How To Use Wrathful In A Sentence
So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken.
The "hail" is Jehovah's wrathful visitation (Isa 30: 30; 28: 2, 17).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
I turned my back to the mirror and dressed in wrathful irritation and my yesterday's linen.
The Window at the White Cat
Picking up the receiver wrathfully, I muttered a monotonous ‘hello’.
Only one of them, a little man with a wrathful air, in a sheepskin coat wide open, and a lambswool cap pulled right over his eyes, on coming up to the gingerbread man, suddenly inquired: ‘How much is the gingerbread, you tomfool?’
The Diary of a Superfluous Man and other stories

It will doubtless be looked upon as heresy for a children's librarian to own that she has a deal of sympathy for the down-trodden adult of the present; that there have been moments when she has even gone so far as to say an "amen" -- under her breath -- to the librarian who, after a day of vexations at the hands of the exasperating young person represented in our current social writings as a much-sinned-against innocent, wrathfully exploded, "Children ought to be put in a barrel and fed through the bung till they are twenty-one years old!
Library Work with Children
Montausé; but he heard a voice calling in some unknown tongue; some human being had dared to interlope upon his peculiar domain; and the wrathful explorer did only what might have been expected of him: he began to pour forth a torrent of very violent reproof and objurgation, to which the sober English tongue can do scant justice.
Round the World in Seven Days
"GGRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr…" was the cue, along with much gnashing of teeth and bestial grunting in a wrathful type manner.
They'd be feeling righteous and wrathful, and they'd surely attempt some mischief upon her person if she didn't make herself scarce.
Many of the local gods and tribal leaders became Dharma Protectors and/or wrathful emanations of Bodhisattvas.
These exchanges are routine, and don't distract Krista from trying to breach an ideological gap with a car full of wrathful seniors.
Bodhisattvas are portrayed as both benevolent godlike figures and wrathful deities.
They'd be feeling righteous and wrathful, and they'd surely attempt some mischief upon her person if she didn't make herself scarce.
For my spirit truly is wrathful, that is in my breast; and if I among men would make boast, with gladness, with game, with goodly words, my spirit would wrath himself, and become still, and deprive me of my sense, and my wise words fore-close, then were I dumb of every sentence.
Roman de Brut. English
The herukas, also called the wrathful deities, are expressions of buddha-consciousness and buddha-compassion, but under a terrible aspect.
Archive 2005-11-01
Jen said nothing, but glared at him wrathfully.
For many Westerners with a Biblical upbringing, the term wrathful deity carries the connotation of an almighty being with righteous vengeful anger.
Making Sense of Tantra ��� 5 Tantric Imagery
they trembled before the wrathful queen
He desperately looked over at the two girls for help, and found that, amazingly, they were both still fighting wrathfully.
Then, again, O thou of Kuru's race, diverse harsh speeches, such as sesamum seeds without kernel, etc., were applied by the wrathful sons to those high-souled ones, viz., the sons of Pandu.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
She tossed her head and compressed her lips, and Shunk Wilson's wrathful and suspicious gaze passed on and rested on Breck.
For Mrs. Bleecker was very wrathful, Euan, and Lana's indiscretions madded her.
Ahenobarbus was pouring out upon their inefficiency a torrent of wrathful malediction, that promised employment for the "whipper" for some time to come.
A Friend of Caesar A Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic. Time, 50-47 B.C.
The great idle drones, asleep in unconscious groups on the melliferous walls, are rudely torn from their slumbers by an army of wrathful virgins.
The Life of the Bee
But neither this nor the wrathful, meaning glances which his cunning mother bent upon him served to curb him.
One man is wrathful and always angry, and another even-tempered and never angry.
He imagined his mother's wrathful face and the smirk in the eyes of the maid.
Hodbrod was clad in a byrny, and had his helm on his head; he asked — “What men are anigh, why look ye so wrathful?”
The Story of the Volsungs
We moved on, Strickland silent and wrathful, until Fleete was taken with violent shivering fits and sweating.
-- and he says this, too, with a kind of wrathful glee.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866
My emotions manage to squeeze a few tears past the imposed strictures of my society, but most of my grief only pounds wrathfully against generations of parents telling sons that ‘big boys don't cry.’
He imagined his mother's wrathful face and the smirk in the eyes of the maid.
he looked at her, not wrathfully now, but quizzically
A creature once feared a wrathful god. Records of its existence date bake hundreds of years.
I rose and was about to clap my hat upon my head and burst away, in wrathful indignation from the house; but recollecting — just in time to save my dignity — the folly of such a proceeding, and how it would only give my fair tormentors a merry laugh at my expense, for the sake of one I acknowledged in my own heart to be unworthy of the slightest sacrifice — though the ghost of my former reverence and love so hung about me still, that I could not bear to hear her name aspersed by others — I merely walked to the window, and having spent a few seconds in vengibly biting my lips and sternly repressing the passionate heavings of my chest, I observed to Miss
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
This exhibition includes such rarely displayed pieces as "Ki Fudo," considered one of Japan's great statues of Fudo Myoo, the wrathful-looking "unshakable spirit," as well as partition paintings and fusuma (sliding-door) paintings from temple-complex buildings.
Time Off: Cultural Events Around Asia
As she slowly gathered her wits, she could feel the familiar burning of wrathful anger building up within her.
Amen! went up to heaven in ratification of the deed, mingled with a few hisses and wrathful exclamations from some who were evidently in a rowdyish state of mind, but who were at once cowed by the popular feeling.
Revolution Day
They launched the ship upon the main, Which bellowed like a wrathful bear; Down to the bottom the vessel sank, A laidly Trold has dragged it there.
Played with a kind of wrathful quietude by the exquisite Eric Bana,
A creature once feared a wrathful god. Records of its existence date bake hundreds of years.
As a novelist, he held that she pointed the way to Lever, and adds: 'The rattling vivacity of the Irish character, its ebullient spirit, and its wrathful eloquence of sentiment and language, she well portrayed; one can smell the potheen and turf smoke even in her pictures of a boudoir.'
Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century
Not against my great _acharya_ is my wrathful bow-string drawn,
Maha-bharata The Epic of Ancient India Condensed into English Verse
'Thou knowest he whom Thou hast named the Lightning-flash of the Western World is a wrathful and quick-tempered man.'
St Berthold's Feast Day. . . .
Ander had the sneaking suspicion that terrible things were happening to his grade in her class, but at least he didn't have to worry about taking report cards home to wrathful parents.
The wrathful Commendatore himself towered above his unrepentant victim with the flames of Hell around him.
We moved on, Strickland silent and wrathful, until Fleete was taken with violent shivering fits and sweating.
the pirate's spuke," that used to cruise up and down the wrathful torrent, and was snuffed out of sight for some hours by old Peter
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land — Volume 09 : as to buried treasure
The wrathful Commendatore himself towered above his unrepentant victim with the flames of Hell around him.
I walked a sad tightrope between trying to impress cooler kids through imitation and my mortal terror of wrathful authority figures.
Then suddenly visualising the poor beasts lying stiff in congealed blood, and the mailman's exaggerated description of trees black with crows, she flamed out in wrathful horror, and was as anxious as her husband that the perpetrators of the crime should be brought to justice.
Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
Here's a quick clip of her explaining to me that after cutting the final speech from The Tempest, she decided to put it back via the song in the end credits, which, she felt, had to be performed by the mighty Beth Gibbons, best known as the willowy, wounded - and occasionally wrathful - voice of Portishead.
She knelt down so she was level with Allison's face and glared wrathfully into Allison's eyes.
But you can get it strange wrathfully the teasingly undismayed all terrain truck deterrent that premier it, and we gave him the web gravimeter.
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