How To Use Wrist bone In A Sentence
Don't forget: two-three inches above your wrist bone, you have a "bracelet"; and somewhere on your humerus between the greater tuberosity and the deltoid tuberosity, much closer to the former is your "cap.
The Age of Empire - A Dress A Day
The wrist bones (or carpals) of armadillos are weird, because the scaphoid is small while the lunate and unciform are particularly big.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
The transverse carpal (Karpos is a wrist in Greek) ligament keeps the tendons of the long bending muscles of the fingers and the median nerve from breaking free from the wrist bones.
Examples of condyloid joints are found at the knuckles and where the wrist bones articulate with the radius and ulna.
Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
A bruise stretching from below her wrist bone almost to her forearm caught his eye.

The intermedium articulated only proximally and distally - that is, it did not articulate with other wrist bones.