- communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
How To Use written communication In A Sentence
- Strong oral and written communication skills are essential for analysts to prepare, present, and defend budget proposals to decision makers.
- The directedness of the relation between addresser and addressee arose with regard to oral and written communication and can be expected to reemerge with electronic communication.
- Cell phones and "crackberries"--omnipresent PDAs--should take our written communication back to the future. Recruiting In The PDA Era
- Also effective Dec. 3, a new subdivision will be added to Penal Law §240. 30, to clarify the meaning of subdivision one, providing that “[f] or the purposes of subdivision one of this section, ‘Form of written communication’ shall include, but not be limited to, a recording as defined in subdivision 6 of section 275.00 of this part.” Technology, social media and the Penal Code.
- Work with accounting firm for inspection and audit. Good oral and written communication is a must.
- He used a variety of sources to write his history including chronicles, biographies, records, public documents, and oral and written communications from his contemporaries.
- Since McNulty, along with each of the other assistant engineers, had had no previous experience building suspension bridges, every step after the stonework was a new one and there might have been costly delays or mistakes had it not been for Roebling’s extraordinary written communications and for Master Mechanic E. F. Farrington, the one and only man among them who had ever worked with wire before. The Great Bridge
- A new study out of Lehigh University shows that workers lie 50% more of the time via email than in handwritten communication. Are You More Likely To Lie Via Email Than On Paper? | Lifehacker Australia
- Strong oral and written communication skills are essential for analysts to prepare, present, and defend budget proposals to decision makers.
- Effective verbal and written communication skills in English and relevant softwares.