How To Use Wreathe In A Sentence
A gleaming circle wreathed in holly and drooping with vines end flowers stood out from a dark, in -
Three Girls in a Flat
The height of the one pillar was eighteen cubits, and the chapiter upon it was brass: and the height of the chapiter three cubits; and the wreathen work, and pomegranates upon the chapiter round about, all of brass: and like unto these had the second pillar with wreathen work.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
wreathe the grave site
The gathering was assembled to pay their respects and lay wreathes on all the graves.
The bungalow inside is wreathed in smoke, great huge clouds of it, seemingly static around it.

The chariot, drawn by four horses, was wreathed in laurel, and the triumphator was attired like the Capitoline Jupiter in robes of purple and gold.
And the two ends of the two wreathen chains they fastened in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, before it.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
Mistress Betty promised to send her young friends sets of silk for their embroidery (and kept her word); she presented Prissy with her enamel snuff-box, bearing an exact representation of that ugly building of St. James's; and Fiddy with her "equipage" -- scissors, tablets, and all, chased and wreathed with tiny pastorals, shepherds reclining and piping on sylvan banks, and shepherds and shepherdesses dancing on velvet lawns.
Girlhood and Womanhood The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes
We had set out reluctantly on a Friday evening at the end of a hard working week through a wintry countryside glittering with frost and wreathed in freezing mist.
In "Crystal Palace" (2002, revised 2011), in what he calls an ode to "digital interlace," he disassembles a landscape of majestic snow-wreathed conifers at Lake Tahoe (and, briefly, a red house) into sharply differentiated parts and visual planes, isolating these elements in a way that brings to mind the individual layers of a paper diorama.
NYT > Home Page
At 1.35 pm, Nelson, pacing his quarterdeck amidst the crash of the broadsides, calm amidst the smoke that wreathed Victory, was giving his orders quietly and firmly, as always.
The ship was wreathed in smoke.
The Lykians furnished fifty ships; and they were wearers of corslets and greaves, and had bows of cornel-wood and arrows of reeds without feathers and javelins and a goat-skin hanging over their shoulders, and about their heads felt caps wreathed round with feathers; also they had daggers and falchions. 1074 The Lykians were formerly called Termilai, being originally of Crete, and they got their later name from Lycos the son of Pandion, an Athenian.
The History of Herodotus
Madeira's is a mountainous interior, mysteriously wreathed by a cover of clouds.
And two chains of pure gold at the ends; of wreathen work shalt thou make them, and fasten the wreathen chains to the ouches.
Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
The inside of the hall was wreathed in holiday decoration.
Also there were all Rose's queer black sheep who yielded meekly to her ribbon-wreathed crook, though they "butted" against George's methods.
The Guests Of Hercules
‘drop’; ‘wreathe’ and ‘writhe’; ‘spear’ and ‘spire’ (“the least _spire_ of grass”, South); ‘trist’ and ‘trust’; ‘band’, ‘bend’ and ‘bond’;
English Past and Present
The blue haze of burning incense wreathed the dragon-created roofs of the Cheng Doon Teng temple.
The plant grew everywhere, its stems wreathed with soft blue flowers.
In a ducal coronet, or, a Saracen's head affrontee, proper, wreathed about the temples, ar. and sable.
Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical
It is wreathed in ragged cloud and rivers pour off its edges to fray 350 metres down towards the desert floor.
The whole family was wreathed in smiles.
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
One plant had wreathed itself round a statue of Vertumnus, which was thus quite veiled and shrouded in a drapery of hanging foliage, so happily arranged that it might have served a sculptor for a study.
Before his gilded galiot ran naked vine-wreathed corybants,
Ballad of Reading Gaol
The sacred bamboo rod is bathed in holy water from a golden vessel and wreathed in garlands of fragrant flowers.
A Gothic castle almost takes on the role of a central character: 'The lofty battlements, thickly enwreathed with ivy, were half demolished, and become the residence of birds of prey.
Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823)
Hampden, meanwhile, was eerily wreathed in freezing fog but neither the elements nor the task ahead of him seemed to cow Smith's spirits.
Ben sat at the keyboard composing furiously, his face wreathed with an angelic smile.
Firefighters watch a "fire tornado" wreathed with dust and smoke as it swirls on the south slope of Hawaii's Mauna Kea volcano Sunday.
Uppon a wreathe golde and sables, a demye-lyon gules, armed and langued azure crowned, supportinge a bale thereon a crosse botone golde, mantelled azure doubled argent, and for the supporters two pagassis argent, their houes and mane golde, their winges waney of six argent and azure.
From John O'Groats to Land's End
As we now understand, predicting the weather more than two weeks in advance can be a rather haphazard business wreathed in uncertainty.
Times, Sunday Times
The other man's jowly face was wreathed in smiles.
As we now understand, predicting the weather more than two weeks in advance can be a rather haphazard business wreathed in uncertainty.
Times, Sunday Times
The peak of the mountain is perpetually wreathed in cloud.
And they put the two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings on the ends of the breastplate.
Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
And they made upon the breastplate chains at the ends, of wreathen work of pure gold.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
It's 30 miles upriver to the falls and, as we tunnel deeper into the Devil's Canyon, the river becomes slowly more sinister, wreathed with mist olive green.
I have chosen thee for my equerry to-day; so make thou haste and don thine armor, and then come hither again, and Hollingwood will fit thee with a wreathed bascinet I have within, and a juppon embroidered with my arms and colors.
Men of Iron
Thus Mr. Sale informs me, the old Arab Tribes would gather in liveliest _gaudeamus_, and sing, and kindle bonfires, and wreathe crowns of honour, and solemnly thank the gods that, in their Tribe too, a Poet had shown himself.
Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
And you have not read him, they say, until you have read him enwreathed with Blake's furious scribbling.
His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
When she looked at the fire, it was blurred, and the smoke wreathed lazily; she stared intently at that smoke, pretending she could see each and every particle, that she was as small as they were.
The great device lay along its single rail like some great iron panther, its gleaming linkage arms wreathed in condensation.
The snake wreathed itself round the branch.
The mountain tops were wreathed in mist.
On either side stood as supporters, in full human size, or larger, a salvage man proper, to use the language of heraldry, wreathed and cinctured, and holding in his hand an oak-tree eradicated, that is, torn up by the roots.
Chapter XLI
The one character resistant to change is the professor, who departs wreathed in pedagogic smugness.
And I love the “new weeds to wreathe with his deciduous bays.”
“Recent exemplifications of false philology” « Motivated Grammar
Beautiful wreathes made of fragrant greens, lights twinkling in a multitude of colors, ornaments glittering, Christmas stockings … you can choose from a variety of unique designs.
26 Christmas Decorating Ideas for Your Home
The other man's jowly face was wreathed in smiles.
The whole family was wreathed in smiles.
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
She was wreathed in smiles as she ran to greet him.
Mr. Davis, as if in prophetic vision, seemed to take in at a glance our growing and glorious Republic with its vine-clad hills, its mill-strewn vales, its sunlit homes, its wire-woven, iron-bound lands, and sail-wreathed oceans.
Darkest America and the Way Out
To wreathe her wrinkled brow with well saved "combings" --
Bab Ballads and Savoy Songs
A sharp knock in the morning and steaming hot tea would wake us up to another glorious day - the sun emerging from behind mist wreathed hills.
Fog wreathes the temples.
So the Center Parcs leisure experience includes playing badminton, squash or tennis wreathed in the fog of a hundred Silk Cuts.
We had delicious young chicken -- quite babies they were, poor dears -- fried with cream; and wreathed all round our plates in a semicircle were a quantity of tiny dishes.
Lady Betty Across the Water
And thou shalt make upon the breastplate chains at the ends of wreathen work of pure gold.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
One hand held gracefully to his breast the parson makes his bow, his sharp civil features enwreathed in the most disarming of smiles.
Sterne's Great Game
The ship was wreathed in smoke.
In empires of eternal form, he never lived, a marble bust, in solemn air, august in strife, inert and noble, wreathed in gilt of autumn leaves.
The Lucifer Cantos 7/13
The door opened and Claude burst in, wreathed in smiles.
Universal shallowness wonders and applauds; and Aristarchus the Little, fired to dare fresh achievements, is certain of new weeds to wreathe with his deciduous bays.
“Recent exemplifications of false philology” « Motivated Grammar
It is moulded fully in the round, but by way of adornment, in close agreement with the tradition of vase-painting, the head is wreathed with rosettes and crowned by a single palmette.
The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
Soldiers were running in hordes to get out of the place, but Wolfe must have had accomplices - the walls were wreathed in sheets of flame taller than the guardhouses.
He could feel a little air rushing past him, and as the final countdown commenced, his face was wreathed in an angelic smile.
But Olympus is different: its lower slopes are wreathed in mist and cloud, so that the mountain itself seems to be floating in mid-air, remote, ethereal and shining, like another, whiter cloud; an angular cloud; a cloud, perhaps by Epstein.
Try Anything Twice
THE SNOWCAPPED VOLCANIC PEAK the Andean cordillera looms majestic and forbidding above the Peruvian town of Cabanaconde, and for 500 years its summit has been wreathed in pellucid ice as high as a man's thigh.
Children Of The Ice
Furthermore, while maiden Lavinia stands beside her father feeding the altars with holy fuel, she was seen, oh, horror! to catch fire in her long tresses, and burn with flickering flame in all her array, her queenly hair lit up, lit up her jewelled circlet; till, enwreathed in smoke and lurid light, she scattered fire over all the palace.
The Aeneid of Virgil
The blazing sunlight on the beetling black; a slender gray form, radiant, starting forward to the vision from the marge where light and darkness met; a fresh young morning smile wreathed in a flame of burning gold.
At its center is a circular map of the earth, enwreathed by olive branches on a blue field.
The Great Experiment
The sea, however, showed marks of its violence; the bay was white with foam, and as I proceeded, the tide, which was just beginning to flow, roared loudly, and advanced in short breakers wreathed with spray.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 375, June 13, 1829
Griffin grinned at her, his face wreathed in an expression of malevolent mischievousness.
The Priest
For instance, five species of hornbills - Wreathed, Roufous, Brown, Great pied and Indian pied hornbills - are found there.
The plant grew everywhere, its stems wreathed with soft blue flowers.
The lofty battlements, thickly enwreathed with ivy, were half demolished, and become the residence of birds of prey.
The Romance of the Forest
He was wreathed in smiles as he accepted the award.
The pastry version, says Cotgrave, is “hollow, round, and wreathed cracknels of fine flower, sugar, salt, and yoalkes of egs, incorporated together with water, and white wine.”
Savoring The Past
Dried flowers wreathed around a small silver-hilted dagger carved into the shape of a dragon, and several tarot cards showed their faces next to it.
Rock Pigeons swirled around occasionally, and a rainbow wreathed the feet of the magnificent bronze atop a fountain.
The eruption produced a cloud of steam and ash that wreathed the 3,000 ft Stromboli mountain and a tidal wave that rocked ships in ports more than 100 miles away.
They say the Hellenes 'gathered host will come in arms aboard their ships to Simois with its silver eddies, even to Ilium, the plain of Troy beloved by Phoebus; where famed Cassandra, I am told, whene'er the god's resistless prophecies inspire her, wildly tosses her golden tresses, wreathed with crown of verdant bay.
Iphigenia at Aulis
She sat there wreathed in cigarette smoke.
Mr. Sale informs me, the old Arab Tribes would gather in liveliest _gaudeamus, _ and sing, and kindle bonfires, and wreathe crowns of honour, and solemnly thank the gods that, in their
Past and Present
Everyone crowded around him, wreathed in smiles.
Times, Sunday Times
Watching cricket in this state you feel a bit like an American, or a toddler, or someone's press-ganged girlfriend: wreathed in mute bafflement, surprised by applause, wrenching your neck round to shriek "eh?" or "what?" every time the ball is hurled skyward or a bat waggled in triumph.
Sozzled - how English cricket got lost in drink | Barney Ronay
So Fiona Shaw presents us with a woman who is wreathed in actorly display yet is also in a state of nervous panic.
He sits wreathed in smoke, taking my confession like a Catholic priest.
Today, however, fog wreathed the tiny islet, and covered the sand and pebbles at his feet with beadlets of moisture.
And she went on to describe the odd sequence of seemingly chance events which had unavoidably led her to the scene of a fire, a large antique store wreathed in destructive glow.
He would have his audience there, where the setting sun might wreathe him in an aura of brilliance.
Earl of Durkness
The snake wreathed itself round the branch.
The feerie [6] heaulmets, wythe the wreathes amielde [7], 5
The Rowley Poems
The great device lay along its single rail like some great iron panther, its gleaming linkage arms wreathed in condensation.
But if I find myself in company with other people, words at once make smoke rings — see how phrases at once begin to wreathe off my lips.
Trumbles in Fiction III
For pretty much the entire gig he hangs one-handed off his microphone, wreathed in smoke, a smouldering cig between his fingers.
An ineffable and exquisite smile wreathed her lips, dreamy, sad, sensuous, the supremity of unconscious happiness.
To the Last Man
So the Center Parcs leisure experience includes playing badminton, squash or tennis wreathed in the fog of a hundred Silk Cuts.
The broken battlements, enwreathed with ivy, proclaimed the fallen grandeur of the place, while the shattered vacant window-frames exhibited its desolation, and the high grass that overgrew the threshold seemed to say how long it was since mortal foot had entered.
A Sicilian Romance
After the main ceremony in the school, the colour guard of RCMP and Rangers marched to the cenotaph in Victory Gardens, where they set the wreathes around the monument and sang the National Anthem.
Mannanan, for example, is a "real" myth, and he did does? have the power to wreathe the island in mists to hide it from invaders.
A Sorcerous Mist
Azure a lion rampant or, with a crescent for difference, impaling argent a cross engrailed flory sable between four Cornish choughs proper -- Crest, on a wreath of the colours a Saracen's head full-faced, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples and tied or and azure.
Notes and Queries, Number 21, March 23, 1850
Holmes was sitting wreathed in tobacco smoke and looked up.
And the other two ends of the two wreathen chains thou shalt fasten in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
They say the Hellenes 'gathered host will come in arms aboard their ships to Simois with its silver eddies, even to Ilium, the plain of Troy beloved by Phoebus; where famed Cassandra, I am told, whene'er the god's resistless prophecies inspire her, wildly tosses her golden tresses, wreathed with crown of verdant bay.
Iphigenia at Aulis
Once that pole had lifted a banner of ragged black marsh-flopper skin bearing the device of the Kragan riever-chieftain whose family had built the castle; now it carried a neat rectangle of blue bunting emblazoned with the wreathed globe of the Terran
Uller Uprising
I can't imagine anyone not being wreathed in smiles after such an episode.
Everyone crowded around him, wreathed in smiles.
Times, Sunday Times
Azure a lion rampant or, with a crescent for difference, impaling argent a cross engrailed flory sable between four Cornish choughs proper -- Crest, on a wreath of the colours a Saracen's head full-faced, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples and tied or and azure.
Notes and Queries, Number 21, March 23, 1850
Uppon a wreathe golde and sables, a demye-lyon gules, armed and langued azure crowned, supportinge a bale thereon a crosse botone golde, mantelled azure doubled argent, and for the supporters two pagassis argent, their houes and mane golde, their winges waney of six argent and azure.
From John O'Groats to Land's End
Instead, Jones was wreathed in smiles which gave way to a brief cry as she stopped in front of her mother, also Marion, and other members of the family who had travelled to Sydney.
The height of the one pillar was eighteen cubits, and the chapiter upon it was brass: and the height of the chapiter three cubits; and the wreathen work, and pomegranates upon the chapiter round about, all of brass: and like unto these had the second pillar with wreathen work.
Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
Catharine had selected a pretty, cool, shady recess, a natural bower, under the overhanging growth of cedars, poplars, and birch, which were wreathed together by the flexile branches of the vine and bitter-sweet, which climbed to a height of fifteen feet [Footnote: _Solatnum dulcamara_, -- Bitter-sweet or Woody nightshade.
Canadian Crusoes
More than 70 tanks and 60 Bradley fighting vehicles took part in the raid as tank-killing A10 Warthog planes and pilot-less drones prowled the smoke-wreathed sky.
The inside of the hall was wreathed in holiday decoration.
She had a gentle smile on her face and was wreathed with light from behind, giving her an earth-real glow.
Mr. Goodchild looked at Idle, but Idle lay with his head enwreathed in smoke.
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
He returned to the shop wreathed in magnanimity and blinding smiles.
The laying of the wreathes was done by name and followed by ‘Amazing Grace ‘on the bagpipes, a drum roll and a salute on the trumpet.
Its frontage gleams with neon, and above the gaudy porch is a statue of a four-horsed laurel-wreathed charioteer, his spear raised phallically into the dull London sky.
And thou shalt put the two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings which are on the ends of the breastplate.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
Hampden, meanwhile, was eerily wreathed in freezing fog but neither the elements nor the task ahead of him seemed to cow Smith's spirits.
So the Center Parcs leisure experience includes playing badminton, squash or tennis wreathed in the fog of a hundred Silk Cuts.
Her voice chilled him farther than her hands did, hissing like dried ice and dying smoke as it wreathed over his head and sucked into his mouth and clung damp to his lungs.
The broken battlements, enwreathed with ivy, proclaimed the fallen grandeur of the place, while the shattered vacant window-frames exhibited its desolation, and the high grass that overgrew the threshold seemed to say how long it was since mortal foot had entered.
A Sicilian Romance
But in the Homerical urn of Patroclus, whatever was the solid tegument, we find the immediate covering to be a purple piece of silk: and such as had no covers might have the earth closely pressed into them, after which disposure were probably some of these, wherein we found the bones and ashes half mortared unto the sand and sides of the urn, and some long roots of quich, or dog's-grass, wreathed about the bones.
Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
It was a flat-bottomed boat, wreathed in mist from a small overnight storm.
And the set was always wreathed in tobacco smoke.
Times, Sunday Times
Working from the text and his imagination, the self-taught and self-destructive Williams contributed 159 drawings, from cartoonish thumbnails to the introductory full-page rendering of Tom that presented him in an almost pre-Raphaelite aura: wreathed in curls, with full lips and unfocused upcast eyes.
Mark Twain
Camping ground at night was almost unobtainable, and thick, poisonous mists enwreathed the boats during the hours of darkness, fevering the men's blood, cramping and stiffening their limbs.
Sea-Dogs All! A Tale of Forest and Sea
Then lord Anchises enwreathed a great bowl and filled it up with wine; and called on the gods, standing high astern ...
The Aeneid of Virgil
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.
After making the snap decision to leave Bridlington, wreathed in torrential rain, we headed for Northumberland, a two-and-a-half hour drive away.
And no enwreathed children will greet Americans in the streets with lily-white flower petals.
Ahmed Moor: America Cannot Go to War for Israel
Earlier in the day, Southampton Water was wreathed in smoky fog, forcing the crew to rely on years of hard-won experience to get their passengers safely across.
The scenery around Loch Linnhe is normally magnificent at this time of year, but last week the gold and russet-brown colours of the Lochaber hills were hidden by the low clouds which wreathed Fort William in grey.
And the set was always wreathed in tobacco smoke.
Times, Sunday Times
In its place, the diesel unwreathed coils of black smoke over a typical, hard-worked Kerala landscape of coconuts and rice paddies broken occasionally by broad sluggish rivers and clattering bridges.
A sharp knock in the morning and steaming hot tea would wake us up to another glorious day - the sun emerging from behind mist wreathed hills.
The peak of the mountain is perpetually wreathed in cloud.
The carriage looks so funny behind, there is a cake box with doughnuts and et ceteras tied on behind, wreathed with red peppers and just on the other side is a box with Mother's Grand duke jessamine, a cutting from my "Valeria" and several heliotrope and cactus cuttings and one little violet, all living finely.
Diary, August 8, 1859-May 15, 1865.
Someday they, too, may return to wreathe the fleshless grin
of this country, the nexus of their souls.
El Dia de los Muertos
The inside of the hall was wreathed in holiday decoration.
The display was wreathed in/with laurel.
The tables were laden with home made pork pies, stollen and brandy butter, decorations were festooned from the lights, candles twinkled away amidst wreathes of holly.
Everyone was wreathed in smiles and freedom hung about the air like fresh morning mist.
As the congregation pressed through afterwards into the south quire aisle they found the windows still wreathed in incense, like the cloud of God that had enveloped Jesus on the mountain.