How To Use Wrapped In A Sentence
Another friend notes a shift in the type of gifts given at wedding showers, a reversion to 1950s-style offerings: soup ladles and frilly aprons are being unwrapped along with see-through nighties and push-up bras.
What's more it was delivered to subscribers wrapped in a natty waterproof jacket.
She is an enigma wrapped in a riddle trapped in a really bad haircut.
Times, Sunday Times
They are stored wrapped in plastic and aluminium.
PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
She recently wrapped up a prestigious year-long stint clerking for Judge Leonie M. Brinkema at the federal court in Alexandria -- but, no, said she couldn't discuss any of the cases she worked on.
Cate Edwards lands first law firm job, joins the ranks of Washington lawyers

I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face into my shoulder like he had earlier that evening, shoulders heaving as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
Wrapped in slick vocal layering and multi-tracked veneer, the disc is more upbeat than previous records and features an old-country twang.
One end of the clay cord was formed into a loop and fastened with a smaller coil of clay wrapped around it.
Normally, even in icy winter, the furnace in constant use gave warmth enough, supplemented by an electric convector heater in the gallery, but by the time help arrived for Baxter I had wrapped him in my jacket and everything else handy, and he was still growing cold to the touch.
For the main course we chose pork tenderloin wrapped in spinach, parsley and garlic.
Among them was a small cuddly bunny wrapped in a plastic bag against the overnight rain.
I unwrapped a Pop Tart from its foil wrapper and placed it in the toaster.
If you opt for a fish dish for your main meal, diver harvested scallops wrapped in bacon with hollandaise sauce is sure to get the mouth watering.
I basically look at the game as a parkour simulation with a story wrapped around it, and the aim of parkour is to get from one place to another as fast as possible.
Scattershot On My Way Out
There are many alternatives to equities that can prove to be equally dubious while being wrapped in a cloak of respectability.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a display cabinet with wrapped sandwiches, salads (mackerel or ham) and cold puddings.
And the idea of the wind chimes, oiled, wrapped and protected in rolls of aromatic hessian sacking, lying up in the dark of the garage loft against some future need, is pleasing enough.
The blini of ground beef wrapped in a thin crêpe disappeared before I could get a taste of it, so I guess that means it must have been good, right?
The hospital had sterilizers, and packs were wrapped in cloth.
As she was starting to shiver, he gallantly wrapped his cloak around her shoulder.
I wrapped his toes in gauze torn from my underdress, and tucked one foot under my arm and held the other in my left hand, and gave him heat.
The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight.
As for the remaining four songs, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' and 'Tea In The Sahara' are doomy ciphers, the former possibly about marriage, the latter open to a handful of interpretations, none of them exactly upbeat, while 'Synchronicity I' is a trifle explaining the title concept and the monster hit 'Every Breath You Take', is ostensibly a trite love song with it's icy and obsessive core just barely concealed.
The format options tell Vim that we want to automatically wrap comments but don't want code wrapped.
She had been so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn't realized it was over until Cassie nudged her with her elbow.
He fails to get the exercise his body needs and is so enwrapped in his world of cyber heroes and villains that he skips meals too.
Space has to be carved out and carefully wrapped to create a luminous, inward-looking void, augmented by carefully framed views of the townscape.
But Ngurn's father, wrapped in decaying grass-matting and hanging even then over their heads among the smoky rafters of the devil-devil house, had held otherwise.
This proved to be true; she negotiated sideways through the door, beaming, a loaded tray in one hand, the other wrapped round Henri-Christian, who clung to her, monkeylike.
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
As far as I can discern, these are foliated or (roughly speaking) “wrapped” objects akin to the “reel” referred to above; but the Wikipedia article on them is rather terse and formal and not very illuminating.
The Arrow of Time in Scientific American
Blood pressure is normally taken with a device that has an inflatable cuff that is wrapped around the upper arm.
The unapologetic wrapped fit creates a sporty look that is both casual and athletic.
When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty little package22.
Dear Congress, Remember when Ren was in that game of chicken on a tractor and the only reason he won was because his shoelace was wrapped around the pedal?
Kristin Wilson Keppler: More Stuff That Happens in the World When We're Watching Nickelodeon
The quarters of a small animal were wrapped in a leather sack and tied to a tree's branch.
Later in the restaurant, as we ate hummus, baba ghanoush, wrapped grape leaves, and other Mediterranean delicacies, the four of us marveled over this strange request.
Fair Game
Some women wear a shayla, a black gauzy scarf wrapped around the head and held in place by a variety of hats, head circlets, or jewelry.
This weekend Costco was selling flats of perfectly ripe figs. Yesterday I quartered and wrapped them in prosciutto for a quick, easy, and addictively good appetizer.
Archive 2008-07-01
Stepping out of the wooden portals, your nostrils are assailed by the pungent smell of leaf-wrapped dosai.
Mr Horner testified that the potted meat had been supplied unsealed but wrapped in brown paper and sold to several people, none of whom fell ill.
Changing levels of current in the wires of an electric coil wrapped around a magnetic generate fluctuations in the magnetic field.
She wrapped herself around him like a clam in formation, her body one big muscle, straining.
One theory is that ‘a male model was daubed with paint and wrapped in the sheet to create the shadowy figure of Christ.’
I reported an injured cat which had somehow got its collar wrapped round its front leg.
ROBERTS: Unbelievable, also the spelling bee, the annual spelling bee wrapped up last night, the winning word serrefine.
CNN Transcript Jun 1, 2007
Inside the box we see the video card wrapped in an anti-static bag.
However, bow shocks become wrapped around blunt obstacles and become much weaker the further away they are from the obstacle head.
Michael was so wrapped up in not letting her see the pain in his eyes that he didn't notice the pain that flashed quickly across her own features at his words.
The film is wrapped in a endless display of celebratory visual storytelling.
The Swiss calmly wrapped up the victory on the first of three match points a game later.
Haggis turned up again as the stuffing of a chicken fillet wrapped in caul and the salmon reappeared in a salad with citrus mayonnaise.
His wounded hand wrapped in towels, he is raising the vodka bottle to down its remnants, when "his gaze drifted over the top of the cabinet door and he saw the camera".
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
Leaving Calandra in the hands of Xan, I wrapped a himation around myself and dressed in a peplos.
He wrapped his arms around her and began stroking her hair as he whispered, ‘Shh, shh, shh.’
She has me wrapped around her little finger.
The Sun
The pain in the region of her heart was so intense that she wrapped her arms around herself involuntarily.
Having delivered his bundle of trouble, neatly gift-wrapped and fully annotated for the record, the Polizei Präsident dropped the phone.
This movie is an armful of horror ambience wrapped around a toothpick plot.
Lisa's heart soared as they stopped dancing and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, mindless of the fact that they were in the middle of the dance floor.
Instead, being wrapped up in the notion of evangelizing the world, they had neglected to keep their children in school in any one place.
An American Tragedy
She wrapped a shawl around her shoulders and peered out at the mountains from the window.
It was moist and meaty and utterly delicious when wrapped in the paper-light pancakes alongside threads of spring onion and cucumber and lashings of sweet plum sauce.
Cigarettes make up just 20% of tobacco consumed, with most tobacco smoked through the traditional, leaf wrapped, unfiltered cigarettes (called bidis).
The cane of the vine is then taken into the house, if it has been wintered outside, and carefully trained to the rafter, the part next the ground being still kept wrapped round with hay bands, and the hole stopped close round the stem, so as to prevent the vine receiving any check from the cold of the external air.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
Instead he wrapped his arm around the front of my stomach and pulled me closer.
And you had the duct tape right there in your hand and coulda wrapped that rebellious cotter pin until it suffocated.
Monday, Jan. 26 – The Bleat.
His mother smiled as she absently wrapped the cord around the iron handle.
I would have wrapped my warm, terry cloth robe about me, but it wasn't in the bathroom.
The steel frame is wrapped in thin sheets of translucent polycarbonate cladding that gently diffuses light like a fragile membrane of rice paper.
The room didn't appear gloomy or depressing, but it still had this certain aura of darkness wrapped around it.
As the mailman shuffled off to the next house, Clarence quickly unwrapped the parcel revealing an audio tape.
It's a sweet, if slightly ridiculous idea, to imagine that a hard-drinking, violent, thick-skulled lout of a father might sit patiently in a class of pashmina-wrapped social workers and listen to a lecture about quality time.
Two of them wrapped him in an embrace of mateship, holding his arms to his side.
Corwin unfolded the cloth and found only bits of crabmeat with seaweed wrapped around it.
He was on a gurney, all wrapped up in a straitjacket and his feet were chained together.
Jamie ordered fillet of beef wrapped in pancetta with port, shallot and foie gras ravioli, while I chose the loin of venison with fresh sage and honeyed Armagnac sweetbreads.
It is wrapped in gold foil and a red wrapper, before being stamped with the royal crest.
Times, Sunday Times
When all was mixed, wrapped in muslin, and dumped into two large pans of water simmering on the Aga, the ladies went off to Mar'ton, too, for more shopping.
Wrapped in an expansive plaid jacket, lidded with page-boy haircut, she looks like a celebrity teapot.
His head lies on her lap with his arms wrapped around her waist.
I have one of those pocket knives, with screw drivers, blade, etc. and I keep a extra round of ammo (wrapped in foam rubber) in the but end of my syn stocked rifles just in case I run out of ammo.
Start a Survival Fire With a Bullet
Among the entrées, the dosai is a large crêpe wrapped into a cone shape; lift the crêpe and there is a piece of sea bass done to flaky perfection with a swirl of light chutney.
It was wrapped in snowman wrapping paper inside her old brown bag that she bought her bathing suit in last summer, stuffed with Victoria Secret’s pink and white tissue paper
Goldylockz22 Diary Entry
Lifting up the sleeve of my kimono, I pointed at the white bandages still wrapped around my arm, which still had faint tinges of pink to it.
A recipe for sibling harmony. Individually wrapped laundry.
A beautiful backhand topspin lob got Capriati within two points of victory, and she wrapped it up with a good deep forehand and then a backhand passing shot. - Capriati wins on wet day at U.S. Open
He unwrapped it to reveal a ruby pendant which hung on a gold chain.
They were steaming hot, right out of the big hoya he had them wrapped in and we bought more for additional meals.
Observaciones desde El Cervantino en Guanajuato
These bootlegs come shrink wrapped in pretty packaging, looking almost exactly like a professional version except they cost a fraction of the price.
He wrapped a comms earpiece around the back of his ear and strapped the throat mike around his neck.
No respect for the rule of law, utter narcissism, absolutely untrustworthy to anyone close to them who trusts them (the Clinton/Edwards tradition), unlimited ability to pursue public policies leading to disaster if it provides the ability to pander to their ultra-left donors - all wrapped around with endless self righteousness.
Spitzer considering Senate run? …No, really? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
We couldn't even take a reporter's notebook inside: Instead, Applied's staff gave us a shrink-wrapped, specially sanitized clean-room notebook and clean-room pen to use.
They were wrapped in two-ply airtight plastic bags and stored at - 20 degrees C. Before testing, each specimen was thawed for 24 hours at room temperature.
If you like, include individually wrapped, reduced-fat string cheese for calcium or substitute fruit juice for the dried fruit.
It scores with some super cute thongs that have patterned footbeds plus grosgrain ribbon wrapped around the thong and topped with pretty details like bows or even roses (in selected styles).
During warm months the Ojibwa slept on cedar bough mattresses, each person wrapped in a bearskin or deerskin robe.
And he took it down, wrapped it in a long linen swathing cloth, and laid it in an unused sepulchre hewn from the rock.
I don't seem to find it at all difficult to work up an enthusiasm for being outdoors, wrapped up all snug and cosy, rosy cheeked and huffing great breath-clouds into the frosty air.
In short, our elite athletes often live a life wrapped in cotton wool and protected from the vagaries of growing up.
Grown-ups who worked as grooms, butlers, maids or gardeners in the surrounding plantation houses occasionally brought these home with left-over foods wrapped in them.
We didn't believe (until we were much older) in wasting time cutting and burning firewood, so I was wrapped up in my sleeping bag, and my friend was yelling across the room about getting up to go bird hunting, and that it was warmer outside than inside, and I protested from inside the protective cacoon of my bag.
Big Reader Bucks from the Field & Stream Trophy Room
He wrapped his wings around himself and then leaned back against the trunk of the tree, watching the ground beneath him.
Six massive shapes wrapped in cling film rise from the floor: rotund, curvaceous, one shaped like a fennel bulb with an elegant slender neck, another like a Russian doll, yet another plumped and segmented like a swollen gourd.
A Potter's Monumental Inspiration
‘Basi yunai’ (sugar-wrapped taro) is cooked over the fire with taro and sesame in melted sugar, which creates a transparent golden crust with a caramel flavour.
Something crisp and crackling was wrapped around her.
A Plague of Angels
Women wore a huipil with short, puffed sleeves, a tightly wrapped skirt called a refajo, and a large, bright cotton cloth on the head.
It is bursting with full, ripe blackcurrant, thick plum and burned coffee touches too, all wrapped up in a sturdy blanket of prominent tannins.
The docu-soap, which debuted Jan. 3 and showcased the spats and high drama of six single socialites -- a blend of part - and full-time residents -- wrapped up its eight-show season Feb. 21.
'Secrets Of Aspen' A Ratings Bust
A slim PICC disappears into me just below the antecubital fossa, and my whole lower arm is wrapped in a white mesh glove that looks almost like lace, and would have been cool back in 1983, when I was negative two.
The Worst Years of Your Life
Khaki clad, bloused boots, burnooses obscuring their features, bearded men with necks wrapped in shemaghs in the green-black pattern so beloved by many.
Dead Zero
This is the time of year when most folks go to their liquor stores in search of the tried-and-true, they're looking for the name brands that will impress whoever's unwrapping the giftwrapped box under the tree or at the holiday party.
The Full Feed from
Programming by the plane curve unwrapped from the helix curve and cutting layer by layer, we created the variable pitch screw on the 3.5 axis NC milling.
And it was on to Kilauea — the dream so near its ending; and of course we tossed into the pit of sea-surging lava our offerings to the Fire-Goddess of maile leis and of fish and hard poi wrapped moist in the ti leaves.
Everything that he wrote while safely wrapped in pseudonymity is public.
Waldo Jaquith - You’re never anonymous on the internet.
I returned to my room, took off my shoes and headed towards my bed, casting a sideways glance at the small pile of wrapped presents at the foot of my bed.
The male swan, or cob was unable to free itself for three days after a fishing hook became embedded in its leg and the fishing line got wrapped around it.
He wrapped it round her arm in a makeshift bandage.
A supermarket assistant, in cahoots with a customer, wrapped goods and deliberately understated the price.
Some were gift-wrapped, others - scissors, torches, nutcrackers - were just in their bubble packs and looked sort of naked in comparison.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the beef became tasty after absorbing the sweet and sour tastes of the preserved tangerine peel wrapped outside.
Pep is leaning forward, arms wrapped around his knees.
Times, Sunday Times
Something crisp and crackling was wrapped around her.
A Plague of Angels
The woman standing next to me had one arm wrapped around the pole for support.
This is wrapped around the upper part of the arm above the elbow.
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Wrapped up, like a Laputan, in intense thought, and possibly sometimes in no thought at all (which, I believe, is very often the case with absent people), he does not know his most intimate acquaintance by sight, or answers them as if he were at cross purposes.
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
And what would you think of a wealth of gentians, large and small; great yellow arnicas; beautiful Martagon lilies; and St. - Bruno lilies; of every variety of daphne; of androsace, with its rose-coloured clusters; of the flame-coloured orchis; of saxifrage; of great, velvety campanulas; of pretty violet asters, wrapped in little, cravat-like tufting, to protect them from the cold?
Samuel Brohl and Company
It was served with laver (seaweed), which the rice could be wrapped in, fresh fruit, bread and some strawberry yogurt.
Food on Singapore Airlines | Baking Bites
I imagined she'd smell of fresh plastic-wrapped computer components for some weird reason and was surprised by the clean, human smell she exuded.
The serialists / atonalists wrapped themselves in quasi-mathematical systems at the expense of the subjective, though they insisted that the works were meant to be expressive.
And did I mention that according to his website Bonacorso "just wrapped shooting the soccer star Christiano Ronaldo for Unilever in Madrid.
Michael Conniff: Con Games: Aspen Shortsfest Rock Short Film
He wrapped a towel around his shoulders.
rabona", which is based on the move where the ball is passed or moved with the kicking leg wrapped around the back of the standing leg. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
This is a crisis wrapped in an emergency and most likely concealed inside a right to-do.
Times, Sunday Times
In this one privilege, therefore, of receiving the Spirit, are all others inwrapped; for, -- 2.
It makes me think we are dealing with a vain mendacious man who clung to power as long as he possibly could wrapped in a cloud of vainglory and falsehood, when he should have had the good grace to go quietly long ago.
He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist.
We gave him a box of Scottish shortbread wrapped in eucalyptus leaves to show our gratitude, and to make some sort of bizarre cross-cultural statement.
She'd pulled a quilt out of the armoire and wrapped herself in it, pulling the rocking chair around so she could see outside.
The insects crawled along on their bellies, their legs wrapped around the steel.
In the chilly evenings, ridiculously seated on striped, collapsible beach chairs that blew over the second we got up, we cooked and ate outside wrapped in warm fleeces and woolly hats.
The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper.
It's 2,079 pages of "shalls" and "musts" and "directs" Sen. Reid wants to have it all wrapped up and signed by Christmas.
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The marriage bed lies on its side in a back room, still wrapped in plastic.
Times, Sunday Times
A wet bulb thermometer is simply a thermometer with the bulb wrapped in moist muslin.
I threw aside the towel that was wrapped around my body and pulled on lacy, pink matching undergarments.
Later, as they lay wrapped in scratchy sheets, her eyes flashing a very ordinary hazel and she cackled, “I have an idea.”
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He wrapped the present in pretty paper for his girlfriend.
Baubles can be painted, stencilled, sprayed, wrapped or decorated with fabric, ribbons, glitter, pearls and beads.
It was really special - and we noticed straight away that they were wrapped in pink ribbons.
Times, Sunday Times
Each song is wrapped up in girlish emotion that transcends the love and loss theme that every other female artist seems to stumble into.
Seafood is used in such delicacies as oysters in black bean sauce, prawns wrapped in seaweed, cucumber crab rolls, and clam and winter melon soup.
He pulled her onto his lap and wrapped the blanket round her shoulders.
Objectively, the plot is slight, but wrapped up in the details there lurks an epic tale.
After the film wrapped, DeMille had the set dismantled and buried.
Mr Barraza wrapped the towel around my shoulders, like a medic covering an open wound.
I wrapped my arms tighter around her as she burrowed deeper in my embrace.
Mom stands upright, her skis over her shoulder, a pair of climbing skins wrapped jauntily about her waist.
Perhaps we can help here: ASP or Application Service Provider is an old-fashioned bureau service/leasing concept, wrapped up in new-fashioned togs.
It's great to see something showing gratitude during a time of year when it seems that everyone is wrapped up in griping.
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It has 18 inch rims wrapped in low profile toyo tires I am looking to upgrade it for better acceleration and also looking to add a locker.
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He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string.
And it is wrapped up in the seemingly esoteric subject of reserved legal activities.
Times, Sunday Times
The sensor is based on carbon nanotubes wrapped in a polymer that is sensitive to glucose concentrations.
‘Nano-Tattoos’ Will Allow Diabetics to Monitor Their Blood Sugar | Impact Lab
The children were poorly clad; one wrapped in a rag of some kind and his only other clothing a very dirty loin cloth.
Cora refused to wear such a confining and uncomfortable article of clothing as the wimple, which wrapped around a woman's head and neck.
They were wrapped in cloth, tucked under her clothes but to the left of the food and cooking supplies she was taking.
Now, I'm very soft-hearted and happen to know that my meat appears by special act of creation divinely shrink-wrapped on Tesco shelves.
Over the decades, as America evolved -- as slavery was prohibited and the Civil War was fought, and as the New Deal swept through the country -- our constitutional values, like a vine, wrapped around the knottiest ethnic and historical features of our landscape.
Mike Signer: Vision of a State: Ultra-Federalism in Afghanistan
The sight of an ox with hay wrapped around one horn was common enough; the hay was a warning that the animal might look placid, but it would suddenly gore with the hayed horn.
Fortune's Favorites
the floor around the tree was littered with gifts already unwrapped
Wrapped around the tight seating bowl is 660 feet of 3 ½-feet tall video ribbon board. - News
His explanation was wrapped up in so much technical verbiage that I simply couldn't understand it.
The stingless bee 'mummifies' any hive beetle that tries to After the presents are wrapped, the house is decorated, and the stockings are hung by the chimney with care; there are only two minor details left to complete the traditional Beautiful bark can give us a fine exhibition in the winter landscape. - Articles related to Gardeners' question time
Love cannot be measured in millimetres, weighed in ounces or unwrapped and sliced.
She wrapped her fingers hard around her sister's thin wrists so that Talitha's sleepy moaning turned into a frightened whimpering.
Why must my avocado, which has a protective skin, be wrapped in special avocado shaped unrecyclable plastic pod?
Times, Sunday Times
Unfrosted the cakes may be wrapped in clingfilm and refigerated for 5 - 6 days or forzen for 2 -3 months.
One of these days… » The Carrot and the Slapstick
And being able to say that leaves a silky smooth taste in the mouth not unreminiscent of bacon-wrapped chicken livers.
People everywhere in the city walk around munching on shawarma, a species of doner kebab: chicken or lamb sliced off a hot rotating cone, wrapped in either pitta or flat Georgia lavash and dipped in spicy yoghurt.
He checked the edge of his sword absently, then wrapped his cloak around his other arm in lieu of a shield.
Father Swarat
Houses have been torn from their foundations and cars and metal sheets are wrapped around those trees that are still standing.
Times, Sunday Times
She took out a loaf of rye bread and a block of cheese wrapped in more paper.
I also parted with a large sum of money and came away with a 7 tightly wrapped bags containing a week's supply of something that smells old, fusty and a bit mouldering.
A similar sheet of human fibroblasts was wrapped around the media to provide the adventitia.
And his general military historical stuff, partly on my own reading and partly on the opinions of people I respect, is occasionally interesting, but too often boiler plate wrapped in dubious generalizations, particularly in areas where he has no personal expertise such as the Aztecs and medieval Japan. levitra Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Permanent Revolution
From the wrapped waistcloths of the Egyptians to the tunics, mantles and togas of the Greeks, men enjoyed untrammeled freedom.
This consultant could provide advice, assistance and help decipher the masses of legalese and hogwash that most laws are wrapped up in.
This delicious and easy to make strudel recipe features eggplants and Gjetost cheese wrapped in flaky pastry - great for a family dinner.
The highest good of each community and the highest good of the planet as a whole are enwrapped within each other.
He was wearing an aqua tunic that wrapped around and was fastened by a single button on his left shoulder.
The invention provides a precious metal magnetic component for a homemade magnetic therapy jewelry system; a magnetic part is arranged in the component, and precious metal is wrapped on the outside.
The body is washed and wrapped in a shroud, then cloth, and then sometimes a felt rug.
After a shower I got so wrapped up in playing with my bass fx dsp that I forgot to eat dinner and went to bed too late. fri: Had a hard time waking up this morning.
Italianbeef Diary Entry
Only when I was standing on the dais did I feel that I had the title wrapped up.
Even as I write, I can taste the juicy steak, the melting cheese, the caramelised onions and zingy sauce wrapped in bread which was crispy and not overlarge.
It was hard to see, this heart-sized thing wrapped in netting, but I was pretty sure I saw a tail.
Hammock of Spiders
Wrapped in a towel, dripping water onto the sea-grass, I traipse to the kitchen and switch on the kettle.
The newly born boy was wrapped in a ladies jump suit.
He looked at the thin smear of my blood on his palm, and wrapped a small black towel around my hand.
We wrapped the blackbird in ferns and lyrically buried it under an acer tree.
Times, Sunday Times