Republicans have is that everything is black and white to them, or at least they often can effectively express their thoughts clearly, if wrongheadedly. Stephen Kaus: Professor Kennedy Teaches Plain Talk 101
  • Normally this Google search returns an administration that is wrongheadedly driven to job generation by building more roads, more airports and increasing our dependency on fossil fuels. Lee Schneider: What Are You Searching For?
  • Operating from this perspective, Obama has picked a high profile case which he either wins in criminal court, which validates the criminalization approach over the warfare approach, or loses, which can only happen because of things that occurred while Bush was wrongheadedly engaging in the warfare policy. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Has Holder Decided to Try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a Civilian Court?
  • But that all feel no matter hwo wrongheadedly that they do have a legiitimate claim is a truth that is avoided only at the cost, I think of further stalemate and probably, in the end, serious violence. Reasonable Review of Cape No. 7 from Chinese State Media
  • The problem isn't this statement, but that you, quite wrongheadedly, seem to think only you have the God given wisdom to see it. Balkinization
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