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How To Use Wrecking In A Sentence

  • No longer will I worry about favorites wrecking their seasons with three bad games.
  • The crew took the Pacific Emerald for wrecking but the second part of the settlement was never honoured.
  • Humans are the most destructive, filthy, pollutive creatures around and are wrecking what's left of the planet with their false morals and breeding culture. James Lee, Discovery Hostage Taker, Has List Of Demands That Is Hilarious And Crazy
  • Goldman Sachs was a key player in wrecking our economy and causing thousands of Arkansans to lose their jobs and their homes. Lincoln will not return Goldman Sachs donations
  • I found myself rooting for Tamara to reconnect in the deepest way with handsome Andy, her childhood friend — Luke Evans makes him a son of the soil who would have had Hardy's vote — and I was shocked by her home-wrecking exploits with a fatuous scrivener, though her heedlessness is exactly the point. A Grownup Look at Lennon as a 'Boy'
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  • The seashore inhabitants gained some recompense by resorting to wrecking, a tradition which lasted well into the 19th cent., and by their own privateering and smuggling.
  • TWC has, since its in inception as Wrekin District Council in 1974 (aka Wrecking District Council) been known as an officer ridden authority. Revenge of the Telford penguins?
  • In this vile composition lie accusations of unjustness, vitriol, manipulation, and home wrecking.
  • Today's standard demolition equipment does not include a wrecking ball but rather a hydraulic excavator with such attachments as grapples, shears, hammers, and concrete crushers.
  • At first it was the cultural capital of punk cred that she was building up and wrecking, and now it's marketability.
  • It was nothing to explain the leakage - the wrecking of the upper works had warped the hull and started the seams - and, for a little, 'twas nothing, with patches and a hose laid to the steam pump, to keep the water back.
  • Shells from both battleships were exploding deep in the heart of the BISMARCK, wrecking the engine rooms, destroying the fuel tanks and adding hundreds of tons of fuel to feed the great fires now raging in the entire mid-section of the ship, the roaring flames clearly visible through the great jagged gaps torn in the ship's side and armour-plating. The Lonely Sea
  • Having failed to defeat McCreevy at home, it seems De Rossa is bent on an act of national sabotage by wrecking his chances of securing an influential post on the Commission.
  • I'm running for the Senate to stop Wall Street from ever again wrecking the Florida economy. New candidate in crazy Florida Senate race
  • Kieran: This is supposed to be a children's party not a wrecking operation.
  • WOMEN who use Botox are wrecking their friendships because their frozen faces make them look uninterested in others, a study has found. The Sun
  • They're stealing more money, swiping more identities, wrecking more corporate computers, and breaking into more secure networks than ever before.
  • But wrecking holidays and business flights, costing firms a fortune, cannot go unpunished. The Sun
  • Bosses at the coach company are offering a cash reward to anyone who helps nail the thugs responsible for a £15,000 wrecking spree.
  • Another tour operator faces penalties for wrecking coral when it illegally anchor on a Maui reef.
  • He said the ship was being tugged to a shipwrecking yard when the tugboat's cables broke and high tides pushed the tanker to shallow water where it ran aground.
  • Can you go and stop the Pinks wrecking the dartboard --- again? TICKLED PINK
  • It takes two to tango and I believe that that woman aided and abetted in wrecking Father's Day. Sanford releases statement: 'I ask for your forgiveness'
  • Breton seaweed workers - like those burning kelp in the Scottish islands - were very poor, supplementing their meagre incomes with fishing, farming and sometimes wrecking.
  • He has been accused of taking furniture from the riverside penthouse, wrecking carpets and flooring and owing thousands in rent arrears. The Sun
  • Buses, articulated lorries, dustcarts and family cars are all forced to mount it on a day-to-day basis, wrecking road surfaces, kerb stones and drains.
  • She was born with butterfingers and was a magnet for disaster, a one-woman wrecking ball. Shore Thing
  • FDR was not relentlessly baited by a wide segment of Americans as a closet socialist and his economic policies lambasted as hamstringing and wrecking the private sector BEFORE he took office. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: President Obama Doesn't Deserve the Knock From Wall Street Occupiers
  • Caravan rap BLACKPOOL have fined four unnamed players for wrecking a caravan after a night out. The Sun
  • The least we can do is to continue our existence by wrecking as little as possible.
  • With the single exception of Ferdinand Lassalle, there was no revolutionary leader who was not an obvious impossibilist in practical politics; and Lassalle got himself killed in a romantic and quite indefensible duel after wrecking his health in a titanic oratorical campaign which convinced him that the great majority of the working classes were not ready to join him, and that the minority who were ready did not understand him. The Perfect Wagnerite, Commentary on the Ring
  • The entire road is a pothole - a red-earth track with occasional rafts of Tarmac which drivers avoid at all costs for fear of wrecking their suspension.
  • She may not care about wrecking your relationship but you'll rue the day if you let her. The Sun
  • However, when playgoers are asked to sit back and accept all that's not rational, the narrative wrecking ball makes a direct hit and everything comes crashing down.
  • She may not care about wrecking your relationship but you'll rue the day if you let her. The Sun
  • Father was mad at me for wrecking the car.
  • Missile one hit amidships, wrecking a set of berthing compartments.
  • The closed deadlights indicate the ship had been secured for heavy weather prior to wrecking.
  • A Bradford rioter claimed he tried to stop youths wrecking cars only minutes after being filmed throwing stones himself.
  • Five children have been arrested in connection with a £30,000 wrecking spree at a Rochford coach park.
  • Currie seems to still hold a candle for Major, despite publicly wrecking his life.
  • I mean she's gone to the great big wrecking yard in the sky. DESPERADOES
  • Then 1975 sees Operation Condor, in which DEA agents, with the Mexican army, bomb, burn, and defoliate vast acreage of poppy cultivation in Sinaloa, displacing thousands of peasants and wrecking the economy. Savages
  • Why should the Tory rebels vote for a wrecking amendment which has been rendered futile?
  • Yes, it's the fast bowler strutting his stuff: running up to the wicket; wrecking a batsman's stumps.
  • Thus it came as a surprise when, after my brother had gotten in about as much trouble as either of us had ever gotten into - drinking and wrecking his car - my father did not respond with anger.
  • The US Secretary of State was booed and jeered throughout his speech as he sought to put a positive spin on US wrecking tactics at the summit and its failure to take effective action in protecting the world's environment.
  • After wrecking machinery and burning down mills across Lancashire, the rampaging mobs were only finally brought to heel after fighting pitched battles with the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the waiting travellers watched in frozen horror, it slewed crazily to one side as it carried on towards them, wrecking the parapets and heading broadside for the station.
  • Brightly strewn wet fliers, that is; las feriadas are the height of the water wars, as trucks filled with young people careen through town with tanks of water, bucketing unlucky pedestrians and generally wrecking mayhem. Nathaniel Loewentheil: Deviled Dancers, Drunken Pilgrimages and the Magic of Bolivia's Carnaval
  • They'd only gone and told the plod that we were nothing but a bunch of juvenile hooligans intent only on wrecking the Queen's Peace and ripping apart the very fabric of their corner of Little England.
  • He could have lost control of his bike, wrecking it and causing injury or even death.
  • Two serious accidents, destroying four vehicles and wrecking a house wall and a traffic light at the junction, have already occurred since the lights failed last Thursday morning.
  • 'It's their culture innit' seems to be the yardstick whether it's about 9/11 or the state of play around the world where Islamists are intent on wrecking the status quo in favour of their medieval seventh century barbarousness. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Does anyone really gives a tinker's toerag about fuel emissions as long as the Chinese are singlehandedly wrecking the planet? Go green before it becomes compulsory | Kevin McKenna
  • Keratoconus turns it from a smooth curve into a cone, wrecking vision. The Sun
  • `For this event and the wrecking of the Prince Albert are surely not unconnected. ANTI-ICE
  • As the waiting travellers watched in frozen horror, it slewed crazily to one side as it carried on towards them, wrecking the parapets and heading broadside for the station.
  • Wales wasted him this season and are in danger of wrecking what should have been a wonderful international career. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bronze Age burial mounds, Iron Age settlements and the remains of Roman villages could be lost forever unless prompt action is taken to stop our furry friends from wrecking this historic area.
  • On some level, I must believe a guidebook is a sort of magic shield which protects the user from misfortune, confusion or disappointment, even though actual experience tells me they're often a distraction at best and a holiday-wrecking dictator at worst. Help me plan my American road trip
  • But, as with most cool things from the margins of society, the mainstream ripped it off and commodified it, nearly wrecking the art form entirely in the process.
  • I can't get the label widget to show up either, and haven't braved the task of wrecking and rebuilding my template to see if that will allow me to show off a list of labels in the nav, which basically trumps Previous Posts in terms of pure browsing pleasure anyway. Archive 2007-01-01
  • During Stalin's reign the term wrecker and the crime of wrecking were concocted. The Great Disconnect
  • During WWII, EMI was commonly known as a gremlin who would take over the electrical system of a fighter plane wrecking havoc on the control systems, especially during thunderstorms or highly charged atmosphere. Home Page
  • His 1200 turnout (£47) is going into its 3rd (or possibly 4th) winter without reproofing - I've just bought a neck cover for it lol - and without him wrecking it (unlike the £110 FalPro one that he demolished repeatedly Undefined
  • A string of personal disasters culminated in a costly court appearance for wrecking a taxi after a night out.
  • Gangs of yobs have caused more than £40,000 of damage after wrecking 34 lampposts in York suburbs in a fortnight.
  • No lives were lost this time but according to legend the girls ‘behaved in a most discreditable manner’ after the wrecking.
  • The name comes from a hurricane that struck the area in 1715, wrecking a fleet of Spanish treasure ships en route from Havana to Spain.
  • At the end of the day, have the wreckers remove the vehicles to a holding facility, where they are then collected after payment of the fines and wrecking fee.
  • Furthermore, it's funny how the same Republicans that blamed Clinton for economic four years after he left office now think that the economy that THEY spent 8 years wrecking is now all Obama's fault six months after he took office. Top House Republican slams Obama over stimulus, jobs
  • the wrecking ball demolished the building
  • The Scot blamed broadcasters for messing with the schedules and wrecking the entertainment value of the game's showpiece match. The Sun
  • Of course we have to find some way to replace all this biosphere-wrecking stuff, but we also have to keep in mind the brute reality that nature will not cease pushing to reclaim her own the very instant we let down our guard.
  • This meant that the sailors from these ports could do what they wanted, including wrecking, grounding and plundering other ships.
  • Westwood blamed him for wrecking his chance of setting a course record.
  • This was a case of a deputy shirt-fronting her leader with an ultimatum and forcing a decision that would come close to wrecking the government's environmental credibility.
  • ‘You can cut down on expenditure without wrecking your social life or spoiling your studies,’ it says.
  • Her cabinmate on the spaceship Clara Pandy, where they were working as stewardesses, the 7 foot tall Toy Molto, was forever playing an armwrestling machine and wrecking it. Boing Boing: November 28, 2004 - December 4, 2004 Archives
  • The disorientation is fitting because, startling as it now seems, wrecking was practiced not by rogues or villains but by unremarkable locals.
  • He says:It's a simple answer for most of them: to get them into workHe rejects the amendment, which he calls a "wrecking amendment" designed to make a policy unworkable: "It's the same as not having a cap at all. Welfare reform bill: household benefit cap Lords debate - Monday 23 January
  • It's about wrecking the nomenklatura state and bringing law back to Russia.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages at undesignated premises, at unauthorised times and sometimes by juveniles is wrecking the national foundation.
  • This has enabled hard-line Unionists to mount their wrecking operation.
  • In one week firemen were called to the block 13 times because of teenage mobs wrecking it.
  • In spring, birds nested in the eaves, the twitterings, cheepings and chorus of birdsong wrecking the soundtrack.
  • Humans are the most destructive, filthy, pollutive creatures around and are wrecking what's left of the planet with their false morals and breeding culture," he wrote in an 11-point Internet communique that authorities said was similar to demands he made Wednesday. James J. Lee, environmental militant, slain at Discovery building after taking hostages
  • Parking charges were wrecking the town centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also facing the wrecking ball will be the former Loft Theater.
  • As well, Greenpeace and the ITF are jointly campaigning against the pollution and exploitation at the world's ship wrecking yards.
  • The Oxford driver understeered heavily off the road and clattered a milestone damaging the front of the car and wrecking the radiator.
  • As in the case of wrecking activity, gender-neutral collective terms like mob and crowd have been gendered male, particularly when arrestees in the incidents were men. 98 But it is difficult to believe that women did not participate in some capacity, and thus it is a legitimate exercise to attempt to interlineate or superimpose their presence, and to retrieve the neutral connotation of collectivities that were reported in contemporary accounts. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Pulses from the weapon penetrate enemy bunkers through ventilation shafts and antennae, short-circuiting electrical connections and wrecking microchips.
  • Unfortunately, some people seem hell bent on wrecking things for everyone else.
  • The Oxford driver understeered heavily off the road and clattered a milestone damaging the front of the car and wrecking the radiator.
  • Fore-closures are wrecking values and one California bank just bulldozed 16 empty, fore-closured homes because they were a safety hazard, and value drag, on the neighborhood where it had mortgages on other homes. Diane Francis: Let's steal sunbelt properties
  • He had time to yell at his fireman, to fling himself upon the throttle-bar and to set the airbrake before he began to turn Irish handsprings down the embankment; but the wrecking crew camped two whole days at Delhi gathering up the debris. The Grafters
  • The group then ran off towards Sholing where they began a wrecking spree by throwing more missiles at homes and vehicles.
  • It has plunged cross-Channel services into chaos, wrecking family holidays and costing business millions. The Sun
  • Caravan rap BLACKPOOL have fined four unnamed players for wrecking a caravan after a night out. The Sun
  • A Bradford rioter claimed he tried to stop youths wrecking cars only minutes after being filmed throwing stones himself.
  • Twenty eight days is apparently how long you normally stay if after getting disgustingly drunk and wrecking your sister's wedding, not to mention the nuptial limousine you reluctantly enter an American ‘rehabilitation’ clinic.
  • Wales wasted him this season and are in danger of wrecking what should have been a wonderful international career. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wales wasted him this season and are in danger of wrecking what should have been a wonderful international career. Times, Sunday Times
  • I recently had the opportunity to see a long-standing mall -- a sterile ghost of its former success -- ravaged by wrecking balls until one could imagine it had been uprooted by a nuclear blastwave. Archive 2006-03-01
  • HARRIS: Heidi, look, this next story gives new meaning to the term wrecking ball. CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2007
  • No longer will I worry about favorites wrecking their seasons with three bad games.
  • The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.
  • After wrecking machinery and burning down mills across Lancashire, the rampaging mobs were only finally brought to heel after fighting pitched battles with the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • So invective is the wrecking-ball to satire's ball-pein hammer. Ccfinlay: Yes, The First Question Is Rhetorical
  • In New York, Western delegations rejected what they called "wrecking amendments" by Russia to add language blaming the opposition along with the government for violence and diluting calls for Syria to withdraw its security forces from cities. Reuters: Top News
  • Wales wasted him this season and are in danger of wrecking what should have been a wonderful international career. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name comes from a hurricane that struck the area in 1715, wrecking a fleet of Spanish treasure ships en route from Havana to Spain.
  • The banger drivers will be in cars with engines less than two litres in size but the wrecking will be as dramatic as ever, says a raceway spokesman.
  • Other equipment included a spare knuckle, hose bags and even a wrecking chain to chain up a car that had its drawbar yanked out and drag the car behind the van to get it to a siding.
  • After wrecking machinery and burning down mills across Lancashire, the rampaging mobs were only finally brought to heel after fighting pitched battles with the army. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the tiling is mainly periodic, a few tiles have been placed differently from the others, wrecking the periodicity; the whole tiling is aperiodic.

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