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How To Use Wrenching In A Sentence

  • There was also an ancient-looking horn and an "erhu" -- a two-string instrument which produced the most heart-wrenching sounds, and the "yanqin", a string instrument so beautiful and powerful that I thought there were twenty different instruments playing at once! Mao's Last Dancer
  • Donald added: ‘the switch from a predominantly narrative mode of thought to a predominantly analytic or theoretic mode apparently requires a wrenching cultural transformation’.
  • Watching her navigate through a hometown she no longer feels safe in is gut-wrenching, literally. Karen Dalton-Beninato: Milneberg Joys and Losses: Treme 15
  • a wrenching pain
  • In reality, history has shown that such transitions are wrenching and China will be no exception.
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  • In those eight years they have helped transform Republican presidential politics by wrenching it to the conservative side.
  • Those emotions are often conveyed through heart wrenching language and vivid imagery. Christianity Today
  • He gave a loud, startling, heart-wrenching cry and fell backwards in a dead faint.
  • Finally the English officer, a great lanky fellow with his trouser leg half torn off and a bloody bandage round his knee, succeeded in wrenching the banner away, but the Frog officer, who was about four feet tall, grabbed an end of it, and they came stumbling down in my direction, yelling at each other in their respective lingoes, with their crews joining in. Flashman's Lady
  • That would help ensure the European economy can continue to expand while economically troubled countries like Spain and Greece make wrenching cutbacks to reduce out-of-control deficits.
  • The wildly maladjusted and unbalanced U.S. economy must suffer through a wrenching adjustment period.
  • Back-wrenching potholes get deeper and wider.
  • And it concludes with probably the most emotionally wrenching scene of the year. The Sun
  • The Adagio of this quartet is typically soulful, emotionally wrenching music.
  • The bolt came away with a tacky wrenching sensation.
  • I felt wrenchingly, acidly sick in the centre of my stomach. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • The final duet of the ballet, with all its clashing emotions, was truly wrenching. Times, Sunday Times
  • What I got instead was a gut-wrenchingly awful representation of my community, peopled with unlikeable and unsympathetic characters.
  • There were heart-wrenching tales from families whose innocent lives he had ruined and scarred forever.
  • The gut-wrenching thing about the Red Sox is they traded their most beloved player and then the team took off and started winning.
  • Murphy's mother's agony is laid bare in the gut-wrenching 911 call heralding the death of actress. | Top Stories
  • Mr. McGrath, who spent $60,000 converting his 15,000- square-foot factory, is like many entrepreneurs facing gut-wrenching decisions as a result of the prolonged economic slump. When Cost Cuts Fail... Drastic Measures
  • In fiction, I want a powerful narrative voice that soars off the lyric register with wrenching regrets, achieving what Lorca described as duende, or deep song. Living With Music: Dean Bakopoulos - Paper Cuts Blog -
  • The wrenching of accent for metrical purposes, moreover, is not confined to the dissyllabic words which show the simple recession of accent. The Principles of English Versification
  • Dr. Carol Swain Lewis, an English teacher at Three Rivers who served as a judge, said it was "heart wrenching" to watch some of the students seemingly rush through the words, but she picked up that she had to keep a "stonewall" face on the panel, as to not make it visible that she was emotionally involved. Headlines
  • These sometimes wrenching, ultimately hopeful stories are interweaved with stunning time-lapse photography from the Ground Zero site, as it comes back to life. Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Torchwood and HBO Finales, Plus 9/11 Programming
  • Wrenching sideways, I feel the rope make a sudden lurch down, frightening me.
  • She felt she had no other option; it was a gut-wrenching decision.
  • As the dusk fell, heart-wrenching songs on the plight of child workers were sung.
  • When an anonymous poster made a plea, last week, for everyone to pause and consider the emotional fallout from adoption – this within the context of debates concerning the emotional consequences of abortion – I immediately thought of my mother and the gut-wrenching turmoil she experienced as a result of giving up a child for adoption. Abortion Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry | Her Bad Mother
  • The decision to have such a procedure is already heart wrenching enough. Think Progress » Why Krauthammer Doesn’t Get It
  • Let us “begin the beguine” at the beginning, with Tom Dyja, brilliant novelist who encouraged me to have fun rather than write something wrenching. One Flight Up
  • This wrenching of Silas from his home precipitates not just a crisis of social identity but also a crisis of self-identity.
  • The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
  • The most heart wrenching of these stories is that of the 12-year-old who was bartered away by her father in exchange for a woman to marry his son.
  • This is, by the way, why primogeniture and formal lines of succession were adopted in monarchies; to reduce fighting and uncertainty in the aftermath of wrenching events. Matthew Yglesias » Census Conspiracies Strike Back
  • She was taking the nice little bequeathal Mr. Man had left her in his heart-wrenchingly sweet card—which had started her crying all over again when Doris had quietly handed it to her at the funeral—and buying William a token of her affection. Dragon Warrior
  • Of course, once upon a time it truly was bloody and heart-wrenchingly brilliant, all its ponderous and doomy self-importance notwithstanding.
  • It wasn't exertion that left him weak-kneed and trembling, but rather the gut-wrenching horror of Joe's scream and his pleas for mercy.
  • But Mr Foster suddenly crashed through the door, ricocheting the flyscreen against wall, and wrenching the boy from her arms.
  • Much more wrenching were the larger issues of guilt and responsibility. Berthe Morisot
  • It is then best to correct the deformity either by wrenching the toe into the dorsiflexed position, under anæsthesia, and fixing it with a plaster-of-Paris bandage; or, when this is impossible, by excising the articular end of the metatarsal bone and interposing a layer of fatty or bursal tissue between the distal end of the metatarsal and the base of the first phalanx. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.
  • He hunched forward, wrenching his arms higher and higher up his back until his shoulders felt as if they were about to dislocate, until at last he was holding the little round knurl of the bolt between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. Fear Itself
  • They can be shrubs and trees of gut-wrenching beauty. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the fitful confusion of stop-start fiscal spending that seesawed the economy between hopeful improvement on the one hand, and wrenching cut-backs and consumption taxes urged by austerity-preaching deficit hawks on the other. Lynn Parramore: Japanophobia: Economic Myths in the American Media
  • Penner announced two years ago he was a transsexual, and wrote a gut-wrenching and brave column about it that made it clear what he was doing and why — and did so with so much grace that the kind of public comment you might expect was mostly quelled. RIP, Mike Penner « Dating Jesus
  • Her father said: ‘It's a really difficult time. It's gut-wrenching for all of us.’
  • I gave one final, gut-wrenching, adrenaline-pumped heave.
  • There was no disguising the stunned faces of the 24 players for whom every gut-wrenching hole had the atmosphere of the last in a major championship.
  • The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
  • Ferik's free hands flew into action, one grabbing his hair and wrenching his face back to hers, the other giving him a fearsome blow to his nose.
  • Yesterday's set of exquisitely correct opinions concluded with a statement about his gut-wrenching detestation of war.
  • Yesterday's set of exquisitely correct opinions concluded with a statement about his gut-wrenching detestation of war.
  • Soldier wrenchingly twisting captive rag tag bandito’s ear, “Where is your leader?” Firedoglake » The Dividing Line of Torture
  • The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
  • They may not drastically slash the overall number of U.S. abortions — 1.2 million a year at last count — but they have emboldened anti-abortion activists, angered abortion providers, and will likely make decisions all the more wrenching for women affected by the late-term bans. States enact record wave of anti-abortion laws
  • In battle, gut-wrenching fear was the dominant emotion.
  • Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.
  • Wrenching the door knob violently, she flings the door open and is met with stunned glances from two suited businessmen.
  • He returned to the gut-wrenching night-time helplessness of childhood, the primordial fear of the dark which every human being suffers, must learn to deny, but can never forget.
  • The chanteuse was singing `Some Enchanted Evening," wrenching still more tears from Michael. TALES OF THE CITY
  • Two-Up is a gut-wrenching book about the gory world of the gunite worker (once Williamson's own profession). Anis Shivani: The New Henry Miller Speaks Out: Interview With Eric Miles Williamson, Author of 'Welcome to Oakland'
  • The result is a repertoire of heart-wrenching, soul-searching works that communicate the ecstasy and agony of the human condition.
  • And, as we held our hands to our hearts and wept gut-wrenching tears of unimaginable sadness, we watched them jump. Dori Hartley: September 11, 2001: The Day I Forgot I Had Cancer
  • On Boing Boing Gadgets, this wrenching video in which Eve Ensler explains that Congolese militias use rape to enforce discipline among a slave workforce that mines columbite-tantalite ore, a common raw material for many devices. Boing Boing
  • Questions remain after woman is charged with killing her 2 teens for being 'mouthy' Questions remain after woman is charged with killing her 2 teens for being 'mouthy' - When police responded to a call from a concerned relative and found Julie Schenecker on the back porch of her Tampa home, they said she was covered in blood and made a gut-wrenching admission: She had killed her teenage son and daughter because they were "mouthy. rss feed
  • Jason Line signed my hat and of course Greg Anderson was doing the Bob Glidden thing and constantly wrenching on both Summit cars, maybe both teams will do better this year than getting eliminated in the semis last year, representing the title sponsored event and all. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • The decision to euthanize is always dispiriting and sometimes heart-wrenching. Mike Stark: 'No Kill' or Torture? Nathan Winograd and His Animal Sheltering Movement
  • Her struggle with the drought is gut-wrenching and the ending heartbreaking.
  • Nicely enunciated and charming, between rock operatics and gut wrenching roars, this is quite a talent.
  • Blame, expostulations, recriminations and horseplay - David provides an up-close-and-personal document of the family's most wrenchingly private moments.
  • Sheree continued to hold him tenderly from behind as he continued to sob heart-wrenching tears.
  • With a final tug, Cedric heaved on the crossbow bolt, wrenching it free at last.
  • They can be shrubs and trees of gut-wrenching beauty. Times, Sunday Times
  • One part loopy, dissonant, wrenching guitars, one part playful synth bleeps and bloops, one part punky, four on the floor drumming and shouted female vocals all generously sprinkled with raw disco energy and a refreshing sense of humour.
  • In a story that's alternately amusing, maddening and gut-wrenching, Foul Ball marks a welcome return for a legendary voice.
  • At night she would wake up with nightmares and her shrieks were gut-wrenching.
  • Leo's trademark vocals are in full force, traversing the usual valleys of gut-wrenching falsetto and perfunctory quavers in resplendent multi-tracked glory.
  • Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.
  • And now she brings us the gut-wrenching story of another remarkable young lady.
  • What does transpire, then, is a genuine tale of loss, loneliness, and a wrenching longing for personal redemption.
  • Or maybe it's just old-fashioned, gutwrenching melodramatics.
  • The initial shock and disbelief at the news was replaced by a gut-wrenching amalgamation of loss, tears and anger.
  • Where we left off with the BBCA series was a wrenching, traumatic cliffhanger in which friendly ghost Annie Lorena Crichlow, so much more appealing than her Syfy counterpart is trapped in purgatory, reaching out to her friends through staticky TV screens as she pitiably weeps in a sinister waiting room and anxiously waits for whatever comes next. Roush Review: Being Human and More Weekend TV
  • It was a gut-wrenching climax to yet another nerve-jangling afternoon.
  • Passengers rush and plunge along the track through two separate dark tunnels and two crazy 122 degree overbanked turns that produce a gut-wrenching G force.
  • It is perhaps a bit strange that this week, after losing by a bigger margin, the disappointment is not quite so gut-wrenching.
  • Even though most Westerners are religious, and profess to believe in the hereafter, they still see death as a terrible wrenching away of someone they love.
  • Not the bloody quietus of Titus or Hamlet or Braveheart; it wasn't frank enough, nor so wrenching.
  • So for as heart - wrenching as this is, we ` ve got lots and lots and lots of time that ` s potentially fileable against the Garridos. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2009
  • It was a gut-wrenching feeling not being able to help him. The Sun
  • On days like this I dream of wrenching the machine from the sockets and hauling it off my desk, showering useless pieces of paper and coffee cups and disks all over the cheap government carpet.
  • This twin shift will force wrenching adjustments.
  • The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
  • Watching cricket in this state you feel a bit like an American, or a toddler, or someone's press-ganged girlfriend: wreathed in mute bafflement, surprised by applause, wrenching your neck round to shriek "eh?" or "what?" every time the ball is hurled skyward or a bat waggled in triumph. Sozzled - how English cricket got lost in drink | Barney Ronay
  • The bolt came away with a tacky wrenching sensation.
  • I had visions of fillings in all my teeth, long lectures and tellings off about my lack of regular visits, lots of tooth wrenching scraping with the metal thing that would leave my teeth feeling loose for two weeks.
  • The stories of men's final release and of their homecomings can be heart-wrenching.
  • Her arm flew out, wrenching her shoulder, but she kept a grip on the gun.
  • The final duet of the ballet, with all its clashing emotions, was truly wrenching. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was an emotionally wrenching experience for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a hard slog, that is trying at the best of times and wrenching and torturous and terrifying most of the time.
  • She screamed, wrenching a sizable twig out of her hair and hurling it at him, after disentangling herself from what must have been the twentieth or so bramble thicket.
  • Many have become politically active for the first time, spurred on by events and experiences-some of them wrenching7during their undergraduate years.
  • You are a splendid craftswoman — writing history that seems authentic, dealing honestly with religion, and putting your characters in heart-wrenching dilemmas. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Inspiration
  • I was too dizzy with pain to do anything but curse and weep, and now he was away again, yelling "Helfen, mein Herr!" while I tried to pull myself up by a tree, wrenching at my gaiter-buttons and sock to reveal an ankle that was grazed bloody and already turning blue. Watershed
  • What is promised one day, foretold, is unforetold the next, with no more wrenching reflection than a bee moving from one blossom to another. Church Going
  • Ontheir eighth album, they stay true to form in their machinations of artfrom misery; pop from catastrophe and embitterment; beauty from heartwrenching bitterness.
  • Like the sight of relief workers pouring into devastated areas, nothing so heartens reporters chronicling the gut-wrenching story of a Hollywood celebrity crackup as the sight of e-mails streaming in to offer unsolicited assistance in the form of easy quotes from academics, lawyers, and other aspiring talking heads. The TV Column: Experts - lots of them - weigh in on Charlie Sheen
  • That these messiahs of the politics of hate, wrenching apart the fabric of secular India do not represent the Hindu majority.
  • But be warned - emotionally this movie will reach deep into the pit of your stomach and wriggle your guts about before wrenching them out. The Sun
  • Jonathan Caouette's gut-wrenching debut film about his abused mother made him the toast of Cannes - and it only cost $213.
  • Think of the exquisite flavors of foie gras and the nostril-wrenching odors of andouillette pig's intestine and tripe sausage, and you will know what I mean. A Deliciously Offal Meal
  • Deciding when to inform on wrongdoers is one of the most wrenching dilemmas we can face.
  • ‘It was gut-wrenching to learn of her murder in your paper,’ she said.
  • Such mistakes are gut-wrenching and perhaps inexcusable. Kent Greenfield: When Kids Are Left in Cars: Blame the Brain
  • What they were looking at was a dazzling-and, to Bowman, eye-wrenching - exhibition of shapes and colors, as if a mad geometrician was displaying his wares. Tin
  • You can imagine the gut-wrenching experience it was. Christianity Today
  • Moments of euphoria are so often followed by gut-wrenching disappointments.
  • MARTIN: ... because there's been a lot of sort of wrenching about whether he should have - whether the president should be on a program like this, and there's been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing about this. 'Shop Talk': Should Kendrick Meek Stay In Florida Senate Race?
  • He grabbed Ben(Sentence dictionary), wrenching him away from his mother.
  • Yet the experience did not prevent him from documenting the postwar suffering of the Germans (a wrenching picture here from 1945 shows a woman in Dessau weeping on a pile of rubble) or from sympathizing with a French female collaborator besieged by a mob of his countrymen. His Peregrine Life and Career
  • As they told us about their loss, the pain in their voices was gut-wrenching. How to stop the violence?
  • Spend a foot-wrenching jog in the wrong pair of kicks and your adventures in the asphalt trade promise to be as enjoyable as an Enron stock return.
  • Loxy backed into the bar, feeling ridiculously torn between trying not to offend anyone and wrenching, gut-churning dread. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • In his moment of gut-wrenching disappointment, Taylor said all the right things in congratulating the winning candidates.
  • Jimjim's body suddenly jackknifed, wrenching his figure to the side.
  • Good posture isn't simply a question of wrenching back your shoulders and jutting out your chin. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is something else; a poor wrenching of mono sound into a stereo mix.
  • It's endearing - a magical superpop band with those heart-wrenching choruses you love, and the fast-paced uplift of a great underground rock band that only you and your bestest friends know about.
  • The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
  • My stomach is agonised with a terrible wrenching distension. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was an emotionally wrenching experience for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were wrenching, but absolutely necessary for Chrysler's survialsurvival.
  • The heart-wrenching transmutation of a once calm but stern voice into an almost bird-like cry of despair infected the surrounding cages like an air-borne virus.
  • In five years time, will I have forgotten how gut-wrenchingly awful catastrophic data loss feels?
  • Good posture isn't simply a question of wrenching back your shoulders and jutting out your chin. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it concludes with probably the most emotionally wrenching scene of the year. The Sun
  • All I remember is the wrenching loss as l watched the last birch disappear. l have relived it again and again.
  • It is gut-wrenching stuff, with raspy vocals that constantly upset the balance between inner-strength and genuine heartbreak.
  • Rapid economic growth fueled by foreign credits gradually gave way to economic autarchy accompanied by wrenching austerity and severe political repression.
  • I feel like a reluctant voyeur, watching a flower die in heart wrenching, time lapse photography.
  • It is a gut-wrenching cry that can apparently signify great joy or extreme pain.
  • And so the thought of abandoning it – of being abandoned by it – was terrifying, gut-wrenching. Sufficient Unto This Day | Her Bad Mother
  • It was ten minutes after three in the morning when her tale telling was drowned completely by tears and heart wrenching sobs.
  • The stalwart hammerman turned upon his assailant, and, wrenching a dagger from him, speedily overpowered him. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • On days like this I dream of wrenching the machine from the sockets and hauling it off my desk, showering useless pieces of paper and coffee cups and disks all over the cheap government carpet.
  • Good posture isn't simply a question of wrenching back your shoulders and jutting out your chin. Times, Sunday Times
  • I still think that pathetic picture of her with her pox is about the most heart-wrenching picture I’ve seen. A Pox On Me | Her Bad Mother
  • Blame, expostulations, recriminations and horseplay - David provides an up-close-and-personal document of the family's most wrenchingly private moments.
  • It was gut-wrenching to see the nurse's eyes - an endless and genuine depth of care, affection and love as she adjusted the blanket and stroked Gran's hair.
  • But be warned - emotionally this movie will reach deep into the pit of your stomach and wriggle your guts about before wrenching them out. The Sun
  • It was only hours later, after a gut-wrenching search through the body-strewn resort, that they found him alive.
  • The vomiting soon turned into dry heaves, then coughs finally transforming into heart wrenching, soul shaking sobs.
  • The airport scenes are heart-wrenching but the pride in seeing your child soar and fulfill his or her destiny is a wonderful thing. Kite Flying
  • They still had to survive some gut-wrenching moments after that.
  • His detailed account of Guatemalan and U.S. political intrigue also provides excellent context and important analysis for the heart-wrenching human tragedy that unfolds around the Maryknoll missioner.
  • I don't know where it came from...but its just this gut-wrenching fear of slipping up and doing something horrible.
  • It was one of those gut-wrenching golf tournaments decided with the last putt on the last green before a rookie pro emerged with his maiden victory.
  • The thought of leaving Danny there is heart-wrenching…..but the phone calls have been made and his co-workers arrive to stay with him until he leaves this cold, forbidding freezer of a building…..there is more investigating to do. Phil Spector Guilty In Lana Clarkson Murder
  • If he had been taken into custody, what followed would have been the most complex and wrenching legal proceeding in American history.
  • Her quivering sobs are more the stuff of movies than of daily serials which offer more intrigue than gut-wrenching emotion.
  • The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
  • Now fourteen years have passed, and in acclaimed author David Hewson’s stunning new crime novel the heart-wrenching case has come back to life as Detective Nic Costa and his fellow investigators search through layers of their city’s history–for a killer leaving a trail of bodies, lust, and revenge. The Seventh Sacrament by David Hewson: Book summary
  • Decentralization has long been advocated by the political and economic elite in the West as a means of wrenching power from the more populous Eastern provinces.
  • This is very unusual - two large companies spitting over a URL, as opposed to one large company bullying a Web address from a smaller business, or wrenching a domain name from a cybersquatter.
  • While occasionally succumbing to contrivances, Hilary Brougher's second feature (her first is The Sticky Fingers of Time, an ultra-low budget sci-fier from 10 years ago) is all movie, but more intriguing is how it tells a distinctly (sometimes wrenching) feminine tale without making it only relative to Oprah watchers and talk-show bingers. GreenCine Daily: Weekend shorts.
  • Maybe it was to add romance; though I firmly quenched the thought with a good dose of rationality, a small romantic part of me twinged in a wrenching way when Alice chose to go back to reality after Hatter asked her to stay. Sound Off: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland - Thoughts? «
  • Nothing but the thrill of seeing your name in print, alongside your gut-wrenching tale of finding foreign objects in your food.
  • Quick," I say, when he calls crying from his dorm because he dreamt about his dad and awakened to the gut wrenching reality that it was, sadly, just a dream, "tell me your top three Dad stories from our first summer on the farm! Susan McCorkindale: A Question of Cancer: Helping Kids Regain Peace of Mind After the Loss of a Parent
  • The dog of course, had to take me for an arm wrenching drag and Ditto looked on with some displeasure when she realised that the mad animal shouting at her was attached to me!
  • He is already cast against type: a surprising rendition of the tall, aggressive, neck-wrenching centre-forward, with his daintier skills, his aesthete's ponytail. England's Andy Carroll is not the first with a thirst for success | Barney Ronay
  • I was in love you see, that dizzy, heady, heart wrenching type of love that has a tendency to afflict youths and cause them to go to great lengths to quench their desire and possess that which they crave.
  • Their album is a break from the usual boy band formula of danceable pop or heart-wrenching R&B
  • The bus wheezes its way uphill with a wrenching of gears and whining of suffering brakes along the steep winding roads that scale the suburban hills around Sarajevo.
  • This wrenching experience may be bearable when it is the price to be paid for development.

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