How To Use Wrangling In A Sentence
The preceding months of wrangling were the cause of a great deal of economic uncertainty.
It came as ministers agreed a deal to end months of bitter wrangling.
The Sun
Ms. Thompson, whose city is wrangling with $288 million in incinerator debt, said seeking state help is only one step toward resolving Harrisburg's problems, and that "there are many difficult steps to come.
Harrisburg Asks State for Relief
But wrangling over a £1m cash shortfall has delayed the plans by at least four to five months.
In both instances, wrangling over how much information should be made public is holding up the process.
Times, Sunday Times

It came as ministers agreed a deal to end months of bitter wrangling.
The Sun
These formal encounters are always an awkward mixture of grandstanding and highly technical wrangling about the terms of trade.
Times, Sunday Times
This week, Mr Dhillon wrote to our letters page to say he denied all the allegations in their entirety, claiming that he was being ‘used as a scapegoat in political wranglings arising from spurious and vexatious allegations’.
To add insult to injury, it is legal wrangling over the controversial Spanish home that is stopping stalling a settlement.
The Sun
I am one who believes that despite years of errors in judging, laxness of citizenry in guarding, and legal wrangling in the following years, ... the constitution is clear and means today what it meant then — no government is empowered to get in the way of owning and carrying a gun.
The Volokh Conspiracy » NRA Convention report
He gives it a few lines in the context, and almost as an example of petty wrangling over trivial matters.
Christianity Today
The project has been stalled amid wrangling over how much of the cost should be paid by the City.
Times, Sunday Times
They announced a'fair' compromise after two days of legal wrangling.
The Sun
So far it looks like a thinly veiled threat to drag the process out in legalistic wranglings.
However, it doesn't necessarily follow that I'll be involved in wrangling.
As they made their way to London, the wrangling began about money.
THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
They had been wrangling with the authorities about/over parking spaces.
Beginning with that brabble over the “gray cloth gowne,” there must have gone on in Hudson's party the same bickerings and wranglings that went on in Greely's party, and the same development of small animosities into burning hatreds.
Henry Hudson
The children wrangling over the new toy.
Scientists have been wrangling for decades about the precise reasons why we age.
They announced a'fair' compromise after two days of legal wrangling.
The Sun
He handles a lot of the hard stuff like actually wrangling contracts with venues and hotels, dealing directly with pretty much all of the 200 or so exhibitors, and just generally overlording it.
Talking Comics with Tim: Dustin Harbin | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
Bush's shaky mandate was partly due to the closeness of the election vote and the legal wrangling afterwards.
The voters have to be sick of partisan wrangling and worried about unsolved national ills.
To determine how the law navigates the murky issues involved in treating a mentally ill adult who does not want to be treated, NEWSWEEK's Katie Paul spoke with Lodise about the legal wrangling involved and the obstacles faced by both conservator and conservatee.
Controlling Britney
Since then there's been almost a year of wrangling about how to implement his report.
Times, Sunday Times
Sir Tristrem himself, and wrangling and disputing with all around him concerning nombles, briskets, flankards, and raven-bones, then usual terms of the art of hunting, or of butchery, whichever the reader chooses to call it, which are now probably antiquated.
The Bride of Lammermoor
To add insult to injury, it is legal wrangling over the controversial Spanish home that is stopping stalling a settlement.
The Sun
A long history of wrangling between ministers and Scottish Opera came to a head last year when the Executive refused to increase funding to make up for what it saw as a series of overspends by the company.
His ticket to Urumchi did not, as he thought, guarantee a journey, but was, more aptly, an invitation to join in the melee, a circus of inseverable wrangling in which the strong, the wily and dogged, prevailed.
Heaven Lake
How can there be no wrangling in this world of ours?
Also, he confessed he is not fully at ease with factional wrangling inside the party and has no intention of joining any faction for now.
These four ranch getaways are ideal for boot-scooting, horseback-riding, cattle-wrangling, hay-baling, and body-toning fun.
The children were wrangling over the new toy.
In the midst of the wrangling, Sulimani and Ahmah ordered their father's slaves to carry the gifts to the Ali-Mami's palace; and, taking me between them, we marched, arm in arm, to my domicil.
Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
After a lot of wrangling around Washington that concluded with the oil companies acknowledging they were not going to use this additive without being forced to, they hinted they would agree to use another additive called MTBE which was said to be almost as good as PIB and even had PIB in it.
Energy advice for President-elect Barack Obama
If realism is taken to mean ‘represents the world as it actually is’, then there is plenty of room for wrangling over what counts in this respect.
But the wrangling is still going on, with departments big and small yet to reach agreement with the Chancellor.
The Sun
Unions and bosses have been wrangling for months within the company's western division over a new pay deal.
The deal was met with tears, cheers and a standing ovation after two weeks of diplomacy and wrangling.
The Sun
This could be a year where a lack of diplomacy trips him up, however, especially with Mercury's retrograde motions, when the slightest slip of the tongue can cause legal wrangling.
As they made their way to London, the wrangling began about money.
THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
Last week's decision was the culmination of weeks of bitter wrangling between the new First Minister, senior cabinet colleagues and champions of the game.
The assembly had been in session from November 1 to December 19, most of the time wrangling over the pistole fee.
George Washington’s First War
The settlement follows four months of legal wrangling between the corporation and the council.
Times, Sunday Times
This cuts directly away from the usual philosophical wrangling about this all-important subject.
The couple, who are now living in rented accommodation in the village, spent most of last year wrangling with insurers.
The legal wrangling is not over.
Times, Sunday Times
By the time you've finished arguing and wrangling though, you might feel like you need another holiday.
Guess now that B ‘n’ A have gone 180 degrees from on-the-set sex to full-time kiddo wrangling, a more wholesome environ is required.
Your Right Hand Thief
The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems.
That the situation has been intensified by wrangling over equipment is, however, entirely predictable.
This is no time for wrangling but a moment for serious work.
Legal wrangling over the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy continued Monday, as the group suing to end it once again blasted the Obama administration's defense of the policy and another gay rights organization said the ban is indirectly responsible for the recent wave of suicides by gay teenagers.
'Don't ask, don't tell' appeals process continues
Her decision brought to an end many months of wrangling with some of the neighbours, who claimed her cats were fouling their gardens and making their lives hell.
Months of wrangling over new production standards for the vaccine and new inspection procedures followed.
The sepulchral boom of the bittern, the shriek of the curlew, the scream of passing brent, the wrangling of quarrelsome teal, the sharp, querulous protest of the startled crane, and syllabled complaint of the "killdeer" plover, were beyond the power of written expression.
Selected Stories of Bret Harte
A group of MPs is still wrangling with the government over the timing of elections.
He wintered for two years with mountain man Jake Hoover, then worked wrangling cattle.
But the wrangling is still going on, with departments big and small yet to reach agreement with the Chancellor.
The Sun
After much debate and wrangling we got the new bridge back in the mid-1980s.
They're still wrangling over the financial details.
Immediately after the polls had closed on Sunday, wrangling began over the formation of a new government in Berlin.
Madonna backed out of the project after much wrangling.
But last week the machinery at last began to grind in a legal process which has been delayed by nine years of political wrangling.
In both instances, wrangling over how much information should be made public is holding up the process.
Times, Sunday Times
We came together to urge those who claim the name of Christ to "put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you" (Ephesians 4: 31-32).
Jim Wallis: Seven Steps to Civility This Election Season
Going by the political wrangling in Zambia, one would think that our political leaders do not even have a minute for each other to exchange any pleasantries.
They announced a'fair' compromise after two days of legal wrangling.
The Sun
So began a year of wrangling and internal political manoeuvres.
Times, Sunday Times
Given the Bushes 'penchant for contortions and distortions of facts and for presenting themselves as carbon copies of the Immaculate Conception, one has to wonder what the true nature of that aid's impulse to gather such material during Poppy's presidency for a later book writing really was; one also wonders what wrangling may have taken place behind the scenes prior to the birthing of this book by Doro?
Isn't it scandalous--the Bushes thirst for Power & Self Advancement? Yes. Of Course it is!
The commentary by communist China's official Xinhua news agency condemned the U.S. for what it called "short-sighted political wrangling," and said the world needs a new, stable global reserve currency.
China Slams US on Credit Downgrade, Most Countries Cautious
Thus far, no final conclusion has been reached, and the wrangling continues.
The project has been stalled amid wrangling over how much of the cost should be paid by the City.
Times, Sunday Times
This is due in part to wrangling between industry and government over subsidies.
Times, Sunday Times
Frederick S. Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake.
Later, he would join them riding, roping and wrangling cattle on the ranch.
It took a lot of wrangling and arm wrestling before we landed upon our final five.
Times, Sunday Times
Beginning with that brabble over the "gray cloth gowne," there must have gone on in Hudson's party the same bickerings and wranglings that went on in Greely's party, and the same development of small animosities into burning hatreds.
Henry Hudson A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements
The sepulchral boom of the bittern, the shriek of the curlew, the scream of passing brant, the wrangling of quarrelsome teal, the sharp querulous protest of the startled crane, and syllabled complaint of the "killdeer" plover were beyond the power of written expression.
The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
Senegal's announcement Friday that Habre would be extradited on a charter flight Monday moves to end years of legal wrangling about what to do with the former Chadian leader.
He's agreed to a divorce, with as little wrangling as possible.
Such a move could undermine the value of the euro, which had fallen in recent days before rebounding Friday, and cause a new round of political wrangling within the European Union about whether some of its more financially troubled members should be forced to abandon the euro and readopt their own national currencies.
European markets rattled by renewed debt fears
Since then there's been almost a year of wrangling about how to implement his report.
Times, Sunday Times
In another case, one couple has now been wrangling for a year with their builder over fixing a series of faults.
Negotiations over a new constitution have brought factional wrangling and there is widespread talk of the country sliding into civil war.
We now have the prospect of much wrangling in the General Synod.
Times, Sunday Times
Madonna backed out of the project after much wrangling.
The Munich wall has been the subject of more than a year of legal wrangling between residents and the city before finally being built.
Times, Sunday Times
The settlement follows four months of legal wrangling between the corporation and the council.
Times, Sunday Times
Partisan wrangling over how to reduce the federal deficit hit a new low Wednesday when President Barack Obama ended his testiest meeting with congressional leaders by declaring "enough is enough.
Drama Level Rises, but Signs of Movement
The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems.
The legal wrangling is not over.
Times, Sunday Times
After more than two years of legal wrangling the six were jailed.
The Sun
It is at the roadside vendor's that they energetically launch themselves into some tough wrangling.
People returned with stories of fierce wrangling between rival A-frame owners; there were too many of the damn things.
So far it looks like a thinly veiled threat to drag the process out in legalistic wranglings.
Over the decades they have an unhealthy reputation for internal wrangling while other teams get on with playing together.
Times, Sunday Times
Councillors from all three parties in Bolton have been wrangling over political power since the local elections on May 1 left a hung council.
Adverse to wrangling with one who was a friend, and undesirous at the time to enter upon a defence of details and internal evidence - a loss of time indeed - the writer answered merely with a few sentences.
These formal encounters are always an awkward mixture of grandstanding and highly technical wrangling about the terms of trade.
Times, Sunday Times
BIn this saga of judicial wrangling, the government misread public sentiment.
The children were wrangling ( with each other ) over the new toy.
After more than two years of legal wrangling the six were jailed.
The Sun
The whole partnership then dissolved into acrimony and mistrust and legal wrangling.
The audience line-ups continue to lengthen every year with spectators wrangling to find a chair in the 500-seat theatre.
Over the decades they have an unhealthy reputation for internal wrangling while other teams get on with playing together.
Times, Sunday Times
How about a little concern about whether the feds are doing their damned jobs to secure the borders instead of arcane legal wrangling about whose turf is being stepped on?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Arizona Immigration Law Preempted?
It was the turn of the moderate voices for a while, and not urging brotherly or cousinly forgiveness and love, but laying down bluntly the brutal facts; for if this stalemate, wrangling and waste continued, said Robert Bossu with cold, clear emphasis, there would eventually be nothing worth annexing or retaining, only a desolation where the victor, if the survivor so considered himself, might sit down in the ashes and moulder.
A River So Long
After months of wrangling, a council last month issued an enforcement order instructing Mr Bennett to remove it or face prosecution.
The continual debates on 'mootable days,' and the incessant wranglings of the Temple cloisters, encouraged them to pay especial attention to such exercises.
A Book About Lawyers
The FA board is being torn apart by internal wrangling.
The Sun
So began a year of wrangling and internal political manoeuvres.
Times, Sunday Times
The wrangling over the contract details - the couple took two years after announcing their engagement to hammer out their prenuptial - will probably turn out to be worthwhile.
And this is without the inevitable political and legal wrangling so characteristic of any nuclear activity in the United States.
They announced a'fair' compromise after two days of legal wrangling.
The Sun
The FA board is being torn apart by internal wrangling.
The Sun
The Munich wall has been the subject of more than a year of legal wrangling between residents and the city before finally being built.
Times, Sunday Times
But, with no timetable for implementation, the move risks plunging the party into years of internal wrangling.
Times, Sunday Times
It took a lot of wrangling and arm wrestling before we landed upon our final five.
Times, Sunday Times
They are still wrangling over ownership of the house.
The political wrangling over how to respond to the ICB has re-opened a faultline in the coalition government, with the Liberal Democrats publicly reasserting their hard line on bank reform.
Osborne's Ring-Fence Proves a Real Obstacle
After a bit more wrangling, I decided that Mr. Manager had done me enough disservice to lose his service charge.
And this is without the inevitable political and legal wrangling so characteristic of any nuclear activity in the United States.
But that would lead to a quagmire of legal wrangling.
Times, Sunday Times
The voting public was just getting interested in the debate when parties began wrangling about the costings on their manifestos.
The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems.
People returned with stories of fierce wrangling between rival A-frame owners; there were too many of the damn things.
In the repressions following 1905, the underground was demoralized by defeat and ideological wrangling.
A massive expansion of wind power involving thousands of new turbines will go ahead despite increasingly bitter wrangling over claims that they are despoiling Britain's countryside.
Many in the passing crowd are professional outfitters, heavy pistols on their belts, wrangling their parties of Eastern dudes who view the out-of-doors as a combination adventure ride-cum-shopping mall for trophy heads.
Madonna backed out of the project after much wrangling.
Later, he would join them riding, roping and wrangling cattle on the ranch.
Instead, they face weeks of wrangling with the firm's liquidators.
There is going to have to be rather a lot of financial information in there, elucidations of first principles, plausible and sufficient accounts of political wranglings over bimetallism and the Gold Standard.
Beyond all the wrangling, though, lie deeper-seated problems, ills that the game actually has the wherewithal to cure.
We now have the prospect of much wrangling in the General Synod.
Times, Sunday Times
I opted to use a silky fabric to practise wrangling it through the overlocker but it makes for kind of tarty pants.
After more than five months of wrangling, Iraqi politicians still haven't formed a gov ernment.
Iraq Weighs New Post to Help Form Government
This game was delayed for over a month due to wrangling over the venue, after the original fixture in Dublin fell foul of the weather.
But, with no timetable for implementation, the move risks plunging the party into years of internal wrangling.
Times, Sunday Times
It has also been the subject of a lot of political wrangling, and last year responsibility for its upkeep passed to a group of town councillors.
The story of a young architect's vision foiled by wrangling politicians is now the stuff of folklore, making it the perfect subject for an excellent musical melodrama.
Madonna backed out of the project after much wrangling.
• The U.S. budget deficit: The unedifying and sometimes irrational political wrangling over our own budget deficit is more worrisome.
Handicapping the Economic Recovery
This bit of a re-think may disturb long-term devotees who'd like their wrangling protagonists to remain as they were.
David Finkle: First Nighter: Yes, Prime Minister Prime Stage Comedy Meat
Two things stand out as central conclusions to be drawn from the internecine wrangling within the Conservative Party and the response to it.
The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems.