How To Use Wrongdoing In A Sentence

  • All four men continue to deny any wrongdoing under the criminal and sporting proceedings. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of any of the British peer-to-peer lending platforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet we make no apology for fighting for our independence as fiercely as we fight in our journalism to expose wrongdoing and hold the powerful to account. Times, Sunday Times
  • U.K. police arrested a female police officer on suspicion of corruption, as a multipronged probe into alleged wrongdoing tied to the News of the World tabloid continues to gather momentum. What's News—
  • There is no suggestion that it benefited from the alleged scam or was involved in any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
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  • One can further continue the associations with the contrasts of righteousness and wrongdoing, life and death and the like.
  • The funds did not admit or deny wrongdoing as part of the settlement. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stressed he was not implying wrongdoing by anyone connected with the Minster.
  • Despite revelations of wrongdoing in high places during recent years, Ireland remains a society obsessed with secrecy.
  • It did not admit any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • If wrongdoings are uncovered, then the wrongdoers must be punished.
  • The McCain camp is confident an FEC investigation would find no wrongdoing. McCain Mocks Own Campaign Finance Law In 'Ridiculous' Way
  • They need rules and discipline not tea and sympathy for their wrongdoings.
  • America's crime-fighting agency detailed cases of staff wrongdoing over the past year in a leaked quarterly report. The Sun
  • They could not be reached for comment but have denied any wrongdoing through their legal counsel.
  • You did not excuse the wrongdoings of the executives involved in the recently uncovered corporate scandals.
  • Both men denied any wrongdoing but still resigned from their posts
  • When, after a long wait, and little suspecting what was going to be said to me, I was received in audience, it appeared that I had been summoned to receive a polite but decided admonition against wounding the susceptibilities of my listeners by expressions which were not “good form,” and when I, unconscious of wrongdoing, asked which expression she alluded to, the unfortunate word “beslobber” was alleged; my young hearers were not Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • The difficulties encountered in investigations did not excuse wrongdoing on the part of gardaí, Mr McDowell said.
  • Forgiveness can never be demanded of victims and certainly not in the absence of admissions of wrongdoing.
  • The seriousness of the wrongdoing involved in such offences must be assessed by reference to the interests affected, the remoteness of the harm from the conduct, and culpability.
  • Police investigated the allegation but found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
  • Secretary Small and Deputy Secretary Burke have exhibited a head-in-the-sand attitude toward wrongdoing at their agency; they have engaged in stonewalling and spin rather than dealing forthrightly with the discrimination that has occurred. Another Government Report Supports Sternberg
  • They must be trying to expose wrongdoing which cannot be remedied in any other way. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was cleared of criminal wrongdoing. The Sun
  • So the unhappy mother had pierced her breast with a dagger, and, by her side, similarly self-slain, lay the serving woman who had miscounselled her to wrongdoing, yet, as I could quite well comprehend, from motives of sincere affection, to safeguard for her her husband's love and to give her the joy of motherhood for which she craved. Tales of Destiny
  • Now investors are feeling the pain and in a less forgiving mood when it comes to executive excess or wrongdoing.
  • The city attorney's office hasn't found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
  • He called for a House investigation into his actions and was cleared the following year of any wrongdoing.
  • He has denied any wrongdoing and said the investment had been planned for months.
  • It is a different matter if information is disclosed in the public interest to expose wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suffering is not a punishment for wrongdoing, but a goad to rectification.
  • Clad in red, yellow, and green motley, he smirks at us through his fingers in the traditional gesture of one who ‘looks the other way’ in the face of wrongdoing.
  • The report paints a picture of Buffett as having been duped by Sokol. However, one shareholder said it was also crafted to exonerate Buffett from wrongdoing.
  • The converse may well be true - wrongdoing on the part of the recipient may strengthen a claim for relief - but it does not follow that the absence of wrongdoing means that an injunction should not be granted.
  • If the committee determines a lawmaker has committed wrongdoing, it may send the lawmaker a letter of reproval, akin to a rebuke.
  • Fiduciary duties depend for their enforcement on the shareholders taking action against the wrongdoing corporate managers.
  • He was suspended from his job and resigned soon after, although he initially denied any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said the head office in London had no knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if you are implicated in the wrongdoing - especially if a hot topic like tax evasion or securities fraud is involved - then watch out.
  • But this argument presumed wrongdoing by the petitioner and ignored the fact that there were already criminal statutes existing punishing such behavior.
  • Japan denies any wrongdoing, and says allegations of vote-buying are meant to "devaluate Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • After concluding in quickie internal investigation there was no wrongdoing, the Comité à la déontologie policière said yesterday in a media release there was grounds to believe wrongdoing occurred on the part of the officers, and has now summoned them to a hearing on the matter. Police Were Instigators in Montebello – Report Holds : Law is Cool
  • One reason is that permissive societies that realized that crime does pay did not boycott people who lived a life of misdemeanour and wrongdoing.
  • The report will also demand a commitment from the food industry to a whistleblowing code that encourages workers to expose wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yesterday both players - who are not on the watchlist - denied any wrongdoing. The Sun
  • Taking responsibility means admitting wrongdoing and taking conscientious steps to overcome the wrong. Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • But impeachment is an extreme step which must only be considered for the most grievous wrongdoing.
  • There is no evidence anyone intended to commit a crime or engage in wrongdoing.
  • She said she was'surprised and disappointed' to learn of alleged wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company will not disclose the location of the ship because of security concerns but deny any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Qatar officials deny any wrongdoing and insist they have a zero-tolerance policy on corruption and bribery. The Sun
  • They must be trying to expose wrongdoing which cannot be remedied in any other way. Times, Sunday Times
  • America's legal system is more effective in dealing with financial wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They publicly denied any wrongdoing and were cleared by police three weeks later.
  • The police officer suspected them of wrongdoing after observing their behavior.
  • It'seems that he has a substantial claim of wrongdoing against the company.
  • They're trying to put in measures to help whistle-blowers point out wrongdoing at the United Nations without losing their job.
  • But if all this is true, why has consumer credit had to battle so hard and so long against a shameful stigma of wastefulness and wrongdoing to achieve a moral and economic legitimacy?
  • There is no suggestion that it benefited from the alleged scam or was involved in any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact I have never found out why I was expelled and I have never seen any charge of wrongdoing.
  • It is understood the police sergeant denies any wrongdoing and claims he made a legitimate complaint.
  • They denied wrongdoing and successfully sued publications that alleged corruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • When, after a long wait, and little suspecting what was going to be said to me, I was received in audience, it appeared that I had been summoned to receive a polite but decided admonition against wounding the susceptibilities of my listeners by expressions which were not "good form," and when I, unconscious of wrongdoing, asked which expression she alluded to, the unfortunate word "beslobber" was alleged; my young hearers were not Recollections of My Childhood and Youth
  • He has denied any financial wrongdoing via his holding company, and has not commented on the attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has denied any financial wrongdoing via his holding company, and has not commented on the attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make a claim of wrongdoing against; accuse or blame.
  • They appear to be whistle-blowers calling attention to governmental wrongdoing, and, though speaking anonymously, have little in common with the officials who fill the sails of the press corps with their wind.
  • The law does not exempt service members from legal obligations that result from an act of wrongdoing.
  • All sectors of society need to combine efforts to prevent teenagers from smoking which not only destructs their health and mind but also compels some of them to commit serious wrongdoings.
  • He denied wrongdoing and claimed that the source of the funds was after-tax income.
  • Cairns said the students are not suspected of any wrongdoing.
  • The former French minister denies any wrongdoing and is hoping to rekindle his political career in time to re-challenge Nicolas Sarkozy in the next presidential elections in 2012. Elections - fresh news by
  • This argument assumes that some crimes and punishments in that system are comparable to the canonical crime of clerical sexual wrongdoing with a minor and the ecclesiastical penalties available for it.
  • So far no charges have been brought against them, and their families and friends deny any wrongdoing.
  • That there are special circumstances in which a defender may be held responsible in law for injuries suffered by the pursuer through a third party's deliberate wrongdoing is not in doubt.
  • I'm from a Roman Catholic background, so in case of misdemeanors we could always confess our wrongdoings and go on with life.
  • According to critics, the result was to incentivize public interest groups and lawyers to ferret out even essentially victimless corporate wrongdoing - consisting of minor, technical infractions.
  • The company was delisted in November, little more than two weeks after it had denied any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank strongly denies liability, stressing that the national prosecutor found no wrongdoing.
  • The prosecution could open a can of worms, since Mr Shalabai who has denied any wrongdoing had connections at every level.
  • Yesterday both players - who are not on the watchlist - denied any wrongdoing. The Sun
  • None of the three men has been formally accused of any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • During his struggle for justice, he documented all the evidence, including any alleged wrongdoing against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accusations of wrongdoing had repeatedly been brought to its attention.
  • This often leaves those regarded as having acquired wealth illegally in full possession and under no obligation to compensate anyone for previous wrongdoing.
  • The brothers believed that, while the inquiry seemed to clear Ministers of wrongdoing, it blackened their own reputation.
  • The work involves painstakingly searching through files and financial information looking for wrongdoing.
  • Because we read this diary in installments, like Anne, our assessment of his plot undergoes its own shocks: we may well wish to write him off as a stock character, the typical misguided liberal in a postcolonial novel--an urge supported by David's unreliable narrative voice--but his willingness to admit wrongdoing and decenter himself calls our responses into question. The Voyage Home
  • Both men vigorously denied any wrongdoing, staunchly defended their men, and aggressively justified the customary practices of the department.
  • The funds did not admit or deny wrongdoing as part of the settlement. Times, Sunday Times
  • In return he did not pay a fine or admit to wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forensic accountants are typically called in when companies suspect that fraud or another financial wrongdoing has taken place. Times, Sunday Times
  • What can be learned from this episode is that professional people in charge of law enforcement don't have to do the bidding of their masters when it comes to wrongdoing.
  • The company will not disclose the location of the ship because of security concerns but deny any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whistle-blowers are typically protected by federal and state laws because, as a policy matter, we as a society want to encourage the public airing of official wrongdoing.
  • Hormel is a long-time supporter of the Democratic Party and there were no suggestions of wrongdoing on his part.
  • Although political motivations almost always underlay impeachments, the proceedings were judicial and significant evidence of wrongdoing was required for conviction.
  • There need to be powerful sanctions against wrongdoing and strong financial incentives for hospitals to get their conduct right in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • One involves alleged serial infidelity and financial wrongdoing by a TV personality. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of the three men has been formally accused of any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we do not speak out and act to stop the brutish behaviour of our Government, then we become accomplices to its wrongdoings.
  • They centre on alleged wrongdoing over how they built cases, including allegedly paying a tout in Iraq to drum up business. The Sun
  • They might be vastly overpaid, but their money will never get anywhere near compensating investors for any wrongdoing.
  • Meanwhile, the police officers involved in the fatal chase were cleared of any wrongdoing.
  • They centre on alleged wrongdoing over how they built cases, including allegedly paying a tout in Iraq to drum up business. The Sun
  • The allegation of possible criminal wrongdoing was rightly and properly referred to the Attorney-General. Times, Sunday Times
  • A report, to be published by the Department of Defence, will exonerate the men of wrongdoing and recommend that their efforts be officially recognised.
  • Jewish law discerns three different levels of connivance with wrongdoing.
  • The resulting report that bears his name accused both sides of wrongdoing - deliberately making civilians targets. NYT > Home Page
  • Yugo KovachWinterborne HoughtonDorsetNick Cohen's piece ("Let the law save whistleblowers, not silence them", Comment) highlights the whistleblower's dilemma – how do we strive to encourage parrhesia ("free" or "true" speech) and prevent the damaging consequence of wrongdoing or malpractice in the workplace while at the same time protecting those who speak up and challenge the hierarchy? Stop immigration to help the British unemployed get jobs | Letters
  • This is not the tragedy of one man, but an exploration of the motives for revenge, and an interrogation of the notions of morality and punishment, wrongdoing and destructive attempts at seeking reparation.
  • During last week's hearing, James Murdoch was asked if he was familiar with the term "willful blindness," which was used to describe the behavior of senior executives at Enron, who allegedly averted their eyes from wrongdoing. NYT > Home Page
  • His cryptic phrase, zadekah mimmeni, is often translated “she is more in the right than I” (Gen 38: 26), a recognition not only of her innocence, but also of his wrongdoing in not freeing her or performing the levirate. Tamar: Bible.
  • Occasionally, wrongdoings are revealed: last March, it disallowed ‘a large quantity’ of Guardian-Observer bulk sales.
  • If anyone has information about criminal wrongdoing, they should give it to the police. Times, Sunday Times
  • What it amounts to is the idea of moral legalism, that one should outlaw all wrongdoing.
  • But I'm not aware of any players being involved in any wrongdoing that would tarnish the image of football. The Sun
  • The blood of a woman that the regime's judicial system initially cleared of all wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Magdalen is not only brought ‘safely through all kinds of actual and positive wrongdoing without fatal or even serious damage’ but also achieves happiness because she avows and does not repent her past life.
  • She said she was'surprised and disappointed' to learn of alleged wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I'm not aware of any players being involved in any wrongdoing that would tarnish the image of football. The Sun
  • The companies deny any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It did not admit any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proceeding is not one for the adjudgment of private grievances, but is to prevent the continuation of public wrong and public wrongdoing.
  • My stories have sent people to jail, sparked governmental reforms and exposed corruption and wrongdoing.
  • Yet its depiction of the corrosive effect of wrongdoing is also moving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's a brief quote from one of the short 'reviews': 'Kate Atkinson's funny, furious fourth novel rumbustiously drives a path through the genre of detective fiction, demolishing its careful, forensic summations of human behaviour and replacing them with bloody, believable, vigorous tales of wrongdoing and loss, of personal eccentricity and recognisable fate, and most importantly of people who were very much alive before they were dead.' Kate Atkinson: Case Histories
  • The allegation of possible criminal wrongdoing was rightly and properly referred to the Attorney-General. Times, Sunday Times
  • The regulator has been criticised in the past for being too soft on financial wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has denied any financial wrongdoing via his holding company, and has not commented on the attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could renew calls for Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to investigate alleged campaign wrongdoing.
  • My perspective is that Nazi propagandists (or any other propagandist whose works shields or justifies wrongdoing for political ends) peddle in dishonesty and are scum - no matter how artfully they do it. “Capitalism: A Love Story” angers and inspires » Scene-Stealers
  • It could renew calls for Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to investigate alleged campaign wrongdoing.
  • The claimant had suffered loss caused by the wrongdoing of the defendants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freedom to report what is in the public interest and to expose wrongdoing is vital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as Honiss reffed the away team as the transgressors, in Paris Peter Marshall saw wrongdoing in the Scots' approach to ruck and maul.
  • The bribery accusations and strong evidence of wrongdoing remain unanswered. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could renew calls for Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to investigate alleged campaign wrongdoing.
  • Yet what I had always thought of as Regal's wrongdoing against the Witted would still be totted up against the Farseer family account. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Impeachment for wrongdoing of lesser gravity involves a legislative usurpation of a power belonging only to the people (the power to choose and "depose Submission By Counsel For President Clinton To The Committee
  • Reporters have long been the last bastion against tyranny, wrongdoing and malfeasance.
  • What the law has for a long time required is merely conscious wrongdoing in the sense of volition and in contumelious disregard of another's rights.
  • Then if that is how the matter stands, ingratitude would be an instance of pure unadulterate wrongdoing? Memorabilia
  • Mr Hale was suspended by the council in April 1997 in the light of a damning district auditor's report on junketing and expenses abuse which prompted the beginning of a huge police inquiry into wrongdoing.
  • He has denied any financial wrongdoing via his holding company, and has not commented on the attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • They denied wrongdoing and successfully sued publications that alleged corruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • One cannot just walk away from the scene of the crime without admitting wrongdoing.
  • May, who had denied any wrongdoing, hanged himself a week ago with the laces from his combat boots.
  • There is no doubt that the people who died were innocent of any wrongdoing, at both tragedies, but there were people at both tragedies who were not innocent; and they were not all policemen.
  • The officer was "swarmed" by cabbies, said Boucher, who believes the officer will be cleared of wrongdoing after the investigation. Archive 2009-05-01
  • She was cleared of criminal wrongdoing. The Sun
  • The ticket broker and the Titans both deny any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although this was well before getting her current post and no wrongdoing is suggested, it meant her nomination for the top Commonwealth job riled some people. The Sun
  • How seriously do they really take financial wrongdoing? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm from a Roman Catholic background, so in case of misdemeanors we could always confess our wrongdoings and go on with life.
  • But the curious thing in these cases is that no actual wrongdoing has been proven or even alleged.
  • He has denied wrongdoing but admits being aware of the attacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ticket broker and the Titans both deny any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't think the term 'mafia' was over the top and of course he did also deny any knowledge of wrongdoing. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He has denied wrongdoing but admits being aware of the attacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he possessed evidence of wrongdoing, he was honor-bound to take that to a grand jury and secure an indictment.
  • They all deny any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are apt to see the illness as something to punish them for some real or imaginary wrongdoing. Christianity Today
  • The report will also demand a commitment from the food industry to a whistleblowing code that encourages workers to expose wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The claimant had suffered loss caused by the wrongdoing of the defendants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly afterwards he held a news conference in which he strenuously denied any wrongdoing.
  • During last week's hearing, James Murdoch was asked if he was familiar with the term "willful blindness," which was used to describe the behavior of senior executives at Enron who averted their eyes from wrongdoing. NYT > Home Page
  • Instead there is advice on how bloggers should interact with their readers and a caution about how celebrities mishandle their public wrongdoings. Dale Carnegie's self-help bible gets a new life for the digital age
  • In return he did not pay a fine or admit to wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police investigated the allegation but found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
  • The allegation of criminal wrongdoing is found to be false, vicious and unproved.
  • The Government will go after banking chiefs involved in wrongdoing that has tarnished the country 's reputation internationally. Times, Sunday Times
  • But by 2001, she had failed to win a seat in the Australian federal Senate and her party broke up acrimoniously amid allegations of wrongdoing and internal bickering.
  • We also ask that you ease the pain for all those religious in the Church who were innocent of any wrongdoing and who have remained faithful to their vows.
  • Significantly, the corporate media has all but completely ignored the revelations of wrongdoing by Immigration Canada officials.
  • The carabiniere in question was later acquitted of any wrongdoing. Delizia!
  • Although this was well before getting her current post and no wrongdoing is suggested, it meant her nomination for the top Commonwealth job riled some people. The Sun
  • He said the head office in London had no knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet its depiction of the corrosive effect of wrongdoing is also moving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assemblyman Jerry Hill, a Democrat whose district includes San Bruno, said he was troubled by what he termed a "backroom deal," in which the utility would not admit wrongdoing. The Seattle Times
  • However, I agree with the point, you can have a resolution without sanctions, but what we have to look at is how impactive is that resolution going to be if there are not sanctions in place for wrongdoings?
  • Forensic accountants are typically called in when companies suspect that fraud or another financial wrongdoing has taken place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our legal system compensates victims of wrongdoing with fiscal remuneration.
  • How seriously do they really take financial wrongdoing? Times, Sunday Times
  • We do lots of wrong things every day, but to suppose that all such wrongdoings should be illegal is surely to grant too much to the law.
  • Freedom to report what is in the public interest and to expose wrongdoing is vital. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no suggestion of wrongdoing on his part - many stars were advised to put cash in. The Sun
  • But they declared they had already delivered the package and were innocent of any wrongdoing. THE SECRET OF THE FORGOTTEN CITY
  • It argued that the official had gotten the money as a result of his past racketeering activities, so if the money wasn't disgorged, he would benefit from his past wrongdoing.
  • There need to be powerful sanctions against wrongdoing and strong financial incentives for hospitals to get their conduct right in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there is a reason for treating the two categories of entrant differently it must be in order to penalise the trespasser's wrongdoing.
  • Is the energy giant guilty of wrongdoing, or was it strictly business as usual?
  • They had the job of dealing punishments, such as decimation, where one soldier out of ten was selected for the wrongdoings of another, and the other nine soldiers would stone the luckless soldier to death.
  • However there's this old tradition called allocution of a judge, when he denounces someone who is a culprit, and he advises that person of their wrongdoing and what a proper opinion of that individual ought to be. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: TV Judges Take Their Stands - January 18, 2000
  • America's legal system is more effective in dealing with financial wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could renew calls for Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to investigate alleged campaign wrongdoing.
  • He stood like an immovable obstacle against which no pressure could avail; an embodiment of what Arthur most shrank from believing in — the irrevocableness of his own wrongdoing. Adam Bede
  • Injustice is a special kind of badness, one that necessarily involves wrongdoing.
  • A nun or monk is expected not only to avoid wrongdoing, but also the situations that conduce to it. RIDDLE ME THIS

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